After Hussein, A Real American President


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Not one to threaten action over a pretend 'red line'....and the liar Hussein did....

First, he threatened Syria if they crossed a 'red line' of using chemical weapons....
"First of all, I didn’t set a red line, the world set a red line."

And this one....
Obama in 2015: ‘Assad Gave Up His Chemical Weapons…Those Have Been Eliminated’”


Then explain this:

“The April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun, which cost the lives of more than 80 people ….

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday the firing of 59 cruise missiles from two U.S. Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean was intended to “show the United States will not passively stand by while [President Bashar] Assad murders innocent people with chemical weapons, which are prohibited by international law and which were declared destroyed.” Obama in 2015: ‘Assad Gave Up His Chemical Weapons…Those Have Been Eliminated’

America was wise enough to put a real American in office:

"Turkish lira plunges 14% versus dollar after Trump authorizes doubling metals tariffs on Turkey
Turkish stocks also fell Friday as the iShares MSCI Turkey ETF dropped 13.3 percent. The ETF was already down 42.3 percent this year before Friday's losses.

The sharp drop in Turkish assets came after a delegation returned from Washington with no apparent progress on the detention of U.S. pastor Andrew Brunson, who is charged with supporting a group blamed for an attempted coup in 2016.

Last month, Trump threatened to slap "large sanctions" on the country if it refuses to free Brunson."

Turkish lira plunges 14% versus dollar after Trump authorizes doubling metals tariffs on Turkey

And, of course, Trump's actions against the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism:
"After Sanctions, Iran’s Economy Is Nearing a Crisis
With the nuclear deal in tatters, the country faces an uncertain future."
Terms of Service Violation

The Trump Doctrine:

"It's My Way, Or The Highway"
Crooked Donnie on the loose again

He is threatening to double the price of Turkey in retaliation
Not one to threaten action over a pretend 'red line'....and the liar Hussein did....

First, he threatened Syria if they crossed a 'red line' of using chemical weapons....
"First of all, I didn’t set a red line, the world set a red line."

And this one....
Obama in 2015: ‘Assad Gave Up His Chemical Weapons…Those Have Been Eliminated’”


Then explain this:

“The April 4 attack in Khan Sheikhun, which cost the lives of more than 80 people ….

Defense Secretary James Mattis said Monday the firing of 59 cruise missiles from two U.S. Navy destroyers in the Mediterranean was intended to “show the United States will not passively stand by while [President Bashar] Assad murders innocent people with chemical weapons, which are prohibited by international law and which were declared destroyed.” Obama in 2015: ‘Assad Gave Up His Chemical Weapons…Those Have Been Eliminated’

America was wise enough to put a real American in office:

"Turkish lira plunges 14% versus dollar after Trump authorizes doubling metals tariffs on Turkey
Turkish stocks also fell Friday as the iShares MSCI Turkey ETF dropped 13.3 percent. The ETF was already down 42.3 percent this year before Friday's losses.

The sharp drop in Turkish assets came after a delegation returned from Washington with no apparent progress on the detention of U.S. pastor Andrew Brunson, who is charged with supporting a group blamed for an attempted coup in 2016.

Last month, Trump threatened to slap "large sanctions" on the country if it refuses to free Brunson."

Turkish lira plunges 14% versus dollar after Trump authorizes doubling metals tariffs on Turkey

And, of course, Trump's actions against the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism:
"After Sanctions, Iran’s Economy Is Nearing a Crisis
With the nuclear deal in tatters, the country faces an uncertain future."
Terms of Service Violation

The Trump Doctrine:

"It's My Way, Or The Highway"

If you went by Obama's actions, you'd think he was the leader of some large Muslim country. America always came last.

Sad part is that so many of the young people were raised during the America-hating years. So many teachers praised Obama and the far left. To them, it was normal to embrace our enemies and bash many of our citizens.
The Great Obama, along with the other major powers lifted sanctions in return for Iran giving up their nuclear program

Crooked Donnie allowed them to restart their nuclear program
When dealing with the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism.....Hussein Obama encouraged them, guaranteed them nuclear weapons, and became the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism.

Along comes a non-politician, but a true American, Trump.....and does what Hussein didn't.

And Iran is suffering.

Today...another punch in their nuclear nose....

"Pompeo Names Special Representative For Iran, Creates Iran Action Group
WASHINGTON -- U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has announced the appointment of a special representative for Iran to coordinate U.S. policy as the administration looks to ramp up pressure on Tehran after pulling out of the 2015 nuclear deal.

In a briefing on August 16, Pompeo said Brian Hook, currently the State Department’s director of policy planning, will head the new Iran Action Group (IAG) and will coordinate actions among various U.S. agencies.

Pompeo said that "we're committed to a whole-government effort to change the Iranian regime's behavior, and the Iran Action group will ensure that the State Department remains closely synchronized with our interagency partners."

Pompeo Names Special Representative For Iran, Creates Iran Action Group

What a blessing this President has been.


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