Afghan woman strangled to death after giving birth to daughter

They were Hezzbolah, and they threatened me because I was an American, not because I wasn't a Muslim, or because of anything in the Q'uran.

Islam has features that most religions do - the main one being that about 90% of Muslims don't actually follow it. Good thing too, Islam is pure evil and cannot coexist with civilization.

Hezbollah is the "Party of Allah." They threatened you because you are Dhimmi and did not submit with offering of Jizzya. They were duty bound to kill you.

Yet you refuse to use it.....hmmm

You think the web of falsehoods you spin is "logical?"

It would be an interesting syllogism that supported the dishonest presentation of a predatory and violent creed as "peaceful."
Wow....whats going on inside your head has nothing to do with myv reality.

My wife's cousins actually threatened me to my face, and told me why they wanted to kill me, and they didn't say anything about religion when they did it. How crazy do you have to be to think you now more about it than me or them?

If by "civilization", you mean western civilization, there is a long sad history of conflict between Islam and Christianity, and it sounds like you're all into keeping that going.

American Christian social fundementalists are not 'conservative' in the way you are trying to portray them.
They are whackos.... just plain stupid people.

Politically conservative does not mean you are a religious zealot. It means ya want less gov't intrusion in your life (to be simple about it)

You are trying to connect us politically conservative people with those animals in the Mid East so you can try to vilify us.... well screw you buddy. Im hip to it
You'r not hip to anything. I bet you twenty bucks you've never lived with Muslims in the middle east, and everything you know you get from American media, especially the Christian social fundemntalist media.

Christians who vote for Republicans and believe Rush, Fox, Drudge, Bretbart and so on....are NOT "conservatives". Conservatism applies to fiscal matters, and Barry Goldwater or Dwight Eisenhower are examples of conservitives.

Ronald Reagan was a big government spender who exploded the deficit with defense spending, and he allowed Falwell and Robertson, Christian fundamentalists into positions of influence with the government. At that point, American fiscal conservatism began to die.

Goerge Bush completed the transition to Christian social fundamentalism. Bush and Reagan spent as much as one could. There hasn't been a Tea Party/911/Christian President yet...and what you'll find if one is that they're just big spending Christian Republicans...not conservatives.

If they "spent as much as one could", why didn't their deficits come close to Obama's (even when you add them together)? Just sayin' ....
Because Obama's admin started in the worst economic state since the Great Depression, and it didn't have hthe revenue that Clinton and Bush had.
And half a million rapes a year in the U.S. a year is treating women nice?

Jon Stewart Takes On 30 Republicans Who Voted Against Franken Rape Amendment

Jon Stewart Takes On 30 Republicans Who Voted Against Franken Rape Amendment (VIDEO)
You're totally missing the point.....they were like this before they were Muslims. So it's not Islam that made them this way.

So fourteen hundred years of "enlightenment" improved nothing?
You are correct, Islam did not prevent those people from continuing the abuse they had been heaping on women since before Islam even existed.
You fuckin hack, they don't record rapes in those third world Middle Eastern shit holes so there is nothig to compare it to, women definently have it better off in the US than any country in the ME so don't even try to go there.:eusa_hand:
Exactly....because as a culture, they don't think they're doing anything wrong, and they've been doing that forever because they're backwater hicks, not because ther Q'uran says to.

So are you saying the "peaceful religion" doesn't work (large scale)?
I absolutely hate when someone starts a post with "So you are saying", because they allways have it wrong.

I'm saying that not all the arse holes who exist in cultures that approve of the abuse of women, have been changed so as not to abuse women by Islam.

Just look at you and uncensored....Jesus hasn't stopped you from hating. Nobody is perfect

You can not tell me that Islam is kind to women.... and I NEVER said Muslims were all bad.
There are millions of them here in America that make me very proud to call Americans.
There are some very patriotic folks among them. They come here and work hard to achieve the American dream. I love them... all of them.
I however I hate the ones who come here and want us to change our constitution to suit their religion and that just can not happen!

