After 30 Months,Will Liberal Guests Still Use The "When Reagan Was President" Excuse?

Feb 13, 2011
Who isn't so sick&tired of the "Well,at this time during the Reagan Administration" etc. etc. excuses by all those dodo-heads like Alan Colmes and those other kool-aid guests on Fox? For the last two years,when the economy continued to stagnate or get worse,they always have to refer to Reagan being they have no answers. Especially Alan Colmes. What does this current mess have to do with the Reagan Years? Jesus Man!!! We Didn't owe $14 Trillion Dollars in 1985 !!!
Lets be realistic here. The left has run out of excuses. And now being Obama can't pay back the 4 Trillion he borrowed,he has to tax the rich? Thats like an individual who maxed out his credit line,loses his job,so he goes and robs a bank. Right?:clap2:
Well, could we invoke Reagan in an affirmative manner?

For example, this was Reagan's proposal (1984 SOTU) for deficit reduction:

I believe there is basis for such an agreement, one that could reduce the deficits by about $100 billion over the next three years. We could focus on some of the less contentious spending cuts that are still pending before the Congress. These could be combined with measures to close certain tax loopholes, measures that the Treasury Department has previously said to be worthy of support.

Spending cuts AND what today's GOP now calls tax increases, i.e., closing 'loopholes'.

Ironically, Reagan's position back then is the Democrats' position today.
Oh gee. Conservatives march around in tricornered hats and colonial garb, blame Lincoln for the collapse of the Republic, are trying to undo the FDR new deal, and blame Clinton for everything under the sun..

And one of them complains about the use of Saint Reagan?


I am still waiting for Obama to just tell the nation that he gambled 4 trillion dollars of our kids money and has no way to pay it off (yes, I agree that the other 10 trillion built up over the Bush years) but Obama didn't have to borrow another 4 trillion. If he at least would of invested it in creating jobs thru the private sector(helping small business stay afloat) millions of us wouldn't be complaing,,,,instead it went to everyone but small business owners. Obama is so screwed in 2012, Most people vote their bank accounts when it comes to Presidential elections!
I am still waiting for Obama to speak at an upcoming campaign rally and talk about what a big difference he's made since he took office,,,like,,,When I became president, unemployment was an unexceptable rate of 7.8% !!! now its,,,,uhm,,,,,never mind,,,and I wonder if Obama will brag about the million or so jobs he promised in the Green Technology Explosion! (I still haven't seen any wind mills in Florida)....hmm,,maybe he will just insult Romney and Perry?
Hell, if liberals will take credit for the founding of the nation, nothing is beneath them.
It took until the Clinton administration before they gave up on Hoover.

And I was too young to remember, but I am sure they didn't give up blaming Lincoln for their troubles until the Johnson administration. That's Lyndon, not Andrew.
well, they just might blame Sarah Palin when unemployment is still 9% in October 2012. And then they will blame Bush for the incoming Asteroid/Meteor of 2036.
I was going to say that I can't wait until another 30 years have passed so we can say,"Look how far from Obama's depression era we have come" but then I realized that it's going to take a helluva lot longer than 30 years to dig out of this shit-pile.
Who isn't so sick&tired of the "Well,at this time during the Reagan Administration" etc. etc. excuses by all those dodo-heads like Alan Colmes and those other kool-aid guests on Fox? For the last two years,when the economy continued to stagnate or get worse,they always have to refer to Reagan being they have no answers. Especially Alan Colmes. What does this current mess have to do with the Reagan Years? Jesus Man!!! We Didn't owe $14 Trillion Dollars in 1985 !!!
Lets be realistic here. The left has run out of excuses. And now being Obama can't pay back the 4 Trillion he borrowed,he has to tax the rich? Thats like an individual who maxed out his credit line,loses his job,so he goes and robs a bank. Right?:clap2:

Maybe when self-proclaimed "conservatives" stop praising and hailing Raygun as the 2nd coming of Christ and use him as the end-all and be-all of all things.

Maybe that's when libs will stop bringing him up.

As if Raygun was a conservative. :rolleyes:

CLASSIC!! :lol:
and yet there is a small per-centage of Libs who actually think the best days are yet to come? Oh Really? When? Our County is tanking. We will never see the good old days of the 80's&90's again. Even I was very upset on new years eve 1999, I knew that was the end of our nations happiest times. I even saw dark days coming in the new a strong sense that something bad was gonna happen,,,,and I also saw our nation tanking even worse when Obama was elected.
The old "Obama made it worse" claptrap.

Meanwhile the palookas COMPLETELY skipped the "Bush was responsible" part.

CLASSIC!!! :lol:
Who isn't so sick&tired of the "Well,at this time during the Reagan Administration" etc. etc. excuses by all those dodo-heads like Alan Colmes and those other kool-aid guests on Fox? For the last two years,when the economy continued to stagnate or get worse,they always have to refer to Reagan being they have no answers. Especially Alan Colmes. What does this current mess have to do with the Reagan Years? Jesus Man!!! We Didn't owe $14 Trillion Dollars in 1985 !!!
Lets be realistic here. The left has run out of excuses. And now being Obama can't pay back the 4 Trillion he borrowed,he has to tax the rich? Thats like an individual who maxed out his credit line,loses his job,so he goes and robs a bank. Right?:clap2:

It is just a case of Democrats turning supposed Republican hatred of deficits back at Republicans. No one who does not believe in deficit spending can like Ronald for more than his acting career.

Make sense?
Well if there's one issue that most voters will use against Bambi, it's their property values, they will look at what their home was worth in 2008, then take a good look at what it's worth come October 2012. And Obama thinks "We Are Moving Foward"?
Who isn't so sick&tired of the "Well,at this time during the Reagan Administration" etc. etc. excuses by all those dodo-heads like Alan Colmes and those other kool-aid guests on Fox? For the last two years,when the economy continued to stagnate or get worse,they always have to refer to Reagan being they have no answers. Especially Alan Colmes. What does this current mess have to do with the Reagan Years? Jesus Man!!! We Didn't owe $14 Trillion Dollars in 1985 !!!
Lets be realistic here. The left has run out of excuses. And now being Obama can't pay back the 4 Trillion he borrowed,he has to tax the rich? Thats like an individual who maxed out his credit line,loses his job,so he goes and robs a bank. Right?:clap2:

Reagan's successful defanging of unionism is in part of what has happened to this nation's economy.

Unionism was the counterbalance to corporatism.

Now that balance is out of kilter and the middle class is going broke.

Now that's not all that hard to understand, is it?
Well if there's one issue that most voters will use against Bambi, it's their property values, they will look at what their home was worth in 2008, then take a good look at what it's worth come October 2012. And Obama thinks "We Are Moving Foward"?

There is a chance that property value thing will work. Going to be tough to convince ppl though. For the next few years folks are going to remember low monthly payments via ridiculously low interest rates and high demand due to ridiculously lax loaning regulations are what drove up home prices not any real prosperity somehow caused by exporting our jobs.
Obama is running out of time to turn the economy around, he only has a year to create about 5 million jobs!!!

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