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Al Qaeda is Alive in America They're sending Their Spawn to The U.S. to perform Jihad

If Romney gets elected I fear we will be going to war with Iran, he appears to be a Hawk.

Mittens really wants a war and so do his owners. I don't think any of them care who we're fighting but we WILL attack someone and its pretty likely that Mittens' stupid mouthing off will cause someone to attack us.

Actually, its President Obama who has turned out to be a very aggressive hawk. We've seen him kill a lot of terrorists but without the hundreds of thousands of collateral deaths and $TRILLIONS cost we saw with Bush's disasters.

As for the OP's stupid subject line -
Al Qaeda is Alive in America They're sending Their Spawn to The U.S. to perform Jihad

Its pretty dumb to say they are "alive in America" AND that they're sending their "spawn" to America but its certainly true that the al Qaeda is active just about every where.

The president gotten a lot of them and there's no reason to think he's finished.
36. In the evening on or about October 16, 2012, NAFIS called the undercover law enforcement the UC and stated, in sum and substance, that he wanted to "add something" to the planned attack, and that he wanted to attack "to happen, no matter what." That call was consensually recorded.

37. In the early morning on or about October 17, 2012, NAFIS and the UC met and drove to the Warehouse in a van (the "Vehicle"). This meeting was consensually recorded. During this drive to the Warehouse, NAFIS told the UC, in sum and substance, that he had a "Plan B," which involved changing the attack into a suicide bombing operation in the event that NAFIS believed the attack was about to be thwarted by police.

38. After arriving at the Warehouse, NAFIS assembled the purported one thousand-pound explosive device, pouring the bags containing the inert explosive material into the trash bins and placing them inside the Vehicle. He also installed components for the purported detonator. As NAFIS and the UC prepared to leave the Warehouse, NAFIS collected the empty bags that had contained the inert explosive material and place them in the van. NAFIS then told the UC, in sum and substance, that he was collecting the extra bags because he believed that there might be residual explosive materials in the bags that would contribute to the strength of the anticipated detonation and kill more people.

LINK page 18

39. NAFIS and the UC then drove in the Vehicle from the Warehouse to the New York Federal Reserve Bank. During this drive, NAFIS explained that his jihadist views were shaped, in part, by videotaped sermons of Anwar al-Awlaki. In addition, NAFIS told the undercover law enforcement the UC that he wanted to record a video statement prior to detonating the device.

40. Before entering Manhattan, NAFIS armed the purported explosive device for detonation by turning on the cellular phone to be used in the detonator, installing the battery in the detonator and connecting the wires linking the detonator to the purported explosive materials.

41. Upon arriving at the New York Federal Reserve Bank, NAFIS and the UC parked the Vehicle, exited, and walked to a nearby hotel. Once inside a room at the hotel, NAFIS told the UC to film a video statement NAFIS wanted to make concerning the attack. During a video-recorded statement to the American public, NAFIS stated: "We will not stop until we attain victory or martyrdom." While making his video statement, NAFIS covered his face, wore sunglasses, and disguised his voice.

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It's much MORE alive in America because they have their tool in the Oval Office. Fact.

Instead of the tool Bush? Which produced more terrorist acts that were successful. Under Oblama, the dumb asses die.

Both parties are at fault especially when they brought refugees from the Middle East to America. Bush and Obama both brought hundreds of thousands of Middle Eastern refugees to America and that was a big mistake! They should have found some other country to take them or left them where they were.

I don't care how smart they are if they want to blow up Americans they shouldn't be allowed in America. We should end the student visa program to Muslim countries. If they can't play nice to Hell with them.

I think both Republicans and Democrats have to work together on this issue. Both parties have to vote the bums out of office and put some fresh blood in political power. We need politicians who will do the Will of The People.The only way things will change is if we change them!

42. After completing the video, NAFIS repeatedly attempted to detonate the purported bomb by placing multiple telephone calls to the cellular telephone which he had installed as the initiating device for the detonator. By placing these calls, NAFIS was attempting to detonate the purported bomb inside the Vehicle which was parked next to the New York Federal Reserve Bank. These calls by NAFIS were observed by the undercover law enforcement the UC and captured via court-authorized pen register/trap and trace devices on both the phone NAFIS used to make the calls and the phone connected to the purported explosive device. Agents entered the Vehicle and visually confirmed that the detonator had been activated. Agents subsequently place NAFIS under arrest.

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WHEREFORE, your deponent respectfully request that the defendant REZWANUL NAFIS be dealt with according to law.



Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

LINK page 21 The End.


If Romney gets elected I fear we will be going to war with Iran, he appears to be a Hawk.

He has not given any indication of going to war with Iran. Why should we have a war with them anyway? We can just wipe them off the face of the earth, there's no need for war.

Convicted Terrorists Family Gives Him Full Support and Tells Him We’ll See You on The Other Side!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

In my opinion,

BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS --Rezwan Ferdaus, 27, A Muslim-American of Ashland was charged and convicted for attempting to provide material support to terrorists and attempting to damage and destroy federal buildings with an explosive. He has a physics degree from Northeastern University. He was sentenced to 17 years in prison and will receive credit for the 13 months he’s already served. Upon sentencing he “Offered no apology for his actions.”

