Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

It was not a pretty sight as the locals near Bagram Air Base looted the area seeing that the Americans had left.

Daily Mail reports:
Dozens of looters have moved onto the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan just hours after the final group of American troops vacated the base – without telling local officials.
Bagram, located 30 miles north of Kabul, was the strategic hub for the US war in Afghanistan, which is poised to come to an end in the coming months after President Biden vowed to have every American soldier out of the country by September 11.

The goal of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan became soon unknown. While politicians like Biden/Obama kept throwing money into these wars American lives continued to be lost.

Which is why the leftists running the military are now calling “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” the biggest threat to America. Now they can run military ops against U.S. citizens to keep the tax payer dollars flowing their way.
Without control of Bagram AB, Biden is abandoning the troops that are supposed to be left in Afghanistan....
See: U.S. to keep about 650 troops in Afghanistan after withdrawal
Meanwhile, Biden has also abandoned and threatened the lives of thousands of interpreter's and families of those Afghani's that have worked with U.S. Forces....
If anything Bagram A.B. should be the next to last installation to be retired.
I am sure no one in Afghanistan was any the wiser for not knowing that Bagram was being abandoned by the US..Derpa.....Last year you were cheering Trump wanting to withdraw from the nation but this year yous guys bitch....
I am sure no one in Afghanistan was any the wiser for not knowing that Bagram was being abandoned by the US..Derpa.....Last year you were cheering Trump wanting to withdraw from the nation but this year yous guys bitch....

I've never been for the total withdrawal from Afghanistan....
I am sure no one in Afghanistan was any the wiser for not knowing that Bagram was being abandoned by the US..Derpa.....Last year you were cheering Trump wanting to withdraw from the nation but this year yous guys bitch....

I've never been for the total withdrawal from Afghanistan....
I doubt they have any care about what civilians want and don't want done with the US military and how nation building is done.
Meanwhile, Biden has also abandoned and threatened the lives of thousands of interpreter's and families of those Afghani's that have worked with U.S. Forces....
IF this news can be believed, he isn't abandoning them. At least some are getting out. To do anything less would be sheer evil on their part. These men and their families will be slaughtered in gruesome ways if they cannot escape the Taliban.

Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

It was not a pretty sight as the locals near Bagram Air Base looted the area seeing that the Americans had left.

Daily Mail reports:
Dozens of looters have moved onto the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan just hours after the final group of American troops vacated the base – without telling local officials.
Bagram, located 30 miles north of Kabul, was the strategic hub for the US war in Afghanistan, which is poised to come to an end in the coming months after President Biden vowed to have every American soldier out of the country by September 11.

The goal of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan became soon unknown. While politicians like Biden/Obama kept throwing money into these wars American lives continued to be lost.

Which is why the leftists running the military are now calling “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” the biggest threat to America. Now they can run military ops against U.S. citizens to keep the tax payer dollars flowing their way.
Without control of Bagram AB, Biden is abandoning the troops that are supposed to be left in Afghanistan....
See: U.S. to keep about 650 troops in Afghanistan after withdrawal
Meanwhile, Biden has also abandoned and threatened the lives of thousands of interpreter's and families of those Afghani's that have worked with U.S. Forces....
If anything Bagram A.B. should be the next to last installation to be retired.
The irony hear is well, let’s say you guys broke the meter. You were all gungho when Trump wanted to pull the troops, not a peep from when he abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria and not a peep from you when he left behind those who were helping us.

From what I’ve rid Biden is trying to get all those out who helped us, into a safe place where they can vetted for entry to the US. Is that incorrect?
Meanwhile, Biden has also abandoned and threatened the lives of thousands of interpreter's and families of those Afghani's that have worked with U.S. Forces....
IF this news can be believed, he isn't abandoning them. At least some are getting out. To do anything less would be sheer evil on their part. These men and their families will be slaughtered in gruesome ways if they cannot escape the Taliban.
I totally agree. To abandon them would horrific. This reminds me of the end in Vietnam.

Afghanis Loot Bagram Air Base as American Troops Pull Out and Leave Without Telling Local Officials

3 Jul 2021 ~~ By Joe Hoft

It was not a pretty sight as the locals near Bagram Air Base looted the area seeing that the Americans had left.

Daily Mail reports:
Dozens of looters have moved onto the Bagram airbase in Afghanistan just hours after the final group of American troops vacated the base – without telling local officials.
Bagram, located 30 miles north of Kabul, was the strategic hub for the US war in Afghanistan, which is poised to come to an end in the coming months after President Biden vowed to have every American soldier out of the country by September 11.

