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Al Qaeda is Alive in America They're sending Their Spawn to The U.S. to perform Jihad


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
The Jihadist who attacked New York was inspired by dead global terrorist's. Quazi Nafis a 21 year old jihadist wanted to avenge Osama Bin Laden’s death and cause catastrophic damages to Americans. The intended target was only blocks away from the World Trade Center sight.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

In my humbel opinion, allegedly,

New York City -- Mr. Quazi Nafis, 21, is a Bangladeshi national and he was arrested yesterday for the charges of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction and attempting to provide material support to Al Qaeda. During his arraignment he did not enter a plea. His court appointed attorney did not comment on his case. Nafis is being held at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn, N.Y. If convicted he could face a life sentence. There hasn’t been a date set for his indictment as of yet.

January 2012

Quazi Nafis entered the U. S. on a student visa with no intention of going to school. Under the guise of being a student his main pursuit was to avenge Osama Bin Laden’s death by causing catastrophic death and destruction to Americans and killing himself by wearing a suicide bomber vest. He dropped out of school in his first semester at Southeast Missouri State University where he was studying Cyber Security he was pursuing a Security Degree.

Quazi Nafis tried to recruit fellow jihadists on Facebook and one particular profile page looked interesting to him so he befriended a fellow jihadist who just happened to be an undercover FBI agent.

July 6, 2012

Quazi Nafis told his Facebook jihadist friend, the FBI undercover agent, he wanted to recruit others for “Martyrdom.”

October 17, 2012

Quazi Nafis met with the FBI undercover agent to assemble a 1000-pound bomb and blow up the Federal Reserve Bank in downtown Manhattan.

Nafis left his apartment in Jamaica, Queens and the FBI undercover agent was with him. They drove a van to a warehouse where they loaded the back of the van with twenty 50 pounds sacks of Ammonia Nitrate. He put them in trash cans inside the van and covered them with a tarp. The undercover agent drove the van to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York while Quazi Nafis was in the back assembling the detonators and attaching them to the bomb. They parked the van out front of the building and got out and went to the nearby Millennium Hotel where Nafis made a video of himself he called “Message of a “Martyr” and he said, “We will not stop until we attain a victory or martyrdom.”

Then he picked up the cell phone and made a call attempting to set the bomb off. He made two attempts before the FBI and Joint Terrorist Task Forced popped his bubble and arrested him.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Homeland Security Committee Chairman said, “He was a very strong supporter of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula which operates out of Yemen. So, he did make references to himself to know people in Al Qaeda.”

At first Nafis had two plans he wanted to not only blow up the van of explosives but to also strap on a suicide vest and blow himself up in another significant location. His friend the FBI undercover agent convinced him it would be better to stay alive and watch the fireworks and kill another day. So he scrapped the second plan.

Quazi Nafis idols were:

Anwar al Awlaki who was an Al-Qaeda global jihadist and he was killed in Yemen but was born in Texas, USA. The ACLU is suing the federal government for his death because he was an American. (a sticky situation) LINK

Quazi Nafis developed enough hatred towards the United States that he felt he had to fulfill a mass killing mission in America.

Nafis was a disciple of Osama Bin Laden and in fact referred to Osama Bin Laden as our beloved. He had written an article for a jihadist’s magazine called “Inspire” hoping to get it published. The magazine recruited young people who wanted to be followers of Osama Bin Laden and Anwar al Awlaki even after death. Anwar al Awlaki is the one who came up with Inspire magazine for jihadists. Anwar al Awlaki’s DVD’s on the internet also inspired him.

Quazi Nafis was quoted describing his plans by saying, “Something big very, very, very, big that will shake the whole country, that will make us one step closer to run the whole world. I want to do something that brother’s coming after us can be inspired by us."


