African Immigrants To America Double Every Decade

African immigrants to America double every decade
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 4, 2014


Earlier this week, Brenda Walker at Limits to Growth posted this very interesting news about recent Census numbers involving African immigration to America.

Walker begins:

Africa-born people are currently in the news, in a bad way, given the spread of ebola to America in recent days.
As it happens, this week the Census released a 10-page report about Africans in the US: The Foreign-Born Population From Africa: 2008-2012.

It has numerous charts and tables like the map below, showing the location of national groups in the US. We now know about the 10,000 Liberians in north Texas because of the ebola flap, but there are many more of that nationality in Philadelphia.

Go to Limits to Growth to see Walker’s commentary with maps and more charts!

Which African countries are represented in your city?

This post is filed in our extensive ‘where to find information’ category.

Come to think of it, I’m kind of surprised that the Census Bureau is even reporting this information, isn’t it just downright politically incorrect to notice!

This sucks...bad.
We need to quadruple the number of poor we immigrate. We're clearly not screwed up enough yet.

Some in here seem to think we need more "immigrants" and the kind we are mostly getting are the illegal ones who are poor, uneducated and unskilled. Yeah we need more of them...NOT!
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Them's the breaks.

Immigration isn't like the seasons, a force of nature which we can't do anything about. If blacks don't like being shunted aside, then they should work to stop immigration. The black community is bearing the worst brunt and they're getting it from two directions. The best of America's blacks are being out-competed by immigrants from Africa and the most hard hit are being out-competed by Mexican peasants in the no-skill labor market.

Then again, if they don't give a damn, fine, but then they should STFU about the plight of their community. The first step to improvement is to take action yourself.

Exactly! But far too many blacks are in lock step with the Democrats that are encouraging illegal immigration and promising amnesty even if it means their own demise.
Are the Africans going to form the great new society with Hispanics? So far it's been a battle to the death. Is that going to change?
Are the Africans going to form the great new society with Hispanics? So far it's been a battle to the death. Is that going to change?

No, blacks and Hispanics for the most part don't get along. With the increase in the Hispanic population it will only get worse between the two groups.
the kind we are mostly getting are the illegal ones who are poor, uneducated and unskilled. Yeah we need more of them...NOT!

Today's LEGAL immigrants are much like those who came before them.
Yes but we have too many out of work.. we have moved too many labor jobs off shore. Most farming is now high tech. We don't need as many immigrants as we used to, for filling those jobs. Then there's the welfare state thing... bringing in people to get on the welfare ranks is stupid. Look at Obama's Aunt. We can't accept "refugees" that come here looking for free handouts. We are DEAD BROKE.

IOW yes you are right in so far as they are like the ones that came before... however we are not the same as we used to be. We have changed, thus our immigration strategy needs to change.
Yes... If you "pay" people to not work.. they are less likely to come out to the fields to work. If you refuse to "pay" people what the job is worth, they also are less likely to come out to the fields to work. But, if you have a "slave" workforce be they low paid illegals or prisoners, then yes you can get your strawberries picked for less than the minimum wage that an American would accept. Any change to the immigration laws would have to coincide with changes to our welfare system.
Yes... If you "pay" people to not work.. they are less likely to come out to the fields to work. If you refuse to "pay" people what the job is worth, they also are less likely to come out to the fields to work. But, if you have a "slave" workforce be they low paid illegals or prisoners, then yes you can get your strawberries picked for less than the minimum wage that an American would accept. Any change to the immigration laws would have to coincide with changes to our welfare system.

If your problem is really with the welfare state, you are on the wrong thread. And give it a rest with the drama-queen misuse of the word "slave." It's offensive.
Yes... If you "pay" people to not work.. they are less likely to come out to the fields to work. If you refuse to "pay" people what the job is worth, they also are less likely to come out to the fields to work. But, if you have a "slave" workforce be they low paid illegals or prisoners, then yes you can get your strawberries picked for less than the minimum wage that an American would accept. Any change to the immigration laws would have to coincide with changes to our welfare system.

If your problem is really with the welfare state, you are on the wrong thread. And give it a rest with the drama-queen misuse of the word "slave." It's offensive.
You can have poor immigration or the welfare state you can't have both. We already have a welfare state.. and I don't see the democrats giving that up. They want both... this because they want to see our country turn into a 3rd world like socialist country. Such as Cuba. The bad is caused by the combination of both. You can't separate the issues.
IOW bringing in poor immigrant's creates a budget line item. How are you gonna pay your bills when you are already in debt to the tune of 17.5 TRILLION DOLLARS.
Immigrants are more likely than native-born Americans to be entrepreneurs.
Immigrants are more likely than native-born Americans to be entrepreneurs.
Good. Those are the ones I want to let immigrate, and if they don't become entrepreneurs, or if they end up occupying jobs that out of work Americans want but for lower wages than Americans are willing to work for... Then I want them sent back as "defective." And I mean that in a nice way. I'm all for immigration that improves our current state.
Immigrants are more likely than native-born Americans to be entrepreneurs.
Good. Those are the ones I want to let immigrate, and if they don't become entrepreneurs, or if they end up occupying jobs that out of work Americans want but for lower wages than Americans are willing to work for... Then I want them sent back as "defective."

Where do we send you?
Immigrants are more likely than native-born Americans to be entrepreneurs.
Good. Those are the ones I want to let immigrate, and if they don't become entrepreneurs, or if they end up occupying jobs that out of work Americans want but for lower wages than Americans are willing to work for... Then I want them sent back as "defective."

Where do we send you?
Born and raised here. I'm an entrepreneur. I earn and have earned a ton of money always at the top of the pay scale for my field. I pay my taxes...
the kind we are mostly getting are the illegal ones who are poor, uneducated and unskilled. Yeah we need more of them...NOT!

Today's LEGAL immigrants are much like those who came before them.

Bullshit. Those who came before them arrived at a time when there was no social welfare to put a net under them. It was entirely a sink or swim operation. The number of immigrants returning to their homeland was, in some groups, up to 30%. That's not happenng today. An African immigrant family who gets off the plane today qualify for all sorts of social welfare benefits and the parents and kids qualify for special privileges in business, hiring and university admissions that my kids don't get. Fresh off the plane and already they have privileges that American citizens don't get.

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