Afghan woman strangled to death after giving birth to daughter

I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.[/QUOTE]

That's because you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes VERY tightly and chant "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" at the top of your lungs.

2005 Indonesian beheadings of Christian girls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egyptian court acquits Muslims who beheaded a Christian - Jihad Watch

Al-Shabbab Islamic Extremists Reportedly Behead Christian Guled Jama Muktar |

[ame=]Muslims Behead Four Ex-Muslim Christian Orphanage Workers - YouTube[/ame]
Wow....whats going on inside your head has nothing to do with myv reality.

My wife's cousins actually threatened me to my face, and told me why they wanted to kill me, and they didn't say anything about religion when they did it. How crazy do you have to be to think you now more about it than me or them?

If by "civilization", you mean western civilization, there is a long sad history of conflict between Islam and Christianity, and it sounds like you're all into keeping that going.

Yeah those silly Christians, they should just bend over and let the mulsims chop off their heads or willingly become servants of muslims, then we could all get along?
I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.

Well, please, start with the "tolerant" places that exist where muslims have a majority of the population. Where are people free to say what they want? Where are people free to dress as they want? Where are women safe walking on the street alone in broad daylight? Where are muslim hospitals with advanced technology and charity for all? Where do muslims condemn men from using "dancing boys" for sex? Where do muslims condemn the muslims that are ripping out the internal organs of murdered "non-believers", and painting with the spilled blood? Where are muslims condemning terrorists groups that murder muslim children for photo ops, and then claim the "west" did it?

Come on, show us all exactly how knowledgeable you are about islam.
Yeah those silly Christians, they should just bend over and let the mulsims chop off their heads or willingly become servants of muslims, then we could all get along?
I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.

Well, please, start with the "tolerant" places that exist where muslims have a majority of the population. Where are people free to say what they want? Where are people free to dress as they want? Where are women safe walking on the street alone in broad daylight? Where are muslim hospitals with advanced technology and charity for all? Where do muslims condemn men from using "dancing boys" for sex? Where do muslims condemn the muslims that are ripping out the internal organs of murdered "non-believers", and painting with the spilled blood? Where are muslims condemning terrorists groups that murder muslim children for photo ops, and then claim the "west" did it?

Come on, show us all exactly how knowledgeable you are about islam.
I will answer your questions, and I find it kind of wierd that you'd think there is an "us all" you represent. If you're not able to agrue one on one, and have to invoke others to make you feel more secure, that would be pretty weak.

At any rate...

I've been to Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. I will only talk about my experiences in those countries.

In all of those countries you could:

Say what you want, unless you're threatening the government with violent rebellion.

Dress how you want.

Women were safe on the streets in broad daylight and after dark, but like any big cities, you don't want to push that. Nobody was unsafe anywhere because Muslims were out rampaging.

Hospitals had advanced technology and healthcare was free in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, but I'm not sure about Lebabnon, I didn't stay that long.

I neither saw, nor heard of Muslims condemning men from using "dancing boys" for sex.

I neither saw, nor heard of ripping out the internal organs of murdered non-believers, and painting them with spilled blood.

Muslims everywhere I went. except a few in Lebabnon, condemned terrorists groups that murder innocent people.
I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.

That's because you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes VERY tightly and chant "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" at the top of your lungs.

2005 Indonesian beheadings of Christian girls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egyptian court acquits Muslims who beheaded a Christian - Jihad Watch

Al-Shabbab Islamic Extremists Reportedly Behead Christian Guled Jama Muktar |

[ame=]Muslims Behead Four Ex-Muslim Christian Orphanage Workers - YouTube[/ame][/QUOTE]
I will answer your questions, and I find it kind of wierd that you'd think there is an "us all" you represent. If you're not able to agrue one on one, and have to invoke others to make you feel more secure, that would be pretty weak.

At any rate...

I've been to Turkey,

You've been to Turkey - a nation that is by constitution secular, the brain child of Ataturk, who termed Islam a "cancer" and the "greatest evil to befall mankind."

