After Betraying His Country, Brennan Threatening To Sue Over Security Clearance Priviledge

It’s worth milllions of dollars to Brennan in the private sector. It doesn’t have a fucking thing to do with national security or the first amendment.


Many Federal Court decisions already determined this
Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Trump made the United States a 'Banana Republic' years ago,

We agree ^ about 1.5 years ago to be exact :)

Where does it say in US Law that the punishment for Espionage / Illegally spying on the US Senate is punishable by having to AOLOGIZE to Congress.

Let me know when you have that - and please post actual evidence / links to support your response....

Tick Tock, snowflake....
But you folks lost that one, as you lost the one where you were going to send Hillary to jail, too. There needs to be a point where you accept your defeat and move on. When will we see that point?

Thank you for demonstrating how the DISEASE of 'Party-1st' has infected and rotted the united States from within.

Brennan did not betray REPUBLICANS by illegally stripping Americans of their Constitutional Rights by illegally spying on them.

Brennan did not betray REPUBLICANS by illegally spying on the press, US Senators, and USSC Justices.

Brennan did not violate REPUBLICANS' Rights, did not break REPUBLICAN law, and did not victimize REPUBLICANS when D-Diane Feinstein revealed Obama and Brennan had spied on HER1

'You folks lost that one'?!

You are f*ing IGNORANT and a DISGRACE, claiming that the only people Brennan hurt and the only ones who 'lost' by Brannan being protected from being Fired, Indicted, and Imprisoned for his crimes were 'YOU FOLKS' - Republicans / Conservatives.

You celebrate Perjurers, Obstructionists, Criminals, and Traitors to this country and the American people being protected from Justice because they have a 'D' in front of their name / are Democrats.

I have lost just bout any respect for you I had left.
I have lost just bout any respect for you I had left.
Since you've been saying that for over a year, I'm not quite as crushed as the first dozen times you said it.

You are f*ing IGNORANT and a DISGRACE,
True. I admit I am not entirely conversant on your conspiracy theories and I am not at ALL interested in learning more about it.

This is what the Inspector General found in the case of the CIA spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee:
According to an unclassified summary of the CIA inspector general’s findings released late on Thursday, two agency attorneys and three technical staff members “improperly accessed or caused access” to the firewalled portions of the network that the committee staffers used. None was named. The three technicians “demonstrated a lack of candor about their activities during interviews.”

Among other measures, the agency officials “conducted a keyword search of all and and a review of some of the emails” that committee staffers sent over the CIA-established network. Brennan was said not to know of the action, which occurred after he ordered an end to the surreptitious monitoring.

The inspector general additionally found that a CIA claim that the committee staff improperly accessed certain agency data on the network was the result of “inaccurate information.”

I could be wrong, but that does not sound like "going to prison" stuff to me. Feinstein did not call for his resignation. Only Udahl did. No one else took up that banner. Awww, Easy, foiled again putting your enemies in prison.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Someone has got to stop him before he turns us into an autocratic banana republic. Congress won't do it until next year.

Why won't they do anything until next year? The damned elections? I swear, this every two year election business gives Congress approximately 9 months when they will do ANYTHING anymore. All the rest of the time is sitting with their thumbs up their ass afraid of the polls.

Because as long as Rs control both Houses, there will be no investigations, no reprimands, no NOTHING.
They are afraid of Trump's Twitter thumbs.
Invertebrates all - And good riddance Paul!

We will see if the outcome of the elections in November puts a little starch in their spines.

I think Paul Ryan was very good at doing a miserable job. I think he is a decent man, even if he is a conservative, and his JOB is to represent and move forward the ideas of his party, including its current leader, who happens to be an asshole. Ryan got his damned tax thing through, didn't he? That was what he has lived for and he managed it. I don't think he has been a jellyfish, just because he doesn't badmouth the Pres. His job is the OPPOSITE and he's done it well.

Besides, he's kinda cute.

I do think the reason he is stepping down and out of politics is because he is so disgusted with Trump.

So elections will make the decision of whether Trump is a criminal / traitor or not, not evidence of crimes, but elections don't determine who really is P{resident if you reject the outcome, which - according to Hillary - makes you a threat to our Democracy.

Got it.....