Watched Cable FOX NEWS

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Other places to find the story here are some links:


New York Times Page 26A
Man is Charged with Plotting to Bomb Federal Reserve Bank in Manhattan


The Washington Post Page 9A
FBI Arrest Man Purportedly Plotting To Bomb New York Federal Reserve
Man arrested in purported plot to bomb New York Federal Reserve - The Washington Post


Fed Bombing Plot Foiled in NYC
Federal Reserve bombing plot foiled in NYC


AP source: Obama was considered potential target




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Wow, more cut and paste...wow...what a great 'conversation'...

...... :rolleyes:
So the FBI gives bomb to a Brown guy, tells him to blow up the Fed then arrests him before he does it. Makes sense, the FBI helps terrorists in the US, then the CIA helps terrorists in the Middle East. That about right?

If so, is that why the TSA has to feel my balls when I get on an airplane?
An dey comin' to a town near YOU!...
Muslim uprisings open gates for al Qaeda
Wednesday, October 17, 2012 - The recent wave of anti-West demonstrations across the Muslim world and the attack that killed four Americans in Libya have triggered mounting concern among analysts and U.S. officials that al Qaeda is exploiting the chaos that has followed the Arab Spring’s overthrow of secular dictatorships aligned with the United States.
Al Qaeda’s affiliate in North Africa has been linked to the Sept. 11 military-style assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Circumstantial evidence now is emerging that supporters of the terrorist network were involved in fomenting deadly protests against America last month in Egypt, Yemen and Tunisia. The demonstrations, in which violent but unarmed mobs stormed the U.S. and other Western embassies, generally were reported to be spontaneous expressions of outrage over an Internet video that denigrates Islam’s Prophet Muhammad. “Al Qaeda has tried to exploit the ‘Arab Awakening’ in North Africa for its own purposes during the past year,” states a report from the Library of Congress about the group’s strategy in Libya.

The report’s authors say al Qaeda’s senior leadership is taking advantage of the way the rebellions have “disrupted existing counterterrorism capabilities.” In addition, Thomas Joscelyn, a terrorism analyst at the hawkish Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, said that “there are not too many dots to join” to link high-profile al Qaeda supporters to the demonstrations in the Arab world:

• In Cairo on Sept. 11, protesters breached the U.S. Embassy’s walls, burned the American flag and raised an Islamic battle standard used by al Qaeda.

The call to protest the Internet video came from al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri’s younger brother Mohammed, among others.

Demonstrators chanted, “Obama, Obama, we are all Osama,” indicating their allegiance to slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

• In the Yemeni capital of Sanaa two days later, protests at the U.S. Embassy were sparked by a call from Abdul Majid al-Zindani, a Muslim cleric who was named as a “specially designated global terrorist” by the Treasury Department in 2004 because of his links to bin Laden.

Five demonstrators were killed, as the mob clashed with Yemeni security forces protecting the embassy.

• In Tunisia, where at least four died in similar clashes, the demonstration was organized by Seifallah ben Hassine, otherwise known as Abu Iyad al Tunisi.

Hassine leads a group called Ansar al Shariah-Tunisia. Analysts say that al Qaeda-inspired jihadists in Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and elsewhere have adopted the name Ansar al-Shariah for their cause.

Read more: Muslim uprisings open gates for al Qaeda - Washington Times Muslim uprisings open gates for al Qaeda - Washington Times
"NEW YORK (AP) — A Bangladeshi man snared in an FBI terror sting considered targeting President Barack Obama and the New York City Stock Exchange before settling on a car bomb attack on the Federal Reserve, just blocks from the World Trade Center site, a law enforcement official told The Associated Press on Thursday."


AP source: Obama was considered potential target
AP source: Obama was considered potential target - Yahoo! News


In my opinion,

Isn’t it interesting that the Al Qaeda operative decided NOT to kill Obama. It’s probably because even he knows that no one person could do more damage to America than Obama! (He figured it would be a mistake to take Obama out because he's helping Al Qaeda. Obama is giving Iran time to develop nuclear weapons to come after America with! Why would he want to take him out? Obama's hitting for the other team and they know it.)

