Al-Qaeda in Syria Gets Anti-aircraft Missiles


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Syria Civil War: Obama Mulls Anti-Aircraft Missiles For Assad Foes - TIME

Link that Syrian rebels pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda.

So let me get this straight, Syrian terrorists are supplied heavy anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons from the US government, but as a resident of the state of NY, I'll be thrown in prison for having a rifle with a pistol grip and collapsible stock or if my clip is capable of receiving more than 7 bullets? Yeah that seems legit and reasonable!

White House officials are weighing whether to send surface-to-air missiles to opposition factions at the risk of a possible terrorist "nightmare"

A former CIA director has called them “our worst nightmare.” A 2005 study found that just one could blow a $15-billion hole in the world economy. And the Obama Administration is thinking about sending them to Syria.
They are shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, capable of knocking helicopters and low-flying planes out of the sky. Syria’s rebels and their Arab government backers insist those weapons could decisively reverse the momentum in Syria’s three-year civil war, which may recently have shifted in favor of Bashar Assad’s regime.
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“The introduction of manpads could be a game-changer in Syria, like it was in Afghanistan in the 1980s with Stinger missiles,” an Arab official tells TIME, adding that he believes the Obama Administration has begun discussing the idea more seriously. Other sources say the issue is being debated at the White House, but that strong doubts remain about the wisdom of providing missiles to the rebels.

The issue is newly relevant amid recent reports that Syrian fighters are now using U.S.-made anti-tank weapons against Assad’s forces. Experts say it’s unlikely those weapons could have wound up in Syria without U.S. approval. Nor are they likely to shift the military balance in the conflict.
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Syria Civil War: Obama Mulls Anti-Aircraft Missiles For Assad Foes - TIME

So let me get this straight, Syrian terrorists are supplied heavy anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons from the US government, but as a resident of the state of NY, I'll be thrown in prison for having a rifle with a pistol grip and collapsible stock or if my clip is capable of receiving more than 7 bullets? Yeah that seems legit and reasonable!

White House officials are weighing whether to send surface-to-air missiles to opposition factions at the risk of a possible terrorist "nightmare"

A former CIA director has called them “our worst nightmare.” A 2005 study found that just one could blow a $15-billion hole in the world economy. And the Obama Administration is thinking about sending them to Syria.
They are shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, capable of knocking helicopters and low-flying planes out of the sky. Syria’s rebels and their Arab government backers insist those weapons could decisively reverse the momentum in Syria’s three-year civil war, which may recently have shifted in favor of Bashar Assad’s regime.
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“The introduction of manpads could be a game-changer in Syria, like it was in Afghanistan in the 1980s with Stinger missiles,” an Arab official tells TIME, adding that he believes the Obama Administration has begun discussing the idea more seriously. Other sources say the issue is being debated at the White House, but that strong doubts remain about the wisdom of providing missiles to the rebels.

The issue is newly relevant amid recent reports that Syrian fighters are now using U.S.-made anti-tank weapons against Assad’s forces. Experts say it’s unlikely those weapons could have wound up in Syria without U.S. approval. Nor are they likely to shift the military balance in the conflict.

Well, those Syrian Rebels are patriots putting their life on the line for freedom and liberty for their families; you're just a crazy person, an OCD gun lover who only thinks of himself.
"al-Queda" has gotten to be like a political party. Sometimes one is, sometimes one is not. And whether it benefits the other side to label the other group as al-Quea determines whether or not they are 'officially' al-Queda.
Well, those Syrian Rebels are patriots putting their life on the line for freedom and liberty for their families; you're just a crazy person, an OCD gun lover who only thinks of himself.

Syrian rebels pledge loyalty to al-Qaeda

The author of the article:

Mona Alami - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Mona Alami is a French Lebanese journalist who writes about political and economic issues in the Arab world.

This is your source? She wants to take your gun. :lol:
Just go back to calling them "freedom fighters" and you'll be okay with the US government selling shoulder-fired missiles to them.

At one time, the Syrian opposition was composed of decent people trying to rid themselves of a butchering Dictator.

