After rejecting Repub compromise and cuts,Dems announce new demand:We must spend MORE


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
After rejecting compromise after compromise from Republicans who want the government's out-of-control spending cut back, and the government reaches the end of the last measures it has to avoid defaulting on various payments it must make, Democrats have suddenly come up with a new plan: Get rid of the cuts we agreed to last year, and spend even more money!

In a bizarre last-minute ploy as wild spending brings the government to the brink of bankruptcy, Democrats have announced that they now want to roll back the cuts made in last year's "sequestration", and start spending even more money.

Have the Democrats decided that this is "Opposites Day" or something?

They have had no luck getting House Republicans to accept their "everything from last year plus Obamacare funding" demands so far.

Now do they think this new "everything plus Obamacare funding plus getting rid of the cuts we've already agreed to" demand will be somehow easier to get the House of Representatives to agree to?


Obama invites top lawmakers to White House amid struggling budget talks | Fox News

Republicans accuse Dems of overplaying hand as budget debate shifts to sequester cuts

Published October 14, 2013•

The terms of the debate shifting rapidly, lawmakers on Monday entered a critical week for resolving the budget and debt-ceiling impasse with Senate leaders Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell struggling to reach an accord -- and Republicans accusing Democrats of overplaying their hand.

President Obama and Vice President Biden, stepping back into the fray, plan to meet with the top four congressional leaders at the White House at 3 p.m. ET on Monday. Congress, aside from grappling with the partial government shutdown, faces an Oct. 17 deadline to raise the debt ceiling. After that date, the Treasury Department warns, the U.S. government will not be able to pay all its bills.

But both sides were having a difficult time keeping track of what the other wants out of a deal. A standoff that began as a fight by Republicans to unravel ObamaCare is now a fight over spending levels. After a string of budget proposals fell apart over the weekend, GOP lawmakers on Sunday pointedly accused Democrats of trying to squeeze Republicans to roll back across-the-board spending cuts known as sequester.
Watching this mess in DC is like listening in on a game of Call of Duty full of teenagers.

What an utter embarrassment for ALL of us.
On a more serious note, did anyone ever feel the impact of the sky falling as a result of the sequester? Obama and the dems promised us that life as we knew it would all but end. Oddly enough I never noticed a change.

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