After More Than 3 Years And Intense Questioning Of Hillary Benghazi Is Alive And Well

Jesus. Where the fuck have you been. They had many warnings about that attack and did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

Hillary got warning Benghazi attack was premeditated terrorism | New York Post

The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and pulled their people out which is what we should have done.
From your link:

The report also states that Stevens himself rejected two offers from General Carter Ham, the head of the U.S. military’s Africa command, for military protection the month before the attacks.

Yet the report also makes clear that many of the most frequent repeated and widely accepted criticisms of how the administration handled the aftermath of the attack are false.

There was no “stand down” order given to U.S. military assets.

Various versions of the talking points do not suggest the White House edited them to cover up references to Al Qaeda or to manufacture evidence of a protest.

Despite Republican accusations that Rice deliberately mislead the public, there’s no reason to believe Rice should have known better than the intelligence community what had happened before they did.

Crawl back under your rock where it's damp. You know what happens to your kind in bright daylight.

He refused some security but he also requested more security. Hell. He and everyone at that embassy should have been pulled out.

The Brits and the Red Cross pulled out because of those warnings. Apparently you would have stayed like State had our folks stay.

Crawl back under your rock and dig a deeper hole. Common Sense will be the death of an idiot like you.
Jesus. Where the fuck have you been. They had many warnings about that attack and did absofuckinglutely nothing.

Benghazi report: State Dept. didn't heed security warnings

Hillary got warning Benghazi attack was premeditated terrorism | New York Post

The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and pulled their people out which is what we should have done.
From your link:

The report also states that Stevens himself rejected two offers from General Carter Ham, the head of the U.S. military’s Africa command, for military protection the month before the attacks.

Yet the report also makes clear that many of the most frequent repeated and widely accepted criticisms of how the administration handled the aftermath of the attack are false.

There was no “stand down” order given to U.S. military assets.

Various versions of the talking points do not suggest the White House edited them to cover up references to Al Qaeda or to manufacture evidence of a protest.

Despite Republican accusations that Rice deliberately mislead the public, there’s no reason to believe Rice should have known better than the intelligence community what had happened before they did.

Crawl back under your rock where it's damp. You know what happens to your kind in bright daylight.

Yeah...Republican horse shit
Sounds more like Democrat lack of common sense and the I could care less attitude.
Outside of Watergate, Benghazi has been the most politically successful congressional investigation in modern history. Hillary's arrogance and dishonesty has been exposed. Her private server was the most important finding and the FBI investigation could ruin her once and for all.

As I recall she was a can't-miss candidate. After unsuccessfully scrambling for an alternative, the Democrats are stuck with her.
Outside of Watergate, Benghazi has been the most politically successful congressional investigation in modern history. Hillary's arrogance and dishonesty has been exposed. Her private server was the most important finding and the FBI investigation could ruin her once and for all.

As I recall she was a can't-miss candidate. After unsuccessfully scrambling for an alternative, the Democrats are stuck with her.

How telling. You rant about a 608 day investigation that hasn't produced anything new about Benghazi and then you bring up the completely unrelated fact about her server. A fishing expedition is all it is and ever was.
What we do know as FACT:
- The State Department and the WH were aware of threats of an attack pending on 9/11/12, proven by the fact that every other nation represented in Benghazi pulled their people out due to those same threats.

- The State Department and WH were aware of a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stevens on 9/11/12 due to an Al Qaeida leader from Benghazi having been killed via drone strike several months earlier.

- Ambassador Stevens was denied security equipment such as road barriers by the State Department and was forced to ask other nation's reps for their equipment they were leaving behind.

- The State Dept hired an AL QAEIDA-associated militia to protect a US Ambassador

- There were 2 terrorist attacks against Stevens' compound in the weeks leading up to 9/11/12, the 2nd attack leaving a 4-foot hole in the compound wall.

- Ambassador Stevens reported that Al Qaeida flags were beginning to fly over Benghazi govt buildings, that MORE Al Qaeida training camps had been opened, and informed the State Department that if he did not have additional security he would die (pending a 3rd, more coordinated attack on his compound - he died in that 3rd attack).

- Stevens requested additional security over 600 times...and was denied every time. According to Hillary she never knew about any of the requests? (Way to handle your agency!)

- Not only did the State Department NOT send additional security team members and NOT pull Stevens out like every other nation had done with their personnel, despite his pleading, the State Dept stripped Stevens of 16 members of his security detail (pulling THEM out) - after the 2nd terrorist attack on Stevens' compound.