So No.... not all Muslims are bad you idiot... I know that, and frankly so do you.
You just want to lump the zealots in with my side of the political aisle and I wont stand for it.
Islam doesn't do anything to women. Some Muslims abuse women because they're ass holes.

I never accused you of saying all Muslims are bad.

There aren't any Muslims in the US proposing changes to our consitution based on their religious laws.

Also....take a deep don't want to blow a gasket...

Where does the quran say that women will make it to heaven (with or without virgins)?
What do dead women have to do with abusing live ones?
Exactly, rape is hardly a crime in most of those countries.
The moderates in the region...Turkey, Lebanon, believe it or not Syria, UAE, Dubai, most of Saudii, some of Egypt, some of Oman, and most of Iraq do not pull that stuff. It's mainly the conservative religious fundamentalist hicks in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Saudii Arabia, Yemen, and Egypt who are the bad guys, and they're bad because they're backwards hicks who value cultural traditions more than progress. Islam has neither increased nor inhibited this stuff.

So why is islam needed??
Based on my first hand observations, Islam apparently serves the exact same functions for Muslims that Christianity does for Christians
Wow....whats going on inside your head has nothing to do with myv reality.

Considering the amount of crack you smoke, I'm not sure "reality" is the operative term.

You are utterly ridiculous. You are like the owner of a Pit Bull who says "my dog is sweet, so it isn't true that Pits are prone to aggressive behavior." The logical fallacy of applying your anecdotal experience to a subject in general is ever the more ironic, given your flame on logic.

My wife's cousins actually threatened me to my face, and told me why they wanted to kill me, and they didn't say anything about religion when they did it. How crazy do you have to be to think you now more about it than me or them?

I could care less about your anecdotes. I have no way of knowing if they are true or false. I do know that Hezbollah is a fanatical religious group (and I even know how to spell the name!) which follows a literal interpretation of the Sunnah.

{“Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute taxes) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” Surah 9:29. }

They are duty bound to kill you since you failed to submit and offer up Jizzya.

If by "civilization", you mean western civilization, there is a long sad history of conflict between Islam and Christianity, and it sounds like you're all into keeping that going.

Islam is a barbaric and brutal cult. It invaded, murdered and raped all across the middle east, into India and Europe. The "conflict' was with any who resisted the brutal Muslim invaders.

Islam is not compatible with civilization, which puts Muslims in a precarious situation. The only real answer is to relegate Islam to myth, a religion that one pays passing homage to for cultural reason, but doesn't really follow.

The Jews did it, the Old Testament is violent and was the model the pervert Muhammad used (or his Jewish slaves, anyway) to write the Koran. (Muhammad was illiterate.) The Jews no longer stone people nor seek to subjugate others to their god. The Muslims must follow suit. Muslims are about a thousand years behind the Jews in their cultural development.
Would you care to show where islam has improved society, say in the last one hundred years? Where is it that an islamic society has people flocking to join because of the productive, peaceful society? Islam perpetuates this type of behavior. It justifies it, and welcomes it. Other wise, you would see riots when something like this happened (muslims will riot if there is a "drawing" of their worshipped prophet).... Hey, but don't let the truth get in the way of a good story....
Christianity and Islam shouldn't be looked towards to improve economies or societies, they should be looked towards to improve the spiritual health of individual people.

When I lived in the middle east, with Muslims, I noticed about the same formula for humanity was present. It's my own formula...keep that in mind....but for every 10 people in the world, there are 6 ordinary people just trying to live thier lives in peace, 1 loser, 1 saint, 1 leader, and 1 criminal.

...."Christianity and Islam shouldn't be looked towards to improve economies or societies, they should be looked towards to improve the spiritual health of individual people."
Yah think? If individuals are improved, their families, their neighborhood, their community, their city, their state, their country are all improved. Islam doesn't do this. It is a system (not a religion) of deceit, destruction, dust and death.