Are you sure you've thought this through?

Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. I will only talk about my experiences in those countries.

Saddam's Iraq was marginally secular.

In all of those countries you could:

Say what you want, unless you're threatening the government with violent rebellion.


Not that you had any credibility, but free speech in Saddam's Iraq? In Syria? The Ba'ath are not ones who cherish freedom of speech, regardless of Islam. Ba'ath is a Soviet based political party, modeled on Josef Stalin.

You just keep digging.

Dress how you want.

No doubt the Hezbollah modesty squads in Lebanon agree with you....

Women were safe on the streets in broad daylight and after dark, but like any big cities, you don't want to push that. Nobody was unsafe anywhere because Muslims were out rampaging.

Are you talking about the 1920's?

{Today In Syria: Rape As Torture; And The Amazing Growth Of The Arab League}

Today In Syria: Rape As Torture; And The Amazing Growth Of The Arab League - The Dish | By Andrew Sullivan - The Daily Beast

Hospitals had advanced technology and healthcare was free in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, but I'm not sure about Lebabnon, I didn't stay that long.

I neither saw, nor heard of Muslims condemning men from using "dancing boys" for sex.

I neither saw, nor heard of ripping out the internal organs of murdered non-believers, and painting them with spilled blood.

Muslims everywhere I went. except a few in Lebabnon, condemned terrorists groups that murder innocent people.

Sorry dude, I think I don't believe one word you post.

You're not honest. You present a false and fabricated portrait of the Islamic world. You are a propagandist, a liar for Allah.
I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.

That's because you stick your fingers in your ears, close your eyes VERY tightly and chant "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU" at the top of your lungs.

2005 Indonesian beheadings of Christian girls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Egyptian court acquits Muslims who beheaded a Christian - Jihad Watch

Al-Shabbab Islamic Extremists Reportedly Behead Christian Guled Jama Muktar |

[ame=]Muslims Behead Four Ex-Muslim Christian Orphanage Workers - YouTube[/ame]
The Blaze, and Jihad Watch are not credible sources. They are reliable sources for the reinforcement of paranoia and misinterpretation
Last edited:
The Blaze, and Jihad Watch are not credible sources. They are reliable sources for the reinforcement of paranois and misinterpretation

What the Imam tells you is the truth, all else is LIES, Infidel lies....

Muslims behead Christians all the time.
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.

As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.

Sad but true. However, you can't built a nation where no nation every really stood. They have Dark Ages type infrastructure, LITERALLY! We can't police the nation forever. Nor can we really police or nation built any nation. Watch Iraq in 5 years. It's going to be a scary place!
You've been to Turkey - a nation that is by constitution secular, the brain child of Ataturk, who termed Islam a "cancer" and the "greatest evil to befall mankind."
Ataturk set up a secular government because he wanted to take credibility away from the Sultinate, and he wanted to westernize the country.

Saddam's Iraq was marginally secular.
Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

Not that you had any credibility, but free speech in Saddam's Iraq? In Syria? The Ba'ath are not ones who cherish freedom of speech, regardless of Islam. Ba'ath is a Soviet based political party, modeled on Josef Stalin.
Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

No doubt the Hezbollah modesty squads in Lebanon agree with you....
No, I didn't see any of that, and thier opinions remind me of yours, bloodthirsty and uninformed. You have so much more in common with Hezzbolah and Al Q'uada than you know

Are you talking about the 1920's?

Sorry dude, I think I don't believe one word you post.

You're not honest. You present a false and fabricated portrait of the Islamic world. You are a propagandist, a liar for Allah.
I'm not a Muslim.

Just stay safe where you are then, I'm not trying to covert you. Just stay far away from Muslims with your hatred and anger, and Glen Beck to keep you company.

But remember, the more anger and hatred you embrace, the further from God you get....also, Glenn Beck is a drug adicted alchoholic with delusions of grandure
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Ataturk set up a secular government because he wanted to take credibility away from the Sultinate, and he wanted to westernize the country.