Obama repeatedly tells his supporters in his campaign speeches that “Al Qaeda is dead.” Does it look like Al Qaeda is dead? NO, I think not, this is just the beginning of the resurrection of the Dead-Global-Terrorists-Fad.

Osama Bin Laden will probably become more popular in death than he was when he was alive! Obama and his supporters are the only ones who think otherwise and that Mr. Obama whipped Al Qaeda into submission single handedly. (Mission Accomplished right Barack?)

Obama and his supporters think that we can let down our guard and reduce the military and ban guns and make law enforcement use rubber bullets and bean bag guns and strip the gun rights away from the average American citizens. Then make law enforcement let the illegal alien criminals go to roam the streets to commit more crimes.

I hope they don’t expect any rational person to think that way. Especially, when the Obama administration says, our borders have never been more secure while the illegal aliens, drugs and violent criminals continue to flood over the Southern border and the illegal aliens they do deport are back in the country in 24 hours.

Get Rid of the Amateur in the White House!
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According to Court Papers:

“QUAZI MOHAMMAD REZWANUL AHSAN NAFIS did knowingly and intentionally attempt to provide material support and resources, as defined in 18 U.S.C. S 2339A (b), including communications equipment, explosives and personnel, including himself, to a foreign terrorist organization, to wit: al-Qaeda


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JOHN NEAS, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, duly appointed according to law and acting as such. Upon information and belief, on or about October 17, 2012, within the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere, the defendant QUAZI MOHAMMAD REZWANUL AHSAN NAFIS did knowingly, intentionally and without lawful authority attempt to use a weapon of mass destruction, to wit: an explosive bomb, against person and property within the United States, and the offense and results of the offense would have affected interstate and foreign commerce.

(Title 18, United States Code, Section 2332a (a) (2) (D)) Upon information and belief, on or about and between July 15, 2012 and October 17, 2012, both dates being approximate and inclusive, with in the Eastern District of New York and elsewhere,


the defendant “QUAZI MOHAMMAD REZWANUL AHSAN NAFIS did knowingly and intentionally attempt to provide material support and resources, as defined in 18 U.S.C. S 2339A (b), including communications equipment, explosives and personnel, including himself, to a foreign terrorist organization, to wit: al-Qaeda.”

(Title 18, United States Code, Section 2339B (a) (1))

The source of your deponent's information and the grounds for his belief are as follows:

1. I am Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI"). I have been employed by the FBI for approximately two years. I am currently assigned to the New York Joint Terrorism Task Force ("JTTF"), which is dedicated to investigating counterterrorism-related matters. As a result of my training and experience, I am familiar with the tactics, methods and techniques of terrorist networks and their members.

(1. Because this affidavit is being submitted for the limited purpose of establishing probable cause to arrest, I have not set forth every fact learned during the course of this investigation. At various points in this affidavit, I will offer my interpretations of certain communications in brackets and otherwise. My interpretations are based on my knowledge of the investigation to date and review of prior communications, the contents and context of the communications, prior and subsequent communications, conversation with the other officers, and my experience and familiarity with terrorist organizations generally. Summaries of communications do not include references to all the topics covered during the course of the communications. In addition, the summaries do not necessarily include references to all statements made by the speakers on the topics that are mentioned. Finally, quotations from written communications are as they appear in their original form, including any grammatical or spelling errors. While transcribers have attempted to transcribe conversations accurately, to the extent that quotations from these communications are included, these are preliminary, not final, transcriptions.) LINK

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I. The Defendant

2. According to records from federal immigration authorities, the defendant QUAZI MOHAMMAD REZUANUL AHSAN NAFIS (hereinafter "NAFIS") IS A 21-year-old Bangladeshi citizen who entered the United States on a student visa in or about January 2012. NAFIS lives in Queens, New York.

II Al-Qaeda

3. Al-Qaeda had been designated by the Secretary of State as a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. On February 23, 1998, al-Qaeda issued the following directive: n compliance with God's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims: The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it[.]

