AGW is a driver in mass extinction events

The most recent mass extinction was the Chicxulub Impact event, 66 million years ago. Homo Sapiens has been around for 200,000 years. Humans have not been through ANY mass extinctions.
View attachment 253168

You people are so damn predictable.... Not even empirical evidence calling you out liars stops the boy who cries wolf...

Show us some empirical evidence that proves I am a liar Billy.
Any post showing your use of failed modeling will do.. You have been shown over and over of the lie, yet you still spout it as truth... Its now tedious to keep calling you out..

That's a pure weasel of a response. Let's try this again.

Show us some of this empirical evidence that you claim proves me a liar.

In particular, show us some empirical evidence proving me a liar that relates to the topic of global warming as a driver of mass extinctions.
View attachment 253168

You people are so damn predictable.... Not even empirical evidence calling you out liars stops the boy who cries wolf...

Show us some empirical evidence that proves I am a liar Billy.
Any post showing your use of failed modeling will do.. You have been shown over and over of the lie, yet you still spout it as truth... Its now tedious to keep calling you out..

That's a pure weasel of a response. Let's try this again.

Show us some of this empirical evidence that you claim proves me a liar.

In particular, show us some empirical evidence proving me a liar that relates to the topic of global warming as a driver of mass extinctions.
Mankind is 60,000,000 years old.

Who knew?
Does this mean that Dinosaurs are extinct due to DGW?
Study concludes End Permian Extinction was caused by global warming.

Article: Biggest mass extinction caused by global warming leaving ocean animals gasping for breath

More reading at Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction
Rapid climate change at the end of the Permian Period (~252 million years ago) is the hypothesized trigger for the largest mass extinction in Earth’s history. We present model simulations of the Permian/Triassic climate transition that reproduce the ocean warming and oxygen (O2) loss indicated by the geologic record. The effect of these changes on animal survival is evaluated using the Metabolic Index (Φ), a measure of scope for aerobic activity governed by organismal traits sampled in diverse modern species. Modeled loss of aerobic habitat predicts lower extinction intensity in the tropics, a pattern confirmed with a spatially explicit analysis of the marine fossil record. The combined physiological stresses of ocean warming and O2 loss can account for more than half the magnitude of the “Great Dying.”

The permian extinction was due to cooling..

Clip: “A sea-level drop of nearly 100 m can be achieved solely by transferring vast seawater onto land in the form of ice. It is noteworthy that sea level was much higher in the Late Ordovician (ca. 60 m above the present-day level) than in the Middle Permian (ca. 80 m below the present-day level), even after the sea-level drop in the same magnitude.”

the sea level during the Capitanian contradictorily recorded the lowest stand of the Phanerozoic (Haq and Schutter, 2008), suggesting a global cooling instead. Ice coverage and/or the predominance of arid climates under cooling during the Permian likely accelerated the decrease in the seawater Sr ratio.”

Sea level drop, palaeoenvironmental change and related biotic responses across Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary in southwest, North and Central Iran | Geological Magazine | Cambridge Core

Clip: “The sea level drop and regression as a cause for end-Guadalupian extinction have also been reported in the Middle to Late Permian deposits in the Kuh-e Gahkum section in Zagros (Kolodka et al. 2012). This sea level fall and regression is in concert with the Permian global eustatic curve (Haq & Schutter, 2008), which signifies the lowest sea level during the Palaeozoic at the end of the Capitanian. The cause of this sea level fall is unclear. Isozaki, Kawahata & Ota (2007), Isozaki, Aljinovic & Kawahata (2011) and Kofukuda, Isozaki & Igo (2014) have speculated that global cooling was a causal factor in the late Capitanian regression. The Capitanian high positive plateau interval of carbonate carbon isotope ratio (δ13Ccarb), known as the Kamura event, has been suggested as confirmation of this cooling event.”
Cooling is the left handed version of the CO2 molecule
From post One is this howler:


Climate change over the past ∼30 years has produced numerous shifts in the distributions and abundances of species1,2 and has been implicated in one species-level extinction3. Using projections of species' distributions for future climate scenarios, we assess extinction risks for sample regions that cover some 20% of the Earth's terrestrial surface. Exploring three approaches in which the estimated probability of extinction shows a power-law relationship with geographical range size, we predict, on the basis of mid-range climate-warming scenarios for 2050, that 15–37% of species in our sample of regions and taxa will be ‘committed to extinction’. When the average of the three methods and two dispersal scenarios is taken, minimal climate-warming scenarios produce lower projections of species committed to extinction (∼18%) than mid-range (∼24%) and maximum-change (∼35%) scenarios. These estimates show the importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration."

