AGU fall meeting

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008

In four days, the AGU will have it's 2016 meeting. This is the biggest scientific meeting for earth and space scientists in the world. And they post videos of the lectures as a public service, so you can see what the scientists are talking to each other about.

I will post videos from that meeting on this thread as they become available.

In four days, the AGU will have it's 2016 meeting. This is the biggest scientific meeting for earth and space scientists in the world. And they post videos of the lectures as a public service, so you can see what the scientists are talking to each other about.

I will post videos from that meeting on this thread as they become available.
Some of the folks I work for will be there...
Now that sounds interesting. What do you do?

I'm staff, at a university, I work for geology and geography. I find it fascinating :)
Damn, what a dream job. At least it would be for me. Just an overage millwright, 73, that will retire and work on a degree in geology for a couple of years. Been going to school part time, while working full time for about the last four years. Finished all but Vector Calculus in lower division classes, have several upper division classes under my belt. Highest being Eng. Geo. 470/570. Been reading geology journals since I was in my early twenties. And exploring the geology in the western states. If I read about it, I remember some of it. If I put my feet on it, I remember it. Yes, I bet you do find it fascinating, I certainly would.
Make sure to hit the New Ice Age discussion.
And who is making that presentation? LOL

Actually it sounds like a neat conference Old Rocks, have a good time.
Thank you. It is a neat conference, but, unfortunetly, I won't be going this year. Maybe next year. As a student. As a student, at 74. LOL But the lectures are put on video, and put in youtube. In fact, if you want to see videos from previous conferences go to AGU, youtube. Video lectures from all aspects of geology, including what we are finding out about other planets. A very good resource.
God Ray......if I ever get inspired to go back to school it will be due to one person!!
God.....nobody cares about only for the internet AGW hobbyists. might be news if there was some consensus in the science community but these people only invite you if you are a member of the club.:gay:

In four days, the AGU will have it's 2016 meeting. This is the biggest scientific meeting for earth and space scientists in the world. And they post videos of the lectures as a public service, so you can see what the scientists are talking to each other about.

I will post videos from that meeting on this thread as they become available.
What a terrible waste of time....and human potential.

DAMN it's cold outside...colder than a witch's tit.

If only AGW was real...and if only leftists were right just once.

In four days, the AGU will have it's 2016 meeting. This is the biggest scientific meeting for earth and space scientists in the world. And they post videos of the lectures as a public service, so you can see what the scientists are talking to each other about.

I will post videos from that meeting on this thread as they become available.
What a terrible waste of time....and human potential.

DAMN it's cold outside...colder than a witch's tit.

If only AGW was real...and if only leftists were right just once.

Yep....not kidding.....nobody cares about this. About as relevant as Hillary is now!

Look who is presenting at the AGU fall meeting in Cali...


A new paper they Co Authored on water vapor and how it is a negative feedback...
December 14th, 2016 – San Francisco, CA – A new study about the role of water vapor in climate sensitivity is being presented at the 2016 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union today by Willis Eschenbach and Anthony Watts in session A33B: Climate Sensitivity and Feedbacks: Advances and New Paradigms, in Moscone South Poster Hall at 1:10PM to 6PM December 14th, position A33B-0226.

The study, using satellite measured water vapor data obtained from Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) of Santa Rosa, CA, suggests that the global climate sensitivity to increased carbon dioxide, and the potential feedback mechanism of increased water vapor in Earth’s atmosphere, is actually far less than postulated by the IPCC.

Going to be some interesting reading now that this paper has gone public...

Key finding:

"The finding of an observationally measured increase in downwelling radiation of 3.3W/m2 since 1988, in addition to the increase in downwelling radiation over the period as calculated by the IPCC, with little corresponding change in temperature, calls into question the applicability of the concept of “climate sensitivity”.

From the paper:

"That is to say, we get a bit over two watts per square meter of increased absorption for every additional kilogram of atmospheric water per square meter.That is an interesting finding which we can combine with the following look at the change in global average total precipitable water since 1988: There is a clear trend in the TPW data. The total change over the period is ~ 1.5 kg/m2, centered around the long-term mean of 28.7 kg/m2. Utilizing the relationship between water content and atmospheric absorption derived above, this indicates an increase in downwelling radiation of 3.3 W/m2 over the period. Note that this 3.3 W/m2 increased forcing from the long-term increase in water vapor since 1988 is in addition to the IPCC-claimed 2.3W/m2 increase since 1750 in all other forcings (see Figure SPM-5, IPCC AR5 SPM 5). The IPCC counts as forcings the long-term changes in the following: CO2, CH4, Halocarbons, N2O, CO, NMVOC, NOx, mineral dust, SO2, NH3, organic carbon, black carbon, land use, and changes in solar irradiance, but not the long-term changes in water vapor."

"This leads us to a curious position where we have had a larger change in forcing from water vapor since 1988 than from all the other IPCC-listed forcings since 1750."

In other words, All other forgings have acted at less than 20% of the IPCC lowest C-scenario assessment. They also document energy escape showing that water is most definitely a negative forcing at combating heat build up on earth. it me or what?

You look at the threads posted up by the 3 or 4 members of the religion that post in this forum...........about 98% of their threads make it one or two days and then fall into the nether-regions of the internet galaxy. Then go look at the post count totals from the skeptics..........they go on for fucking YEARS!!!:ack-1::ack-1::boobies:

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