African Economies Is Real Reason Why Obama Won't Ban Flights - Article


Senior Member
May 4, 2014
Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa., whose House subcommittee held a high-profile hearing Thursday on the Ebola virus, told Fox News that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden is the one who gave him that explanation.

"He explained to me that what the concern was that these are fledgling democracies and if we put a travel ban that that may affect their economy and harm them,” Murphy said.

Murphy, though, claims that supply flights could still go in and out even if a travel ban for other flights were imposed.

Rep CDC worried travel ban over Ebola would hurt African economies Fox News
Like anyone could give a shit of harming their economy when they're exporting a virus that has a 90 percent mortality rate.
Frieden and his Boss need to be removed from office

I agree!

Like anyone could give a shit of harming their economy when they're exporting a virus that has a 90 percent mortality rate.

Dont understand them! I really really dont.

Money> American lives

It is unbelievable!

Apparently Obama thinks straw huts & monkey soup are in high demand

Hahaha! Before I wasnt frantic. But this pushed me over: a man comes to JFK from Africa is dead on the plane, and they claim that he didnt have Ebola. Now, Im going to be like my tin hat brethern. See below: I dont trust a thing that they say.

Nigerian man died while vomiting on plane to JFK US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa., whose House subcommittee held a high-profile hearing Thursday on the Ebola virus, told Fox News that Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Tom Frieden is the one who gave him that explanation.

"He explained to me that what the concern was that these are fledgling democracies and if we put a travel ban that that may affect their economy and harm them,” Murphy said.

Murphy, though, claims that supply flights could still go in and out even if a travel ban for other flights were imposed.

Rep CDC worried travel ban over Ebola would hurt African economies Fox News
Africa is a fledgling democracy? Really? Since when.

Their economy is based on email trolling for idiots. North Africa is the least useful area of the world followed closely by the middle east and south and central america. Getting rid of them would be a pretty hefty step forward.
To stop an epidemic, the best place to start is at it's source. What if it spreads to India? What a nightmare.

Right Wings are shitting in their depends. We always knew them to be pussies, but come on. I had no idea they were this easily terrified. Their answer to everything is run, build a wall, bomb, threaten and if those don't work, cry, scream, panic with lots and lots of hand waving and heavy breathing.
To stop an epidemic, the best place to start is at it's source. What if it spreads to India? What a nightmare.

Right Wings are shitting in their depends. We always knew them to be pussies, but come on. I had no idea they were this easily terrified. Their answer to everything is run, build a wall, bomb, threaten and if those don't work, cry, scream, panic with lots and lots of hand waving and heavy breathing.
The best place to start isn't by letting people with the disease fly into your country. Wouldn't the most prudent action to be not let these people leave their own diseased country? Wouldn't the next best thing to do is to not send 3,000 of our own military in there with no protection? The government couldn't even keep one person from Africa from spreading the disease but we are sending 3k military people in there for what? Unless they are there to shoot anyone trying to escape what is the mission?
To stop an epidemic, the best place to start is at it's source. What if it spreads to India? What a nightmare.

Right Wings are shitting in their depends. We always knew them to be pussies, but come on. I had no idea they were this easily terrified. Their answer to everything is run, build a wall, bomb, threaten and if those don't work, cry, scream, panic with lots and lots of hand waving and heavy breathing.
The best place to start isn't by letting people with the disease fly into your country. Wouldn't the most prudent action to be not let these people leave their own diseased country? Wouldn't the next best thing to do is to not send 3,000 of our own military in there with no protection? The government couldn't even keep one person from Africa from spreading the disease but we are sending 3k military people in there for what? Unless they are there to shoot anyone trying to escape what is the mission?

Come on. They have protocols and we know they work and will keep people from being infected.

They didn't work in Texas. But of course, that's no surprise. It's Texas. You know. The land of Bush? They grow dumb there. Ever read the GOP party platform. They enshrine dumb. It's what they want for their kids.

They didn't follow protocol in Texas. Maybe they could read it, but it was too hard to understand. Should have used cartoons.
To stop an epidemic, the best place to start is at it's source. What if it spreads to India? What a nightmare.

Right Wings are shitting in their depends. We always knew them to be pussies, but come on. I had no idea they were this easily terrified. Their answer to everything is run, build a wall, bomb, threaten and if those don't work, cry, scream, panic with lots and lots of hand waving and heavy breathing.
The best place to start isn't by letting people with the disease fly into your country. Wouldn't the most prudent action to be not let these people leave their own diseased country? Wouldn't the next best thing to do is to not send 3,000 of our own military in there with no protection? The government couldn't even keep one person from Africa from spreading the disease but we are sending 3k military people in there for what? Unless they are there to shoot anyone trying to escape what is the mission?

Come on. They have protocols and we know they work and will keep people from being infected.

They didn't work in Texas. But of course, that's no surprise. It's Texas. You know. The land of Bush? They grow dumb there. Ever read the GOP party platform. They enshrine dumb. It's what they want for their kids.

They didn't follow protocol in Texas. Maybe they could read it, but it was too hard to understand. Should have used cartoons.
You're so shit ass fucking stupid you actually believe that Texas is worse at controlling people with this disease than Africa? If that were true then why the hell would the cases of Obola be even happening in Texas? The disease would have been controlled by now if we just put our faith in the superior medical hands in Africa right?
Maybe, just fucking maybe, and this is going to sound crazy to a dumbass like you but maybe we shouldn't even put our local hospitals in the position of dealing with Obola by not letting these people fly in here in the first place?

Here's a protocol I think we can all get behind. Rdean is too fucking stupid to even have input into what we are discussing because he has no fucking clue about the subject and should be treated and classified as the retard he is. I'm all for that protocol, and also the side benefit of not letting these people fly into fucking Dallas.
So, the CDC has the African economy as it's priority. Hmm, is that why they exist? Silly me, I thought the health of the American people was supposed to be their number one concern.

Having these government agencies cost us tax payers big money. They exist for our own good, they tell us, and we need them and cannot possibly live without them. Yet, when we really need them, they act like a bunch of amateurs who have no clue what they are doing. They suck at responding in a timely manner to any health threats.
If you ban travel to and from Africa, then you have to ban travel to and from any country that doesn't ban travel to and from Africa,

then you have to ban travel to and from every country that does ban travel to and from Africa, but doesn't ban travel to and from any country that hasn't banned travel to and from Africa.

See? It's not complicated at all. lol

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