The goal of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan became soon unknown. While politicians like Biden/Obama kept throwing money into these wars American lives continued to be lost.

Which is why the leftists running the military are now calling “domestic terrorism” and “white supremacy” the biggest threat to America. Now they can run military ops against U.S. citizens to keep the tax payer dollars flowing their way.
Without control of Bagram AB, Biden is abandoning the troops that are supposed to be left in Afghanistan....
See: U.S. to keep about 650 troops in Afghanistan after withdrawal
Meanwhile, Biden has also abandoned and threatened the lives of thousands of interpreter's and families of those Afghani's that have worked with U.S. Forces....
If anything Bagram A.B. should be the next to last installation to be retired.
The irony hear is well, let’s say you guys broke the meter. You were all gungho when Trump wanted to pull the troops, not a peep from when he abandoned our Kurdish allies in Syria and not a peep from you when he left behind those who were helping us.

From what I’ve rid Biden is trying to get all those out who helped us, into a safe place where they can vetted for entry to the US. Is that incorrect?

You are confused

Both Left and Right agree it was time to get out of Afghanistan.

The legitimate President of the US, Trump, would have done it in a competent organized manner.

Joe Dufus did it like a cowardly dog in the night.
Meanwhile, Biden has also abandoned and threatened the lives of thousands of interpreter's and families of those Afghani's that have worked with U.S. Forces....
IF this news can be believed, he isn't abandoning them. At least some are getting out. To do anything less would be sheer evil on their part. These men and their families will be slaughtered in gruesome ways if they cannot escape the Taliban.

"Unfortunately, the administration has shown far less fervor toward granting safe haven or the path to citizenship they were offered to those who incurred substantial risk at our behest during nearly 20 years of overseas missions in Iraq and Afghanistan".
"President Joe Biden's immediate action is necessary. America must fulfill the promises made to those who bravely assisted our armed forces at great danger to themselves. The Biden administration is focused on “dreamers and the essential workers who have risked their lives to serve and protect American communities," but its order for a review of the program merely pays lip service to the "ongoing, serious threat" to imperiled interpreters such as Zack".
Biden had better get this right. We fucked up before on our allies, we better not do it again.

Biden had better get this right. We fucked up before on our allies, we better not do it again.


How about tearing up the so called peace deal with the Taliban and keeping the 10,000 NATO troops in Afghanistan. Then no one would be discussing getting people out of the country or worrying about the collapse of the Afghan government or military. Of the 10,000 NATO troops, only 2,500 were U.S. troops. It makes no sense to leave, when so little effort was doing so much good.

Afghan troops filmed laying down arms as US general overseeing NATO exit says he's shocked by how quickly they've surrendered to the Taliban and 1,000 are caught fleeing the country​

  • The Afghan army is collapsing across the country, with videos posted by the Taliban showing troops laying down their US-made weapons and handing over the keys to their Humvee armoured cars
  • The US left Bagram Airfield last week - its fortress in the country for nearly 20 years - by slipping away in the night without telling the base's new Afghan commander who discovered they had gone the next morning
  • However, General Austin Scott Miller, commander of US and Nato troops in Afghanistan, said he was shocked by how quickly the Afghan National Army had surrendered to the resurgent jihadists
  • 'I don't like leaving friends in need,' he told ABC on Monday. 'We should be concerned. The loss of terrain and the rapidity of that loss of terrain has to be concerning. You look at the security situation, it's not good'
  • More than a thousand Afghan National Army soldiers fled into Tajikistan from the northern province of Badkhshan following clashes with the resurgent jihadists on Sunday
  • Tajikistan said that the Afghans were allowed to enter on the principle of 'good neighbourliness' but called up 20,000 reservists to bolster its border guard and prevent further flooding of the frontier

Not sure whether to laugh or cry. How much blood and treasure was flushed down the toilet on the shiitehole of a country? Looks like almost 20 years of US occupation did not make Afghans into Western "freedom" loving people.
I understand that the Taliban sent a thank you note for the updated equipment and large amounts to Joey Xi....

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After Troops Exit, Safety Of US Embassy In Kabul Top Concern​

As the end to America’s “forever war” rapidly approaches, the U.S. Embassy and other diplomatic missions in Kabul are watching a worsening security situation and looking at how to respond.

A repeat of history..... They going to use the Embassy roof as a helipad to evacuate personnel?

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