Models all the way down is all this virtual science paper provides, you sure love wild pseudoscience speculations, it must give you a hard on, the only you get one these days I think or you wouldn't pursue this vomit so hard.
I could be wrong, but I don't think you need to fly down there to give them money.

Looks like they already got the check.. Building TWO brand airports at about 10 ft above sea level... They NEED MORE ransom money from the US and allies.. Check out the pics... It's a real Alfred E Neuman "what ME worry"? decision to blow that money on new airports when it SHOULD be used to save their sinking islands...

Maldives to Construct Two New Airports and Resorts – Maldives Insider

Study concludes End Permian Extinction was caused by global warming.

Article: Biggest mass extinction caused by global warming leaving ocean animals gasping for breath

More reading at Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction
Rapid climate change at the end of the Permian Period (~252 million years ago) is the hypothesized trigger for the largest mass extinction in Earth’s history. We present model simulations of the Permian/Triassic climate transition that reproduce the ocean warming and oxygen (O2) loss indicated by the geologic record. The effect of these changes on animal survival is evaluated using the Metabolic Index (Φ), a measure of scope for aerobic activity governed by organismal traits sampled in diverse modern species. Modeled loss of aerobic habitat predicts lower extinction intensity in the tropics, a pattern confirmed with a spatially explicit analysis of the marine fossil record. The combined physiological stresses of ocean warming and O2 loss can account for more than half the magnitude of the “Great Dying.”

The permian extinction was due to cooling..

Clip: “A sea-level drop of nearly 100 m can be achieved solely by transferring vast seawater onto land in the form of ice. It is noteworthy that sea level was much higher in the Late Ordovician (ca. 60 m above the present-day level) than in the Middle Permian (ca. 80 m below the present-day level), even after the sea-level drop in the same magnitude.”

the sea level during the Capitanian contradictorily recorded the lowest stand of the Phanerozoic (Haq and Schutter, 2008), suggesting a global cooling instead. Ice coverage and/or the predominance of arid climates under cooling during the Permian likely accelerated the decrease in the seawater Sr ratio.”

Sea level drop, palaeoenvironmental change and related biotic responses across Guadalupian–Lopingian boundary in southwest, North and Central Iran | Geological Magazine | Cambridge Core

Clip: “The sea level drop and regression as a cause for end-Guadalupian extinction have also been reported in the Middle to Late Permian deposits in the Kuh-e Gahkum section in Zagros (Kolodka et al. 2012). This sea level fall and regression is in concert with the Permian global eustatic curve (Haq & Schutter, 2008), which signifies the lowest sea level during the Palaeozoic at the end of the Capitanian. The cause of this sea level fall is unclear. Isozaki, Kawahata & Ota (2007), Isozaki, Aljinovic & Kawahata (2011) and Kofukuda, Isozaki & Igo (2014) have speculated that global cooling was a causal factor in the late Capitanian regression. The Capitanian high positive plateau interval of carbonate carbon isotope ratio (δ13Ccarb), known as the Kamura event, has been suggested as confirmation of this cooling event.”
Cooling is the left handed version of the CO2 molecule

Fun fact for you Sheldon Cooper "Big Bang Theory" fans... LOL...

In arguing with a certain denier in this forum who shall not be named about the heat capacity of CO2 -- I ran across a lot of articles about CO2 refrigeration units that use it as the compressible refrigerant.. It's actually pretty good as a refrigerant to carry off heat and bring the cold...
From post One is this howler:


Climate change over the past ∼30 years has produced numerous shifts in the distributions and abundances of species1,2 and has been implicated in one species-level extinction3. Using projections of species' distributions for future climate scenarios, we assess extinction risks for sample regions that cover some 20% of the Earth's terrestrial surface. Exploring three approaches in which the estimated probability of extinction shows a power-law relationship with geographical range size, we predict, on the basis of mid-range climate-warming scenarios for 2050, that 15–37% of species in our sample of regions and taxa will be ‘committed to extinction’. When the average of the three methods and two dispersal scenarios is taken, minimal climate-warming scenarios produce lower projections of species committed to extinction (∼18%) than mid-range (∼24%) and maximum-change (∼35%) scenarios. These estimates show the importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration."