- KNOWING, according to the reports and testimony, that Stevens had no 'cover', no 'support', no designated rescue team support that could get there on time if they were needed, Hillary and Obama rejected his over 600 pleas for additional security AND took an additional 16 members of his security team away from his detail. (Make sense to anyone?!)

- Within an hour of the attack starting, the State Department Lead in Tripoli testified that he called Hillary DIRECTLY to notify her this was a terrorist attack.

- Within an hour of the attack beginning the CIA testified that they authored a report, - specifying this was a terrorist attack, and sent it directly to the WH War Room and to Hillary Clinton at the State Department.
-- This report was modified 13 times, every reference to 'terrorism' stripped from the report, before it was released.

- Hillary's e-mails show she talked to the Egyptian PM and her daughter during which conversations she made it clear to them that the attack had nothing to do with a video. "WE KNOW THIS IS A TERRORIST ATTACK" AND "THE VIDEO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.

- Despite initial denial by the WH, a list of phone calls obtained through the FOIA showed that at 10pm on 10/11/12 Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama talked about the attack. Not long after Hillary initiated the false story that the attack had started as a protest over a video.

- According to reports, testimony, and e-mail and phone logs, Neither Obama nor Hillary ever went to the WAR / Situation Room during the 13-hour attack. Obama remained in the living quarters of the WH yet stayed in frequent contact with Hillary at the State Department...which included their 10pm phone call.
--- While Ambassador Stevens and 3 other Americans fought for their lives and died Obama and Hillary were devising their 'Video' story and prepping the LIE Rice would begin telling the next morning on the Sunday Morning talk shows.

(I guess they chalked the 4 Americans up as a 'loss' and started focusing on 'CYA' to protect themselves and Obama's re-election chances!)

! Stevens NEVER should have been there.
-- Stevens should have been pulled out as soon as the rest of the countries began pulling their people out.

-- Stevens should have been pulled out no later than the 2nd attack on his compound

-- Stevens should have been pulled out well before the 100th request for additional security - rather than the 600th - was rejected

-- Stevens should have been pulled out when 16 members of his security detail, after the 2nd attack on his compound, were pulled out

-- Stevens Should have been pulled out when (if they ever did) they srated putting the pieces together:
** UNDER-Guarded
** 2 Previous Terrorist Attacks
** 16 Security detail Members pulled
** NO military Response / QRF forces to respond if needed
** Call / Vow to attack on 9/11/12
** Call to assassinate on 9/11/12
??? WHO TF leaves an American Ambassador in harms' way under those conditions..WHEN THEY DON'T HAVE TO / WHEN THERE IS NO REASON TO DO SO?

! An Al Qaeida-associated militia should NEVER been hired out to protect a US Ambassador.
-- (I can't even believe that needed to be said. The truth is, as one CIA operative reportedly testified, the Obama administration wanted to keep a low profile in Benghazi due to the gun-running op, so hiring 'locals' (local AL AQEIDA) was preferred.

Although there is so much more we can stop here.... factual, proven, documented, testified....

The indescribably, criminally inept / border-line treasonous decision-making, self-serving/protecting acts, lies, cover-up, etc...... is unbelievable!

Anyone who would do such a thing, make such mistakes, should never again be entrusted with ANY measure or responsibility, especially a position that is responsible for the life f even 1 single human being / American citizen. THIS amount of insanity far surpasses the standard 'WTF" moment.

...but what even surpasses even THAT is how, considering all of this, mentally deranged, rabidly partisan, Hillary/DNC-1st Liberals claim there is nothing here, that nothing 'bad' was proved, that Hillary and Obama handled the 'sacrifice' of Ambassador Stevens and 3 Americans - NEEDLESSLY - to terrorist with 'flawless excellence'.

Obama had the gall to say about the traitor Bergdahl, 'No man left behind'. In the case of Benghazi, it has been clearly proven that Hillary and Obama ABANDONED them to their fate and THEN left them behind. While these Americans fought for their PHYSICAL lives and waited for help that never came, Obama and Hillary LITERALLY concocted their story designed to save their POLITICAL lives.

'At this point, what does it matter?' - Hillary

'Nothing to see here, nothing proven, 'yawn'. - Liberals

Michele Obama was, according to her, never proud of her country until Barry was elected President. For me, on 9/11/12 and the days that followed, because of the actions of this President and his Secretary of State, for the 1st time I was ashamed of my country.
Outside of Watergate, Benghazi has been the most politically successful congressional investigation in modern history. Hillary's arrogance and dishonesty has been exposed. Her private server was the most important finding and the FBI investigation could ruin her once and for all.