Why don't you learn how to read, Easy? The elections may decide if the Congressional Republicans will start putting the ideals of America in front of the horror currently sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania. They need to speak up when he does something this wrong.
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
No, there is no "real evidence" behind those allegations. At least none that I have seen. A LOT of twisting the facts, though, and basing a lot of wild conjecture on it.
Now you're lying to yourself .... multiple people have been fired alrdy.....all you have is what ....not one indictment.
There have been multiple indictments. Who has been fired for conspiring with the Russians from the Hillary campaign? I thought that is what you were talking about?
none for what you allege
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
No, there is no "real evidence" behind those allegations. At least none that I have seen. A LOT of twisting the facts, though, and basing a lot of wild conjecture on it.
Now you're lying to yourself .... multiple people have been fired alrdy.....all you have is what ....not one indictment.
There have been multiple indictments. Who has been fired for conspiring with the Russians from the Hillary campaign? I thought that is what you were talking about?
ITs working that direction...front men first in FBI Comey, McCabe Wray Strzok latest.....OHR will go next …..Sally Yates .....real've got Mantafort on nothing related...
Why don't you learn how to read, Easy? The elections may decide if the Congressional Republicans will start putting the ideals of America in front of the horror currently sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania. They need to speak up when he does something this wrong.

Again, you are no longer worth wasting time over, OL. Thank you again fro proving you are a full-fledged Party-1st rabid partisan.

Donald Trump won the Presidency fair and square.
Obama declared there was no way our election could be hacked.
Not One vote was changed by the Russians.
There is no evidence of any illegal collusion between Trump and Russia.

The only 'horror' going on in DC is the fact that the Democrats are continuing to engage in their collaborated Obstruction and treason 1st declared by Schumer the day after it was announced Trump had beaten Hillary - when he declared openly that the Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing / blocking EVERYTHING the President and GOP attempt to accomplish - no matter how much it would benefit the United States...and they have done just that.... the point where Democrats have humiliated themselves by telling Americans, "All this success - best economy in decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, etc... - is BAD for the country.


The only 'horror' going on, proven by the only existing evidence of actual crime revealed, is the crimes being exposed that Democrats have perpetrated followed by justification, excuses, and defense by snowflakes.
Being the Patriot that he is....Brennan feels an obligation to warn America about the dangers of a Despotic President.
Does anyone think Brennan is actually pissed about being stripped of his security clearance or is he playing a part?
Stick to the topic. "But Hillary" is so pathetic at this point.
Funny I am on topic ...collusion with the Russians withreal evidence as opposed to yrs of your nothingness
No, there is no "real evidence" behind those allegations. At least none that I have seen. A LOT of twisting the facts, though, and basing a lot of wild conjecture on it.
Now you're lying to yourself .... multiple people have been fired alrdy.....all you have is what ....not one indictment.
There have been multiple indictments. Who has been fired for conspiring with the Russians from the Hillary campaign? I thought that is what you were talking about?
ITs working that direction...front men first in FBI Comey, McCabe Wray Strzok latest.....OHR will go next …..Sally Yates .....real've got Mantafort on nothing related...
Trump enemy list

Neutralize anyone who can pin you to Russia
Does anyone think Brennan is actually pissed about being stripped of his security clearance or is he playing a part?
Anyone who has served this country is pissed over the politicization of our security clearances
Former FBI Brennan betrayed his country, lied to the nation, punished Benghazi heroes by stripping them of their security clearances for telling the truth, and committed perjury before Congress TWICE...

Brennan has now been stripped of his security clearance. Brennan has ONLY been stripped of his security clearance. He should have been indicted and charged for his crimes.

The traitor, however, has ridiculously claimed that stripping him of his security clearance equates to stripping him of his Right if Freedom of Speech.

Brennan is a professional liar. He is also an idiot. A security clearance is a privilege bestowed on those who have proven to be honest and trustworthy, who will dutifully and loyalty serve this country. Brennan has proven he is anything but those things.

Now the traitor is publicly declaring he is considering suing to get his security clearance back and to strip the President of the ability to strip criminals and traitors like him of their security clearances once they have proven they are a threat to this country.

Rudy Giuliani taunts John Brennan over security clearance lawsuit threat

“Then we take his deposition right away. As the plaintiff he’d have to go first. I’d volunteer to do that case for the president. I’d love to have Brennan under oath for I don’t know, how many days, two, three days? We’ll find about Brennan,” Mr. Giuliani told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures.”

He cited
Mr. Brennan’s role as CIA station chief in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, when the Khobar Towers were bombed in 1996, killing 19 U.S. service members, and his support for Communist Party presidential candidate Gus Hall in 1980.

“How do you become CIA director if in the midst of the Cold War, you vote for a Communist? Only Obama would pick you.”

Nothing quite like a frivolous lawsuit filed by an enemy of the state.
Why don't you learn how to read, Easy? The elections may decide if the Congressional Republicans will start putting the ideals of America in front of the horror currently sitting in 1600 Pennsylvania. They need to speak up when he does something this wrong.

Again, you are no longer worth wasting time over, OL. Thank you again fro proving you are a full-fledged Party-1st rabid partisan.

Donald Trump won the Presidency fair and square.
Obama declared there was no way our election could be hacked.
Not One vote was changed by the Russians.
There is no evidence of any illegal collusion between Trump and Russia.