Models all the way down is all this virtual science paper provides, you sure love wild pseudoscience speculations, it must give you a hard on, the only you get one these days I think or you wouldn't pursue this vomit so hard.

I know it's cruel. But any specie hanging in there by the skin of its teeth than can made extinct by a couple of degrees of YEARLY avg temperature --- maybe should just give it up now.... Don't know how they survive even a COUPLE years of yearly avg temp variations of +/- 35 or 40 degrees...

Wonder if these wunderkinder scientists with the low down on EVERY SPECIES chances -- ever PUBLISHED the list of ALL species studied and identify ALL the ones on "death watch" by genus and specie..

Don't think I'm paying the $5 to find out.. If Crick has actually READ the paper and KNOWS all that is in there and their methodology ( I assume they had one -- LOL) --- I'll give it read next time I'm at Vanderbilt...
BTW -- thinking people find it ironic and quirky that if the Maldives are heading for Davey Jones locker, that they would WASTE all that prime space that could SAVE PEOPLE and extend their hour of doom on a silly trinket like 2 new airports..

Show of hands. If your tribe was trapped on a sinking island, want would YOU use that land for???

Hmm... how about: It takes money to relocate your entire population and, by a huge margin, their primary income is tourist dollars.

And you wanna bet whether or not those new airports are taking rising sea levels into account?
Hmm... how about: It takes money to relocate your entire population and, by a huge margin, their primary income is tourist dollars.

And you wanna bet whether or not those new airports are taking rising sea levels into account?

You're saying that they RAISED the runways?
Numerous studies have concluded that we are moving into the Earth's sixth mass extinction event. The cause are almost all anthropogenic: pollution, loss of habitat, global warming, disruption of predator/prey relationships, migratory changes, introduction of new diseases, etc.

This study finds that increased levels of anthropogenic global warming lead to increased number of species extinction events. Acting to mitigate AGW will limit the number of species lost.

Extinction risk from climate change

Climate change over the past ∼30 years has produced numerous shifts in the distributions and abundances of species1,2 and has been implicated in one species-level extinction3. Using projections of species' distributions for future climate scenarios, we assess extinction risks for sample regions that cover some 20% of the Earth's terrestrial surface. Exploring three approaches in which the estimated probability of extinction shows a power-law relationship with geographical range size, we predict, on the basis of mid-range climate-warming scenarios for 2050, that 15–37% of species in our sample of regions and taxa will be ‘committed to extinction’. When the average of the three methods and two dispersal scenarios is taken, minimal climate-warming scenarios produce lower projections of species committed to extinction (∼18%) than mid-range (∼24%) and maximum-change (∼35%) scenarios. These estimates show the importance of rapid implementation of technologies to decrease greenhouse gas emissions and strategies for carbon sequestration.

Idiots writing idiot articles.
Study concludes End Permian Extinction was caused by global warming.

Article: Biggest mass extinction caused by global warming leaving ocean animals gasping for breath

More reading at Temperature-dependent hypoxia explains biogeography and severity of end-Permian marine mass extinction
Rapid climate change at the end of the Permian Period (~252 million years ago) is the hypothesized trigger for the largest mass extinction in Earth’s history. We present model simulations of the Permian/Triassic climate transition that reproduce the ocean warming and oxygen (O2) loss indicated by the geologic record. The effect of these changes on animal survival is evaluated using the Metabolic Index (Φ), a measure of scope for aerobic activity governed by organismal traits sampled in diverse modern species. Modeled loss of aerobic habitat predicts lower extinction intensity in the tropics, a pattern confirmed with a spatially explicit analysis of the marine fossil record. The combined physiological stresses of ocean warming and O2 loss can account for more than half the magnitude of the “Great Dying.”
So, you post proof that man is not responsible for global warming yet still believe. How many 'warming events' have occurred BEFORE mankind became a species?
Golleeee... I missed that. Where did I post proof that man was not responsible for global warming?
It looks to me as if they damn near pegged it back in 1988.