Al-Qaeda has committed and attempted to commit numerous large-scale terrorist attacks against the United States and American citizens, including, among others, the August 7, 1998 bombing of United States embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, which caused hundreds of deaths, and the September 11, 2001 airplane hijacking and attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon, which caused the deaths of thousands of Americans. More recently, in 2009, three al-Qaeda operatives plotted to conduct a suicide bombing attack against the New York City subway system, but the plot was disrupted by law enforcement. Link page 3-4

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"Then he picked up the cell phone and made a call attempting to set the bomb off. He made two attempts before the FBI and Joint Terrorist Task Forced popped his bubble and arrested him."

Hahaha gotta laugh,what a moron.
"Then he picked up the cell phone and made a call attempting to set the bomb off. He made two attempts before the FBI and Joint Terrorist Task Forced popped his bubble and arrested him."

Hahaha gotta laugh,what a moron.

Oh, but there's more! He let them record his every phone call and every move because he wanted to be famous in the Jihad world he was an ego maniac! According to the cable news channel the FBI and Joint Terrorist Task Force videotaped him almost 100% of the time wherever he went and they sat in a comfy hotel room watching him on a big screen T.V. (Now, that really made me laugh.)

He may have been on the slow side on some issues but he was deadly serious about blowing up American men, women and children without any qualms and he tried to recruit other to do the same. These people may have intellectual intelligence but their religion erases that!! This guy wanted to die as a martyr and said he couldn’t wait to meet Allah. There are no other words; their religion is nuts-so.

We should stop all immigration at all levels to America for at least 5 years. We need to close and protect our Southern border with a beefed up militarized Border Patrol and guard our ports. We need to End Birth Right Citizenship! There are over a half a million illegal alien Muslims in the country to date. (And they probably don’t love us.)

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I. NAFIS Contacts A Confidential Source And Expresses A Desire To Wage Violent Jihad Against The United States.

4. In or about early July 2012, NAFIS first contacted an FBI confidential human source (the "CHS") and subsequently attempted to recruit the CHS into a jihadist cell to carry out a terror attack on U.S. soil. On or about July 5, 2012, The CHS received a call from NAFIS wherein NAFIS advised, in sum and substance, that NAFIS is from Bangladesh but came to the United States to wage "jihad." NAFIS told the CHS that all Muslims and Muslim sheikhs in the United States are "Talafi," meaning not true Muslims. NAFIS also told the CHS that NAFIS admired Sheikh "O," whom the CHS understood to be Osama bin Laden. In addition, NAFIS told the CHS that he admired the magazine starting with "I," which the confidential human source (CHS), understood to be the al-Qaeda-affiliate-sponsored publication "Inspire."

(“Jihad" is an Arabic term meaning "struggle," referring to one's struggle on behalf of Islam. In the context of the communications set forth herein, and based on later communications, I understand NAFIS to be referring to a violent form of jihad, or holy war.)

5. During that same July 5, 2012 call with the CHS, NAFIS described the United States as "dar al-harb," which means "land of war" in Arabic. NAFIS further told the CHS that NAFIS believes it is permissible to travel to the United States for only two reasons: for "dawaa," which mean "preaching," or "J," which the CHS understood to mean "jihad." During this call, NAFIS told the CHS that he was in communication with both an individual in the United States (the "CO-CONSPIRATOR") and another "brother" in Bangladesh. NAFIS told the CHS that this group, including the CHS, should remain in close contact.

6. On or about July 6, 2012, the CHS engaged in a consensually recorded telephone conversation with NAFIS. During that conversation, NAFIS stated that he was in New York City. NAFIS

(Based on my training and experience, I know that Inspire is an English-language online magazine reported to be published by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula ("AQAP"). Among other things, the magazine includes recruiting material for AQAP and provides information about how to carry out particular types of terrorist attacks. For example, one article titled "How to Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom: describes how to construct a bomb using items found in a typical kitchen. As of the date of this affidavit, there have been nine issues of the magazine.

The CO-CONSPIRATOR is not a government agent and has subsequently been arrested by federal authorities for non-terrorism-related felony offenses.