Your life in the ME in not representative of the whole. You have been fortunate and been among good people (no matter what religion). If you look at any country in the ME, you see DECEIT, DESTRUCTION, DUST, AND DEATH. Yet, because you saw a tiny, controlled window, you claim to know all islam? How many "westerners" must be bound and held by four men while a fifth man saws off his head, how many women must be brutalized, how many homosexuals (selectively chosen) must be murdered for you to open your eyes and say, well, maybe there are some really good people in muslim controlled areas, but that system, that system does not improve a single thing?
Living in the middle east...I only saw Islam improve individuals, their families, their neighborhoods, their communities, their cities, their provinces, and their countries. I did not see any deceit, destruction, dust or death because people were Muslim

I have seen deceit, destruction, dust or death on TV in the USA, when they show backwards conservative fundamentalist middle eastern hicks living out in the country in shit holes like rural Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The further you get from the big cities in the middle east, the people become uneducated hicks, and they embrace traditions like abusing thier wives.

As for opening my eyes were open for four years, and what you're describing based on what you've read, has nothing to do with what I saw. I'm not saying I know everything, but certainly more than people who've never lived with Muslims.

The problem is people like you, because your counterpart in Pakistan are people who believe Bush planned 911 so he could invade the middle east and kill Muslims, because they believe what they're told by thier anti US fearmongering industry.
Wow....whats going on inside your head has nothing to do with myv reality.

Considering the amount of crack you smoke, I'm not sure "reality" is the operative term.

You are utterly ridiculous. You are like the owner of a Pit Bull who says "my dog is sweet, so it isn't true that Pits are prone to aggressive behavior." The logical fallacy of applying your anecdotal experience to a subject in general is ever the more ironic, given your flame on logic.

My wife's cousins actually threatened me to my face, and told me why they wanted to kill me, and they didn't say anything about religion when they did it. How crazy do you have to be to think you now more about it than me or them?

I could care less about your anecdotes. I have no way of knowing if they are true or false. I do know that Hezbollah is a fanatical religious group (and I even know how to spell the name!) which follows a literal interpretation of the Sunnah.

{“Fight those who believe not in God nor the last day . . . Nor acknowledge the religion of truth, (even if they are) of the people of the Book, until they pay Jizya (tribute taxes) with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” Surah 9:29. }

They are duty bound to kill you since you failed to submit and offer up Jizzya.

If by "civilization", you mean western civilization, there is a long sad history of conflict between Islam and Christianity, and it sounds like you're all into keeping that going.

Islam is a barbaric and brutal cult. It invaded, murdered and raped all across the middle east, into India and Europe. The "conflict' was with any who resisted the brutal Muslim invaders.

Islam is not compatible with civilization, which puts Muslims in a precarious situation. The only real answer is to relegate Islam to myth, a religion that one pays passing homage to for cultural reason, but doesn't really follow.

The Jews did it, the Old Testament is violent and was the model the pervert Muhammad used (or his Jewish slaves, anyway) to write the Koran. (Muhammad was illiterate.) The Jews no longer stone people nor seek to subjugate others to their god. The Muslims must follow suit. Muslims are about a thousand years behind the Jews in their cultural development.
Let me guess...your solution is to ban Islam or kill Muslims...right?
Living in the middle east...I only saw Islam improve individuals, their families, their neighborhoods, their communities, their cities, their provinces, and their countries. I did not see any deceit, destruction, dust or death because people were Muslim

Well damn, your view from the penthouse of a Saudi Prince certainly defines the average Muslim...

What were we thinking..

I have seen deceit, destruction, dust or death on TV in the USA, when they show backwards conservative fundamentalist middle eastern hicks living out in the country in shit holes like rural Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The further you get from the big cities in the middle east, the people become uneducated hicks, and they embrace traditions like abusing thier wives.

As for opening my eyes were open for four years, and what you're describing based on what you've read, has nothing to do with what I saw. I'm not saying I know everything, but certainly more than people who've never lived with Muslims.

The problem is people like you, because your counterpart in Pakistan are people who believe Bush planned 911 so he could invade the middle east and kill Muslims, because they believe what they're told by thier anti US fearmongering industry.