He wanted Turkey to be a modern, European nation.

Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

The result is a MORE fundamentalist state.

No, I didn't see any of that, and thier opinions remind me of yours, bloodthirsty and uninformed. You have so much more in common with Hezzbolah and Al Q'uada than you know


As long as you demand the nice puddy tat with orange black strips is gentle, that's the way it will be.

I'm not a Muslim.

Then you are an utter fool.

Just stay safe where you are then, I'm not trying to covert you. Just stay far away from Muslims with your hatred and anger, and Glen Beck to keep you company.

But remember, the more anger and hatred you embrace, the further from God you get....also, Glenn Beck is a drug adicted alchoholic with delusions of grandure

I understand your viewpoint....

I wasn't aware of a huge problem with Muslims chooping off the heads of Christians. Danierl Pearl was Jewish.

Well, please, start with the "tolerant" places that exist where muslims have a majority of the population. Where are people free to say what they want? Where are people free to dress as they want? Where are women safe walking on the street alone in broad daylight? Where are muslim hospitals with advanced technology and charity for all? Where do muslims condemn men from using "dancing boys" for sex? Where do muslims condemn the muslims that are ripping out the internal organs of murdered "non-believers", and painting with the spilled blood? Where are muslims condemning terrorists groups that murder muslim children for photo ops, and then claim the "west" did it?

Come on, show us all exactly how knowledgeable you are about islam.
I will answer your questions, and I find it kind of wierd that you'd think there is an "us all" you represent. If you're not able to agrue one on one, and have to invoke others to make you feel more secure, that would be pretty weak.

At any rate...

I've been to Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. I will only talk about my experiences in those countries.

In all of those countries you could:

Say what you want, unless you're threatening the government with violent rebellion.

Dress how you want.

Women were safe on the streets in broad daylight and after dark, but like any big cities, you don't want to push that. Nobody was unsafe anywhere because Muslims were out rampaging.

Hospitals had advanced technology and healthcare was free in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, but I'm not sure about Lebabnon, I didn't stay that long.

I neither saw, nor heard of Muslims condemning men from using "dancing boys" for sex.

I neither saw, nor heard of ripping out the internal organs of murdered non-believers, and painting them with spilled blood.

Muslims everywhere I went. except a few in Lebabnon, condemned terrorists groups that murder innocent people.

So, people are "flocking" to those countries to become citizens?
You've been to Turkey - a nation that is by constitution secular, the brain child of Ataturk, who termed Islam a "cancer" and the "greatest evil to befall mankind."
Ataturk set up a secular government because he wanted to take credibility away from the Sultinate, and he wanted to westernize the country.

Saddam's Iraq was marginally secular.
Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

No, I didn't see any of that, and thier opinions remind me of yours, bloodthirsty and uninformed. You have so much more in common with Hezzbolah and Al Q'uada than you know

Are you talking about the 1920's?

Sorry dude, I think I don't believe one word you post.

You're not honest. You present a false and fabricated portrait of the Islamic world. You are a propagandist, a liar for Allah.
I'm not a Muslim.

Just stay safe where you are then, I'm not trying to covert you. Just stay far away from Muslims with your hatred and anger, and Glen Beck to keep you company.

But remember, the more anger and hatred you embrace, the further from God you get....also, Glenn Beck is a drug adicted alchoholic with delusions of grandure

No hatred, simply facing the facts. Islam has deceit, dust, destruction and death as a system. Any "good" people that loosely follow islam (ignore Shariah) cannot do so, openly, without fear of reprisal on their family or themselvs. The more we share the "truth" with muslims, the less likely they are to bow to Shariah and that rock in Mecca.
Well, please, start with the "tolerant" places that exist where muslims have a majority of the population. Where are people free to say what they want? Where are people free to dress as they want? Where are women safe walking on the street alone in broad daylight? Where are muslim hospitals with advanced technology and charity for all? Where do muslims condemn men from using "dancing boys" for sex? Where do muslims condemn the muslims that are ripping out the internal organs of murdered "non-believers", and painting with the spilled blood? Where are muslims condemning terrorists groups that murder muslim children for photo ops, and then claim the "west" did it?