NAFIS also stated that he wanted to recruit others to join the group. NAFIS also stated that he wanted to recruit others to join the group.

LINK page 4-6

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Republicans let their leader go and stopped looking for him so he could "spawn".
7. During the period between July 6, 2012 and July 8, 2012, NAFIS, the CO-CONSPIRATOR and the confidential human source (CHS) began to communicate via Facebook, an internet social-media website. During these communications, which were consensually recorded by the CHS, the three discussed certain Islamic legal rulings that advise that it is unlawful for a person who enters a country with a visa to wage jihad there. NAFIS stated that he had conferred with another individual in Bangladesh and was advised that he was not bound by such rulings. Accordingly, NAFIS indicated that he believed that he was free to continue with his plan to conduct a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

8. On or about July 11, 2012, the CO-CONSPIRATOR told the CHS, in sum and substance, that NAFIS had previously told the CO-CONSPIRATOR that NAFIS wanted to attack and kill a high-ranking government official (the "high-ranking official"). This communication was consensually recorded.

9. A few hours later, on or about July 12, 2012 in the early morning, NAFIS told the CO-CONSPIRATOR and the CHS, in sum and substance, that NAFIS had contacts with al-Qaeda members overseas who could assist the group in planning and executing an attack on the high-ranking official. This communication was consensually recorded.

LINK page 6


7. During the period between July 6, 2012 and July 8, 2012, NAFIS, the CO-CONSPIRATOR and the confidential human source (CHS) began to communicate via Facebook, an internet social-media website. During these communications, which were consensually recorded by the CHS, the three discussed certain Islamic legal rulings that advise that it is unlawful for a person who enters a country with a visa to wage jihad there. NAFIS stated that he had conferred with another individual in Bangladesh and was advised that he was not bound by such rulings. Accordingly, NAFIS indicated that he believed that he was free to continue with his plan to conduct a terrorist attack on U.S. soil.

8. On or about July 11, 2012, the CO-CONSPIRATOR told the CHS, in sum and substance, that NAFIS had previously told the CO-CONSPIRATOR that NAFIS wanted to attack and kill a high-ranking government official (the "high-ranking official"). This communication was consensually recorded.

9. A few hours later, on or about July 12, 2012 in the early morning, NAFIS told the CO-CONSPIRATOR and the CHS, in sum and substance, that NAFIS had contacts with al-Qaeda members overseas who could assist the group in planning and executing an attack on the high-ranking official. This communication was consensually recorded.

10. On or about July 14, 2012, NAFIS told the confidential human source (CHS), in sum and substance, that NAFIS intended to return to Bangladesh, likely in December 2012, to obtain training form al-Qaeda. This communication was also consensually recorded.

II. NAFIS Meets With The UC and Describes His Plan For A Terrorist Attack In The United States

11. The CHS had previously told NAFIS during a consensually recorded communication that the CHS knew an individual who was a member of al-Qaeda, and NAFIS indicated that he wanted to speak to that individual. During a subsequent consensually recorded conversation on or about July 15, 2012 between NAFIS and an undercover law enforcement office purporting to be the CHS's al-Qaeda contact, NAFIS stated, in sum and substance, that he wanted assistance from al-Qaeda in launching a terrorist attack in the United States. In a subsequent consensually recorded communication, the undercover officer told NAFIS, in sum and substance, that he would have another al-Qaeda member contact NAFIS to assist with an attack.

12. On or about July 19, 2012, another undercover law enforcement officer posing as an al-Qaeda member and facilitator (the "UC"), spoke with NAFIS on the telephone and arranged a meeting in Central Park in Manhattan, New York to occur on or about July 24, 2012. The call was consensually recorded.

LINK page 6-7

So the FBI gives bomb to a Brown guy, tells him to blow up the Fed then arrests him before he does it. Makes sense, the FBI helps terrorists in the US, then the CIA helps terrorists in the Middle East. That about right?

If so, is that why the TSA has to feel my balls when I get on an airplane?

