AGW Disproven by Proving MWP Was Global?

Global warming: Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions | Mail Online

Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions, says new study
Evidence was found in a rare mineral that records global temperatures
Warming was global and NOT limited to Europe
Throws doubt on orthodoxies around 'global warming'

I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.
Global warming: Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions | Mail Online

Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions, says new study
Evidence was found in a rare mineral that records global temperatures
Warming was global and NOT limited to Europe
Throws doubt on orthodoxies around 'global warming'

I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.

No, you're missing the point.

You think I am saying 'if A causes B, then all B is caused by A', which is a fallacy.

I am saying that since the argument for 'ONLY A causes B' is that no other cause for B exists, then observing an event B where A could not have caused it proves that B is not always caused by A.

In other words, I am not saying that ALL Global Warming is not human caused, I am saying that Global Warming CAN be caused by things other than human activity.

If you follow the subject a bit closer, you will find that the chief 'evidence' of the causal link between human activity and Global Warming has been circumstantial in that our recent times have been claimed to be uniquely warm, as depicted in the infamous fraud the 'hockey stick' chart.

The Midieval Warming Period was discounted as a local Europe only episode that was not global. We now know that the MWP was in fact global, disproving that there is anything unique today regarding the nature of the global warming around us.
Globally, the estimated increase in temperature for the MWP was about 0.2 C. Already, the increase from AGW is 0.7 C.
-----------------------------------Global warming: Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions | Mail Online


I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.--------------

No, you're missing the point.

You think I am saying 'if A causes B, then all B is caused by A', which is a fallacy.
I dont think it you said it in your first post, which anyone with a brain would find utterly retarded.

I am saying that since the argument for 'ONLY A causes B' is that no other cause for B exists, then observing an event B where A could not have caused it proves that B is not always caused by A.
In other words, I am not saying that ALL Global Warming is not human caused, I am saying that Global Warming CAN be caused by things other than human activity.
If you follow the subject a bit closer, you will find that the chief 'evidence' of the causal link between human activity and Global Warming has been circumstantial in that our recent times have been claimed to be uniquely warm, as depicted in the infamous fraud the 'hockey stick' chart.
Yes and current global warming is caused by human activities, considered the fact that if you only included non human sources the earth should be at a cooling phase
-----------------------------------Global warming: Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions | Mail Online


I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.--------------

No, you're missing the point.

You think I am saying 'if A causes B, then all B is caused by A', which is a fallacy.
I dont think it you said it in your first post, which anyone with a brain would find utterly retarded.

No, I did not, but I do find you to be utterly retarded and likely a troll as well for making shit up when the OP isonly three posts up, dumbass.

I am saying that since the argument for 'ONLY A causes B' is that no other cause for B exists, then observing an event B where A could not have caused it proves that B is not always caused by A.
In other words, I am not saying that ALL Global Warming is not human caused, I am saying that Global Warming CAN be caused by things other than human activity.
If you follow the subject a bit closer, you will find that the chief 'evidence' of the causal link between human activity and Global Warming has been circumstantial in that our recent times have been claimed to be uniquely warm, as depicted in the infamous fraud the 'hockey stick' chart.
Yes and current global warming is caused by human activities, considered the fact that if you only included non human sources the earth should be at a cooling phase

Based on what evidence? None that is holding up and a lot that is simply fraudulent.

BTW, fuck off.
There is not a single repeatable experiment that shows a how .01% change in atmosphere by increasing in CO2 does ANY much less all of the things it's alleged.

There is not a single coherent explanation as to how CO2 is both leaving the ocean in a "Feedback Loop" and entering the ocean causing it to turn "acidic"

There is not a shred of real science behind AGW
Sure, just because the physicists have been saying differant for a century and a half, doesn't mean that Frankie Boy, the new Einstein, has not produced new physical evidence falsifying what has been known for a century and a half.

Tell us, Franky Boy, where are you new theories and discoveries going to be posted?
JimBowie1958 said:
----------------------------------Global warming: Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions | Mail Online
I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.--------------
No, you're missing the point.

You think I am saying 'if A causes B, then all B is caused by A', which is a fallacy.
I dont think it you said it in your first post, which anyone with a brain would find utterly retarded.--------------------
No, I did not, but I do find you to be utterly retarded and likely a troll as well for making shit up when the OP isonly three posts up, dumbass.[/quote]
"Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions,"
Jesus learn to read plz.

JimBowie1958 said:
I am saying that since the argument for 'ONLY A causes B' is that no other cause for B exists, then observing an event B where A could not have caused it proves that B is not always caused by A.
In other words, I am not saying that ALL Global Warming is not human caused, I am saying that Global Warming CAN be caused by things other than human activity.
If you follow the subject a bit closer, you will find that the chief 'evidence' of the causal link between human activity and Global Warming has been circumstantial in that our recent times have been claimed to be uniquely warm, as depicted in the infamous fraud the 'hockey stick' chart.---------------
Yes and current global warming is caused by human activities, considered the fact that if you only included non human sources the earth should be at a cooling phase------
Based on what evidence? None that is holding up and a lot that is simply fraudulent.
BTW, fuck off.

