Harris needs to support a two state solution

You must first realize all corporate news (where you think you’re getting truthful news) is BS.
Ah yes.
Only you know the truth, and you, conveniently, cannot demonstrate that truth to be true.

All I see here is a confirmation of your inability to meaningfully respond to what I said.

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Why won't anyone trying to defend Netanyahu's genocide answer the simple questions I've asked a dozen times?

If this criminal systematic extermination of Gaza's native residents is really a "war", where are Hamas' tanks, helicopter gunships, military aircraft, Navy, and endless supply of American bombs, bullets and blood?

In spite of the objections and protests by the many ethical and rational Israelis, Israel's current right wing ruling extremists simply want to exterminate / expel Gaza's existing population (1), annex it and turn it over to greedy, militant and foreign Settlers.

Another fraudulent Hasbara ploy is to pretend that the cyclical violence between Arabs and Jews in the Levant "started" when Hamas initiated its grossly exaggerated (2) and widely publicized (3) attack.

It's as if they have never heard about Deir Yassin, the Nakba, Operation "Cast Lead", Operation "Pillar of Cloud", Operation "Cutting Edge" or Jenin but need to blame Hamas for everything so, in the Zionist mind, an 80+ year old was "started" by Hamas on 7 October of 2023.

So, even though Israel helped create Hamas to foment civil war among the Palestinians and blame for starting
any and every act of hostility and cruelty.
Predictably, most of these lies are simply more Israeli propaganda eagerly parroted by traitorous Americans in and out of political office.

Finally, it is blatantly false to claim that Hamas "started" Levantine hostilities because Zionist genocide, land theft and expansionism began decades before Hamas was created.


(1). "Israel is not fighting against Hamas but against civilians, implementing a criminal policy of bombings"

EXCERPT "More than two million people are currently crowded into the southern Gaza Strip with nowhere else to go. Continuing to implement this bombing policy will almost certainly result in the killing of thousands more civilians. In these circumstances, Israel must immediately stop implementing this policy, which is sowing more and more death and destruction, and worsening the humanitarian catastrophe in the Gaza Strip." CONTINUED

(2). "Fact Sheet: Israel’s History of Spreading Disinformation"
"Claims of rape - October 2023"

- "Israeli officials circulated claims that Hamas fighters raped women during their attack on October 7, which were widely repeated in the US media and by US politicians, including President Biden during an address on national television. However, on October 10 an Israeli military spokesperson told a journalist from the Forward, Arno Rosenfeld, that Israel “does not yet have any evidence of rape having occurred during Saturday’s attack or its aftermath” and more than a week later Israel has yet to provide any proof. Journalist Rosenfeld also traced how the story spread based largely on claims made by people who didn’t actually say they witnessed the alleged rapes." CONTINUED

(3). "New York Times report says Israel knew about Hamas attack over a year in advance"

EXCERPT "The attack was planned in plain sight. A month before the assault, Hamas posted a video to social media showing fighters using explosives to blast through a replica of the border gate, sweep in on pickup trucks and then move building by building through a full-scale reconstruction of an Israeli town, firing automatic weapons at human-silhouetted paper targets.

In the video, the militants destroyed mock-ups of the wall’s concrete towers and a communications antenna, just as they would do for real on Oct. 7.

Adding to public outrage over the military’s apparent negligence, the Israeli media has reported that military officials dismissed warnings from female border spotters who warned that they were witnessing Hamas’ preparations for the attack. According to the media reports, the young women reported seeing Hamas drones and attempts to knock out Israeli border cameras in the months leading up to the attack." CONTINUED

(4). "A list of Israeli lies, propaganda and genocidal intent"
"The Propaganda:

"Israel’s military and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office claimed that Hamas fighters beheaded up to 40 children during their October 7 attack on the town of Kfar Aza. The incendiary allegations spread quickly and were widely repeated in the media and by President Joe Biden, who falsely claimed during a meeting with Jewish leaders that he personally saw photos of beheaded children, which the White House later walked back, admitting he had not seen any such photos and that the US had not verified the claim. However, Israeli journalists who visited the scene of the alleged beheadings saw no evidence to support the allegation and the Israeli military officials accompanying them made no mention of it. The Israeli army subsequently refused to confirm the claim and more than a week later no evidence has emerged to support it."
You should spend a summer in the West Bank like I did last year.

You’d either pull your head out of your ass or blow yourself up for Allah.

Either way you’ll be better off.
All Arab states signed on the Saudi peace initiative in 2003 that guaranteed Israel's security. Israel mocked it. They want all the land and the rivers of Lebanon.
They didn't say that. And that's not why they rejected it. It required Israel to withdraw to pre 1967 borders. Hard to blame Israel for saying no.
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