After cheering Obama who pardoned terrorists, liberals now "appalled" at Trump pardoning Joe Arpaio

Where have I claimed that any of those are delegated?

As for the Air Force, to ask such a question is proof you have no clue how they came about.

However, you're asking apples to oranges questions. You're using examples of how the federal government goes about doing what it has delegated authority to do and the discussion is whether or not they have the authority to do it.

Do you believe the federal government has the right to tax fuel?
Yes. By law they are allowed to lay taxes.

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."

Meet the Constitution.
pardon power for federal crimes is granted to the President of the United States under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution

Meet the constitution
I know it. I also know that KKK Joe caught a break from his little racist buddy.
Stupidity and lacking any character - detected
Trolling - reported.
I see you're new here. My suggestion is you ease up on the report button. This isn't facebook.
Yes. By law they are allowed to lay taxes.

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."

Meet the Constitution.
pardon power for federal crimes is granted to the President of the United States under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution

Meet the constitution
I know it. I also know that KKK Joe caught a break from his little racist buddy.
Stupidity and lacking any character - detected
Trolling - reported.
I see you're new here. My suggestion is you ease up on the report button. This isn't facebook.

Based on what he/she believes, he/she is one of yours.
I agree that fuel taxes are OK whether I like them or not because they are a delegated power.
Good. Move along now.

I'm still waiting on where any taxes have the authority to be spent on healthcare and food stamps. Do you have where that authority exists for the federal government?
Meet the General Welfare clause.

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."
pardon power for federal crimes is granted to the President of the United States under Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution

Meet the constitution
I know it. I also know that KKK Joe caught a break from his little racist buddy.
Stupidity and lacking any character - detected
Trolling - reported.
I see you're new here. My suggestion is you ease up on the report button. This isn't facebook.

Based on what he/she believes, he/she is one of yours.
I know. And he/she may have jumped the gun and already put me on ignore. LOL
This is not the place for high expectations.
I know it. I also know that KKK Joe caught a break from his little racist buddy.
Stupidity and lacking any character - detected
Trolling - reported.
I see you're new here. My suggestion is you ease up on the report button. This isn't facebook.

Based on what he/she believes, he/she is one of yours.
I know. And he/she may have jumped the gun and already put me on ignore. LOL
This is not the place for high expectations.

Tells me he/she is a sock.
I agree that fuel taxes are OK whether I like them or not because they are a delegated power.
Good. Move along now.

I'm still waiting on where any taxes have the authority to be spent on healthcare and food stamps. Do you have where that authority exists for the federal government?
Meet the General Welfare clause.

"Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power to lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States."

That doesn't say food stamps or healthcare. I asked for the words and you give me some bleeding heart Liberal INTERPRETATION to claim it means those things. Not how it works, retard.
Apparently the left only approves of pardoning murderers, embezzlers, etc. But if somebody enforces the law, he should hang. Oh, my, we can't have a President flouting the Rule Of Law... all of a sudden. Can we?

List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama - Wikipedia

Of course, liberals don't actually care who gets pardoned or why. It's just their latest excuse for demanding the destruction of Republicans and law enforcers.

Their entire being is concentrated on that task and that task only. Their excuses and pretensions may change, but the agenda remains the same forever.

So you think that Trump doing the wrong thing is his way of getting even with Obama?


He is jealous and maniacally so of Obama, isn't he? And he's implanting that into the micro-minds of his followers. (They are no longer voters or supporters, they are followers, sort of like Syung Yung Moon had and Jim Jones. Mouth-breathing, glassy-eyed followers.)
Trump pardon of ex-sheriff sparks bipartisan outrage

Arpaio, convicted of criminal contempt of court for violating a federal court order to stop profiling Latinos in Arizona, was controversial enough, but the White House announcement drew bipartisan criticism. The news came two hours before Harvey made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane along the Texas coastline. Arpaio is seen as a political ally of the president, and they share similar views on immigration.
God is conspiring with Trump.
The Devil I tell you! The Devil! The prince of Darkness!!!
Stupidity and lacking any character - detected
Trolling - reported.

Then, so is yours. Now go cry somewhere.
Trolling - reported.

You being a cowardly pussy - reported.

If you're going to have such a thin skin, go play with dolls. That's what little girls do.
Trolling - reported.
You know accusing someone of trolling is trolling.
Apparently the left only approves of pardoning murderers, embezzlers, etc. But if somebody enforces the law, he should hang. Oh, my, we can't have a President flouting the Rule Of Law... all of a sudden. Can we?

List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama - Wikipedia

Of course, liberals don't actually care who gets pardoned or why. It's just their latest excuse for demanding the destruction of Republicans and law enforcers.

Their entire being is concentrated on that task and that task only. Their excuses and pretensions may change, but the agenda remains the same forever.
And how many people who Obama pardoned were guilty of defying a Federal Court Order? How many had committed crimes that undermine the very authority of the Constitution?

