Al jazeera "journalists" and Palestinian Authority’s Fatah celebrate Arab terror murder of 3 civilians (most Jordanians are "Palestinian" Arabs)


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
Had enough of "moderates" myth??


Murderer of 3 Israelis honored as “heroic fighting Martyr” by Abbas’ Fatah.
Murderer was a former member of the PA Presidential Guard and a member of Fatah.
September 8, 2024.

Journalists For Al-Jazeera And Qatari Dailies Take To Social Media To Praise Border-Crossing Attack, Call To Intensify Attacks On Israel.
September 9, 2024
Special Dispatch No. 11548

Writing on their X (formerly Twitter) accounts, journalists working for the Qatari media, and especially for the Al-Jazeera network, celebrated the September 8, 2024 attack at the border crossing between Israel and Jordan, in which a Jordanian truck driver shot to death three Israelis employed at the crossing. The journalists called the shooter a "hero," "martyr," and "brave man with a strong conscience," and a columnist for Qatar's Al-Sharq daily advocated increasing attacks of this kind "from every direction."
Had enough of "moderates" myth??


Murderer of 3 Israelis honored as “heroic fighting Martyr” by Abbas’ Fatah.
Murderer was a former member of the PA Presidential Guard and a member of Fatah.
September 8, 2024.

Journalists For Al-Jazeera And Qatari Dailies Take To Social Media To Praise Border-Crossing Attack, Call To Intensify Attacks On Israel.
September 9, 2024
Special Dispatch No. 11548

Writing on their X (formerly Twitter) accounts, journalists working for the Qatari media, and especially for the Al-Jazeera network, celebrated the September 8, 2024 attack at the border crossing between Israel and Jordan, in which a Jordanian truck driver shot to death three Israelis employed at the crossing. The journalists called the shooter a "hero," "martyr," and "brave man with a strong conscience," and a columnist for Qatar's Al-Sharq daily advocated increasing attacks of this kind "from every direction."
Sick Palestinianism cult to dance toward blood of victims
It was from Israel that we got the lies about babies being beheaded.
The question was only how many but some were beheaded by "palestine" Islamist beasts. And it was not from Israel officially but varias journalists.

The following is from Israel showing actually:

Hamas Terrorists Admit They Beheaded Israelis: ‘Take Photos Of The Heads As The Guys Play With Them’.
By Daily Wire News.
Nov 3, 2023
...Hamza responded, “Allahu Akbar and praise God! Malek, take photos of the heads as the guys are playing with them and let them play with them [the heads] on the ground.”

“[I’ll] send them right away, Hamza,” Malek responded. “Right away.”


Whereas PALLYWOOD is all over the place especially al jihadzeera.

*Oct 2023.

Pallywood at Pro Palestinian demonstration in Paris using old dead baby photo of Turkish earthquake - Oct 2023
French daily Libération reports on its front page a photo of a protester holding up a photo of a child allegedly lying in the rubble of Gaza. This picture, which was already used in February 2023 in connection with the earthquake in Turkey, was generated by IA.

*Oct 2023.
Hamas actor pretending to be dying in hospital, is miraculously healed and making videos the next day.

Oct 2023
When the paramedic response time is faster than a Formula 1 pit crew.

Pallywood dead bodies moving (Oct 2023)

*Oct 2023
As Hamas regime lies to the world including on "numbers" of fatalities, dead body moving was caught on a CNN report from "Gaza Health ministry.
* As Palestinian Islamic Jihad kils their own people in al Ahli hospital Oct 17, 2023..

Pallywood’s Latest Blockbuster
How the media’s lockstep coverage of the Al-Ahli Hospital explosion promoted Hamas propaganda.
By Richard Landes.
November 29, 2023

*Mom I'm OK - it's just for the cameras - Pallywood Nov.2023
Nov 2023.
"Palestinian" "injured" in Pallywood: 'Mom I'm fine. It's just for the cameras.'

*Nov 2023.
New Pallywood star, released terrorist Mohammed Nazel exposed in lying about "broke my arms, starved in prison...".

*May 2024:
The palestinian woman "complains" to al Jazeera "All that is left for them is to erase us.." Then as Al Jazeera journalist starts to narrate... Her friend comes over and gives her thumbs up and she laughs out loud.

*May 17, 2024:
A child is supposedly "crushed under a rubble." When all is filmed, he is being told to get out of the pieces of woods covering him and they all laugh.

*June 22, 2024:
The youngster is interviewed about food... he "cries and cries" till he couldn't hold himself from laughing..

*Rashida Tlaib shares fake poll claiming half of Israelis support "rape" ( - rather enhanced interrogation) of Nukhba terrorists - Nukhba are the ones who led Oct 7 massacres, torture and real mass rapes (Aug/24)
Aug 2024: Rashida Tlaib shares fake poll claiming half of Israelis support "rape" ( - rather enhanced interrogation) of Nukhba terrorists - Nukhba are the ones who led Oct 7 massacres, torture and real mass rapes.
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Arab Journalists: Al-Jazeera Is A Mouthpiece Of The Terrorist Organizations
November 22, 2023

Palestinian Writer: Al-Jazeera Brainwashes Arabs On Hamas.
6 Dec 2023 — Palestinian journalist Hamid Karman, in an article in the London-based Emirati daily

Palestinian Authority Daily: Al-Jazeera Serves Terrorism
30 Apr 2024 — In his March 11, 2024 column in the Palestinian Authority (PA) daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, journalist Bassem Barhoum wrote that Qatar's Al-Jazeera is a populist media network that peddles illusions to the Arab public and covers events in a slanted manner while expertly advancing its Islamist agenda and the agenda of extremist terror organizations. He stated that, since its establishment in 1996 by Qatar's former Emir, who also funded the network, Al-Jazeera has been supporting the movements of political Islam, chief of them the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), as well as the various terror organizations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS, by promoting their agenda and providing a platform for their leaders, such as the extremist sheikh Yousuf Al-Qaradawi, Osama bin Laden, Ayman Al-Zawahiri and many others. This policy, he added, has contributed to the disintegration of nation-states like Syria, Iraq and Libya and the rise to power of MB parties in the Arab Spring revolutions, although the people of those countries wished to promote democratic and liberal ..

Palestinian Writers: Al-Jazeera Coverage On Gaza Is Distorted
29 Aug 2024 — Recent articles in a Palestinian daily criticize the coverage of the Gaza war on Arab news channels, especially on the Qatari Al-Jazeera

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