After Nancy Pelosi Repeatedly Said Nobody Is Above the Law, Paul Pelosi Appears to Be Above the Law

The leftest eleit always think that the rules do not apply to them.

We see it in all the Leftest countries. The leaders live well while peons suffer.
Well, shit, if Twitter user Nathandan says it's true, it must be fucking true!

Seriously? You're using Twitter as your source for reliable information?

Let's look at each item in your list:

  • He had priors so it should have been a felony
Two things here. First a second misdemeanor DUI doesn't automatically become a felony because of a previous misdemeanor DUI. Second, I haven't seen a single thing which confirms that Paul Pelosi has had a previous DUI...

  • Police waited 4.5 hours to breathalyze him, by which time his blood was at .08 (the minimum)
Did they? Are we sure they didn't give him a breathalyzer at the scene?

  • No mugshot available
Of what benefit would it be to view a mugshot? I know our local Sherrif's office often takes several hours to post a mugshot. Sometimes they never do...

  • No dash cam/body cam footage
Believe it or not, not every law enforcement agency in the country has body-cams. I don't know if the arresting agency in this case does. Even so, what benefit would it be for you to be able to view that video?

  • Nancy may have been with him.
Nancy was across the country. This is confirmed. That notwithstanding, what bearing would that have on Paul Pelosi being charged with a DUI?

  • He had priors so it should have been a felony
Two things here. First a second misdemeanor DUI doesn't automatically become a felony because of a previous misdemeanor DUI. Second, I haven't seen a single thing which confirms that Paul Pelosi has had a previous DUI...
This depends on what county/state you are in. Not all of them have the same rules for following DUI laws. And because of the current goings on, the DNC would make certain that no previous records would be able to be had. Pelosi's lawyers would see to that.

  • Police waited 4.5 hours to breathalyze him, by which time his blood was at .08 (the minimum)
Did they? Are we sure they didn't give him a breathalyzer at the scene?
More than likely, because of his age and who he is, they waited.
  • No mugshot available
Of what benefit would it be to view a mugshot? I know our local Sherrif's office often takes several hours to post a mugshot. Sometimes they never do...
His lawyers would have made certain that his mugshot was not available to anyone.
You know Pelosi's first call was to his lawyers!!!

  • No dash cam/body cam footage
Believe it or not, not every law enforcement agency in the country has body-cams. I don't know if the arresting agency in this case does. Even so, what benefit would it be for you to be able to view that video?
True, lots of police departments don't wear them. But their vehicles ARE, by law, supposed to be equipped with front video/sound cameras or dashcams.
But again, his lawyers are going to make sure that none of the FACTS hit the media.

  • Nancy may have been with him.
Nancy was across the country. This is confirmed. That notwithstanding, what bearing would that have on Paul Pelosi being charged with a DUI?
She was with him in drunken stupor spirit. LMAO
If he had anyone in the car with him, he can be charged with an assortment of things......all depending on if they got hurt or not, from his actions while driving.

The MAIN FACT being, his lawyers will get him off, and his lawyers will threaten the police department with a slew of lawsuits if they release any information to the public, the media, or anyone outside of the police office.
No Democrat will be charged with anything they might do in a Democrat-dominated village, town, city or state.

Anyone bent on shooting up a school or shopping center should first consider where they vote. If it's a scumbag place - register as a Democrat and donate to the party boss. Then you're immune.

If you don't live in a progressive paradise but just can't control that urge to kill - move quickly and make yourself as profitably visible to The Party as you can! Then go ahead - you'll be immune.
  • He had priors so it should have been a felony
Two things here. First a second misdemeanor DUI doesn't automatically become a felony because of a previous misdemeanor DUI. Second, I haven't seen a single thing which confirms that Paul Pelosi has had a previous DUI...
This depends on what county/state you are in. Not all of them have the same rules for following DUI laws. And because of the current goings on, the DNC would make certain that no previous records would be able to be had. Pelosi's lawyers would see to that.

The only county and state that matter in this discussion is Napa County, California.

That said, you can't assume anything just because of who she's married to. Also, if there were no previous records to be had, how it is that so many here are claiming it was his second DUI?

  • Police waited 4.5 hours to breathalyze him, by which time his blood was at .08 (the minimum)
Did they? Are we sure they didn't give him a breathalyzer at the scene?
More than likely, because of his age and who he is, they waited.

The police didn't wait at all.

First, are we sure he didn't submit to a breathalyzer at the scene?