Yes, when will we realize that the oil Sheiks that you worked with, the 1% elite, define Islam....
Let me guess...your solution is to ban Islam or kill Muslims...right?

Show where I've ever advocated killing anyone? You can't, because I haven't.

My solution is honesty, simply acknowledging the truth and reality. Islam is not a religion of peace, it is to religion as the Khmer Rouge is to governments. Pretending that Pol Pot was a great guy WAS done in this country, by the same idiots who now proclaim Islam peaceful and progressive. Well he wasn't, and Islam isn't. It doesn't matter that some idiot lefty had dinner with Pol Pot and saw first hand that he was a charming and witty fellow. Sure, he can call me ignorant, as I never dined and partied with Pol Pot, he never felt threatened by him...

No, it's time to simply be honest. Islam is evil - sorry that you prefer political correctness to fact, but Islam is evil. Muslims are just people. Some will follow closely what Islam teaches, they will be terrorists and murderers as is the way of Islam. Most will pay lip service and never hurt others, BUT will support those who do act on the teachings of the evil. Most Nazis never hurt anyone, they never killed a Jew, they never experimented on Poles. Yet we don't embrace Nazis, because regardless of the passive nature of the overwhelming majority of Nazis, Nazism was evil, the goals of the movement were sinister and those who did as Hitler instructed were terrorists and murders.

I don't advocate killing Nazis. We have liberty in this nation and Nazis are free to follow their filthy political philosophy. They are free to preach their filthy beliefs. I defend their right to do both. BUT I will denounce them, I will NEVER tolerate them. I will recognize what they promote and condemn the evil that is Nazism.

I treat Islam in the same manner.
Let me guess...your solution is to ban Islam or kill Muslims...right?

Show where I've ever advocated killing anyone? You can't, because I haven't.

My solution is honesty, simply acknowledging the truth and reality. Islam is not a religion of peace, it is to religion as the Khmer Rouge is to governments. Pretending that Pol Pot was a great guy WAS done in this country, by the same idiots who now proclaim Islam peaceful and progressive. Well he wasn't, and Islam isn't. It doesn't matter that some idiot lefty had dinner with Pol Pot and saw first hand that he was a charming and witty fellow. Sure, he can call me ignorant, as I never dined and partied with Pol Pot, he never felt threatened by him...

No, it's time to simply be honest. Islam is evil - sorry that you prefer political correctness to fact, but Islam is evil. Muslims are just people. Some will follow closely what Islam teaches, they will be terrorists and murderers as is the way of Islam. Most will pay lip service and never hurt others, BUT will support those who do act on the teachings of the evil. Most Nazis never hurt anyone, they never killed a Jew, they never experimented on Poles. Yet we don't embrace Nazis, because regardless of the passive nature of the overwhelming majority of Nazis, Nazism was evil, the goals of the movement were sinister and those who did as Hitler instructed were terrorists and murders.

I don't advocate killing Nazis. We have liberty in this nation and Nazis are free to follow their filthy political philosophy. They are free to preach their filthy beliefs. I defend their right to do both. BUT I will denounce them, I will NEVER tolerate them. I will recognize what they promote and condemn the evil that is Nazism.

I treat Islam in the same manner.
So your message is one of outrage, and peace....right?

You don't want to take any action against Islam, and you just want to complain about what the Q'uran says?

Moral outrage is an addiction, and it's an addiction Christian social fundamentalist media (Fox/Rush/etc) preys on. Sterotyping people is big bucks for media and authors. Glenn Beck has done the best job popularizing hatred of Muslims, especially amongst people who don't know any Muslims.
Living in the middle east...I only saw Islam improve individuals, their families, their neighborhoods, their communities, their cities, their provinces, and their countries. I did not see any deceit, destruction, dust or death because people were Muslim

Well damn, your view from the penthouse of a Saudi Prince certainly defines the average Muslim...

What were we thinking..

I have seen deceit, destruction, dust or death on TV in the USA, when they show backwards conservative fundamentalist middle eastern hicks living out in the country in shit holes like rural Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. The further you get from the big cities in the middle east, the people become uneducated hicks, and they embrace traditions like abusing thier wives.

