Airstrikes ineffective as ISIS surrounds Kobane, matter of time before Kurds face massacre

Your right, we should not get involved in evry conflict. but every conflict does NOT consist of Mass rapes and crucifictions , beheading etc. of children as well. IF these attrocities are substansiated. Then by all means we should hit ISIS so hard that they never do that again.

You have a problem with that? There was a time after The holocaust the world said NEVER AGAIN....... but I guess that was just a lie.

What if both sides are committing mass rapes and crucifixions? What is Sunni vs. Shi'ite really? They each just have slightly different reasons for justifying raping and crucifying each other. :cool:

Are you saying the Kurds are raping and crucifying children? I wasnt aware of that. I was aware of ISIS slaughtering ethnic and religious minorities though.
and yes also Shiites. Well, so maybe i have bad information after all Im not privy to the intelligence the president has, which is why I say if these attrocities are truely taking place then we should do something. Not that I think we should be involved in every regional conflict, especially what we have already been through over there. But the fact of the matter is ISIS is our enemy as well, they are just a little busy right now to give us their full attention, secondly, there are only a few nations right now capable of stopping them from slaughtering those people in Kobane. Turkey is one of them and a Nato member, meanwhile they are standing around doing nothing but watching. we are another nation who is capable of stopping the onslaught and if we allow those Kurds to get slaughtered and brutalized in a way that goes against all rules of modern warefare, ... its a shame becaause we were capable of stopping it. Who ever again is going to want to be a US ally in that region? they all know we wont have their back when the going gets tough. ISIS knows it too.
I call bullshit, We should simultaneosly throw Turkey out of Nato, hit the ISIS forces surrounding Kobane.... and let them know the reason why we are doing it. I would take no prisoners kill them all and let them know we will do it again if they want to murder women and children. We would never have to do it again if they knew we were serious.
Got to hand it to the Kurds. They continue to fight back despite not having what they need to match the power of ISIS. More military experts are calling for boots on the ground as ISIS advances, but Obama is still calling the shots here. So far, he is reticent to seriously go after ISIS. The Kurds have so far managed to keep ISIS from taking them over, but they need help and fast. Turkey has given permission for the U.S. to use it's bases. Will Obama take them up on it or will we just continue the airstrikes, which have yet to slow ISIS? If I didn't know better, I'd say that Obama is taking advice from ISIS on how to proceed. He sure isn't listening to those who know how to defeat ISIS.

Airstrikes ineffective as ISIS surrounds Kobane, matter of time before Kurds face massacre

It's one of two things, either Obama is completely clueless and is bumbling around, or he knows exactly what he's doing and is on the side of ISIS.
there are only a few nations right now capable of stopping them from slaughtering those people in Kobane. Turkey is one of them and a Nato member, meanwhile they are standing around doing nothing but watching.

Man there are several nations WAY more capable than Turkey for stopping them. None of them give a damn. Germany, UK, China, Russia, France, Japan, Australia, Italy, India... None of them give a damn.

Who ever again is going to want to be a US ally in that region?
Um they all call us the "Great Satan" so....
according to RW's this country is dead broke and on the verge of demise yet RW's are willing to endure whatever expense is necessary (including soldiers lives) to "do it right" and put boots BACK on the ground in the mid east

according to RW's our government isn't capable of caring for our own people (with ACA) yet they expect and demand our government to care of a third world country or two or three .. ACA is too expensive too?

RW's do it right and talk out of their asses ..

You left wingers had no problem going after Kadafi's forces to see him overthrown. I wonder why we did that ? was it becaus ehe was trying to start a new monetary system in Africa? or was it to save the Islamic rebels? why are helpless women or children worth any less? That kind of shit doesnt happen evry day, ... it shouldnt be allowed to happen. Turkey is sitting right there on the border, but they are fucking assholes. It would be nothing for them to take out ISIS possitions or at least let us use their air bases, they are suppossed to be an ally
there are only a few nations right now capable of stopping them from slaughtering those people in Kobane. Turkey is one of them and a Nato member, meanwhile they are standing around doing nothing but watching.

Man there are several nations WAY more capable than Turkey for stopping them. None of them give a damn. Germany, UK, China, Russia, France, Japan, Australia, Italy, India... None of them give a damn.

