Ah... poor Tea Party, we hardly knew ye

Then the GOP should be joining the Tea Party, not vice versa.

But you will NEVER see that on Fox News.
Indeed. But the TEA party is a movement...NOT a true party. There is a distinction.

That may have been how it started out when it was just 30 or so libertarians that were pissed off before the black guy got into office but then, in 2008, it morphed into something else entirely. You know...when it became a paid political arm of the GnOP...brought to you by the Dick Army's (or is it Army of Dick) of the world.

Libertarians? Really? Don't know much of the TEA Party movement do you? It isn't just 'Libertarians', I assure you...:eusa_hand:
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

She went on to say that the Tea Party will not support a third-party candidate as that would split the the vote and ensure a victory for Obama. That was the point of her comment you posted. :)
And at the same time save the GOP from what they are now, and that is Democrat Lite...

Then the GOP should be joining the Tea Party, not vice versa.

But you will NEVER see that on Fox News.
Indeed. But the TEA party is a movement...NOT a true party. There is a distinction.

I should have a disclaimer after every mentioning of the Tea Party:

"Hey, Chris Matthews and Bill Maher and all your idiot parrots:

The Tea Party is NOT A POLITICAL PARTY that believes tea time is the solution to every national issue"
lol, so you think they should vote the obama if their candidate didn't get the nomination?

No, they should do what people like ME did in 2008.....

As a Conservative there was no way on Earth that I was voting for Obama. I had very little interest in the Liberal John McCain either, but lost any chance of voting for him when he put a woman on the ticket with himself. That meant I had to find another option. I went and looked at the alternative candidates and found Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party, who DID come very close to representing my views. He is who I cast my vote for in 2008. Now in 2012, I will have another option.... writing my own name in on the ballot if there is no candidate that I can willingly support.
She went on to say that the Tea Party will not support a third-party candidate as that would split the the vote and ensure a victory for Obama. That was the point of her comment you posted. :)

Sorry but anyone willing to accept the lesser of two EVILS is still supporting EVIL. Not something I have any interest in, or something I could support in any way. This is simply another proof to me that the Tea Party has no more philosophical heart or backbone than either of the major parties; therefore they have no more value in my mind than either of those parties.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

No it isn't. It's just the death knell for the pretend reason the Tea Party existed.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

No it isn't. It's just the death knell for the pretend reason the Tea Party existed.

You mean Obama, Dems, and Repubs have actually pretended to shrink the size of government?
lol, so you think they should vote the obama if their candidate didn't get the nomination?

I quote Rush Limbaugh, who supports the Tea Party:

"I'll vote for Bozo the Clown over Obama."

I think that's the view of MOST AMERICANS when it comes to four more years of the FAILED Obama, presidency.

The sad part is this IDIOT OP think this is the death knell of the Tea Party, instead of the IDIOT FAILED Obama presidency.

Typical liberal who only see things through the prisim of delusional liberalism.

lol, so you think they should vote the obama if their candidate didn't get the nomination?

I quote Rush Limbaugh, who supports the Tea Party:

"I'll vote for Bozo the Clown over Obama."

Great. Just what we need. Yet another Bozo for president.

I agree with the OP. If the Tea Party falls for the 'lesser-of-two-evils' idiocy, they're pretty much done as far representing any real hope for change. At that point, they just typical left/right partisans, wasting time supporting the status quo.
lol, so you think they should vote the obama if their candidate didn't get the nomination?

I quote Rush Limbaugh, who supports the Tea Party:

"I'll vote for Bozo the Clown over Obama."

Great. Just what we need. Yet another Bozo for president.

I agree with the OP. If the Tea Party falls for the 'lesser-of-two-evils' idiocy, they're pretty much done as far representing any real hope for change. At that point, they just typical left/right partisans, wasting time supporting the status quo.
The whole crux is to take over the GOP, and it has the whole old guard worried, and served notice that Democrat LITE (RINO) just does not cut it any more.
The whole crux is to take over the GOP, and it has the whole old guard worried, and served notice that Democrat LITE (RINO) just does not cut it any more.

I'm not sure what you're saying. If they agree to back Romney, they'll be doing exactly the opposite.
The whole crux is to take over the GOP, and it has the whole old guard worried, and served notice that Democrat LITE (RINO) just does not cut it any more.

I'm not sure what you're saying. If they agree to back Romney, they'll be doing exactly the opposite.



