Airbnb drops west bank listings

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Israeli fury as Airbnb bars settlements

Israel has denounced as "shameful" Airbnb's decision to withdraw its listings from homes in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Its tourism minister said Israeli authorities would back legal challenges lodged by settlers against the US firm.

Airbnb said it had made the decision because settlements were "at the core" of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The move, which affects 200 listings, has been widely praised by Palestinians and their supporters.

Jewish settlements in territory occupied by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war are considered illegal under international law, though Israel disputes this.

Bummer, I was hoping to catch a week watching well armed thugs slaughter Palestinian children. I might go to Snowdonia instead.
When are they going to ban listings on lands that were formerly German?
What kind of idiots let people they don't know stay in their homes?

AirBnB just reported their earnings and did 1 billion in rev for the third quarter. Their IPO is going to be hot. They’re like the Uber of the hotel buisnes
What kind of idiots let people they don't know stay in their homes?

AirBnB just reported their earnings and did 1 billion in rev for the third quarter. Their IPO is going to be hot. They’re like the Uber of the hotel buisnes
I wouldn't take an Uber either.

But I guess there are a lot of idiots who let people they don't know stay in their homes
Not to worry....There's always Club Med in Ramallah. The kids club features a free suicide vest for all aspiring young Shahids!
What kind of idiot would want to stay in an Israeli West Bank settlement? The current biggest powderkeg in the middle of a millenia long war between religious nutjobs?
Airbnd has made the determination that certain areas must remain Jusenfrei.

Israel's response should be to make the country airbnb free.
Israel has denounced as "shameful" Airbnb's decision to withdraw its listings from homes in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Oh the irony!

Is it not "shameful" that Israel occupies territory?

But then everything Israel does is 'right' and beyond criticism isn't it!
Israel has denounced as "shameful" Airbnb's decision to withdraw its listings from homes in Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

Oh the irony!

Is it not "shameful" that Israel occupies territory?

But then everything Israel does is 'right' and beyond criticism isn't it!

It has nothing to do with criticism or being "right".

The shame is in applying standards to Israel which are not applied in all other territories under occupation, dispute or conflict over liberation movements. The shame is in creating what appears to be an objective standard in Air BnB's letter of policy, but then applying that policy ONLY to Israel.

If Air BnB wants to take a moral stand against States which occupy, have territorial disputes or have active liberation movements Air BnB must apply it to ALL such States. Otherwise, Air BnB is simply singling out Israel for special action, which is, in fact, an immoral stand.

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