After 7 Kids Die In Oklahoma Tornados, State GOP Slash Funding For Shelters

Black you need to shut the hell up until you tell us how much you gave for the shelters. Oh i'm sorry your probaly waiting for the minimum wage increase so you can get your raise.
totally dishonest thread title. one guy talked about possibly using the money for the shelters, but it was never a given and if they want the shelters, they can use other revenue.

are there any honest libs on this board?

Locals control schools. Any local school board can put a bond up for vote, even those controlled by democrats.

Any idea what the average warning time from tornado warning to when the twister hits?

Using the death of children to make political hay is beneath most people. Apparently not that of the OP.

Republicans only care about a fetus. They lose interest shortly after birth.

Bull, Progressives don't give a shit or they would be pushing for road side shelters and shelters in trailer homes. Those would save real numbers of children.

Grab a shovel RDean!

We've been shoveling your shit long enough
That's the GOP way, screw the kids, the rich need it more! :cuckoo:

A plan to put shelters in schools after seven children died in 2013 from a series of devastating tornadoes has been scrapped because Republican leaders are pushing for corporate tax cuts instead.

The Associated Press reported on Monday that Gov. Mary Fallin (R) and other lawmakers have called to eliminate a so-called franchise tax that forces corporations to pay $1.25 for every $1,000 invested in the state.

The tax had been temporarily suspended in 2010, but Democratic state Rep. Joe Dorman had called on using the $40 million annual revenue it would generate to fund the tornado shelters.

Oklahoma GOP tax cut axes tornado shelters after storms killed seven students in 2013 | The Raw Story

Do you ever tire of lying your slimy commie ass off. You absolutely CAN NOT slash funds from a program that has not been adopted. The legislature has not passed it, the voters have not considered it in a referendum, so take you lying assed propaganda and shove it. And if you keep this shit up, I'll really tell ya what I think.

Shut up you terrorist piece of shit. Why do you hate kids and support such an evil party that would rather bankroll their corporate cronies than make sure children are safe?

You are absoutly disgusting,..

You ignorant ass commie, I was born and raised in OK and was 26 before I laid eyes on a tornado. Those kids are in much more danger while riding in their school buses than they are in the school. So I think I'll support some common sense republicans rather than lying commies like YOU. Any questions?

BTW did ya hear that your dear leader gutter trash took 3 of the top 5 slots for lies of the year from the Washington Post? I guess you folks just can't help yourself
totally dishonest thread title. one guy talked about possibly using the money for the shelters, but it was never a given and if they want the shelters, they can use other revenue.

are there any honest libs on this board?

Locals control schools. Any local school board can put a bond up for vote, even those controlled by democrats.

Any idea what the average warning time from tornado warning to when the twister hits?

Using the death of children to make political hay is beneath most people. Apparently not that of the OP.

Republicans only care about a fetus. They lose interest shortly after birth.
Priceless, coming from someone to stupid to raise his own pecker.
what do kids have to do with shelters?

nobody else is allowed to use them?

Oklahoma and others would, probably, do much better if they would adopt the different building codes. they need more brick stable houses, not shelters.

A solid, stable brick house won;t crumble in seconds as those wooden sticks do.
Why? How would I know he wouldn't just buy himself a new recliner with the leftover money or something?

You act as if donating money to shelters is a foregone conclusion to decreasing taxes; it's really not.

Because without the tax money and government, they'd have to or the kids wouldn't have shelters. Get the government out of the way FIRST, and then the private sector would step up because someone would have to. Humans wont just watch others suffer, except all you greedy ass Democrats.

It would go over more like that awkward moment where someone falls down and everyone looks at each other in tense silence before someone gives up and finally moves to help them up.

We don't live in a world with lots of nice people, this is fact. It's all about the money.

But they cant do all that stuff if you keep taxing them.

Again, you're acting like wealthy people/corporations have no money.

They're called wealthy for a reason.
You act as if they are your private banking system for every bleeding heart project you want to bring along.

Tell Me something. Before you go off saying that because Mr or Mrs X has so much left over cash and you think you can spend it better for them, research exactly how much waste and UNNECESSARY spending can be found in the state and local government and then compare it to the cost of the shelters. I think you will find that unneeded projects alone could cover the costs.

Its always more, more, more with people of your beliefs. How about doing away with some other project and replacing it with this one?

Priorities are the tools of a well managed anything.
As someone who's lived in Tulsa before, I am well aware that most schools do not have any storm shelter, and those that do, some are above ground safe rooms that don't provide adequate protection.

I do agree that there needs to be funding to ensure every single school in Oklahoma is equipped with proper storm shelters. However funding for these shelters needs to come from the Federal government, not a state business tax. This tax would just serve to discourage investment.
what do kids have to do with shelters?

nobody else is allowed to use them?

Oklahoma and others would, probably, do much better if they would adopt the different building codes. they need more brick stable houses, not shelters.

A solid, stable brick house won;t crumble in seconds as those wooden sticks do.

I think the point being made is that if there are more shelters, those kids who died will come back to life.

Or something like that.

It's just the same old same old. Progressive nutbags love it when kids die, because they can then attach them to any of their current *causes*.
For example, they claim kids are aborted because there's not enough abortion.
And kids are murdered because there's not enough abortion.

And kids are murdered in schools because somewhere someone owns a gun legally.
totally dishonest thread title. one guy talked about possibly using the money for the shelters, but it was never a given and if they want the shelters, they can use other revenue.

are there any honest libs on this board?

That's what BL does.. he lies... about everything.
Why can't these kids build their own shelters during the summer and finance them with bake sales? (-;
Oh my another far left blog lie from raw story.

Please explain what these lies are. You have become the master of trolling, however never back your claims. I'll be waiting,....

It is from raw story that is all the evidence one needs.

Then again the far left will often resort to these tactics.

This piece of fucking shit thread stays in the most popular Board at USMB but PROOF that that a School Shooter in Colorado was a socialist and anti-gun gets booted to the kiddie table?


Oh my another far left blog lie from raw story.

Please explain what these lies are. You have become the master of trolling, however never back your claims. I'll be waiting,....

It is from raw story that is all the evidence one needs.

Then again the far left will often resort to these tactics.

In other words, facts were provided and all you have is to cry your programed tinfoil BS when you have nothing else.

Doesn't it make you feel embarrassed to be a brainwashed sheep to the right wing machine? :cuckoo:
Please explain what these lies are. You have become the master of trolling, however never back your claims. I'll be waiting,....

It is from raw story that is all the evidence one needs.

Then again the far left will often resort to these tactics.

In other words, facts were provided and all you have is to cry your programed tinfoil BS when you have nothing else.

Doesn't it make you feel embarrassed to be a brainwashed sheep to the right wing machine? :cuckoo:

Whenever a leftard says "in other words" it means "this is what I wished you'd said."

The alleged "facts" provided were from a source that is recognized to be biased and unreliable. That is what he said, and that was what he meant.

We don't need lefty propagandists telling us what we REALLY mean. We actually really mean what we say. I know, shocking concept.

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