Come on, show us all exactly how knowledgeable you are about islam.
I will answer your questions, and I find it kind of wierd that you'd think there is an "us all" you represent. If you're not able to agrue one on one, and have to invoke others to make you feel more secure, that would be pretty weak.

At any rate...

I've been to Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. I will only talk about my experiences in those countries.

In all of those countries you could:

Say what you want, unless you're threatening the government with violent rebellion.

Dress how you want.

Women were safe on the streets in broad daylight and after dark, but like any big cities, you don't want to push that. Nobody was unsafe anywhere because Muslims were out rampaging.

Hospitals had advanced technology and healthcare was free in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, but I'm not sure about Lebabnon, I didn't stay that long.

I neither saw, nor heard of Muslims condemning men from using "dancing boys" for sex.

I neither saw, nor heard of ripping out the internal organs of murdered non-believers, and painting them with spilled blood.

Muslims everywhere I went. except a few in Lebabnon, condemned terrorists groups that murder innocent people.

So, people are "flocking" to those countries to become citizens?
Workers from all over the Muslim world flock to Saudi Arabia and Dubai for work. The Muslim countries Muslims don't flock to have crappy economies, and that's why nobody wants to become citizens in those countries, not because of Islam's effect on the country
You've been to Turkey - a nation that is by constitution secular, the brain child of Ataturk, who termed Islam a "cancer" and the "greatest evil to befall mankind."
Ataturk set up a secular government because he wanted to take credibility away from the Sultinate, and he wanted to westernize the country.

Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

No, I didn't see any of that, and thier opinions remind me of yours, bloodthirsty and uninformed. You have so much more in common with Hezzbolah and Al Q'uada than you know


Sorry dude, I think I don't believe one word you post.

You're not honest. You present a false and fabricated portrait of the Islamic world. You are a propagandist, a liar for Allah.
I'm not a Muslim.

Just stay safe where you are then, I'm not trying to covert you. Just stay far away from Muslims with your hatred and anger, and Glen Beck to keep you company.

But remember, the more anger and hatred you embrace, the further from God you get....also, Glenn Beck is a drug adicted alchoholic with delusions of grandure

No hatred, simply facing the facts. Islam has deceit, dust, destruction and death as a system. Any "good" people that loosely follow islam (ignore Shariah) cannot do so, openly, without fear of reprisal on their family or themselvs. The more we share the "truth" with muslims, the less likely they are to bow to Shariah and that rock in Mecca.
Muslims don't hear you. They don't hear Jihad Watch, they don't hear Glenn Beck, and they don't care what you think.

You are the enemy of peace. and logic need to take your lips off each other's penises.
Last edited:
It is an islamic shit hole. Any strides in women's rights in the last 10 years will be for nothing and will slid back into oblivion.

Don't forget... these are muslims, and of course you have to blame a woman for the sperm men produce..... This story does not surprise me one bit. And just think of all the crap that happens that does not make it to the media.

As soon as the US Troops and NATO forces start leaving, all the gains in womens right in that country will go down in flames because nobody will enforce it, we already know the corrupt Afghan forces won't do shit.

Sad but true. However, you can't built a nation where no nation every really stood. They have Dark Ages type infrastructure, LITERALLY! We can't police the nation forever. Nor can we really police or nation built any nation. Watch Iraq in 5 years. It's going to be a scary place!

Well Afghanistan wasn't like this in the 60's and 70's, women used to be able to go to school, go to college alongside men and work together in the work force, but ever since the Soviet invasion and the influx of Islamic radicals that entered the country it has reverted back to the stone ages apparently, it sad because the grandparents of the current Afghans had a much more free and better lifestyle than they do.