As I recall she was a can't-miss candidate. After unsuccessfully scrambling for an alternative, the Democrats are stuck with her.

I agree and I just watched FOX news. They had three CIA contractors who were there.

They were ready to go when they called their bosses and were told to STAND DOWN.

After Forty minutes of listening to the State Department folks who were screaming for help they disobeyed those orders and made it to the consulate.

One of those three was on the roof when Woods and Doherty were killed. He was hit in the arm and all over the body with shrapnel.

These guys were there and the narrator took them through the entire timeline of the attack.

Hope they repeat this show.
Stevens had that option of leaving the entire time he was in Libya and he never exercised it. An Ambassador is not in the military, he can leave whenever he wants to. I'm glad that he was a patriot not afraid of the danger. A Republican would have flown the coop at the first sound of a firecracker.
In case you didn't notice the man is dead.

State could have pulled them all out but didn't.

The Brits and the Red Cross got those same warnings and pulled their people out which is exactly what we should have done.
Outside of Watergate, Benghazi has been the most politically successful congressional investigation in modern history. Hillary's arrogance and dishonesty has been exposed. Her private server was the most important finding and the FBI investigation could ruin her once and for all.

As I recall she was a can't-miss candidate. After unsuccessfully scrambling for an alternative, the Democrats are stuck with her.

How telling. You rant about a 608 day investigation that hasn't produced anything new about Benghazi and then you bring up the completely unrelated fact about her server. A fishing expedition is all it is and ever was.
f you're fishing for trout and catch salmon it's not failure. The private server was a hell of a catch, and it's been hell for Hillary.
I will trust the word of the people on the ground in Benghazi on 9-11-12 more than I will the politicians in Washington.

Yup and FOX just had three CIA contractors who were there.

Sure hope they repeat that segment because a Stand Down was issued to those three.

After forty minutes of traffic from the Stat Department employees trapped those three ignored their orders and went to the consulate.

The narrator took them through the whole timeline of that attack. These men were there and like you I'd believe them before some pussies politicians.
Objectivity and healthy perspective are anathema to ultra right wingers; nonetheless, for those who have not been wholly brain-washed by FOX and Rush, bear in mind that this "investigation" into Benghazi has gone on LONGER than the inquiry into the 9-11 catastrophe.
The perspective should apply here......How many American lives were lost in these 2 incidents and WHO knew what beforehand to possibly prevent such carnages.
If she just didn't lie from the beginning, there probably wouldn't have been problems.. Well maybe it IS a CLinton..
But what else is she supposed to do? Speak the truth? :lol:

Did they ever address concerning about the spokeswoman for the administration, insisted it was a demonstration over a video? Then the democrats try to change their story and say it was terrorism all along. You can't trust anything this administration says.
Benghazi was the only smidgen of hope conservatives had for 2016. And it blew up in their faces. Now they have to wait and pray that somebody finds something, ANYTHING in Hillary's e-mails that they can spin and cry wolf about that will affect her poll numbers.

All they have to do is run the segment where Hillary is telling the media that she is "satisfied" of this administrations efforts on terrorism following San Bernardino. Then try to convince us that we need to concentrate on more tighter gun laws, while California has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation. Yeah, I'm quite sure it was very effective there.
Benghazi was the only smidgen of hope conservatives had for 2016. And it blew up in their faces. Now they have to wait and pray that somebody finds something, ANYTHING in Hillary's e-mails that they can spin and cry wolf about that will affect her poll numbers.

All they have to do is run the segment where Hillary is telling the media that she is "satisfied" of this administrations efforts on terrorism following San Bernardino. Then try to convince us that we need to concentrate on more tighter gun laws, while California has some of the most strict gun laws in the nation. Yeah, I'm quite sure it was very effective there.
Is that all?

The hag is not capable of telling the truth, nor accepting responsibilities for her actions. Just another pathetic disconnected liberal politician. It is concerning that even when she is faced straight on that she lied she continues to do so. I guess this is what one should expect from the liberal side of the bench.
The smartest Republicans in the country fired question after question at Secretary Clinton for eleven continuous hours and evidently didn't get enough answers.......DUUUHH

Fox is reporting that the hearing is ongoing.

They've got their panties in a wad over four people who volunteered for hazardous duty and were drawing hazardous duty pay and they still have to live with cowboy Bush who single handedly started two totally unnecessary and caused the death of 8000 young Americans and the wounding of 50,000. What a bunch of dumbasses....they have no shame.

I am still pissed at FDR for single handedly and unnecessarily starting WWII. Only 60,000,000 people were killed world wide.

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