1. So the FBI gives bomb to a Brown guy, tells him to blow up the Fed then arrests him before he does it.

In my opinion, the Bangladeshi national Quazi Nafis explicitly came to America to wreak havoc and jihad on America any way that he could. When he applied for the Student Visa it wasn’t advance education he was interested in. He wanted to destroy America and become a martyr for Osama Ninny Laden and Al Qaeda.

Quazi Nafis was hardly an innocent “Brown Guy” who was lured in by the FBI and the Joint Terrorist Task Force. Some think that the Feds have too much money and too much time on their hands. Some say they we’re justifying their jobs by setting up innocent “Brown Guys.” I think if they hadn’t of stopped him he would have met up with some like-minded individual’s out there and together they would have cooked up some other plots to destroy American infrastructure and kill as many innocent American victims as possible.

Quazi Nafis is no different than a lot of wanna-be-jihadist. Only most of the jihadist's in America are quietly happy with just setting forest fires and burning down building, factories and derailing trains across the nation. They’re like Gremlins looking for an opportunity to hurt America and Americans wherever they can. They may be intelligent and hold full time jobs and they're among us every day but they have other plans. In their secret meetings in their homes, businesses and mosques they plan death and destruction to the United States of America in my opinion.

2. Makes sense,

No not at all. They can’t accept the country that accepted them. They don’t come to assimilate they come to take over. You can count on the Muslim population as being heavy users of the country’s social services, free medical and free education benefits. They feel it's perfectly alright to lie to the infidels (meaning anyone who is not a Muslim) because it says so in their bible the Koran. The Koran says that it's OK to lie to the infidel and it encourages its followers to do so especially when waging war on their enemies the infidels. (us)

3. the FBI helps terrorists in the US, then the CIA helps terrorists in the Middle East.

The FBI facilitates the wanna-be-terrorists desires to find out what they know and who they know. The FBI wants to see if they can nab anymore dumb jihadists trying to form terror cells in America. In this particular case Quazi Nafis had a Co-Conspirator who Nafis found on the internet. The Co-Conspirator was arrested for helping Quazi Nafis. Do we want these kinds of people running around America? I think not. Even though the FBI actions seemed unethical to some and smelled like entrapment to others, they were acting within their legal rights to protect this nation. If they weren't the ACLU would be all over them and protecting the Muslims rights and you can take that to the bank!

If they hadn’t of played along with Quazi Nafis and caught him when they did, he might still be out there dreaming up other ways to take down America and take American lives because he had a mind-set to do so.

4. That about right?

No. If the FBI can’t fight fire with fire, then what do we do? Should we just sit back and watch our fellow American’s be blown up every day and say, “Oh Well, that’s too bad, glad it didn’t happen here.” Should we have to feel like we’re playing a game of Russian roulette every time we drive down our highways? Hoping some teenage jihadist-wanna-be hasn’t place an improvised explosive device (IED) on the road. Will we be scared out of our wits every time we go to the grocery store or travel to work? Are we going to stand by and let them burn our country to the ground? Hell No! We’re going to fight back anyway we can and every American should be on the lookout and report any suspicious behavior.

5. If so, is

I’d rather have the FBI taking out wanna-be-terrorists than them taking us out!

6. that why the TSA has to feel my balls when I get on an airplane?

The TSA has to feel your balls when you get on a plane because the American government won’t do the right things to keep you safe. By feeling your balls they can further humiliate you and the American public to keep you at bay and show us their power. The government portrays themselves to the public that they’re taking action against the terrorists by terrorizing the American public. When in actuality they should be rounding up and deporting the 575,000 illegal alien Muslims in the country.

They should BAN all flights from known terrorist's countries from flying into or out of America.

The government should stop ALL immigration, legal and illegal immigration for at least the next 5 years and start kicking ass and taking names and deporting illegal aliens right and left. The government should also END BIRTH RIGHT CITIZENSHIP so that when the parents are caught and get deported they can take their kids with them. The children of illegal aliens are bleeding the medical, education and social services systems dry in America! The amount we pay to incarcerate criminal illegal aliens and criminal Anchor Babies and pay their attorney fees and court costs are mind boggling!