But the liar in chief dithered. And he lied. And he let his alligator mouth overload his canary ass with his idiotic 'Red Line' statement.

The Syrian rebels are no longer decent people trying to overthrow a Dictator, they're just the murdering bandits and rapists that Islam always seems to have plenty of that want to fight.

Kinda like dimocraps. Or cockroaches. You can never rid yourselves of them
Sen. John McCain singled out the Assad regime’s use of “barrel bombs,” crude explosive devices pushed out of helicopters whose primary function seems to be killing civilians. “I want to shoot them down,” McCain said. “To stop these atrocities I’m willing to take the risk of a manpad… falling into the wrong hands, because we’ve got to stop it.”

Well if John's for it........
Sen. John McCain singled out the Assad regime’s use of “barrel bombs,” crude explosive devices pushed out of helicopters whose primary function seems to be killing civilians. “I want to shoot them down,” McCain said. “To stop these atrocities I’m willing to take the risk of a manpad… falling into the wrong hands, because we’ve got to stop it.”

Well if John's for it........

Why do you think the Too Big TO Fail Corps put Mccain and Obama on the ballot for 2008? Because they are the same.

List 10 differences between Obama and Romney --- in practice, not rhetoric.
Sen. John McCain singled out the Assad regime’s use of “barrel bombs,” crude explosive devices pushed out of helicopters whose primary function seems to be killing civilians. “I want to shoot them down,” McCain said. “To stop these atrocities I’m willing to take the risk of a manpad… falling into the wrong hands, because we’ve got to stop it.”

Well if John's for it........

Palin went rogue and approved it on his behalf.
Sen. John McCain singled out the Assad regime’s use of “barrel bombs,” crude explosive devices pushed out of helicopters whose primary function seems to be killing civilians. “I want to shoot them down,” McCain said. “To stop these atrocities I’m willing to take the risk of a manpad… falling into the wrong hands, because we’ve got to stop it.”

Well if John's for it........

Palin went rogue and approved it on his behalf.

So I take it that you accepted the veracity of the other links to Al Qaeda in Syria?
Funny thing is, it's Mccain who has developed, traveled , meet with and urged the arming of the rebels in Syria...
Syria Civil War: Obama Mulls Anti-Aircraft Missiles For Assad Foes - TIME

So let me get this straight, Syrian terrorists are supplied heavy anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons from the US government, but as a resident of the state of NY, I'll be thrown in prison for having a rifle with a pistol grip and collapsible stock or if my clip is capable of receiving more than 7 bullets? Yeah that seems legit and reasonable!

White House officials are weighing whether to send surface-to-air missiles to opposition factions at the risk of a possible terrorist "nightmare"

A former CIA director has called them “our worst nightmare.” A 2005 study found that just one could blow a $15-billion hole in the world economy. And the Obama Administration is thinking about sending them to Syria.
They are shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles, capable of knocking helicopters and low-flying planes out of the sky. Syria’s rebels and their Arab government backers insist those weapons could decisively reverse the momentum in Syria’s three-year civil war, which may recently have shifted in favor of Bashar Assad’s regime.
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“The introduction of manpads could be a game-changer in Syria, like it was in Afghanistan in the 1980s with Stinger missiles,” an Arab official tells TIME, adding that he believes the Obama Administration has begun discussing the idea more seriously. Other sources say the issue is being debated at the White House, but that strong doubts remain about the wisdom of providing missiles to the rebels.

The issue is newly relevant amid recent reports that Syrian fighters are now using U.S.-made anti-tank weapons against Assad’s forces. Experts say it’s unlikely those weapons could have wound up in Syria without U.S. approval. Nor are they likely to shift the military balance in the conflict.

Well, those Syrian Rebels are patriots putting their life on the line for freedom and liberty for their families; you're just a crazy person, an OCD gun lover who only thinks of himself.

yea, and the rebels who fought against government tyranny and founded this nation were just crazy ocd gun lovers too.
how long before some of these weapons slip into the hands of al qeada? ooops, been there, done that already

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