Al Gore is Full of Crap

The Version 5.6 global average lower tropospheric temperature (LT) anomaly for July, 2014 is +0.31 deg. C, unchanged from June (click for full size version):

The global, hemispheric, and tropical LT anomalies from the 30-year (1981-2010) average for the last 19 months are:

Why yes, the last 13 years have not seen a big jump in temperature. Now look at the record prior to 1998. Very deep are rapid ups and downs. But after 1998, it just plateud at an average that is well above any average prior to 1998. But 1998 was a record El Nino. And 2010 was a moderate El Nino. And the 'low' July temperature for 2014 is higher than any month prior to 1998. Ever consider what the next strong El Nino is going to bring?

I can't say that I ever thought it was a good idea to make predictions that stated that X would happen by such and such a date. While the trend is clear and the scientific reality of what happens when more CO2 is introduced into a planetary atmosphere has never been in dispute, specific predictions are generally not a great idea. However, I will add a caveat. Most of the predictions of the last few years have fallen far short of the true speed of the warming and the effects of that warming.

I must also add the following comment.

Sometimes I just can't help but laugh at conservatives and some of their silly and wholly illogical arguments. Want an example? The radio reactionary, Mark Levin, when dismissing labeling CO2 as a pollutant (actually, concentrations of 7-10% can, in fact, cause unconsciousness within an hour), added that if it wasn't for CO2, the world would be a frozen ball with temperatures in the triple digits below zero. Does everyone understand the implications? Our greenhouse gases are the reason why Earth has a habitable climate. In the case of CO2, our current levels of the gas are in the general vicinity of .04% which translates to 400 parts per million or 4 parts per 10,000. Not much, right? But LOOK at the effect!!! It's the difference between a frozen planet with no life and a lush planet full of life. What we're doing now is jacking up the rate of CO2 (in the early 19th century, the rate was below 300 ppm).

Now, think! If CO2 is responsible for keeping the planet warm, and we as a species are digging up carbon and burning it, thereby increasing the amount in the atmosphere by over 1/3 in the last 200 years, and the rate of fossil fuel usage is only rising due to a radical increase in the world population, and industrialization ,and the increase in the use of automobiles and electricity, what do you think is going to happen, all other things being equal?

Correct. 99% of greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 if you like (the warmy boogie man), occur naturally, from our planet's oceans. Without them we never would have evolved.
Here we go again. The fact that every single Scientfiic Society on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger on indicates to these fools that the whole of the scientific culture is in on one huge international conspriracy to fool us on the facts of GHGs and climate. And, for what? Well according to these retards it is because they are all a bunch of communists that are in on a capitialistic conspriracy to make trillions off of the rest of us. ???????????

The more they post, the more they come up with this kind of shit, the more they stink.

You really are an incredible dumbass, aren't you? "Every single Scientific Society"??? Name some.
Yeah, I don't know if it was covered here but the 97% consensus was shown to be a lie too...

I can't say that I ever thought it was a good idea to make predictions that stated that X would happen by such and such a date. While the trend is clear and the scientific reality of what happens when more CO2 is introduced into a planetary atmosphere has never been in dispute, specific predictions are generally not a great idea. However, I will add a caveat. Most of the predictions of the last few years have fallen far short of the true speed of the warming and the effects of that warming.

I must also add the following comment.

Sometimes I just can't help but laugh at conservatives and some of their silly and wholly illogical arguments. Want an example? The radio reactionary, Mark Levin, when dismissing labeling CO2 as a pollutant (actually, concentrations of 7-10% can, in fact, cause unconsciousness within an hour), added that if it wasn't for CO2, the world would be a frozen ball with temperatures in the triple digits below zero. Does everyone understand the implications? Our greenhouse gases are the reason why Earth has a habitable climate. In the case of CO2, our current levels of the gas are in the general vicinity of .04% which translates to 400 parts per million or 4 parts per 10,000. Not much, right? But LOOK at the effect!!! It's the difference between a frozen planet with no life and a lush planet full of life. What we're doing now is jacking up the rate of CO2 (in the early 19th century, the rate was below 300 ppm).

Now, think! If CO2 is responsible for keeping the planet warm, and we as a species are digging up carbon and burning it, thereby increasing the amount in the atmosphere by over 1/3 in the last 200 years, and the rate of fossil fuel usage is only rising due to a radical increase in the world population, and industrialization ,and the increase in the use of automobiles and electricity, what do you think is going to happen, all other things being equal?

Correct. 99% of greenhouse gas emissions, CO2 if you like (the warmy boogie man), occur naturally, from our planet's oceans. Without them we never would have evolved.

Now that is the stupidest thing I have seen today. The ocean both absorbs and emits GHGs. And, until the industrial revolution, did so in balance, so that for thousands of years, the CO2 level was about 280 ppm, and that of CH4 of about 700 ppb. However, These levels now stand at over 400 ppm for CO2 and over 1800 ppb for CH4. The rate of increase exceeds that of any extinction period in the paleontological record.
Here we go again. The fact that every single Scientfiic Society on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger on indicates to these fools that the whole of the scientific culture is in on one huge international conspriracy to fool us on the facts of GHGs and climate. And, for what? Well according to these retards it is because they are all a bunch of communists that are in on a capitialistic conspriracy to make trillions off of the rest of us. ???????????

