Ah... poor Tea Party, we hardly knew ye

Oh, damn, and I thought I'd done such a good job over the last 3 or so years.

Here you go Bob:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EPpE_BrX0FM]YouTube - ‪Diana Ross - I'm Coming Out‬‏[/ame]


People like you don't pass the "ideology purity" test according to other Conservatives who merely see you as a "RINO". You're not alone in that boat.
And that would make him different from any other politician... how exactly?

Mod, if you're gonna criticize, criticize on something unique to Romney... not something that the boi king did, and McCain, and every other damned politician. You look ridiculous making this a 'Romney' thing.

There are a lot of true things about most politicians, however at the end of the day whether they are right or wrong at least most of them stick to their guns on some positions. I cannot say the same thing about Romney. The man has flip flopped on just about every issue in his political career.

I disagree with President Obama and Senator McCain on a large number of issues, however there are some issues which they have always stayed consistent on.

So, again, Romney is just like Obama. Good. We're clear on that.
Misrepresenting other people's insults as their own. How dishonest..... cuz I've been calling the left the 'Borg' since I got on the forum. Get your own insults, moron.

And I doubt you were the very first person to ever come up with it CG. One really cannot take ownership of an insult. Though if that is the case, perhaps you should be paying royalties to whoever came up with it before you?

I didn't 'take ownership' of it... just pointing out to someone who clearly thinks he's come up with some unique insult that we've already claimed that one... The mindless drones are the left, the Borg of the Obamanation, worshiping at the feet of their Messiah. :lol:
In what way, Jill, is campaigning for lower public spending an extremist agenda?

That is the liberal definition of "extremist."

Liberal Dictionary:
Extremism - any opposition to tax increases or spending cuts.

When I need your opinion I'll give it to you.

I feel embarrassed for ya, tiger. Br-at doesn't show you Brits in the best possible light. Fortunately, we have plenty of intelligent, funny Brits on the board to balance it out. :lol:
you cant not be a party and have people run as the Tea party Candidate.It may not have a central figure head like the RNC and DNc but it has people who speak for the group.
Then there is the obvious that party is in the name. If you dont like being called a party, find another name.

Oh course these simple facts go to show how stupid people in the tea party are.

Those are all reasonable observations, unfortunately undermined by the unpleasantness of the last sentence.

It would be interesting if someone could define exactly how those standing under the Tea Party name became endorsed by the "Tea Party". Unless they are standing purely on a fiscal responsibility platform, it all seems a bit suspicious.

I would look it up myself, but it's Sunday so I'm taking the kids to the pool now. Always a good idea I think to maintain one's focus on what's really important. Kids > political bollocks.
lol, so you think they should vote the obama if their candidate didn't get the nomination?

Either you misunderstood the OP or I'm misunderstanding you.

I very well could've misunderstood, wouldn't be the first time. I took it to mean they would support whoever runs against the obama. I'm going to see if I can find the words she used so I know what she's talking about.

Since when is it wrong to support anyone who runs against someone you do not support? Are you telling me no Democrats supported someone who was not their first choice, just to get rid of Bush? Please.
That is the liberal definition of "extremist."

Liberal Dictionary:
Extremism - any opposition to tax increases or spending cuts.

When I need your opinion I'll give it to you.

I feel embarrassed for ya, tiger. Br-at doesn't show you Brits in the best possible light. Fortunately, we have plenty of intelligent, funny Brits on the board to balance it out. :lol:

True. :clap2:

Either you misunderstood the OP or I'm misunderstanding you.

I very well could've misunderstood, wouldn't be the first time. I took it to mean they would support whoever runs against the obama. I'm going to see if I can find the words she used so I know what she's talking about.

Since when is it wrong to support anyone who runs against someone you do not support? Are you telling me no Democrats supported someone who was not their first choice, just to get rid of Bush? Please.

