After 2+ Years Mueller May Fade Away Without Ever Saying A Word

After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...

You are a fucking idiot if you think that is even remotely possible.
After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...

You are a fucking idiot if you think that is even remotely possible.
Hey genius.....DID I WRITE THE ARTICLE? No, of course not. Try using your head for something more than a hat rack...or a personal prostate exam tool.
most american want the report public.

There's nothing to stop Schiff from getting Mueller under oath in front of the committee and having him read the report into the congressional record.
He may indeed. Then again, he "may" expose the President for the lying piece of excrement that he is too. He is most likely just like those he surrounds himself with. I expect him to "Benedict Arnold' to his Pals over in Russia as soon as Mueller files his report!

Barr will also investigate the deep state

He will put both investigations side by side and


Muellers probe as a classic case of pure Blackmail to cover up the serious traitorous crimes

Democrats better start hiding like rats from all parts of the world

Because democrats and liberals has destroyed nations !!
Mueller is afraid of how abortion issue will give trump more power

Afraid that Barr will charge him with blackmail

Why did mueller let leak that his prosectors were all democrats and Hillary supporters??

One REASON to scare trump to cover up the more serious deep states traitorous crimes

Barr must charge mueller with blackmail and then with TREASON

Mueller is in big trouble now
After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...leaving speculation, a.c. usations, and zero evidence of there ever having been anything to investigate regarding the President.

Robert Mueller has spent two years investigating Trump, and he hasn't said a word. It's possible he never will.

After 2 years of dividing the country the American people are owed the truth / facts. We have already seen that the excuse of 'national security' has been used as an excuse to protect some of the witch hunters, not national security.

EVERYTHING needs to be released.

Once William Barr is sworn in, things will start moving pretty fast. One of the final pieces that needs to be put in position.

Remember: "keep your friends close, but your enemies closer."
-- Don Corleone, The Godfather & Sen. Lindsey Graham.

GOP Senators knew when Jeff Sessions was on his way out, they had to get someone like Barr in position, so they had him write a memo and made sure Trump saw it.

If I had to guess, Pence has already been briefed on how to pardon Trump and let southern district of NY become the bus they all long to throw him under.
most american want the report public.

There's nothing to stop Schiff from getting Mueller under oath in front of the committee and having him read the report into the congressional record.

Shiff does not have the men and especially the most powerful group in history white men

Let that sink in
Schiff has plenty. Trumps response is telling.
Schiff admittedly leaked classified. That admission should force him to step aside and recuse himself to be part of any Trump investigation. He should also be worried about being indicted himself.
most american want the report public.

There's nothing to stop Schiff from getting Mueller under oath in front of the committee and having him read the report into the congressional record.

Shiff does not have the men and especially the most powerful group in history white men

Let that sink in
Schiff has plenty. Trumps response is telling.
Schiff admittedly leaked classified. That admission should force him to step aside and recuse himself to be part of any Trump investigation. He should also be worried about being indicted himself.

Yes many democrats congress are now shaking in their boots !!
most american want the report public.

There's nothing to stop Schiff from getting Mueller under oath in front of the committee and having him read the report into the congressional record.

Shiff does not have the men and especially the most powerful group in history white men

Let that sink in
Schiff has plenty. Trumps response is telling.
Schiff admittedly leaked classified. That admission should force him to step aside and recuse himself to be part of any Trump investigation. He should also be worried about being indicted himself.
that was a year ago, and nothing ever came of it. That was nothing more than a Trump Tantrum.
most american want the report public.

There's nothing to stop Schiff from getting Mueller under oath in front of the committee and having him read the report into the congressional record.

Shiff does not have the men and especially the most powerful group in history white men

Let that sink in
Schiff has plenty. Trumps response is telling.
Schiff admittedly leaked classified. That admission should force him to step aside and recuse himself to be part of any Trump investigation. He should also be worried about being indicted himself.

No dumbass, that's not how it works. Even if your fantasies about Schiff getting indicted would have any connection to reality, it would be a completely separate investigation.

Nunez was running around hiding in the WH bushes for Trump and still he was not recused.
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what makes you think that Trump fired Comey because of Russia (other than the fact that Trump said out loud: i fired Comey because of Russia)
"Mueller's a tough guy. he's an investigator at heart. he loves cases, he loves to get his hands on them. he is as happy as he can possibly be right now,,,when he put his head on his hand, we knew he was frustrated...that was a tell" - McCabe

he looks happy. just a big silly grin on his face right now
"is there anything that happened in the last 2 years that made you less suspicious that Trump colluded with Russia?"

McCabe quickly answered: "No!"
I wish you folks will make your mind up -- if Mueller is some unhinged deranged democrat partisan hack fixated on bringing down trump by any means -- why would he be quiet once the investigation is over?

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