After Betraying His Country, Brennan Threatening To Sue Over Security Clearance Priviledge

Everyone is forgetting the Bad Guy here. I never hear the Trumpkins mentioning Russia for real, ever.
Russia cannot be ignored, guys. It's real, regardless of what Giuliani tells you.
Yeah it is so better arrest hilly and company.
Former CIA Director John Brennan Outlines Criminal Conspiracy Case Against Clinton, Fusion GPS, DOJ and FBI…
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
There has been an honor code built around security clearances. They have been nonpartisan

Based on Trumps abuse of his powers, it looks like we need to remove this function from the political spectrum and put it with an independent agency

LMAO you just check the other thread where your hero Obama the Great revokes security clearances.
Show us where it was without cause
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.
It goes beyond that. Congress does little more than name Post Offices
Everyone is forgetting the Bad Guy here. I never hear the Trumpkins mentioning Russia for real, ever.
Russia cannot be ignored, guys. It's real, regardless of what Giuliani tells you.
Yeah it is so better arrest hilly and company.
Former CIA Director John Brennan Outlines Criminal Conspiracy Case Against Clinton, Fusion GPS, DOJ and FBI…
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
No, there is no "real evidence" behind those allegations. At least none that I have seen. A LOT of twisting the facts, though, and basing a lot of wild conjecture on it.
Everyone is forgetting the Bad Guy here. I never hear the Trumpkins mentioning Russia for real, ever.
Russia cannot be ignored, guys. It's real, regardless of what Giuliani tells you.

trump DID mention Putin-------as a guy with whom he can discuss
"BUSINESS"---------a statement which in NO WAY implies love or
endorsement--------except in the minds of the most vacuous
That BUSINESS was money laundering
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
There has been an honor code built around security clearances. They have been nonpartisan

Based on Trumps abuse of his powers, it looks like we need to remove this function from the political spectrum and put it with an independent agency

LMAO you just check the other thread where your hero Obama the Great revokes security clearances.
Show us where it was without cause

Of course there was cause. He was the POTUS and he could do as he thought best.

Just like Trump. LMAO
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.
It goes beyond that. Congress does little more than name Post Offices

They can barely manage naming post offices:
Here are six times renaming post offices was contentious
Send them all home for the balance of the year - Without pay
Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Trump made the United States a 'Banana Republic' years ago,

For 8 years he aided and abetted, financed and supplied, armed, trained, protected, and even dragged this country into 2 Un-Constitutional Wars to help terrorists (Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans...+4, ISIS, the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran..)...

For 8 years he armed Mexican Drug Cartels, aided / abetted human traffickers, violent illegals, MS13, and criminals who violated Federal law by providing sanctuary in US cities....

For 8 years Obama violated both Constitution and Law, illegally spied on US citizens / US Senators, USSC Justices, 7 perpetrated his own 'Watergate'...

Over 8 years Obama weaponized the IRS and used it against Americans he called his 'enemy', Americans who legally opposed his re-election.

He gave the Russians Crimea, 20% of the US Supply of uranium, and this parting fit of 2+ years of division of the US, which was the objective of Putin's Counter-Intelligence Operation he began in 2014 that Obama fou8nd out about, let continue, and then helped continue...

During these 8 years of RULE under this traitor Obama committed violations of the Constitution and law that should have resulted in his Impeachment and even Indictment several times over....but criminal defenders like you never had any problem with any of long as that 'D' was in front of his name!

Thanks to Obama we have traitors walking free, traitors claiming their Security Clearances, which they have used to betray this nation, is a Constitutional Right rather than a privilege, a trust they have betrayed.

It is amazing to me how f*ing blind / dumb - many voluntarily due to loyalty to party over country, some people are.
Everyone is forgetting the Bad Guy here. I never hear the Trumpkins mentioning Russia for real, ever.
Russia cannot be ignored, guys. It's real, regardless of what Giuliani tells you.
Yeah it is so better arrest hilly and company.
Former CIA Director John Brennan Outlines Criminal Conspiracy Case Against Clinton, Fusion GPS, DOJ and FBI…
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
No, there is no "real evidence" behind those allegations. At least none that I have seen. A LOT of twisting the facts, though, and basing a lot of wild conjecture on it.
Now you're lying to yourself .... multiple people have been fired alrdy.....all you have is what ....not one indictment.
On what possible basis could Brennan say he has a right to a security clearance?

He should be arrested and charged with sedition.
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.

Because as long as Rs control both Houses, there will be no investigations, no reprimands, no NOTHING.
They are afraid of Trump's Twitter thumbs and losing his "base" of Deplorables.
Invertebrates ALL - And good riddance Paul!