Second, a person can't be forced to take a breathalyzer. If it DID take that long, it's just as likely, if not more so, that the police tried to get him to take one earlier and he refused...

  • No mugshot available
Of what benefit would it be to view a mugshot? I know our local Sherrif's office often takes several hours to post a mugshot. Sometimes they never do...
His lawyers would have made certain that his mugshot was not available to anyone.
You know Pelosi's first call was to his lawyers!!!

That doesn't answer the question. What benefit is it to you to be able to see it?

You seem to think lawyers are magicians and can seemingly wave a magic wand and make criminal histories and mugshots disappear. That's silly...

  • No dash cam/body cam footage
Believe it or not, not every law enforcement agency in the country has body-cams. I don't know if the arresting agency in this case does. Even so, what benefit would it be for you to be able to view that video?

True, lots of police departments don't wear them. But their vehicles ARE, by law, supposed to be equipped with front video/sound cameras or dashcams.
But again, his lawyers are going to make sure that none of the FACTS hit the media.

Whether or not something hits the media plays no role in the accuracy of the charges.

And, again, there you go with the magic lawyers again...

  • Nancy may have been with him.
Nancy was across the country. This is confirmed. That notwithstanding, what bearing would that have on Paul Pelosi being charged with a DUI?
She was with him in drunken stupor spirit. LMAO

So you can't answer. Got it...

If he had anyone in the car with him, he can be charged with an assortment of things......all depending on if they got hurt or not, from his actions while driving.

But no one was in the car with him, so that's utterly irrelevant....

The MAIN FACT being, his lawyers will get him off,

Well, that's why people hire lawyers, isn't it?

and his lawyers will threaten the police department with a slew of lawsuits if they release any information to the public, the media, or anyone outside of the police office.

The lawyers can threaten anything they want. I'm rather certain the DA there would understand the information is a matter of public record. A simple FOIA request can get that information. You seem to think that Merlin the Wizard Attorney can make it all go away...
Nancy P, surrounded by her high walls, living in her ivory tower, believes she’s above the law, her corrupt party believes irs above the and her cult of dembots cheer her criminal conduct on
What else is new? Have you heard of Madison Hawthorne? Multiple DUI's, multiple driving without a license, takes his guns to the airport and tries to get them through security twice.

But I know,,, you hate Democrats. I should start a threat about Boebert's husband, whipping out his junk at a bowling alley at little girls.

Who? You are quite confused. Did you graduate from high school?
Fact remains:

He's gonna walk.

In the same circumstances you would not.

Where are the cries of "White Privilege" -

Are California elites not identified by their skin tone like the rest of us peons?

Or is it really all that dark in California these days?
Nancy P, surrounded by her high walls, living in her ivory tower, believes she’s above the law, her corrupt party believes irs above the and her cult of dembots cheer her criminal conduct on
Give it a break, Democrats and Republicans get away with breaking the Law everyday. Don't try to make it seem as though only 1 party has this privilege.
The only county and state that matter in this discussion is Napa County, California.
Well, you didn't state that now, DID YOU!!
Um, I shouldn't have had to.

This discussion is about Paul Pelosi. If you're so stupid as to enter a discussion regarding his arrest while being completely ignorant of the facts, that's not my fault.

He was arrested in Napa County, California. What would've happened if he was arrested elsewhere is utterly meaningless to this conversation...

That said, you can't assume anything just because of who she's married to. Also, if there were no previous records to be had, how it is that so many here are claiming it was his second DUI?
I don't need to assume ANYTHING, I know how these criminals work.

You know nothing...

Nobody has said for a fact if he's had priors or not, not that I know of. Maybe these other people got access to information we can't.

If he has priors, that information can be obtained with a simple FOIA request...

The police didn't wait at all.
Thats NOT what YOU STATED! your back tracking and trying to cover up your previous statements? I see how you are now. You gave yourself away!!!

You said the police waited to give him a breathalyzer.

They did not...

First, are we sure he didn't submit to a breathalyzer at the scene?
Now you're back tracking your back track??? Wow.........just fucking..........WOW!!!! You ARE the perfect DementiacRat!!!

Well, now you're just proving how ignorant you are. Anyone who would think I'm a democrat is either ignorant or mentally retarded...

Second, a person can't be forced to take a breathalyzer. If it DID take that long, it's just as likely, if not more so, that the police tried to get him to take one earlier and he refused...

Again, this is where the benefit of knowledge comes in. Funny that you claim to know "how these criminals work", yet you know nothing of what law enforcement does when they arrest someone.

