Afghanistan - No simple answers

There's no doubt we need to go back in. Unfortunately waiting 3 years might mean it will be too late.
People are fickle. I suspect most Afghanis just want to live in peace and we couldn't bring that to them. I a few years they may decide that the Taliban can't either and beg us to come back. Maybe.
Trump couldn't make a deal with the Taliban and the crazies in the democrat party prevented him from using conventional weapons while the FBI leaked faked impeachment junk. What the hell could Trump do? Meanwhile we have a brain damaged president who lectures us about covid booster shots while Afghanistan is falling apart.
People are fickle. I suspect most Afghanis just want to live in peace and we couldn't bring that to them. I a few years they may decide that the Taliban can't either and beg us to come back. Maybe.
These people are always looking for someone else to come in and liberate them.
There's no doubt we need to go back in. Unfortunately waiting 3 years might mean it will be too late.
There is no fucking way we need to go back to AFG.
We need to use Trump's "extreme vetting" to keep them out of the US.
To all the Liberals and Conservatives here: Please stop the finger pointing for 2 min. and read this:

Any way you cut it, we are headed for a messy outcome"

This headline from the Mar 17th edition of USA today is spot on. It's "rock or a hard place" time. America can either continue to pour massive amounts of money down this 20 year black hole, or insist the Afghan army, (trained and equipped by the USA for 2 decades) stand on it's own 2 feet and fight the Taliban. Joe picked the latter.

Donald Trump's solution of a power sharing agreement between the Taliban and the Afghan government went nowhere, so this is what we're left with.

This is going to be a mess for months, if not years to come, but the sad fact is - there are no simple answers.

No simple answer, but throwing is all over to the Taliban, stranding tens of thousands of American and Allies, degrading our stats in the world, was a pure clusterfuck
The Taliban defeated Russia because Ronald Reagan provided high tech military equipment to the Taliban. Similarly the Taliban defeated the USA because the Bush, Obama, and Trump provided high tech military equipment to the Taliban. If zionist control middle east policy as they have for generations, the question is why? Is it the PNAC objective to make every country around the zionist state a disaster in which "refugees" flood the West. the Biblical enemy of the zionist regime?

There was NO Taliban until 5 years AFTER the Soviets had left. They organized in 1994.

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