Unfortunately, one of the imperfections of the two party system is that it does require one to compromise one's principles at the ballot box, or be effectively disenfranchised.
It would be interesting if someone could define exactly how those standing under the Tea Party name became endorsed by the "Tea Party".

That's certainly a funny development, a group that prides itself on not having any leaders suddenly found itself with "leaders" all over the place. If I were a tea party member, I wouldn't trust anyone who tries to proclaim they are speaking for the entire movement. Whether I agree with what they're saying or I don't.
Since when is it wrong to support anyone who runs against someone you do not support? Are you telling me no Democrats supported someone who was not their first choice, just to get rid of Bush? Please.

A group that prides itself on being not like the Democrats and Republicans by not selling their principles down the river will sell it's principles down the river in the first Presidential election since their rise. And yet they are still going to proclaim they are different from the Democrats and Republicans. I suppose you don't see the issue there?

I know I refuse to sell my principles down the river and vote third party when necessary. Or use a write-in candidate like Mickey Mouse. Despite the belief of the contrary, this country will survive another crap President if my vote for a third party candidate means he/she wins. However, my principles would not if I voted for a candidate who I only voted for because they are the lesser of two evils.
Either you misunderstood the OP or I'm misunderstanding you.

I very well could've misunderstood, wouldn't be the first time. I took it to mean they would support whoever runs against the obama. I'm going to see if I can find the words she used so I know what she's talking about.

Since when is it wrong to support anyone who runs against someone you do not support? Are you telling me no Democrats supported someone who was not their first choice, just to get rid of Bush? Please.

No, It's not, and I never asserted it is. Under the current system I completely agree with her voting for whoever runs against the obama, hence the "lol" in my first post in response to the OP that she vote for the obama if her candidate didn't get the nomination.
All I can say is that the Tea Party wanted Obama to fail and thusly America to fail. Ideology over country.
All I can say is that the Tea Party wanted Obama to fail and thusly America to fail. Ideology over country.

Ideology indeed...and WHICH ideology has Obama followed to bring US to this point? And YES we wanted Obama to FAIL...because some of us tried to warn some of you of his past and what would happen...YOU didn't listen.

Thus where we are...maybe some of you won't be so quick to vote on faith and actually do some friggin' homework next time?
All I can say is that the Tea Party wanted Obama to fail and thusly America to fail. Ideology over country.

Nobody WANTED obama to fail. We just knew his plan for "wealth distribution" was a code word for Socialism. America if failing BEACUSE of the socialist policy's put in place by obama and the past Presidents. Obama is President so he is the current face of failure.
All I can say is that the Tea Party wanted Obama to fail and thusly America to fail. Ideology over country.

kiwi, in my mind it's IDEOLOGY over EVERYTHING.... family, friends, job, country, self. If you show me what part of your ideology you're willing to ignore or compromise on, I'll show you what you never really believed in to begin with.
and yes we wanted obama to fail...

nobody wanted obama to fail.

Amy Kramer representing the Tea Party has said the Tea Party will support any GOP candidate running against Obama. They will support Cain, Romney, or any other GOP candidate just as long as Obama doesn't win the re-election. As reported this morning on FOX news.

This is the death knell of the Tea Party, the GOP like the Borg on Star Trek, will assimilate the Tea Party into itself becoming one party. Resistance is futile. I kind of like that analogy, never realized it until now but the GOP is really like the Borg.

For more than a year I've been telling the nuts on the Right that their tea party was nothing more than the same old right wing of the GOP,

just with a cute new name.

Amid howls of protest and denial.

Well, as Limbaugh used to say, see? I told you so. :lol::lol:
All I can say is that the Tea Party wanted Obama to fail and thusly America to fail. Ideology over country.

kiwi, in my mind it's IDEOLOGY over EVERYTHING.... family, friends, job, country, self. If you show me what part of your ideology you're willing to ignore or compromise on, I'll show you what you never really believed in to begin with.

Do you have any idea how sad that statement is?

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