After Two Speeches.Biden Has Not Given Us Any Economic Statistic To Prove His Claims Of Doom & Gloom

And yet, some people show up to watch Biden speak? We saw his first two rallies, did Biden ever bring up the unemployment rate? Did Biden ever bring up the fact that we have millions of more job openings than people looking? Did Biden bring up how many Americans are doing so much better in the stock market/401a plans?
No, right?
All we heard so far is that the middle class is hurting! suffering !! and that half of all Americans hate the other half! We are an immoral country and the middle class is going down the drain !!!
Yah, tell that to the 100 Million {or so} Americans who we hurting in 2009 and beyond when he was Vice President, and Biden did nothing to help the middle class for 8 Years !!!!!!!
:iagree: :hyper:

Maybe he can bring up the fact it is day 465 of stagnation in the financial markets.

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