Ahmaud Arbery's Murderer On His Way To His Dirt Nap

Well, that is the part these fags refuse to acknowledge.
The fags are those white boys getting turned out in prison just as any other white boys who thinks grabbing their guns to harass a black jogger is going to find out. They could of saved themselves from being vending machines for sex by just staying their asses at home. 😄
If someone was pointing a shotgun at me, I sure as hell wouldn't have gotten into a wrestling match with them. Yes the racists are at fault, but tell that to the undertaker when he's prepping your body.
Yes, you would of complied like a cuck to a bunch of racists who just chase you down in their vehicles. I don't fault Arbery for fighting back.
The only person lying is you dumb dudley, you can't show us a damn thing to indicate that this young, black man had stolen anything or was casing anything. Just more of the same lies you racist love to spew.
More stupidity from one of the biggest, dumbest racists here. Keep licking the boots of your Dem masters as they laugh at your gullibility.
More stupidity from one of the biggest, dumbest racists here. Keep licking the boots of your Dem masters as they laugh at your gullibility.
Here is another idiot, racist POS trying to justify 3 of his racist buddies killing an innocent black man. It reminds them of the Good Ole Days.
You still are you piece of shit. Condoning murder of unarmed women. What a coward you are you asshole.
Hutch, super dum bro, and Clayton are now on record as supporting the murder of women and thinking it funny. Enjoy hell you three assholes.
Hutch, super dum bro, and Clayton are now on record as supporting the murder of women and thinking it funny. Enjoy hell you three assholes.

You talkin' about Ashes Targetpractice, the dumbass traitor to America who committed suicide by cop?
Hutch, super dum bro, and Clayton are now on record as supporting the murder of women and thinking it funny. Enjoy hell you three assholes.
See ladies and gents the is a prime example of a racist POS, now he is happy about 3 of his racist buddies killing an innocent black man. Then he will turn around and claim a woman who was actually breaking the Law at the time of her death was an innocent woman.
See ladies and gents the is a prime example of a racist POS, now he is happy about 3 of his racist buddies killing an innocent black man. Then he will turn around and claim a woman who was actually breaking the Law at the time of her death was an innocent woman.
^^^This ladies and gentlemen is a racist piece of shit who can’t even read an actual post without deflecting to something completely different to attempt to justify his blatant stupidity and racism. Now asswipe, show where I said I was happy about that. Now BOY. Or better yet, just fuck off you uneducated racist asshole.
Ok, bye.

Hey, how about quitting wasting cloud-space on these scumbags. The sooner they're erased the better. Thanks to you he gets airtime now, clicks, and profit for someone as a result of his crimes. Think about the Big Picture.
^^^This ladies and gentlemen is a racist piece of shit who can’t even read an actual post without deflecting to something completely different to attempt to justify his blatant stupidity and racism. Now asswipe, show where I said I was happy about that. Now BOY. Or better yet, just fuck off you uneducated racist asshole.
You still talking, you ignorant, racist POS. You have said one damn thing that actual contributes to the subject matter, all you do is your usual bullshit. Come on here and spew the same old racist garbage. Disappear scumbag.
A black jogger lol. That pos arbury was a lifelong criminal. Was his funeral open casket 😜
You still talking, you ignorant, racist POS. You have said one damn thing that actual contributes to the subject matter, all you do is your usual bullshit. Come on here and spew the same old racist garbage. Disappear scumbag.
Make me you uneducated piece of shit racist. You’re nothing but a lifelong loser racist who does nothing but cry “wacist!” in every thread. While hiding because you’d get your ass beat for spouting that bullshit in public BOY. Now fuck off asshole. BOY. :fu:
Make me you uneducated piece of shit racist. You’re nothing but a lifelong loser racist who does nothing but cry “wacist!” in every thread. While hiding because you’d get your ass beat for spouting that bullshit in public BOY. Now fuck off asshole. BOY. :fu:
Well I would never worry about a internet bitch whooping my ass, fuck boy. Keep hiding behind the computer screen like the little bitch you are.
Well I would never worry about a internet bitch whooping my ass, fuck boy. Keep hiding behind the computer screen like the little bitch you are.
Hahahahaha! You’re a bitch you racist asshole. Keep crying that you and your racist asshole pals got exposed as misogynistic too. And wonder why you’re all laughingstocks....
I would have been fine sticking a needle in his arm but the left doesn’t like that, but they celebrate his death. Makes no sense, none at all.

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