I know , but Turkey is right there. This is also a huge foreign policy failure ... obviously if the US cant get that kind of cooperation

Who ever again is going to want to be a US ally in that region?
Um they all call us the "Great Satan" so....
there are only a few nations right now capable of stopping them from slaughtering those people in Kobane. Turkey is one of them and a Nato member, meanwhile they are standing around doing nothing but watching.

Man there are several nations WAY more capable than Turkey for stopping them. None of them give a damn. Germany, UK, China, Russia, France, Japan, Australia, Italy, India... None of them give a damn.

Who ever again is going to want to be a US ally in that region?
Um they all call us the "Great Satan" so....

OK maybe im wrong for us to get involved, but when you see ISIS doing things like they did to the Yazidis, who probably never did a damn thing to a Sunni in their life, it just makes me feel that way. I guess its ok to wipe a culture of the face of the earth while the world stands by.
OK maybe im wrong for us to get involved, but when you see ISIS doing things like they did to the Yazidis, who probably never did a damn thing to a Sunni in their life, it just makes me feel that way. I guess its ok to wipe a culture of the face of the earth while the world stands by.

If tomorrow America went to war to defend the Yazidis then I'd be on board.

But that'll never happen. We'll spend decades trying to stabilize Iraq and Syria and thousands of our people will die. And since we'll be dealing with a bunch of religious lunatics there's no chance of stabilization there.
Read on FOX news that airstrikes have stepped up in hopes of slowing down ISIS. We shall see. Would be nice if that would work, but again why did Obama decide to get involved if he only planned a lame effort? If we have the ability to take down ISIS and Obama intended to do that, then why did we wait so long to get serious? Either kick ass or get out, none of this playing games. Everyone has an opinion on whether we should be there or not, but the fact is we are there because Obama sent our people. Ideally, a lot more countries would join together and rid the world of ISIS. For years, countries always looked to the U.S. to solve problems and now they sit there doing nothing as if the U.S. is still a world leader. Now we are a joke and no one else has stepped up to be the new super power. Remember that Obama thought we were arrogant and doesn't approve of us being a super power. Maybe he thinks the Muslims should have that title. Hell, he sent them a grotesque amount of money, military planes and equipment while he cuts the crap out of our military.
Got to hand it to the Kurds. They continue to fight back despite not having what they need to match the power of ISIS. More military experts are calling for boots on the ground as ISIS advances, but Obama is still calling the shots here. So far, he is reticent to seriously go after ISIS. The Kurds have so far managed to keep ISIS from taking them over, but they need help and fast. Turkey has given permission for the U.S. to use it's bases. Will Obama take them up on it or will we just continue the airstrikes, which have yet to slow ISIS? If I didn't know better, I'd say that Obama is taking advice from ISIS on how to proceed. He sure isn't listening to those who know how to defeat ISIS.

Airstrikes ineffective as ISIS surrounds Kobane, matter of time before Kurds face massacre
American ground troops are not going to return to Iraq, and the president is correct on this.

The mistake you and others make is to incorrectly perceive 'ISIS' as some sort of conventional military entity, when in fact it's not. It or something like it will reconstitute after American ground forces leave. The killing will again resume with Americans having lost their lives for nothing – again.

It's naïve and delusional to believe that once 'ISIS' is 'defeated' peace and harmony will reign in the Region.

Iraq is not France in 1944, 'ISIS' is not playing the role of the Nazis, and the era of Americans sacrificing themselves to 'liberate' oppressed peoples is long over.
Got to hand it to the Kurds. They continue to fight back despite not having what they need to match the power of ISIS. More military experts are calling for boots on the ground as ISIS advances, but Obama is still calling the shots here. So far, he is reticent to seriously go after ISIS. The Kurds have so far managed to keep ISIS from taking them over, but they need help and fast. Turkey has given permission for the U.S. to use it's bases. Will Obama take them up on it or will we just continue the airstrikes, which have yet to slow ISIS? If I didn't know better, I'd say that Obama is taking advice from ISIS on how to proceed. He sure isn't listening to those who know how to defeat ISIS.

Airstrikes ineffective as ISIS surrounds Kobane, matter of time before Kurds face massacre
American ground troops are not going to return to Iraq, and the president is correct on this.

The mistake you and others make is to incorrectly perceive 'ISIS' as some sort of conventional military entity, when in fact it's not. It or something like it will reconstitute after American ground forces leave. The killing will again resume with Americans having lost their lives for nothing – again.

