AGW crowd looking silly...again!!

Well look at you, the smartest stupid person in the world...

You don't even know what you're reading. Those scientists are not saying AGW isn't real. They are saying it's not a crisis yet. They still acknowledge AGW. Not all scientists agree on the severity.

What I said remains true. There is not a scientific institution on Earth that rejects AGW.
contradict? if you know no science, how is it you know it contradicts rather than prove it wrong? Son, you are one lost soul swimming in a fish bowl!!!
I'm not bringing my vocabulary down to elementary school level just so you can understand me. Sorry.
I took a class in meteorology ... the one where the student must be concurrent with second year calculus ... I'd like to see how you're solving your work integrals ... a link is fine ...
You people really just don't get it. Even when it's spelled out to you in plain English you just fail to understand.

This is not about me. These are not my studies or theories. I am not a climate scientist. Your attempts to undermine my credentials are completely beside the point. You're really just not intelligent enough to understand. This is why I tend to not get involved in these discussions.
What else can you say about this except.....


What else can you say about this except.....


View attachment 765990
So, if a country uses 99% coal, they get painted black. If they use 51% coal, they get painted black. No indication whatsoever of trends. Real fucking nuanced graphic you got there.

*for Todd: this graphic indicates the Saudi Arabia uses oil to generate electricity.
Let's look at all the models instead of just the cherry picked ones.
Your chart shows models being very close to reality.

So, I thank you for confirming how good the models are, and how right I was about that.

Now, let's contrast that to your side, which can't even get the direction of the temperature change right.

Our side is off by 10%, your side is off by 200%. And then you tell us to believe your side. Yeah.

And instead of your apples to oranges comparison, let's actually look at CMIP6 models instead of your CMIP5 models which are out of date. Which by the way CMIP5 still shows models running hot. And I noticed you didn't provide a link either.

View attachment 765595

Thread summary:

Deniers in general are losing their minds now. Their cult has collapsed. Even their own side has abandoned them. All the kewl conservative kids are telling some new stupid lie. Denialism is seen as the old fogeyism of conservative conspiracy crankery.
Look everyone. Manboob thinks he’s saying something.


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