Um...you don't think Romney will give them concessions?
I quote Rush Limbaugh, who supports the Tea Party:

"I'll vote for Bozo the Clown over Obama."

I think that's the view of MOST AMERICANS when it comes to four more years of the FAILED Obama, presidency.

The sad part is this IDIOT OP think this is the death knell of the Tea Party, instead of the IDIOT FAILED Obama presidency.

Typical liberal who only see things through the prisim of delusional liberalism.

samauri; that's part of the reason why I have no use for the Tea Party, Limbaugh, Beck, or any of the other talking heads.... They're not willing to stand FOR anything. They're more than happy to stand AGAINST someone, but they're not willing to actually put a platform out there and say HERE, this is what we're FOR, and we're willing to lose supporting THIS rather than to engage in philosophical relativism in an attempt to beat the other guy.

Personally, I'm happy we have Obama instead of McShame. At least Obama is HONEST about being a Socialist sack of shit whereas McShame tried to hide behind his military record and his dubious (at best) voting record to call himself a Conservative while actually being almost as Liberal as Obama is.

Given only the options of Obama and some other Liberal running under the Republican banner I'd vote for Obama every day of the week and twice on Sundays. I'd rather have someone I KNOW is my enemy in office than someone whose loyalties I cannot determine or count on in power. Yep, I'm for the GREATER Evil rather than the lesser one.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

the "tea party" was ALWAYS the rabid extreme right wing "base" of the repubs... the bush deadenders, the 28% of the country who still supported bush at the end of his term. the sore losers who ranted about "taking their country back" from whom? a president elected with 365 electoral votes and more than 50% of the population? saying they were anything else was a media slight of hand b/c they were "newsworthy". they never should have been given that kind of credence.

they still shouldn't.

they should have been and still should be marginalized like any other extremist group.
the "tea party" was ALWAYS the rabid extreme right wing "base" of the repubs... the bush deadenders, the 28% of the country who still supported bush at the end of his term.

Hmm... I'm not in the "Tea Party", and I can't say I've been following the movement's progression much in the last year or two - but you couldn't really be more off-base in regards to its origin. Pretty much the opposite of what you're saying here.
The whole crux is to take over the GOP, and it has the whole old guard worried, and served notice that Democrat LITE (RINO) just does not cut it any more.

I'm not sure what you're saying. If they agree to back Romney, they'll be doing exactly the opposite.
Romney hasn't got a chance...despite what the polls say. He's bought into AGW, and RomneyCare will sink him.
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.
Which would be consistent with polling of TPM members, where 70 percent identify themselves as republican or republican leaning independents.
Why on earth would a "representative" of the tea party say something that undermines the fundamental position that the party originally took and that was the basis for its popularity?

Whatever the movements founding principles, around the time the president took office it became a get rid of Obama movement, made up mostly of the Old Bush Base and other disgruntled GOPers, rather than a 'smaller government' movement.
One would think that at least until after the nomination they would stand upon their principles and support a candidate that backed their values. Of course, they were going to ultimately support whoever ran against Obama. That was what happened in '08. No one expected anything other than that. Why throw in the towel so early?

Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

the "tea party" was ALWAYS the rabid extreme right wing "base" of the repubs... the bush deadenders, the 28% of the country who still supported bush at the end of his term. the sore losers who ranted about "taking their country back" from whom? a president elected with 365 electoral votes and more than 50% of the population? saying they were anything else was a media slight of hand b/c they were "newsworthy". they never should have been given that kind of credence.

they still shouldn't.

they should have been and still should be marginalized like any other extremist group.

In what way, Jill, is campaigning for lower public spending an extremist agenda?
Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.
Which would be consistent with polling of TPM members, where 70 percent identify themselves as republican or republican leaning independents.
Why on earth would a "representative" of the tea party say something that undermines the fundamental position that the party originally took and that was the basis for its popularity?

Whatever the movements founding principles, around the time the president took office it became a get rid of Obama movement, made up mostly of the Old Bush Base and other disgruntled GOPers, rather than a 'smaller government' movement.

I agree with that to some extent.

By the time I attended my one and only Tea Party event, July 4 2009, there was as much focus on other traditional right wing positions (such as pro life) as on the stated original position of lower public spending. Pity they didn't stick to their guns, but in the political climate that prevails in this country it's not really a surprise.

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