I'm not going to spoon-feed you, asshole. You've made it clear that you're far too intellectually bankrupt to have this discussion...

Well, DementiacRats are insanely, just par for the course on your end.

Talk to me about illegal immigration or about our dependence on foreign oil and see how much of a democrat I am.


That doesn't answer the question. What benefit is it to you to be able to see it?
I never said it would be of benefit to me. I couldn't care less. One less photo of another deranged criminal people don't have to see! If you want specific answers from specific people, then you need to state names, not just GENERALIZE!!!

Then why are you whining that there was no mug shot available?

You seem to think lawyers are magicians and can seemingly wave a magic wand and make criminal histories and mugshots disappear. That's silly...
I used to work for lawyers, I know EXACTLY how they work, ESPECIALLY in politics!! YOU obviously have NO FUCKING CLUE about anything you are stating!!!
I absolutely do.

You, conversely, remain ignorant...

Whether or not something hits the media plays no role in the accuracy of the charges.
Were you born retarded, or did you have to practice at it?

I see you're fa too mentally retarded to tackle simple questions...

And, again, there you go with the magic lawyers again...
Again, you OBVIOUSLY have NO CLUE how things operate or how they work.

So you DO believe in magical lawyers! LOL!!


So you can't answer. Got it...
You have no it.
Your stupid response fails to negate the fact that you're too stupid to answer a simple question...

But no one was in the car with him, so that's utterly irrelevant....
You posed a scenario, I gave you a possible outcome regarding it.
I posed nothing. I merely stated what the law was in the jurisdiction being discussed...

Do your parents know that they are the Poster Couple for Abortion?

This will get your post reported.

Read the fucking rules, shit-stain...

Well, that's why people hire lawyers, isn't it?
According to Since they can't "wave their magic wands" and get him off.
By the way.........lawyers don't have magic wands. You might want to stave off the hallucinogenics and LSD.

Dude, you're the one who thinks Pelosi's lawyers can make things go away and never be viewed in the public eye, not me. I know they can be, and I know how to obtain those things...

The lawyers can threaten anything they want. I'm rather certain the DA there would understand the information is a matter of public record. A simple FOIA request can get that information. You seem to think that Merlin the Wizard Attorney can make it all go away...
The DA wouldn't have any say in it, as they would do what the government lawyers tell them to do. Just like the police. Obviously you have absolutely NO CLUE about how any of this works.
By the way, are the men in white coats and butterfly nets still looking for you?

I don't put many people on "ignore", but you're close. The only reason I haven't done it already is because I can;t wait to see what kind of retarded drivel you belch up next...
Also, if there were no previous records to be had, how it is that so many here are claiming it was his second DUI?
I am suspect of the narrative that there is another "Paul Pelosi," that has been convicted of DUI's.

. . . I want the media to run BOTH of their mug shots. . . if they don't? IMO? It is just a complex gaslighting game, to keep him above the law. And? A big lie.

. . . the whole thing, smells fishy as hell, to cover up what he did. I did some digging? Turns out at one point in time, he killed his own brother through his behavior. The establishment has always been covering up for this oligarch.


Give it a break, Democrats and Republicans get away with breaking the Law everyday. Don't try to make it seem as though only 1 party has this privilege.

BINGO. . . all of these oligarchs could get away with rape and murder, and the system would not bat an eye to let them off the hook. Behind closed doors, they don't give a shit which party any of them are. They have their plans for all of us.

Same as it ever was.
the whole thing, smells fishy as hell, to cover up what he did. I did some digging? Turns out at one point in time, he killed his own brother through his behavior. The establishment has always been covering up for this oligarch.

Something that happened over 60 years ago is hardly indicative of a pattern. Also, in 1957, Paul Pelosi was 17 years old. I'd hardly say that qualifies as an "oligarch"...

Something that happened over 60 years ago is hardly indicative of a pattern. Also, in 1957, Paul Pelosi was 17 years old. I'd hardly say that qualifies as an "oligarch"...

Agreed. I got it wrong.

His father was, probably, from one of a, "mob," connected family though. Given he is Italian, and Nancy's family is Italian?

No information is available on his father, this "wholesale druggist," or what he got up to. Given that Nancy's father had mob connections which worried JFK?

The union was not only a marriage of love, but also one of a doing a solid. A favor returned.


That corruption has only now been legitimized. . . .
Simple. They hate Nancy and think this has anything to do with her. It's like Boeberts husband whipping out his penis in a Colorado bowling alley in front of little girls. It's not Boebert's fault her husband's a diaper stain.. same with Nancy.
But Clarence Thomas's wife is a good enough reason to kick him off the Supreme Court.
Agreed. I got it wrong.