I will answer your questions, and I find it kind of wierd that you'd think there is an "us all" you represent. If you're not able to agrue one on one, and have to invoke others to make you feel more secure, that would be pretty weak.

At any rate...

I've been to Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. I will only talk about my experiences in those countries.

In all of those countries you could:

Say what you want, unless you're threatening the government with violent rebellion.

Dress how you want.

Women were safe on the streets in broad daylight and after dark, but like any big cities, you don't want to push that. Nobody was unsafe anywhere because Muslims were out rampaging.

Hospitals had advanced technology and healthcare was free in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, but I'm not sure about Lebabnon, I didn't stay that long.

I neither saw, nor heard of Muslims condemning men from using "dancing boys" for sex.

I neither saw, nor heard of ripping out the internal organs of murdered non-believers, and painting them with spilled blood.

Muslims everywhere I went. except a few in Lebabnon, condemned terrorists groups that murder innocent people.

So, people are "flocking" to those countries to become citizens?
Workers from all over the Muslim world flock to Saudi Arabia and Dubai for work. The Muslim countries Muslims don't flock to have crappy economies, and that's why nobody wants to become citizens in those countries, not because of Islam's effect on the country

Becoming a citizen of an oil rich Arab country like Kuwait or Saudi Arabia is nearly impossible anyways, even if you are Muslim.
I will answer your questions, and I find it kind of wierd that you'd think there is an "us all" you represent. If you're not able to agrue one on one, and have to invoke others to make you feel more secure, that would be pretty weak.

At any rate...

I've been to Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. I will only talk about my experiences in those countries.

In all of those countries you could:

Say what you want, unless you're threatening the government with violent rebellion.

Dress how you want.

Women were safe on the streets in broad daylight and after dark, but like any big cities, you don't want to push that. Nobody was unsafe anywhere because Muslims were out rampaging.

Hospitals had advanced technology and healthcare was free in Turkey, Jordan, Iraq, and Syria, but I'm not sure about Lebabnon, I didn't stay that long.

I neither saw, nor heard of Muslims condemning men from using "dancing boys" for sex.

I neither saw, nor heard of ripping out the internal organs of murdered non-believers, and painting them with spilled blood.

Muslims everywhere I went. except a few in Lebabnon, condemned terrorists groups that murder innocent people.

So, people are "flocking" to those countries to become citizens?
Workers from all over the Muslim world flock to Saudi Arabia and Dubai for work. The Muslim countries Muslims don't flock to have crappy economies, and that's why nobody wants to become citizens in those countries, not because of Islam's effect on the country

"Work" is not the same thing as "wanting to be citizens". Let me ask the question another way: where does the system of islam build a thriving, productive economy (other than building war machines)?
Ataturk set up a secular government because he wanted to take credibility away from the Sultinate, and he wanted to westernize the country.

Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

Saddam doesn't run Iraq anymore

No, I didn't see any of that, and thier opinions remind me of yours, bloodthirsty and uninformed. You have so much more in common with Hezzbolah and Al Q'uada than you know


I'm not a Muslim.

Just stay safe where you are then, I'm not trying to covert you. Just stay far away from Muslims with your hatred and anger, and Glen Beck to keep you company.

But remember, the more anger and hatred you embrace, the further from God you get....also, Glenn Beck is a drug adicted alchoholic with delusions of grandure

No hatred, simply facing the facts. Islam has deceit, dust, destruction and death as a system. Any "good" people that loosely follow islam (ignore Shariah) cannot do so, openly, without fear of reprisal on their family or themselvs. The more we share the "truth" with muslims, the less likely they are to bow to Shariah and that rock in Mecca.
Muslims don't hear you. They don't hear Jihad Watch, they don't hear Glenn Beck, and they don't care what you think.

You are the enemy of peace. and logic need to take your lips off each other's penises.

So now.... truth is an enemy of peace? Maybe you should have a glass installed in your stomach, because your head is so far up there, it might help you see.

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