The more they post, the more they come up with this kind of shit, the more they stink.

You really are an incredible dumbass, aren't you? "Every single Scientific Society"??? Name some.

My, my. So now we have one incredibly ignorant asshole posting. LOL

American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society on earth.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

American Geological Society.

The Geological Society of America - Position Statement on Climate Change

American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society

American Meteorlogical Society

2012 AMS Information Statement on Climate Change

Now I could go on listing Scientific Societies here and overseas. My challenge to you is to list some Scientific Societies and their statements that disagree. You won't be able to do that, you know.
Climate deniers like Tom and Vigilante and other silly souls are often involved in other silly beliefs.
The great increase in these gases during the last 25 years parallels Rushbo's ascent to reactionary sainthood in proportion to his his blasts on the radio.
Here we go again. The fact that every single Scientfiic Society on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger on indicates to these fools that the whole of the scientific culture is in on one huge international conspriracy to fool us on the facts of GHGs and climate. And, for what? Well according to these retards it is because they are all a bunch of communists that are in on a capitialistic conspriracy to make trillions off of the rest of us. ???????????

The more they post, the more they come up with this kind of shit, the more they stink.

You really are an incredible dumbass, aren't you? "Every single Scientific Society"??? Name some.

My, my. So now we have one incredibly ignorant asshole posting. LOL

American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society on earth.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

American Geological Society.

The Geological Society of America - Position Statement on Climate Change

American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society

American Meteorlogical Society

2012 AMS Information Statement on Climate Change

Now I could go on listing Scientific Societies here and overseas. My challenge to you is to list some Scientific Societies and their statements that disagree. You won't be able to do that, you know.

Link some peer-reviewed position papers you fucking moron. With empirically scrutinized proofs. Anybody can Google "society" like you just did, or in your case you probably pulled all this crap out of your ass...just like warmy "scientists" do. Did you ever get past the 7th grade? Do you know what Lenin meant by "useful idiot"? Jesus, talk about a knuckle-dragger.
Here we go again. The fact that every single Scientfiic Society on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger on indicates to these fools that the whole of the scientific culture is in on one huge international conspriracy to fool us on the facts of GHGs and climate. And, for what? Well according to these retards it is because they are all a bunch of communists that are in on a capitialistic conspriracy to make trillions off of the rest of us. ???????????

The more they post, the more they come up with this kind of shit, the more they stink.

You really are an incredible dumbass, aren't you? "Every single Scientific Society"??? Name some.

My, my. So now we have one incredibly ignorant asshole posting. LOL

American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society on earth.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

American Geological Society.

The Geological Society of America - Position Statement on Climate Change

American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society

American Meteorlogical Society

2012 AMS Information Statement on Climate Change

Now I could go on listing Scientific Societies here and overseas. My challenge to you is to list some Scientific Societies and their statements that disagree. You won't be able to do that, you know.

Link some peer-reviewed position papers you fucking moron. With empirically scrutinized proofs. Anybody can Google "society" like you just did, or in your case you probably pulled all this crap out of your ass...just like warmy "scientists" do. Did you ever get past the 7th grade? Do you know what Lenin meant by "useful idiot"? Jesus, talk about a knuckle-dragger.

In other words, you cannot find any Scientific Societies that state that AGW is not a fact. In fact, you cannot find a National Academy of Science, nor a major University that does states that AGW is not a fact.

Now, since those are the position papers of those scientific sociteties, they are peer reviewed. The fact that you don't know that indictates your level of education. As for mine, the highest class I have taken thus far is Engineering Geology 470/570. Have you ever taken a university class?

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2 000 Years

Article metrics for Climate science Vast costs of Arctic change Nature Nature Publishing Group

Geologic methane seeps along boundaries of Arctic permafrost thaw and melting glaciers Nature Geoscience Nature Publishing Group
Bet Al's carbon footprint is bigger than everyone participating in this thread combined.

Way bigger. I remember when he flew up to Winnipeg in his wife's gigantic corporate jet to promote his scam, "Inconvenient Truth", that some investigative journalist to whom we all owe a debt of favor, got hold of his utility bills from his mansion and his fuel bills for TWO private jets, and figured that his carbon footprint was 36 times greater than the average American schlep like me. I know where I'd like to leave my footprint on Al Gore.
The great increase in these gases during the last 25 years parallels Rushbo's ascent to reactionary sainthood in proportion to his his blasts on the radio.
it also correlates to Al Bore's GW biblical catastrophe proselytizing
Here we go again. The fact that every single Scientfiic Society on earth states that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger on indicates to these fools that the whole of the scientific culture is in on one huge international conspriracy to fool us on the facts of GHGs and climate. And, for what? Well according to these retards it is because they are all a bunch of communists that are in on a capitialistic conspriracy to make trillions off of the rest of us. ???????????

The more they post, the more they come up with this kind of shit, the more they stink.

You really are an incredible dumbass, aren't you? "Every single Scientific Society"??? Name some.