As for opening my eyes were open for four years, and what you're describing based on what you've read, has nothing to do with what I saw. I'm not saying I know everything, but certainly more than people who've never lived with Muslims.

The problem is people like you, because your counterpart in Pakistan are people who believe Bush planned 911 so he could invade the middle east and kill Muslims, because they believe what they're told by thier anti US fearmongering industry.

Yes, when will we realize that the oil Sheiks that you worked with, the 1% elite, define Islam....
Never been to Saudi Arabia, and I don't know any rich Muslims. My grandfther in law was considered kind of rich. He owned a house in suburban Istanbul during the 70's. As the city grew around him, he waited untill property values shot up, then sold his house and land to a developer that gave him a free floor in the apt building they built, and rights to the rental income from the bottom floor where a hypermarket, a jewelery store, and a photography studio did business. He sat around all day eating baklava, smoking, and drinking scotch, and was quite a man about town. We'd walk around at night and people would kiss his ring.

This is my problem....experiences like this. Then I hear people who've never met him say "Muslims are evil, Islam is evil"...and they go on to tell me I didn't see what I saw.

It's maddening.

It only gets worse when I hear people say I'm excusing terrorism because I tell people about my experiences.
They were Hezzbolah, and they threatened me because I was an American, not because I wasn't a Muslim, or because of anything in the Q'uran.

Islam has features that most religions do - the main one being that about 90% of Muslims don't actually follow it. Good thing too, Islam is pure evil and cannot coexist with civilization.

Hezbollah is the "Party of Allah." They threatened you because you are Dhimmi and did not submit with offering of Jizzya. They were duty bound to kill you.

Yet you refuse to use it.....hmmm

You think the web of falsehoods you spin is "logical?"

It would be an interesting syllogism that supported the dishonest presentation of a predatory and violent creed as "peaceful."
Wow....whats going on inside your head has nothing to do with myv reality.

My wife's cousins actually threatened me to my face, and told me why they wanted to kill me, and they didn't say anything about religion when they did it. How crazy do you have to be to think you now more about it than me or them?

If by "civilization", you mean western civilization, there is a long sad history of conflict between Islam and Christianity, and it sounds like you're all into keeping that going.

Yeah those silly Christians, they should just bend over and let the mulsims chop off their heads or willingly become servants of muslims, then we could all get along?
Let me guess...your solution is to ban Islam or kill Muslims...right?

Show where I've ever advocated killing anyone? You can't, because I haven't.

My solution is honesty, simply acknowledging the truth and reality. Islam is not a religion of peace, it is to religion as the Khmer Rouge is to governments. Pretending that Pol Pot was a great guy WAS done in this country, by the same idiots who now proclaim Islam peaceful and progressive. Well he wasn't, and Islam isn't. It doesn't matter that some idiot lefty had dinner with Pol Pot and saw first hand that he was a charming and witty fellow. Sure, he can call me ignorant, as I never dined and partied with Pol Pot, he never felt threatened by him...

No, it's time to simply be honest. Islam is evil - sorry that you prefer political correctness to fact, but Islam is evil. Muslims are just people. Some will follow closely what Islam teaches, they will be terrorists and murderers as is the way of Islam. Most will pay lip service and never hurt others, BUT will support those who do act on the teachings of the evil. Most Nazis never hurt anyone, they never killed a Jew, they never experimented on Poles. Yet we don't embrace Nazis, because regardless of the passive nature of the overwhelming majority of Nazis, Nazism was evil, the goals of the movement were sinister and those who did as Hitler instructed were terrorists and murders.

I don't advocate killing Nazis. We have liberty in this nation and Nazis are free to follow their filthy political philosophy. They are free to preach their filthy beliefs. I defend their right to do both. BUT I will denounce them, I will NEVER tolerate them. I will recognize what they promote and condemn the evil that is Nazism.

I treat Islam in the same manner.


That is simply put. Well done.
Islam has features that most religions do - the main one being that about 90% of Muslims don't actually follow it. Good thing too, Islam is pure evil and cannot coexist with civilization.