His father was, probably, from one of a, "mob," connected family though. Given he is Italian, and Nancy's family is Italian?

No information is available on his father, this "wholesale druggist," or what he got up to. Given that Nancy's father had mob connections which worried JFK?

The union was not only a marriage of love, but also one of a doing a solid. A favor returned.


That corruption has only now been legitimized. . . .

There's exactly zero evidence that Pelosi, or his family, were connected to the mob. Believe it or not, there were a shitload of Italians in the United States in the 40's and 50's who had no ties to the mob.

I think it's funny, though, how you say there's no information available about his father, and then immediately followed that up with the allegation that he had mob ties.

Really can't have it both ways...
There's exactly zero evidence that Pelosi, or his family, were connected to the mob. Believe it or not, there were a shitload of Italians in the United States in the 40's and 50's who had no ties to the mob.

I think it's funny, though, how you say there's no information available about his father, and then immediately followed that up with the allegation that he had mob ties.

Really can't have it both ways...

Nancy Pelosi's father Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. was as crooked as they come

Revealed: JFK Worried Pelosi's Dad Was Associated With Organized Crime​

Some people are more equal than others.

But this really stinks.

Being the husband of the Speaker of the House apparently has its privileges. Paul Pelosi, who was arrested this weekend on suspicion of DUI, experienced several instances of special treatment, as detailed by Twitter user Nathandan.
The Paul Pelosi case just gets stranger
    • He had priors so it should have been a felony
    • Police waited 4.5 hours to breathalyze him, by which time his blood was at .08 (the minimum)
    • No mugshot available
    • No dash cam/body cam footage
    • Nancy may have been with him.

Whatever is really happening with Paul Pelosi’s case, don’t expect to hear much about it from police or “investigative” journalists who are beholden to her. This has already been memory holed. Nothing happened, y’all!

yeh, it's another Vince Foster, may he rest in peace...

But I can't help thinking:

If I were married to the Wicked Bitch of the East, I would drink heavily myself.

OK, Jesus, I will continue to pray for these albeit apparently eternally lost people...

The only county and state that matter in this discussion is Napa County, California.

That said, you can't assume anything just because of who she's married to. Also, if there were no previous records to be had, how it is that so many here are claiming it was his second DUI?

The police didn't wait at all.

First, are we sure he didn't submit to a breathalyzer at the scene?

Second, a person can't be forced to take a breathalyzer. If it DID take that long, it's just as likely, if not more so, that the police tried to get him to take one earlier and he refused...

That doesn't answer the question. What benefit is it to you to be able to see it?

You seem to think lawyers are magicians and can seemingly wave a magic wand and make criminal histories and mugshots disappear. That's silly...

Whether or not something hits the media plays no role in the accuracy of the charges.

And, again, there you go with the magic lawyers again...

So you can't answer. Got it...

But no one was in the car with him, so that's utterly irrelevant....

Well, that's why people hire lawyers, isn't it?

The lawyers can threaten anything they want. I'm rather certain the DA there would understand the information is a matter of public record. A simple FOIA request can get that information. You seem to think that Merlin the Wizard Attorney can make it all go away...
In California anyone suspected to DUI MUST submit to either a breathalyzer or blood alcohol draw. The detainee gets the choice of method. If he/she refused his/her license is seized on the spot and not returned until after the court proceeding and the detainee is arrested and placed into custody pending arraignment.

Implied Consent and Refusing a Blood Alcohol Test in California​

California's "implied consent" law requires all drivers who are lawfully arrested for driving under the influence to submit to BAC testing. Generally, the driver gets to choose between a blood or breath test.

Drivers who refuse testing must pay a $125 fine and face license suspension. Here are the suspension periods for a first, second, and third refusal.

1st Offense2nd Offense3rd Offense
License suspension1 year2 year3 year

For determining what is a second or third refusal, prior DUI convictions, reckless driving convictions, and refusal-related suspensions count. For example, a motorist with one prior DUI and one prior reckless driving conviction who refuses testing would face a three-year suspension for the refusal."

Nancy Pelosi's father Thomas D'Alesandro Jr. was as crooked as they come

Revealed: JFK Worried Pelosi's Dad Was Associated With Organized Crime​

The comedy that is you remains, though.

You said there was no information available on him. Clearly there is.

You're either stupid or a liar...

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