After learning 1 of his valets was corona-infected, Trump became "lava level mad" at staff & said he doesn't feel they're doing much to protect him!

And all the yes-men scampered back to their cubicles in fear to wonder just where it all went wrong. Their days spent uselessly mollifying the world's most powerful toddler.

This thread is not about Hillary's campaign staff.
Hillary does not have a campaign staff. This is not 2016.

They are still in dumbfounded state of mourning. She's still the Cabernet Queen. It's likely she calls them and yells at them often, late at night.
Who cares? Hillary is old news and will never receive another vote. The democrats moved on about fifteen minutes after she lost while Trump is still stupidly campaigning against her. Man you people about faint with joy when president dumbass whips out the same old "lock her up" bullshit. It's pathetic.
Hmm lets see.

Trump is well over 65 the age at which the death rate from covid-19 goes through the roof.
Trump is overweight so he has a preexisting condition making him even more vulnerable.
Trump is in the most powerful office in the land in charge of our nuclear weapons.

And now someone who is around him regularly has come down with it. Someone who handles his clothes for him. Yea I'd be pissed too.

Trump should just isolate if he doesn’t want to be exposed. It’s called taking responsibility for yourself.
And all the yes-men scampered back to their cubicles in fear to wonder just where it all went wrong. Their days spent uselessly mollifying the world's most powerful toddler.

This thread is not about Hillary's campaign staff.
Hillary does not have a campaign staff. This is not 2016.

They are still in dumbfounded state of mourning. She's still the Cabernet Queen. It's likely she calls them and yells at them often, late at night.

Well do. And so do the people on the right who are desperately looking for a diversion or distraction from the utter catastrophic abortion that constitutes the Trump administration.
And while I sit here and question what exactly the strategy of Tom Peres and the DNC is, I know it doesn't involve Hillary Clinton. But you go on and use her. It's a convenient distraction.
I'm just going to stop bothering myself with these TDS posts and reports.....yawn.....
His first order, we are testing every day now. Once a week is not enough. Then he says Testing is not perfect.

Was he the one who said the test were beautiful

Should not Trump be quarantine for 14 days. I say lock him up. Still if you want to open the country up then you have to be willing to take the same risks. As a leader he should lead the way to not being afraid.
I wish a speedy recovery to the Navy official who served as valet. Hopefully the virus wasn't passed to anybody else in the White House. As for Trump becoming "lava level mad" as the story notes, I find that subjective and would desire that sort of stuff be limited to the gossip columns.
Hmm lets see.

Trump is well over 65 the age at which the death rate from covid-19 goes through the roof.
Trump is overweight so he has a preexisting condition making him even more vulnerable.
Trump is in the most powerful office in the land in charge of our nuclear weapons.

And now someone who is around him regularly has come down with it. Someone who handles his clothes for him. Yea I'd be pissed too.
Trump eats oat meal. that ensures he will never get old and he will never die.

run along!
The link is to a liberal news source. I don't believe it. Especially since anyone in the know recognizes this is just another flu bug.
The link is to a liberal news source. I don't believe it. Especially since anyone in the know recognizes this is just another flu bug.
you can expect a conservative news source to say something bad about Trump, just as you cant expect a liberal news source to say something good

that's just the way it is, my friends!
I wish a speedy recovery to the Navy official who served as valet. Hopefully the virus wasn't passed to anybody else in the White House. As for Trump becoming "lava level mad" as the story notes, I find that subjective and would desire that sort of stuff be limited to the gossip columns.

That is news these days for you. Opinion drivel occupies virtually 100 percent of the major news sources out there now. They are all garbage as though this would be a news story even if 100 percent hard fact. No one cares, nothing happened and the president did not catch COVID from this breach.
another day, another temper tantrum

Sorry. Not a Trump fan but not seeing where he threw a tantrum in this article. More likely, he just shrugged. Which suggests more of a level of arrogant stupidity than anything else. He's a notorious germaphobe. You would think he'd be more cautious.

Trump found out Thursday that person had been in his vicinity, he "became 'lava level mad' at his staff and said he doesn't feel they are doing all they can to protect him from the virus," a person close to the White House told NBC News.

the fat sob was scared shitless - so much for his fake virus bullshit.

Fuk Trump
And all the yes-men scampered back to their cubicles in fear to wonder just where it all went wrong. Their days spent uselessly mollifying the world's most powerful toddler.

This thread is not about Hillary's campaign staff.
Hillary does not have a campaign staff. This is not 2016. The last four years happened and Trump blew it. You had such high hopes and Hero Trump turned out to be zero. You should now be reflecting on the folly of hero worship.
The minute SF-Joe is elected President please be the first one to post it.
The world will be waiting for your post and laughing in your face.
Before Nov. SF-Joe will drop out so he can be a volunteer coach for a public school Delaware 'Barely Pubescent Volleyball Team'.
HRC will be his assistant coach.

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