Hezbollah is the "Party of Allah." They threatened you because you are Dhimmi and did not submit with offering of Jizzya. They were duty bound to kill you.

You think the web of falsehoods you spin is "logical?"

It would be an interesting syllogism that supported the dishonest presentation of a predatory and violent creed as "peaceful."
Wow....whats going on inside your head has nothing to do with myv reality.

My wife's cousins actually threatened me to my face, and told me why they wanted to kill me, and they didn't say anything about religion when they did it. How crazy do you have to be to think you now more about it than me or them?

If by "civilization", you mean western civilization, there is a long sad history of conflict between Islam and Christianity, and it sounds like you're all into keeping that going.

Yeah those silly Christians, they should just bend over and let the mulsims chop off their heads or willingly become servants of muslims, then we could all get along?
I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.
Let me guess...your solution is to ban Islam or kill Muslims...right?

Show where I've ever advocated killing anyone? You can't, because I haven't.

My solution is honesty, simply acknowledging the truth and reality. Islam is not a religion of peace, it is to religion as the Khmer Rouge is to governments. Pretending that Pol Pot was a great guy WAS done in this country, by the same idiots who now proclaim Islam peaceful and progressive. Well he wasn't, and Islam isn't. It doesn't matter that some idiot lefty had dinner with Pol Pot and saw first hand that he was a charming and witty fellow. Sure, he can call me ignorant, as I never dined and partied with Pol Pot, he never felt threatened by him...

No, it's time to simply be honest. Islam is evil - sorry that you prefer political correctness to fact, but Islam is evil. Muslims are just people. Some will follow closely what Islam teaches, they will be terrorists and murderers as is the way of Islam. Most will pay lip service and never hurt others, BUT will support those who do act on the teachings of the evil. Most Nazis never hurt anyone, they never killed a Jew, they never experimented on Poles. Yet we don't embrace Nazis, because regardless of the passive nature of the overwhelming majority of Nazis, Nazism was evil, the goals of the movement were sinister and those who did as Hitler instructed were terrorists and murders.

I don't advocate killing Nazis. We have liberty in this nation and Nazis are free to follow their filthy political philosophy. They are free to preach their filthy beliefs. I defend their right to do both. BUT I will denounce them, I will NEVER tolerate them. I will recognize what they promote and condemn the evil that is Nazism.

I treat Islam in the same manner.


That is simply put. Well done.
Wow...your second attempt to bail out uncensored was no more effective than the first.

You two can stroke each other all you want, but everything both of you know is still second, third, fourth, or twentieth hand info, and subject to all the distorions that stories get by the time the reach the other end of the office at work.

Your knowlege of Muslims and Islam is inferior to mine.
So your message is one of outrage, and peace....right?

My "message" is the facts. Because I have no political agenda, I have no reason to fabricate a reality to cover for the incessant brutality of Islam.

You don't want to take any action against Islam, and you just want to complain about what the Q'uran says?

The action to take is not to appease nor excuse the acts of Islam. All that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to allow fucking leftists to alter reality.

Moral outrage is an addiction, and it's an addiction Christian social fundamentalist media (Fox/Rush/etc) preys on. Sterotyping people is big bucks for media and authors. Glenn Beck has done the best job popularizing hatred of Muslims, especially amongst people who don't know any Muslims.

I see, so really healthy people live in a fantasy world where tigers are sweet pussy cats and Islam is the religion of peace...

Sorry, I deal in fact. There were 47 religiously motivated acts of violence by Muslims yesterday.

2012.02.05 (Damboa, Nigeria) - Fundamentalists gun down two people at a gathering for mourning another of their victims.

2012.02.05 (Yala, Thailand) - Two guards are cut down when Muslim terrorists fire on a group of Buddhist monks.

2012.02.05 (Kandahar, Afghanistan) - Shahid suicide car bombers detonate next to a market, killing nine.

There were zero religiously motivated acts of violence by Jews.

There were zero religiously motivated acts of violence by Christians.

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