My, my. So now we have one incredibly ignorant asshole posting. LOL

American Institute of Physics, the single largest scientific society on earth.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

American Geological Society.

The Geological Society of America - Position Statement on Climate Change

American Chemical Society

American Chemical Society

American Meteorlogical Society

2012 AMS Information Statement on Climate Change

Now I could go on listing Scientific Societies here and overseas. My challenge to you is to list some Scientific Societies and their statements that disagree. You won't be able to do that, you know.

Link some peer-reviewed position papers you fucking moron. With empirically scrutinized proofs. Anybody can Google "society" like you just did, or in your case you probably pulled all this crap out of your ass...just like warmy "scientists" do. Did you ever get past the 7th grade? Do you know what Lenin meant by "useful idiot"? Jesus, talk about a knuckle-dragger.

In other words, you cannot find any Scientific Societies that state that AGW is not a fact. In fact, you cannot find a National Academy of Science, nor a major University that does states that AGW is not a fact.

Now, since those are the position papers of those scientific sociteties, they are peer reviewed. The fact that you don't know that indictates your level of education. As for mine, the highest class I have taken thus far is Engineering Geology 470/570. Have you ever taken a university class?

Surface Temperature Reconstructions for the Last 2 000 Years

Article metrics for Climate science Vast costs of Arctic change Nature Nature Publishing Group

Geologic methane seeps along boundaries of Arctic permafrost thaw and melting glaciers Nature Geoscience Nature Publishing Group

“Have you ever taken a university class?”

No Homer, I was busy in the dizzying heights of 4th grade grammar class, an atmospheric ambition to which you obviously never aspired.

“nor a major University that does states”

“and a clear and present danger on indicates to these”

You really get yourself in trouble when you can’t cut & paste, don’t you Homer? I lifted those from just your last two posts. That second one is a beauty. You paraphrase a Tom Clancy fiction title, completely unconsciously I’m sure, one of the greatest yarns of the past quarter century, to make a point about warmy empiricism! Freudian slip there, Homer? Should I go back and peruse more of your syntactical brilliance so you can make an even bigger ass of yourself?

You’re such an educated fellow, which is why you resort to the crudest profanity and name-calling when anyone deconstructs warmy cant, or when they won’t bend to you stellar insight. That was certainly my peer experience in academia -not. I’d say you’re some high school dropout union goon and foul-mouthed web troll -the classic useful idiot in other words. Am I getting warm, Homer?
I think post 28 of this thread clearly shows the left wing mind set. What I posted is the ice coverage for the artic and a link to the government provided information. The information really didn't agree with the premise of the OP. Yet @Old Rocks and Jake the fake somehow disagreed with that post. WTF were they disagreeing with? I didn't post my opinion I just posted facts and they run away from it. But sadly I am not sure using the world "they" is correct. I am think "he" would be more descriptive. I say that because I can't believe their are two posters that would disagree just to disagree.

Never the less whether just jake or two people it shows how the GW fearist run from the truth.
one more thing that ties into this globull warming bullshit and lies is "Sea Levels Rising".., i'll bet every fucking liberliar here will swear it is due to the ice caps and glacial melting.... RIGHT ?

i'll say you are wrong, i'll also bet i am the first/only person to explore this idea, has anyone given thought to the seas filling with garbage from the bottom up ? were does all the volcanic flow in Hawaii go ? to the bottom of the ocean, tons upon tons of space dust, rocks etc. fall on Earth every year, where does that crap go, Earth is 2/3rds covered by water, got a clue now ?

to prove my theory, take a glass of waterfilled one inch from the top, mark the water level, now take ten marbles and slowly drop them into the glass of water, watch how the water level rises with every marble dropped, simple, isn;t it ??

how fucking amazing is that ??
is there any good reason you dumbfucks disagree ? :lmao:
one more thing that ties into this globull warming bullshit and lies is "Sea Levels Rising".., i'll bet every fucking liberliar here will swear it is due to the ice caps and glacial melting.... RIGHT ?

i'll say you are wrong, i'll also bet i am the first/only person to explore this idea, has anyone given thought to the seas filling with garbage from the bottom up ? were does all the volcanic flow in Hawaii go ? to the bottom of the ocean, tons upon tons of space dust, rocks etc. fall on Earth every year, where does that crap go, Earth is 2/3rds covered by water, got a clue now ?

to prove my theory, take a glass of waterfilled one inch from the top, mark the water level, now take ten marbles and slowly drop them into the glass of water, watch how the water level rises with every marble dropped, simple, isn;t it ??

how fucking amazing is that ??

Space dust falls evenly on the oceans and the land so it would seem logical that it would equal out. Lava flow would seem not to be significant enough to make a difference. But that is just my opinion. It is an interesting thought you have raised. There are a few reasons that the level may have increased. The expansion of the water due to a change in temperature, if proven. The melting of ice covered land, not the artic ice sheet. tectonic activity.

Marine Transgression may explain some rise, or fall of the Oceans.

Marine transgression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
i agree, BUT ! remember the 2/3rds difference ? it won't equal out, just my thinking. :up:

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