
Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I read Earth in the Balance by Al Gore. The Eco-Hypocrite flew around the world to proclaim how bad... flying around the world and burning nasty, toxic, poisonous fossil fuel is. It was fraught with errors as virtually all Leftist books are.

His newest fraud is Our Choice.

Gore's fraud begins with the cover.

It isn't often that you can begin a critique with the cover, but Al Gore makes it so convenient.
The cover of his book is shown at the top. He photoshopped it to erase most of the clouds, which are almost always present especially in the mid latitudes.

(Unable to reproduce pictures on this pathetic website.)
Now you turn to the inside of the cover and again, Al lies. (Gasp!!!)
Claiming this is what the earth will look like if you meanies continue to drive your cars (while he rides in luxurious style and private jets),
Al photoshopped in numerous hurricanes everywhere. One off the east coast of America is twisting in the wrong direction.

Another is off the coast of Ecuador, where there has never been a hurricane. But all the misinformation is intended to line Al's pockets with more loot, so.....

P.S. Why did Al buy a new mansion near the coastline of California if it's all going under, as he claims in an eternal panic? Same with co-Nobel Laureate, Barack Obama, who bought a mansion in Martha's Vineyard.
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Al Gore appears to be very stupid, but he's an evil conniving kind of stupid.
Al's choice ...

Al's choice ...


So? There lots of ways to make money. Educating people on climate science is one. Selling kidneys on the black market is another. Hopefully you can tell the differences.

I applaud anyone who can make a buck suckering the rubes.

Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to keep their money.

As for me, I would never sell a kidney on eBay. Unless it wasn't my own kidney.
My choice.
To ignore the carbon burning elephant Gore and continue enjoying my V8 suv, boat and snowmobiles still burning a fraction of what that fat assed hypocrite does.
Screw Al Gore.
"And we all know the zebra doesn't change its spots." - Al Gore

"I took the initiative in inventing the internet." - Al The Scientist Gore, who by the way flunked out of Vanderbilt Divinity School and earned a "D" grade in his only science class

I read his first book Earth in the Balance.
Terribly amateurish and dishonest, but Leftists eat it up. A well-worn copy was found in the Unabomber's rathole cabin.

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