If the government can successfully track down a COW to the state, to the farmer, to the stall that has Mad Cow disease then I think they can control legal and illegal immigration pretty well if they wanted to. The problem is the government doesn’t want to.

I think we have a "Bought and paid for government" who is owned by big corporations and foreign countries and it’s high time that the American public woke up and voted all of their butts out of office, both the Republicans and Democrats.

The current politician's aren’t the only smart people in America we have plenty of honest, intelligent people to take their places. Just look at the state of the country does anyone believe we couldn’t live without the current politician’s OR does anyone believe that they have done a good job running this country? I believe that they have done a good job of ruining this county! The truth of matter is that both parties have done a crap job and they ALL need to go!

Out with the old in with the new!!! In the future we need to keep new blood in the politician’s seats. So we must never let any politician have more than one term in office because the longer they stay in office the more corrupt they become. That is proven, just look at the current politician’s corruption rate and voting records.

The Senate and Congress in Washington D.C. are the ones making the laws, changing the laws and ignoring the laws. They’re the ones who are spending all the money foolishly! They’re the ones voting and making the decisions for Americans in America. They’re the one’s putting us in expensive fruitless wars and driving up the national debt. Then they tell us we have to pay more taxes to support their bad spending habits! WTF is wrong with us that we can’t say, NO, Hell NO and by the way all of you politicians both parties are fired!!!

There are about 600 men and women in the Senate and Congress and there are about 3 million of us, I think we can take them!!!

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13. On or about July 24, 2012, NAFIS met the UC in Central Park. During that meeting, which was consensually recorded, NAFIS told undercover law enforcement the UC, in sum and substance, that he wished to launch a terrorist attack against the United States. NAFIS further told the UC, in sum and substance, that he was collaborating with two other individuals -- "Yaqueen" (the CO-CONSPIRATOR and the CHS -- and that those individuals also wanted to participate in the attack. NAFIS stated, "We are ready for action." NAFIS then said, in sum and substance, that he, "Yaqueen" and the confidential human source (CHS) "don't care anything about our work. We just want to meet the lord as soon as we can." NAFIS continued:

What I really mean, is that I don't want something that's like, small. I just want something big. Something very big. Very very very very big, that will shake the whole country, that will make America, not one step ahead, change of policy, and make one step ahead, for the Muslims ... that will make us one step closer to run the whole world...

14. NAFIS further told the UC during the July 24, 2012 meeting, in sum and substance, that "Yaqueen" had told him about a military base in Baltimore with one guard standing outside whom they could attack. NAFIS then stated, in sum and substance, that he proposed to attack more than a single individual. NAFIS explained, "I want to do something that brothers coming after us can be inspired by us."

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III. NAFIS Selects Manhattan's Financial District As The Target For His Attack

15. During a consensually recorded telephone communication between NAFIS and the undercover law enforcement, UC on or about August 5, 2012, NAFIS told the UC, in sum and substance, that NAFIS was considering the New York Stock Exchange as a possible target. On or about August 9, 2012, FBI agents conducting surveillance on NAFIS observed him in the area of the Stock Exchange, apparently as part of NAFIS's efforts to assess its suitability as a target. Surveillance agents also observed NAFIS appearing to take notes while he was in the area of the Stock Exchange.

16. On or about August 11, 2012, NAFIS met with the UC in a hotel room in Queens, New York. During that meeting, which was consensually recorded, NAFIS confirmed that he wanted to target the financial district of Manhattan -- specifically, the New York Stock Exchange. NAFIS told the UC, in sum and substance, that he wanted to use explosives as part of a suicide attack, either contained in one or more cars, or strapped to his person. NAFIS explained, "We are going to need a lot of TNT or dynamite." NAFIS also provided the UC with a handwritten map of the area that NAFIS had apparently prepared while scouting the area around the Stock Exchange on or about August 9, 2012.

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