On front line of climate change as Maldives fights rising seas
Fig. 3. Profile across the western shore of the island of Gan in the Laamu Atoll. The 2004 tsunami completely over-washed the island, eroding littoral sand from the eastern shore and depositing a 20-30 cm sand layer on the western side graded into two terrace surfaces 1.95 and 1.65 cm above MTL. The present shore has a clear washing limit (WL), an erosion notch, 1.45 cm above mean-tide level (MTL). A sub-recent beach ridge, now over-grown by trees and vegetation, post-dates two radiocarbon dates with a mean of 375 BP or AD 1575. It represents a sea level by about 0.5-0.6 m above the present one

Some problems in the reconstruction of mean sea level and its changes with time
Author links open overlay panel!
The ocean level is constantly changing and there are many different forcing functions. Today, we realize that a rise in one area may, in fact, correspond to a fall in another area. A number of problems or pit-falls in sea level analyses are highlighted; viz. the significance of shore morphology, the multiple possible causes of coastal erosion, the necessity to consider cyclic changes, not least the 18.6 tidal cycle and its relation to our tide-gauge records, the effects of redistribution of ocean water masses, the problems with many sea level curves based solely on isolation levels, and the problems of transferring time/depth graphs into rates of sedimentation and sea level rise without having investigated and calibrated for on-going consolidation in the top-part of the sediment sequence; i.e. the zone of active compaction. Therefore, the necessity of multi-parameter analyses is strongly proposed.
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Sea level is always changing on the local to regional as well as on global scales. I have spent a lifetime on sea-level research (e.g., Mörner, 1969, 1976, 1986, 1987, 1995, 1996, 2004, 2007a, 2010a, 2013, 2014, 2015a, 2016a). The Indian Ocean is of special interest because several interacting variables can be identified and determined as to amplitude and rate of changes (Mörner, 2000). The geoid surface exhibits a 104-m low around the Maldives. The evaporation over the equatorial Indian Ocean is exceptionally strong, lowering the dynamic sea surface by some 30 cm (maybe even 40 cm). The monsoonal variations are strong, and may vary both in time and space. The water masses possess an E–W shift as well as a N–S shift.

This paper will be devoted to a description of available sea-level data in Goa, collected during a visit in association with session 3, “The Illusive Sea-Level Threat in the Indian Ocean” at the 7th International Conference on Asian Marine Geology ICAMG7 in Goa on 11–14 October 2011, and the “Climate Change: Shifting Science and Changing Politics” conference in Mumbai on 14 October 2011 (Liberty Institute, 2011).

The Goa sea-level data came out to be so simple and straightforward that they could serve as a perfect educational area of how to observe, record, and interpret field data. Therefore, I proposed to run an excursion for Past Global Changes at their meeting in Goa in 2013. The proposal was much applauded until it was discovered that the field data indicated a stable sea level over the last 50 years, and the excursion was cancelled.
The Timeline Of The Mass Extinction Events On Earth

1 Holocene extinction Present
Currently 65 million years between present day and 2
2 Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago
134 million years between 2 & 3
3 Triassic–Jurassic extinction event 199 million to 214 million years ago
52 million years between 4 & 3
4 Permian–Triassic extinction event 251 million years ago

113 million years between 4 & 5
5 Late Devonian extinction 364 million years ago-

75 million years between 5 & 6
6 Ordovician–Silurian extinction events 439 million years ago

So, we are probably getting close to it’s natural occurrence. Nothing to do with agw or have the ability to ward off. Much less spending trillions on something that is inevitable.
Is sea level the same all across the ocean?

Understanding trends in sea level, as well as the relationship between global and local sea level, provides critical information about the impacts of the Earth's climate on our ocean and atmosphere. The image above shows sea level change since 1993 and demonstrates the variation globally.

These data show low variability in the Indian Ocean. Per satellite altimetry, Goa looks to have risen 4-6 CM since 1993

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