Solar activity & climate: is the sun causing global warming?
^The suns total irradiance is decreasing, meaning if the sun were the only variable the earth should be getting colder, but instead the earth is getting warmer.
Global Volcanism Program | Frequently Asked Questions | Has volcanic activity been increasing?
^Current Volcano trends if they were the only variable would have the earth cooling
Earth is twice as dusty as in 19th century, research shows
^Dust in the atmosphere has increased by 100% over the last century.
Dust is mostly a natural aerosol. Dust reflects sunrays away from the earth meaning that the increased dust is cooling the earth.

And yes I do realize your response will be "nope reality is fraudulent fuck off"
Global warming: Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions | Mail Online

Is this finally proof we're NOT causing global warming? The whole of the Earth heated up in medieval times without human CO2 emissions, says new study
Evidence was found in a rare mineral that records global temperatures
Warming was global and NOT limited to Europe
Throws doubt on orthodoxies around 'global warming'

I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.

Are for you real? THAT bullshit is what your brain came up with in response? ROFL Your lack of critical thinking skills is so significant you don't even deserve an serious response. That was a totally moronic response honey. Like wow -I can't believe you said such a dumb ass thing kind of moronic.

Thank you OR for the rational response, though I disagree with you conclusions.

This chart

shows that temperatures reached a peak in 1998 and have been in steady decline since 2009.

So, what is your point in posting a link to it?

Thank you OR for the rational response, though I disagree with you conclusions.

This chart

shows that temperatures reached a peak in 1998 and have been in steady decline since 2009.

So, what is your point in posting a link to it?

Look at the chart again. note the running average, the red line. Since 1998, there have only been two short periods where that mean was below the highest means prior to 1998.

1998 was a super El Nino. Yet 2010, had a moderate El Nino for half the year, and a strong La Nina for the other half. But the running mean of 2010 matched that of 1998. In fact, right now, in the second La Nina in a row, Februarys deviation of -0.12 is actually higher than most of the deviations prior to 1998.

We have had a lower TSI, more aerosols in the air from China and India's industrialization, yet the mean for this decade is way above that of any in the past 180 years of record keeping. That is not cooling, that is significant warming.

And the effects are readily apparent. An Arctic Ice Cap that is shrinking far faster than anyone thought possible. Extreme weather events that are more numerous and severe than we have seen in the past. We are well past the point of prevention, and have entered the beginning of the period of consequences from the warming.

Arctic Methane Emergency Group - AMEG - Home

Thank you OR for the rational response, though I disagree with you conclusions.

This chart

shows that temperatures reached a peak in 1998 and have been in steady decline since 2009.

So, what is your point in posting a link to it?

Look at the chart again. note the running average, the red line. Since 1998, there have only been two short periods where that mean was below the highest means prior to 1998.

1998 was a super El Nino. Yet 2010, had a moderate El Nino for half the year, and a strong La Nina for the other half. But the running mean of 2010 matched that of 1998. In fact, right now, in the second La Nina in a row, Februarys deviation of -0.12 is actually higher than most of the deviations prior to 1998.

We have had a lower TSI, more aerosols in the air from China and India's industrialization, yet the mean for this decade is way above that of any in the past 180 years of record keeping. That is not cooling, that is significant warming.

And the effects are readily apparent. An Arctic Ice Cap that is shrinking far faster than anyone thought possible. Extreme weather events that are more numerous and severe than we have seen in the past. We are well past the point of prevention, and have entered the beginning of the period of consequences from the warming.

Arctic Methane Emergency Group - AMEG - Home

The graph shows a plateu has been hit and a sine wave pattern suggested, not exponential warming. We certainly dont see the temperatures keeping pace with the growing amount of greenhouse gasses that globally we have been dumping into the air.

And also, you should know that there is no proof that warmer temperaturs cause severe weather. In fact, tornadoes, for example are caused by cold air masses moving on top of warm air masses. And there is nothing that proves we get more hurricanes with warmer temps either. The AGW supporters have zero ability to predict severity of hurrican seasons based on anticipated temps, and all they have done thus far is back fill their 'predictions' after the fact knowing that most in the public arent really paying any attention to who said what except in the most grotesquely wrong cases, like MET predicting several warm winters that proved to be disasterously cold, and some Warmistas asserting that the UK wont ever see snow again, lol.

I think it would behoove us to keep an open mind on this subject and get more evidence before committing trillions of dollars to combat what might be a nonexistant problem.

If the Warmistas are right, then based on their predictions from the 1990's it is already too late anyway, lol.
Answer to the OP question: no. What would be disproven by that, is a claim that ONLY fossil fuel burning and deforestation (the main causes of the current round of global warming) could EVER cause global climate change.

Nobody's made that claim, but if anyone ever does, well, now we'll know they're wrong. Or, have one more reason to know they're wrong, along with all of the geological evidence of global climate change that everyone already knew about, including everyone who has ever asserted AGW.

I see so according to you if a house burns down due to a lighting strike then ALL houses that burn down are burnt down by lightning strikes.
So according to you if a person dies from a gun shot then ALL people die from gun shots.

Are for you real? THAT bullshit is what your brain came up with in response? ROFL Your lack of critical thinking skills is so significant you don't even deserve an serious response. That was a totally moronic response honey. Like wow -I can't believe you said such a dumb ass thing kind of moronic.

Yes I do agree the OP was a complete dumbass moron full of bullshit, and anyone who cant see that must also as you say be a complete dumbass moron full of shit

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