Al Gore is Full of Crap

Deniers of climate change are now coming close to criminal behavior.

Journalist Charles Krauthammer related on a FOX interview a couple of months ago, that Washington "global warming" lobbyists (who number in the thousands...that's how big a cash hustle this scam potentially represents), had presented a petition to the Washington Times with 100,000 (unverified) signatures. They demanded that the paper never again print anything by anybody critical of the warmy scam, regardless of the scientific empiricism of the evidence presented, regardless of the academic credentials of the author.

How do you feel about that development in a country whose First Amendment is under constant attack by radical warmy extortionists?

Speaking of extortion, Eric Holder's recent extortion of $12 billion from Bank of America earmarks a pile of that money for warmy lobbyists. Pray tell, when addressing redress of former mortgage holders, where does the greasing of warmy lobbyist palms fit into the picture?

And most interestingly, Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, and for the past 40 years probably the earth's most high profile environmental scientist, held a news conference in Ottawa this summer as a preface to an address he'll make before the US Senate later this year. During his speech he warned of the wholesale abandonment of scientific doctrine by radical leftists who trumpet the great warmy extortion scam. He called "global warming", "global fooling". He'll take reams of empirically proven environmental science with him to Washington in an attempt to make our legislators wake up to the great con.

Holder's action is blatantly unconstitutional. Only Congress has the authority to authorize expenditures of money.

That's just one more example of this administration's utter contempt for the Constitution.

Disgusted with UN know-nothings and American con artists, Coleman also had 2000 real earth scientists, meteorologists, sign on to a petition dismissing global warming as a baseless criminal hoax. Two years ago, 13 of NASA's top earth scientists, all PhD's and/or professors, and all former heads of research departments at NASA, signed on to a letter to Obama telling him the warmy extortion hoax must stop, because it was setting back empirically-based science at NASA by at least a decade.
one more thing that ties into this globull warming bullshit and lies is "Sea Levels Rising".., i'll bet every fucking liberliar here will swear it is due to the ice caps and glacial melting.... RIGHT ?

i'll say you are wrong, i'll also bet i am the first/only person to explore this idea, has anyone given thought to the seas filling with garbage from the bottom up ? were does all the volcanic flow in Hawaii go ? to the bottom of the ocean, tons upon tons of space dust, rocks etc. fall on Earth every year, where does that crap go, Earth is 2/3rds covered by water, got a clue now ?

to prove my theory, take a glass of waterfilled one inch from the top, mark the water level, now take ten marbles and slowly drop them into the glass of water, watch how the water level rises with every marble dropped, simple, isn;t it ??

how fucking amazing is that ??

Sea levels ebb and flow. It also depends on where you are. In Ventura, California, at Rincon Beach, a famous surfing locale, sea levels look like they've receded a lot since WWII. At low tide, about 300-400 yards out, you can see the remains of WWII shore battery gun foundations. They were on dry land in 1942. But that has to do with shore erosion, not sea level rise. In Crescent City, California, more than 600 miles north of Ventura, another famous surfing locale, sea levels haven't changed 2 millimeters in a century. The Surfrider Foundation (a grassroots non-profit ocean/environmental organization) scoffs at the idiocy of "sea level rise" warmy claims. All anyone has to do is open their eyes down at any California beach to dispel that "inconvenient truth".
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I can't say that I ever thought it was a good idea to make predictions that stated that X would happen by such and such a date. While the trend is clear and the scientific reality of what happens when more CO2 is introduced into a planetary atmosphere has never been in dispute, specific predictions are generally not a great idea. However, I will add a caveat. Most of the predictions of the last few years have fallen far short of the true speed of the warming and the effects of that warming.

I must also add the following comment.

Sometimes I just can't help but laugh at conservatives and some of their silly and wholly illogical arguments. Want an example? The radio reactionary, Mark Levin, when dismissing labeling CO2 as a pollutant (actually, concentrations of 7-10% can, in fact, cause unconsciousness within an hour), added that if it wasn't for CO2, the world would be a frozen ball with temperatures in the triple digits below zero. Does everyone understand the implications? Our greenhouse gases are the reason why Earth has a habitable climate. In the case of CO2, our current levels of the gas are in the general vicinity of .04% which translates to 400 parts per million or 4 parts per 10,000. Not much, right? But LOOK at the effect!!! It's the difference between a frozen planet with no life and a lush planet full of life. What we're doing now is jacking up the rate of CO2 (in the early 19th century, the rate was below 300 ppm).

Now, think! If CO2 is responsible for keeping the planet warm, and we as a species are digging up carbon and burning it, thereby increasing the amount in the atmosphere by over 1/3 in the last 200 years, and the rate of fossil fuel usage is only rising due to a radical increase in the world population, and industrialization ,and the increase in the use of automobiles and electricity, what do you think is going to happen, all other things being equal?
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bripat is an anarcho-commie,

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a doctrine urging the abolition of government or governmental restraint as the indispensable condition for full social and political liberty. 2. the methods or ...