Rezwan Ferdaus plotted, “To fly remote-controlled model planes packed with explosives into the Pentagon and U.S. Capitol.” While praying to Allah in his mosque he found a confidant who just happened to be an undercover cop in December 2010 and told him about his plot. His plot also included killing American soldiers abroad. He made a request for grenades, machine guns and plastic explosives which were provided to him by the FBI.

“Ferdaus began planning a holy war against the United States in 2010 after becoming convinced by seeing jihadi websites and videos that said America is evil.”

After the judge past down sentencing it was reported that his mother said,"My son is innocent," she cried. "Go investigate your government." “As he left the courtroom in handcuffs, his family stood and shouted, "We love you, Rezwan!" ''Stay strong, Rez!" and "See you on the other side!"”


Mass. man sentenced to 17 years in terror plot</SPAN>
Fifty-Third Terror Plot Foiled Since 9/11


Combating the Continued Threat of Terrorism

At least 53 publicly known Islamist-inspired terrorist plots against the U.S. have been thwarted since 9/11. Of these, 13 have involved New York City as a target, second only to domestic military targets, showing that terrorists continue to seek to strike at the heart of the U.S.

In order to combat the continued threat of terrorism on U.S. soil, Congress and the Administration should:
  • Maintain essential counterterrorism tools. Support for important investigative tools, such as the PATRIOT Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), is essential to maintaining the security of the U.S. and combating terrorist threats. FISA authorizes electronic surveillance within certain legal limits, while key provisions of the PATRIOT Act&#8212;such as the roving surveillance authority and business records provision&#8212;have proven essential to thwarting terrorist plots. Yet these resources require reauthorization every year. In order to ensure that law enforcement and intelligence authorities have the critical counterterrorism tools they need, Congress should seek permanent authorization of the three sunsetting provisions within the PATRIOT Act. At the same time, Congress should ensure that it does not deny the intelligence community the vital tools contained within FISA and the subsequent FISA Amendments Act, which is set to expire at the end of this year.
  • Increase visa coordination. Careful screening of those who wish to come to the U.S. provides the opportunity to apprehend terrorists and other criminals before they enter the country. The Obama Administration has yet to place visa coordination at the top of its agenda. In fact, the Visa Security Program&#8212;which would provide background screening on visa applicants&#8212;has not been deployed at many high-risk diplomatic posts. At the same time, Congress has let the Visa Waiver Program&#8212;which requires pre-screening of visa waiver participants and robust information sharing with member countries&#8212;to come to a virtual standstill. Both efforts should be allowed to expand.
  • Examine information-sharing gaps. Efforts to increase information sharing between the U.S. and its allies while improving interagency communications between the Departments of State, Justice, and Homeland Security and intelligence agencies are vital to protecting the U.S. from the continued threat of terrorism. Increased efforts at information sharing would amplify efficiency and timeliness in the counterterrorism field. Yet all too often, information sharing does not make for truly cross-cutting communication and simply entails state and local law enforcement sending information to the federal government. This gap in information sharing should not be allowed to continue.
Remain Vigilant

Though it is encouraging that, since 9/11, 53 terror plots against the U.S. have failed, the U.S. cannot afford to become complacent. Exploiting America&#8217;s visa system, Quazi Nafis sought to attack the center of the U.S. financial system. Continued vigilance is needed, as are critical reforms of visa coordination and information sharing.

Underwear Bomber was described as "an unrepentant would-be mass murderer, who views his crimes as divinely inspired and blessed." He gets a life sentence for the Qaeda Plot.

Friday, February 17, 2012


DETROIT MICHIGAN (CNN) -- The man who smuggled a bomb in his underwear aboard a commercial airliner on Christmas Day in 2009 has been sentenced to life in prison, months after he pleaded guilty for his role in what officials later determined was an al Qaeda plot.

U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds imposed a life sentence Thursday on Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, 25, a Nigerian who entered the courtroom in Detroit wearing an oversized white T-shirt and a white skull cap. His hands were unshackled once he entered.

He argued a life sentence would be "cruel and unusual punishment," as well as unconstitutional. The judge rejected the argument.

Prosecutors brought a video showing the detonation of a replica of the device AbdulMutallab attempted to use. The judge ruled that the video could be shown during the sentencing hearing.


Christmas Day bomber sentenced to life in prison

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Christmas tree lighting bomber Portland, Oregon

Friday, November 26, 2010

The FBI thwarted an attempted terrorist bombing in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square before the city's annual tree-lighting Friday night, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Oregon.

A Corvallis man, thinking he was going to ignite a bomb, drove a van to the corner of the square at Southwest Yamhill Street and Sixth Avenue and attempted to detonate it.

However, the supposed explosive was a dummy that FBI operatives supplied to him, according to an affidavit in support of a criminal complaint signed Friday night by U.S. Magistrate Judge John V. Acosta.

Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a Somali-born U.S. citizen, was arrested at 5:42 p.m., 18 minutes before the tree lighting was to occur, on an accusation of attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. The felony charge carries a maximum sentence of life in prison and a $250,000 fine.

There were hundreds of men, women and children gathered at the plaza to watch the Christmas tree being lit.


FBI thwarts terrorist bombing attempt at Portland holiday tree lighting, authorities say



Sunday, Nov. 28, 2010

Portland, Ore. -- On Nov. 26, after a final inspection of what he believed would be an "amazing" bomb, Mohamud was asked once again by the undercover agent if he wanted to go through with it. He allegedly said yes and reportedly smiled when he heard a TV report that 25,000 people were expected in Pioneer Courthouse Square that evening. When the time came, Mohamud repeatedly dialed the designated trigger number, but no explosion occurred. Federal agents arrived shortly afterward to take away a kicking Mohamud, who shouted "Allahu akbar" &#8212; Arabic for "God is great." The affidavit says there is probable cause to charge him with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction.


Portland's Bomb Plot: Who Is Mohamed Mohamud?

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Bombs-in-the body, surgically implanted explosives, bombs potentially hidden inside of humans.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Washington, D.C. – The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a warning to airlines both domestic and foreign that there is new intelligence that the terrorists have a renewed an interest in implanting explosive devices into the flesh of a human being and boarding airplanes and detonating themselves. The bombs would be surgically implanted into human suicide bombers abdomens, buttock and breasts.

The government says that the terrorists will first find a willing suicide bomber and then surgically implant an explosive device in his body then the suicide bomber will go through security check points undetected. According to the authorities it is quite possible “as people-scanning machines in airports aren't able to detect explosives hidden inside humans.”

“The surgery to implant explosives could be done a couple of days before a planned attack. In order for it to work, there would need to be a detonation device, and it's conceivable that if the explosive was implanted in a woman's breast, the detonator could be underneath the breast so that all the operative would have to do is press downward”

A former chief of the FBI explosives unit says pulling this off would be easy and the damage would be devastating. It is said that, TSA will enhance its security on passengers with different kinds of screening and additional “pat-downs and use of enhanced toolsand technologies.” (Yikes!)

The White House says, “Counterterrorism efforts must evolve as terror groups publicly indicate their interest in finding ways to conceal explosives.”


Alert: Terrorists look to implant bombs in humans

Al Quaeda is part of the royal regime's administration at the very highest levels.
I done seen me one of those al kada people but turns out it were halloween. I says youd better be care full as dat just aint appreciated in dis here neighborhood. Turns out it were just a bad costome and he were really Elvis. I says you sure dont look like no Elvis and he precedes to tell me dat he is the old Elvis. I says oh and proceeds to watch for real al kada. So far no luck. But dis is sure is serious stuff so eyes remains vigilante.
Al Quaeda is alive in America and with any luck at all we'll vote him out of office today.
Home Grown Terrorists convicted of terrorism

July 7, 2011

NEW YORK -- Betim Kaziu, 23, a homegrown terrorist was convicted on terrorism. A jury found him &#8220;guilty of conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist organization, conspiracy to commit murder and other charges.&#8221; On November 4th he'll find out whether he'll spend the rest of his life behind bars.

Kaziu wanted to join al Qaida anywhere but they wouldn&#8217;t have him. He then went to Kosovo and on the Albanian coastline he made a video of himself &#8220;described as "his goodbye, contemplating how he would soon depart for paradise &#8212; a reward for those who die a martyr." He was arrested before he could do any harm to himself or others.

Kaziu&#8217;s plans didn&#8217;t come to fruition &#8220;But his case had many of the same themes of homegrown terrorism.&#8221;

Kazui&#8217;s partner in crime Sulejah Hadzovic, 21 squealed on him for a reduced sentence of up to 15 years in prison. Hadzovic has known Kazui since grade school. They decided to go to Cairo in 2009 and kill American soldiers for abusing Muslims. While in Egypt the pair went to school and considered fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine or Somalia against American troops.

"We were upset at what was happening in places like Abu Ghraib prison and Guantanamo Bay, how they were humiliating and torturing Muslims there," Hadzovic testified. "It's what ultimately made us want to go and fight in jihad."


US citizen guilty of supporting overseas terror


Betim Kaziu, a Brooklyn resident of Macedonian descent, received 27 years in jail on terrorism charges last March after travelling overseas to try to buy weapons and join radical foreign-fighter groups and he was radicalised partly by Awlaki&#8217;s sermons on the Internet and there is no al-Qaeda cell in America except for those lone wolf terrorists who are inspired by Jihadist websites.
I done seen me one of those al kada people but turns out it were halloween. I says youd better be care full as dat just aint appreciated in dis here neighborhood. Turns out it were just a bad costome and he were really Elvis. I says you sure dont look like no Elvis and he precedes to tell me dat he is the old Elvis. I says oh and proceeds to watch for real al kada. So far no luck. But dis is sure is serious stuff so eyes remains vigilante.

Wow, that was amazingly unfunny.

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