The only 'horror' going on in DC is the fact that the Democrats are continuing to engage in their collaborated Obstruction and treason 1st declared by Schumer the day after it was announced Trump had beaten Hillary - when he declared openly that the Democrats were 100% committed to obstructing / blocking EVERYTHING the President and GOP attempt to accomplish - no matter how much it would benefit the United States...and they have done just that.... the point where Democrats have humiliated themselves by telling Americans, "All this success - best economy in decades, lowest unemployment in decades / ever, etc... - is BAD for the country.


The only 'horror' going on, proven by the only existing evidence of actual crime revealed, is the crimes being exposed that Democrats have perpetrated followed by justification, excuses, and defense by snowflakes.
Damn Boy....Mueller must be getting close
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

I don’t understand what the problem is revoking someone’s security clearance when that person isn’t actively working the job that had allowed for them to have the clearance in the first place. Perhaps I’m wrong but it seems to me this is being blown out of proportion like many things having to do with Trump. The media and his opposition can spin this negatively and therefore they won’t pass up the chance to.
Does anyone think Brennan is actually pissed about being stripped of his security clearance or is he playing a part?
Russia conducted a Counter-Intelligence Operation in the US using our social media with the objective of keeping the US divided.

In an attempt to keep Trump from winning, the Obama administration ran its own Counter-Intelligence operation. This is where Strzok comes in - he is THE Counter-Intelligence expert in the US. We see his hand in everything that went on - from interviewing and protecting Hillary and her aides to modifying the FBI report on her investigation to working with Brennan to write the doctored / tainted IC Report and ICA to being Mueller's handpicked anti-Trump investigator....

As it turns out, whether coordinated with the Russians or not, Obama's/the FBI's Counter Intelligence Operation carried on what the Russians' tried to accomplish - dividing America - and did so far more successfully so far than the Russians could have hoped .

Hillary was right when she declared 'those who do not accept the results of elections are a threat to our democracy'.

This is not the 1st Time Mueller betrayed his country, as the evidence provided shows.....and it is amazing how so many Liberals are defending someone who undeniably perjured himself, committed Espionage / illegally spied on Americans / US Senators / USSC Justices, punished the Benghazi heroes for telling the truth, and attempted / is attempting to stage a treasonous political coup.
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.

How could they possibly prove such a thing?
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.
That would be interesting. I'll bet there are some lawyers in D.C. who would take that case for free. It was my first reaction--take Trump to court and stop him.

Why would a lawyer take on a case he can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt... for free no less?
I don’t understand what the problem is revoking someone’s security clearance when that person isn’t actively working the job that had allowed for them to have the clearance in the first place.

There is NOTHING wrong with doing so!

When Hillary Clinton stepped down as Secretary of State she was READ-OUT of TOP SECRET COMPARTME security programs. She signed a government document stating she would no longer talk about these programs or have any information pertaining to them.

The FBI declared after they recovered the files Hillary tried to destroy (Obstruction) that they had recovered TS-SCI information from off of her hard drive / server. When calls for the release of the information were made, Obama declared this information was SO CLASSIFIED that it could not be released in any format because to do so would cause GRAVE DAMAGE TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY. (THIS IS INSTANTLY EVIDENCE OF HILLARY BREAKIG THE LAW.)

It was later revealed that Russian and FIVE (5) OTHER FOREIGN ENTITIES had accessed her server and had obtained this data Obama said was SO CLASSIFIED it could not be released to the public without causing GRAVE DAMAGE TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY In other words, Hillary compromised National Security and caused 'GRAVE DAMAGE TO OUR NATIONAL SECURITY'.

Having a Security Clearance was not even the / an issue in this case. HILLARY DID NOT HAVE A SECURITY CLEARANCE THAT ALLOWED HER TO HAVE THIS INFORMATION....YET SHE HAD IT JUST THE SAME...and allowed our enemies to obtain it.

I personally don't care if it was Hillary Clinton or Ronald Reagan or Mickey Mouse, whoever perpetrated this act - whoever did it needs to be made an example of, to show this type of treason / Espionage will not be tolerated.
I hope Brennan does sue him. But I'm not sure he can. The President was legally on firm footing to revoke his clearance, I think. I read it in an article shortly after it happened, to my great disappointment.
Trump should be stopped from this; he needs to get his little hand burned on the hot stove and learn to stay away from this cheap dictator shit.

The grounds would be that it was done (and Don the Con admitted it) for retribution, NOT for national security purposes.
I've seen a several legal experts say that he definitely has a case.

How could they possibly prove such a thing?

Oh please - He admitted why he did it to Brennan the same fucking day.
Trump Admits Revoking Brennan’s Security Clearance Was About the Mueller Probe

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