Anyone who believes in the Rule of Law is a communist to bripat, so bripat dismisses his legitimacy as a poster right out of the gate

Democracy and the "rule of law" are two separate things, Fakey. In fact, they are mutually exclusive.

A Stalinist like you is hardly in a position to be championing the rule of law. You just argued that "deniers" should be criminally prosecuted. Is that your conception of the "rule of law?" It seems more like you believe in the rule of Fakey rather than the rule of law.
The only unsettled heads on this issue are the sheeple that follow Rush.

Climate change is happening, and the science, which is not unsettled as to that fact, is beginning to clearly reveal that human behavior has a definitive effect on it.
I don't follow Rush, I also don't fall for the climate change scam like some idiots do.
The only unsettled heads on this issue are the sheeple that follow Rush.

Climate change is happening, and the science, which is not unsettled as to that fact, is beginning to clearly reveal that human behavior has a definitive effect on it.

What do you define as "clearly"? The fabricated East Anglia emails or the basis of Inconvenient Truth being exposed??
The only unsettled heads on this issue are the sheeple that follow Rush.

Climate change is happening, and the science, which is not unsettled as to that fact, is beginning to clearly reveal that human behavior has a definitive effect on it.

What do you define as "clearly"? The fabricated East Anglia emails or the basis of Inconvenient Truth being exposed??

You have no standing to ask for facts until you give them. If it is opinion, than yours don't count. See how that works.

I can't say that I ever thought it was a good idea to make predictions that stated that X would happen by such and such a date. While the trend is clear and the scientific reality of what happens when more CO2 is introduced into a planetary atmosphere has never been in dispute, specific predictions are generally not a great idea. However, I will add a caveat. Most of the predictions of the last few years have fallen far short of the true speed of the warming and the effects of that warming.

I must also add the following comment.

Sometimes I just can't help but laugh at conservatives and some of their silly and wholly illogical arguments. Want an example? The radio reactionary, Mark Levin, when dismissing labeling CO2 as a pollutant (actually, concentrations of 7-10% can, in fact, cause unconsciousness within an hour), added that if it wasn't for CO2, the world would be a frozen ball with temperatures in the triple digits below zero. Does everyone understand the implications? Our greenhouse gases are the reason why Earth has a habitable climate. In the case of CO2, our current levels of the gas are in the general vicinity of .04% which translates to 400 parts per million or 4 parts per 10,000. Not much, right? But LOOK at the effect!!! It's the difference between a frozen planet with no life and a lush planet full of life. What we're doing now is jacking up the rate of CO2 (in the early 19th century, the rate was below 300 ppm).

Now, think! If CO2 is responsible for keeping the planet warm, and we as a species are digging up carbon and burning it, thereby increasing the amount in the atmosphere by over 1/3 in the last 200 years, and the rate of fossil fuel usage is only rising due to a radical increase in the world population, and industrialization ,and the increase in the use of automobiles and electricity, what do you think is going to happen, all other things being equal?

You're generally on the express lane to the core of the issue. But there's a couple details you got to look into..

1) This "icy ball" vision without GHGases is true. But CO2 at current levels only contributes about 7degC to the boost in GH. MOST of that comes from water vapor which is BY FAR -- the dominant GHGas.. And the spectra of CO2 and water vapor overlap. Making CO2 less of contributor in the presence of much water vapor.

2) Similarly, the doomsday stories from AGW don't result strictly from man's emissions of CO2. The theory states that our additional CO2 is merely the TRIGGER for positive feedbacks that will cause runaway warming. The warming power of CO2 is generally agreed to be about 1degC per DOUBLING of CO2. A number that I accept. What I DONT accept is that the planet has an UNSTABLE climate system that will destroy itself if ANYTHING warms it by just a couple degrees. We haven't even doubled the pre-industrial levels (280 ppm) yet. And because the warming from CO2 is logarithmic (not linear) to get another 1degC you need TWICE as much CO2 as you needed the previous time.
The only unsettled heads on this issue are the sheeple that follow Rush.

Climate change is happening, and the science, which is not unsettled as to that fact, is beginning to clearly reveal that human behavior has a definitive effect on it.

What do you define as "clearly"? The fabricated East Anglia emails or the basis of Inconvenient Truth being exposed??

You have no standing to ask for facts until you give them. If it is opinion, than yours don't count. See how that works.
Hey, idiot. Gore said the ice cap would be gone by now. It's larger. Try cultic therapy.
You are no expert on Gore. How much ice cap is there compared to 100 years ago. Is there a summer passage through the Northwest?

Really, Iben, when you speak up, you reveal your ignorance.
Here we go again. The fact that every single Scientfiic Society on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger on indicates to these fools that the whole of the scientific culture is in on one huge international conspriracy to fool us on the facts of GHGs and climate. And, for what? Well according to these retards it is because they are all a bunch of communists that are in on a capitialistic conspriracy to make trillions off of the rest of us. ???????????

The more they post, the more they come up with this kind of shit, the more they stink.

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