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Everyone is forgetting the Bad Guy here. I never hear the Trumpkins mentioning Russia for real, ever.
Russia cannot be ignored, guys. It's real, regardless of what Giuliani tells you.
Yeah it is so better arrest hilly and company.
Former CIA Director John Brennan Outlines Criminal Conspiracy Case Against Clinton, Fusion GPS, DOJ and FBI…
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
No, there is no "real evidence" behind those allegations. At least none that I have seen. A LOT of twisting the facts, though, and basing a lot of wild conjecture on it.
Now you're lying to yourself .... multiple people have been fired alrdy.....all you have is what ....not one indictment.
There have been multiple indictments. Who has been fired for conspiring with the Russians from the Hillary campaign? I thought that is what you were talking about?
But you folks lost that one, as you lost the one where you were going to send Hillary to jail, too. There needs to be a point where you accept your defeat and move on. When will we see that point?

Thank you for demonstrating how the DISEASE of 'Party-1st' has infected and rotted the united States from within.

Brennan did not betray REPUBLICANS by illegally stripping Americans of their Constitutional Rights by illegally spying on them.

Brennan did not betray REPUBLICANS by illegally spying on the press, US Senators, and USSC Justices.

Brennan did not violate REPUBLICANS' Rights, did not break REPUBLICAN law, and did not victimize REPUBLICANS when D-Diane Feinstein revealed Obama and Brennan had spied on HER1

'You folks lost that one'?!

You are f*ing IGNORANT and a DISGRACE, claiming that the only people Brennan hurt and the only ones who 'lost' by Brannan being protected from being Fired, Indicted, and Imprisoned for his crimes were 'YOU FOLKS' - Republicans / Conservatives.

You celebrate Perjurers, Obstructionists, Criminals, and Traitors to this country and the American people being protected from Justice because they have a 'D' in front of their name / are Democrats.

I have lost just bout any respect for you I had left.
On what possible basis could Brennan say he has a right to a security clearance?

He should be arrested and charged with sedition.

We don't imprison our political enemies in this country. Move to the Philippines, Turkey or Russia. We'll all chip in on your one-way ticket :)
The United States no longer indictes and jails Perjurers and Traitors.

Again, EVIDENCE proved Brennan committed Perjury by lying about illegally spying on Americans and the US Senate. Instead of indicting him as he should have been, ignorant sheep sat back and watched the Democrats and Republicans MAKE A DEAL, agreeing NOT to indict him as long as he ADMITTED HIS PERJURY TO CONGRESS AND APOLOGIZED THE CONGRESS ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS.


Where does it say in US Law that punishment for the crime of PERJURY is a f*ing APOLOGY?!

So criminals / perjurers / traitors who betray the US, violate Constitution of law, are NOT to be held accountable? As long as they are committing these crimes o behalf of Democrats we should just ignore it?

Thank you for clarifying your beliefs and making it clear there is no reason to take you seriously or listen to you ever again.
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I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.

Because as long as Rs control both Houses, there will be no investigations, no reprimands, no NOTHING.
They are afraid of Trump's Twitter thumbs.
Invertebrates all - And good riddance Paul!

We will see if the outcome of the elections in November puts a little starch in their spines.

I think Paul Ryan was very good at doing a miserable job. I think he is a decent man, even if he is a conservative, and his JOB is to represent and move forward the ideas of his party, including its current leader, who happens to be an asshole. Ryan got his damned tax thing through, didn't he? That was what he has lived for and he managed it. I don't think he has been a jellyfish, just because he doesn't badmouth the Pres. His job is the OPPOSITE and he's done it well.

Besides, he's kinda cute.

I do think the reason he is stepping down and out of politics is because he is so disgusted with Trump.
The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.

Because as long as Rs control both Houses, there will be no investigations, no reprimands, no NOTHING.
They are afraid of Trump's Twitter thumbs.
Invertebrates all - And good riddance Paul!

We will see if the outcome of the elections in November puts a little starch in their spines.

I think Paul Ryan was very good at doing a miserable job. I think he is a decent man, even if he is a conservative, and his JOB is to represent and move forward the ideas of his party, including its current leader, who happens to be an asshole. Ryan got his damned tax thing through, didn't he? That was what he has lived for and he managed it. I don't think he has been a jellyfish, just because he doesn't badmouth the Pres. His job is the OPPOSITE and he's done it well.

Besides, he's kinda cute.

I do think the reason he is stepping down and out of politics is because he is so disgusted with Trump.

So elections will make the decision of whether Trump is a criminal / traitor or not, not evidence of crimes, but elections don't determine who really is P{resident if you reject the outcome, which - according to Hillary - makes you a threat to our Democracy.

Got it.....

I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.
Why would you ‘hope’ someone is sued when, at the same time, you acknowledge the person you want sued hasn’t acted illegally :cuckoo:

Oh yeah, severe TDS.

How do you think Brennan should be punished for spying and lying?
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