Why Trump’s Pardon of Arpaio Follows Law, Yet Challenges It

Last month, a federal judge found Mr. Arpaio, a former Arizona sheriff, guilty of criminal contempt for defying a court order to stop detaining immigrants based solely on the suspicion that they were in the country illegally. The order had been issued in a lawsuit that accused the sheriff’s office of violating the Constitution by using racial profiling to jail Latinos. Mr. Arpaio had faced a sentence of up to six months in jail.

Mr. Trump thus used his constitutional power to block a federal judge’s effort to enforce the Constitution. Legal experts said they found this to be the most troubling aspect of the pardon, given that it excused the lawlessness of an official who had sworn to defend the constitutional structure.

Noah Feldman, a law professor at Harvard, argued before the pardon was issued that such a move “would express presidential contempt for the Constitution.”

Don't have a cow now!

And how many people who Obama pardoned were guilty of defying a Federal Court Order? How many had committed crimes that undermine the very authority of the Constitution?

Get some perspective, Dude! The guy defied a judge's order, not robbed a bank or killed someone! And it was a Misdemeanor offense! Quite trying jive us with your BULL that letting Joe off will rock the very underpinnings of our nation!!!!
Consider McCain's words

No one is above the law and the individuals entrusted with the privilege of being sworn law officers should always seek to be beyond reproach in their commitment to fairly enforcing the laws they swore to uphold,” McCain said in the statement. “Mr. Arpaio was found guilty of criminal contempt for continuing to illegally profile Latinos living in Arizona based on their perceived immigration status in violation of a judge’s orders. The President has the authority to make this pardon, but doing so at this time undermines his claim for the respect of rule of law as Mr. Arpaio has shown no remorse for his actions.” John McCain Rips Donald Trump For Pardoning Joe Arpaio | HuffPost

How many of Obama's pardons were for sworn law enforcement officers who showed contempt for the law and the court??

No one cares what McStain thinks, we all know he is going to side with shitbag liberals.
Brilliant Dude! Just fucking BRILLIANT! Now answer the question

I don't know, I haven't gone through his near 2,000 pardons person by person.

So far we know he has pardoned terrorists, traitors, and drug dealers.
He even let one terrorist mastermind loose from Gitmo!
*cough* general welfare *cough* a restriction on the Fed govt, requiring that when they spend tax money, it must be on programs that benefit all Americans equally.

If it were the kind of broad permission that the big-govt leftists wish it was, to do anything the politicians think will "help" somebody, then 3/4 of the Constitution would be redundant, giving the Fed a power already covered by this fictitious "general welfare" permission.

The restrictive "welfare clause" is one of the most-violated passages in the entire Constitution.
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Get back on topic, and stop the baiting and trolling to report posts.
Apparently the left only approves of pardoning murderers, embezzlers, etc. But if somebody enforces the law, he should hang. Oh, my, we can't have a President flouting the Rule Of Law... all of a sudden. Can we?

List of people granted executive clemency by Barack Obama - Wikipedia

Of course, liberals don't actually care who gets pardoned or why. The pardon matter is just their latest excuse for demanding the destruction of Republicans and law enforcers.

Their entire being is concentrated on that task and that task only. Their excuses and pretensions may change, but the agenda remains the same forever.
I agree that fuel taxes are OK whether I like them or not because they are a delegated power.
Good. Move along now.

I'm still waiting on where any taxes have the authority to be spent on healthcare and food stamps. Do you have where that authority exists for the federal government?
*cough* general welfare *cough*

That argument is making the distinction between those that work for a living and those that vote for one.
I agree that fuel taxes are OK whether I like them or not because they are a delegated power.
Good. Move along now.

I'm still waiting on where any taxes have the authority to be spent on healthcare and food stamps. Do you have where that authority exists for the federal government?
*cough* general welfare *cough*

That argument is making the distinction between those that work for a living and those that vote for one.
It is my grand ambition to be able to stay at home, enjoy the AC while playing MMORPG's without having to work for it.
But for now I have a job :(

And ice cream. Got to have my ice cream. Oh and Soda. Lots of Soda. Damn I'm never going to be able to quit my job.
I agree that fuel taxes are OK whether I like them or not because they are a delegated power.
Good. Move along now.

I'm still waiting on where any taxes have the authority to be spent on healthcare and food stamps. Do you have where that authority exists for the federal government?
*cough* general welfare *cough*

That argument is making the distinction between those that work for a living and those that vote for one.
It is my grand ambition to be able to stay at home, enjoy the AC while playing MMORPG's without having to work for it.
But for now I have a job :(

My grand ambition is to have time to do more things I enjoy doing that being one of those that works for a living and being forced to support those that vote for one can't do as much of now. It will be soon. I plan on retiring at the end of 2018 still plenty young enough to do those other things.

At least for the next 17 months I'll be working because people on welfare depend on me.

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