Ahead of coronavirus stimulus vote, House lawmakers concerned Rep. Massie may trigger delay


VIP Member
Jul 2, 2019
lAhead of coronavirus stimulus vote, House lawmakers concerned Rep. Massie may trigger delay

Furious lawmakers voiced serious concerns on Capitol Hill late Thursday that a Republican House member could “go rogue” and possibly scuttle a vote on the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, and potentially endanger other House members in the process, Fox News has learned.

Fox News is told there is deep worry on both sides of the aisle that Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., could try to sidetrack House plans to quickly approve the coronavirus bill via a “voice vote” -- a verbal exercise in which those in favor shout yea, and those opposed holler nay. The loudest side would prevail.

“It’s the Thomas Massie show,” said one senior Republican source who asked to not be identified.

“He is going to do it,” a senior Republican leadership source told Fox News, explaining that leadership had tried every type of arm twisting -- and it's not working. The source said he was actively calling members and telling them to get on planes in the morning to come back to Washington, so that a quorum of 216 members could be established if Massie or another member were to demand one.

Can this really be happening?
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
I just noticed you forgot to change to your ALTERNATE ACCOUNT.


Do people really feel the need to have more than one account to stoke animosity on the board?
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
I just noticed you forgot to change to your ALTERNATE ACCOUNT.


Do people really feel the need to have more than one account to stoke animosity on the board?
The Briggs account was made when I forgot my password when they changed the site. They changed the site again, and I used my short cut and Briggs came up. I told Flacaltenn about and he told me what to do. Wallah! Jackson came up. It fell back to Briggs tonite for a while, but I got it back to Jackson. I am so tired of this. Jackson is my real account and Briggs an accident.
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
Anyone who blocks this needs a psych evaluation
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
Anyone who blocks this needs a psych evaluation
You are absolutely right. Do you know when the vote is going to be held?
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
Anyone who blocks this needs a psych evaluation

I would vote against it for very wonky reasons. The last thing we need is more money in circulation.

lAhead of coronavirus stimulus vote, House lawmakers concerned Rep. Massie may trigger delay

Furious lawmakers voiced serious concerns on Capitol Hill late Thursday that a Republican House member could “go rogue” and possibly scuttle a vote on the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, and potentially endanger other House members in the process, Fox News has learned.

Fox News is told there is deep worry on both sides of the aisle that Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., could try to sidetrack House plans to quickly approve the coronavirus bill via a “voice vote” -- a verbal exercise in which those in favor shout yea, and those opposed holler nay. The loudest side would prevail.

“It’s the Thomas Massie show,” said one senior Republican source who asked to not be identified.

“He is going to do it,” a senior Republican leadership source told Fox News, explaining that leadership had tried every type of arm twisting -- and it's not working. The source said he was actively calling members and telling them to get on planes in the morning to come back to Washington, so that a quorum of 216 members could be established if Massie or another member were to demand one.

Can this really be happening?
I think he should be pulled over for speeding tomorrow morning on the way there and detained. Fucking retarded bastard.
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
Anyone who blocks this needs a psych evaluation

I would vote against it for very wonky reasons. The last thing we need is more money in circulation.

View attachment 315854
People are dying. No time for libertarian bullshit.
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
Anyone who blocks this needs a psych evaluation
You are absolutely right. Do you know when the vote is going to be held?
After Massie can be slowed down and not show up.
The vote in the House is scheduled for tomorrow (Friday). I doubt anyone would step in front of that train. It would be the end of their political career and as we all know that is what Congress Critters care about most.
A shout-out is bullshit.
We need a clear and published record of how EVERY representative and EVERY senator votes on this.
Would also be nice if the record included the phone number, email address and home address as well as how he/she/it voted but we know that's not going to happen.
I didn't step on you, did I? I did a search before putting this up.
You're a day behind the curve. AOC made it known YESTERDAY she was not happy with this bill.
Oh....my bad.
Anyone who blocks this needs a psych evaluation

That and a lynch mob.
A shout-out is bullshit.
We need a clear and published record of how EVERY representative and EVERY senator votes on this.
Would also be nice if the record included the phone number, email address and home address as well as how he/she/it voted but we know that's not going to happen.
Information about how Senators and Representatives voted is public, and always has been. You can contact them via their offices, but I can understand if they don't want lunatics (like you?) showing up on their doorstep.
lAhead of coronavirus stimulus vote, House lawmakers concerned Rep. Massie may trigger delay

Furious lawmakers voiced serious concerns on Capitol Hill late Thursday that a Republican House member could “go rogue” and possibly scuttle a vote on the $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, and potentially endanger other House members in the process, Fox News has learned.

Fox News is told there is deep worry on both sides of the aisle that Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., could try to sidetrack House plans to quickly approve the coronavirus bill via a “voice vote” -- a verbal exercise in which those in favor shout yea, and those opposed holler nay. The loudest side would prevail.

“It’s the Thomas Massie show,” said one senior Republican source who asked to not be identified.

“He is going to do it,” a senior Republican leadership source told Fox News, explaining that leadership had tried every type of arm twisting -- and it's not working. The source said he was actively calling members and telling them to get on planes in the morning to come back to Washington, so that a quorum of 216 members could be established if Massie or another member were to demand one.

Can this really be happening?
What a fucking libertarian dork. These fuckheads will trade lives over their goddamn budget deficit obsession. This is a national emergency. Retarded fucking libertarians wouldn't have been in favor of American Revolution because we had to borrow money to fight the sonofabitch. This dickhead is a hero in his own mind.

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