It's naïve and delusional to believe that once 'ISIS' is 'defeated' peace and harmony will reign in the Region.

Iraq is not France in 1944, 'ISIS' is not playing the role of the Nazis, and the era of Americans sacrificing themselves to 'liberate' oppressed peoples is long over.
So your solution is to allow the establishment of a radical Muslim regime that slaughters people and commits atrocities?
Sounds like a plan.
Good grief. I know none of you folks on the internets have ever actually been anywhere. But if you are going to armchair quarterback at least understand why things are the way they are there right now.
according to RW's this country is dead broke and on the verge of demise yet RW's are willing to endure whatever expense is necessary (including soldiers lives) to "do it right" and put boots BACK on the ground in the mid east

according to RW's our government isn't capable of caring for our own people (with ACA) yet they expect and demand our government to care of a third world country or two or three .. ACA is too expensive too?

RW's do it right and talk out of their asses ..
Those air strikes cost millions if not billions worth of dollars. If were going to waste all that money at least let's make sure we kill the right people in stead of hopey and changey air raids.
Got to hand it to the Kurds. They continue to fight back despite not having what they need to match the power of ISIS. More military experts are calling for boots on the ground as ISIS advances, but Obama is still calling the shots here. So far, he is reticent to seriously go after ISIS. The Kurds have so far managed to keep ISIS from taking them over, but they need help and fast. Turkey has given permission for the U.S. to use it's bases. Will Obama take them up on it or will we just continue the airstrikes, which have yet to slow ISIS? If I didn't know better, I'd say that Obama is taking advice from ISIS on how to proceed. He sure isn't listening to those who know how to defeat ISIS.

Airstrikes ineffective as ISIS surrounds Kobane, matter of time before Kurds face massacre

Takes at least two to fight. And if you're ok with fighting that you have a preference of who wins, you've already accepted that one side or the other is going to be wiped out. Maybe if ISIS wins they'll stop fighting...Probably not but certainly coming in on their opponent's side isn't any better than staying out of it. Every time we choose sides in these Muslim wars someone wins, someone looses, and then years later the oens we helped are our new enemy.

Idea! Stay the fuck out of it and let them kill each other off.
How long is America going to continue to play 'Wack-a mole' in the Middle East?? ........ :cool:


Well hopefully in 2016 we can cut taxes and massively increase our debt by electing a republican president and invading every country in the middle east!

Because 'MURICA!

ISIS assholes are the ones invading countries and slaughtering the non-Muslim people. We are doing airstrikes that are completely ineffective. Obama's idea! If he wants to help stop ISIS, then he could listen to the experts and actually stop ISIS. As it is, we are not doing anything that is helping, so why bother?

If we are going to get involved, why not do it smarter? Obama is doing this in a manner that he can claim he is helping, yet still pander to the radical Muslims by not getting in their way as they continue their reign of terror.

Either help the people fight off the radical Muslims or sit back and watch as ISIS takes over the Middle East. Maybe you would prefer watching all those infidel men, women and children get slaughtered. At least be honest instead of having a tantrum because people are noticing that Obama is complete failure at this.

What should our goal be in the middle east and how many soldiers are you willing to sacrifice to reach that goal?

Umm I thought Obozo made the goal clear - to degrade and destroy ISIS. Do you not agree with that goal?
. . . Iraq is not France in 1944, 'ISIS' is not playing the role of the Nazis, and the era of Americans sacrificing themselves to 'liberate' oppressed peoples is long over.

Huh, I think you need to inform the rest of the world of that.
Umm I thought Obozo made the goal clear - to degrade and destroy ISIS. Do you not agree with that goal?

You're right. At some point we have to hold Obama responsible for what the teleprompter makes him say.
How is that battle going over there in Kobani? Did the air strikes help? I read somewhere that the Kurds were finding hundreds and hundreds of dead IS soldiers low on ammo and carrying swords. They are finding them as they retake the city and chase what is left of IS out into the countryside where they continue to be bombed by air strikes.
How is that battle going over there in Kobani? Did the air strikes help? I read somewhere that the Kurds were finding hundreds and hundreds of dead IS soldiers low on ammo and carrying swords. They are finding them as they retake the city and chase what is left of IS out into the countryside where they continue to be bombed by air strikes.

It was reported that the air strikes increased after Kurds begged for more help.

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