Zelensky challenges Trump to release plan to end Ukraine war with Russia

There are no other modern examples because there has been no modern wars like this.

A protracted war for the very has survival of a country has been unseen sence World War II.

Ukraine's leadership is fully within it's reasonable rights to draft it's population for the war effort if thats what it takes.
Yeah, the wars in Yugoslavia and Syria were just small skirmishes.

We aren't talking about rights of leadership. Leadership of Russia, Iran or N Korea also have their rights. You run your mouth about Ukraine's resolve. And my response is - tell your buddy Zelensky to open borders and stop forced mobilization, and you will see what this resolve is.

But neither you, nor shit clowns in the WH won't do that ever. Because all of you know full well what your babbling is worth.
There is no advantage to Trump sharing anything at this point in time. The fact the Russia did not another NATO friendly country on it's border. The USA elite's business interests within Ukraine are driving the USA taxpayers to fund this war.
Sure, thats why we have the IRS with all of the added agents and congressional oversight of the US budget $$$ because politicians are honest. Don't be obtuse.
As for Zelensky fleeing, LOL, if I had 200 billion $$ of someone else's money and a military for protection, I wouldn't flee either. If your so committed to Ukraine, why don't you pick up a gun and go over there and show it---maybe take your son or daughter along with you.
Why don't you put up or shut up & provide some proof that Zelensky is ripping off our military aid? I've asked you twice but you produce nothing but ruthless slander which proves that you're nothing but a GD liar.
Biden has been clear about what his plan is. Provide enough resources and rally NATO around Ukraine in order to kick the Russian out
Which is the very violation of the NATO agreement with Russia that NATO not push up against any closer to Russia's borders.

Trumps plan is to abandon Ukraine
Not at all. They are free to fight their own battle, it is not our fight and we have no treaty with them. If they want, there are 192 other countries which can keep sending Ukraine money and weapons, meantime, the 200 billion already wasted on Ukraine could have been used HERE to do enormous good. And the way things are going, we might spend another 200 billion there, then there is the matter of the hundreds of billions it will take to rebuild that place. Are you really that dense to think the tiny shithole of Ukraine is worth our spending 3/4 of a trillion dollars for, which we cannot even afford as it is all BORROWED money???

.and embolden Russia to push further west, while ignoring the fact that it will likely ignite WW 3 and draw the US in.
How is it that you think that it would embolden Russia when in 2.5 years, they've not succeeded in even taking a small plot of Ukraine? Mind you, Ukraine already HAS been part of the USSR. And we have already been drawn in, flirting with igniting a WWIII. Trump would just get us OUT of the mess. Better still, he will convince Putin to end the war in a peaceful way amicable to all sides.
Yeah, the wars in Yugoslavia and Syria were just small skirmishes.

We aren't talking about rights of leadership. Leadership of Russia, Iran or N Korea also have their rights. You run your mouth about Ukraine's resolve. And my response is - tell your buddy Zelensky to open borders and stop forced mobilization, and you will see what this resolve is.

It's not about leadership rights, it's about reasonable measures at a time of war and existential threat to the country. It's not at all "insane" as you've claimed.
Which is the very violation of the NATO agreement with Russia that NATO not push up against any closer to Russia's borders.
What the hell are you blathering about?? Ukraine is not NATO

Is this what you're referring too.....
By signing the NATO-Russia Founding Act, Russia pledged not to threaten or use force against NATO Allies and any other state. It has broken this commitment, with the illegal and illegitimate annexation of Crimea, the territory of a sovereign state.Jan 12, 2024
https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/...e NATO-Russia,territory of a sovereign state.

De-bunking Russian disinformation on NATO

NATO - Homepage
https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/...e NATO-Russia,territory of a sovereign state.
Russia cannot be trusted
Not at all. They are free to fight their own battle, it is not our fight and we have no treaty with them. If they want, there are 192 other countries which can keep sending Ukraine money and weapons, meantime, the 200 billion already wasted on Ukraine could have been used HERE to do enormous good. And the way things are going, we might spend another 200 billion there, then there is the matter of the hundreds of billions it will take to rebuild that place. Are you really that dense to think the tiny shithole of Ukraine is worth our spending 3/4 of a trillion dollars for, which we cannot even afford as it is all BORROWED money???
TRUMP 'S PLAN IS TOO ABANDON UKRAINE? That will almost assure the fall of Ukraine You don't understand much do you>. Those billions of dollars are going primarily to US defense contractors IN THE US and into the US economy while bolstering our own defenses. The alternative will cost much much more
Which is the very violation of the NATO agreement with Russia that NATO not push up against any closer to Russia's borders.

Not at all. They are free to fight their own battle, it is not our fight and we have no treaty with them. If they want, there are 192 other countries which can keep sending Ukraine money and weapons, meantime, the 200 billion already wasted on Ukraine could have been used HERE to do enormous good. And the way things are going, we might spend another 200 billion there, then there is the matter of the hundreds of billions it will take to rebuild that place. Are you really that dense to think the tiny shithole of Ukraine is worth our spending 3/4 of a trillion dollars for, which we cannot even afford as it is all BORROWED money???

How is it that you think that it would embolden Russia when in 2.5 years, they've not succeeded in even taking a small plot of Ukraine? Mind you, Ukraine already HAS been part of the USSR. And we have already been drawn in, flirting with igniting a WWIII. Trump would just get us OUT of the mess. Better still, he will convince Putin to end the war in a peaceful way amicable to all sides.
Because that have has our help !! Pull your fat head out of Putin's ass
What the hell are you blathering about?? Ukraine is not NATO

Exactly. And they are trying to make Ukraine a member.

Apparently you slept through that part.
And you were conclusively proven wrong.

Unlike Russia that broke at least 4 signed agreements by invading Ukraine, official agreements with America can be taken to the bank.
Ukraine broke the Minsk agreements by continuing to bomb the people of Donbas

And it was signed

NATO was not to move “one inch closer to the East”

It was an agreement if it was signed or not

Just because leaders die, it does not eliminate the agreement

You have this Cold War attitude that Russia is always wrong, no matter what

We put sanction after sanction on Russia, and their economy thrives

Putin warned the US and NATO not to try to put MORE military equipment on their borders

Just like we would if Putin put military equipment in Mexico

And the US convinced Ukraine that they could join NATO

Knowing all along that it was a lie

They have admitted the will fund them down to the last Ukrainian

You are what is known as a “cuck” for the US

A useful idiot

Or maybe you call it American exceptYouAllism

Ukraine broke the Minsk agreements by continuing to bomb the people of Donbas
Ignorant bullshit, it was Russians that had no interest in meeting Minsk agreement requirement to withdraw Russian heavy millitary equiment and paramilitary units out of Eastern Ukraine.

In fact they were officially sactioned for these violations every single year after the signing.

Ukraine has never been found in violation of the agreement.
NATO was not to move “one inch closer to the East”

It was an agreement if it was signed or not

Agreement between who?

Bill Clinton never promissed anything like that, Bush W. never promissed it. Obama never promissed that. Trump never promissed that.

Gorbachev supposedly agreed to it on Russian side, here is his take on it:

So who are you talking about?
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Ignorant bullshit, it was Russians that had no interest in meeting Minsk agreement requirement to withdraw Russian heavy millitary equiment and paramilitary units out of Eastern Ukraine.

In fact they were officially sactioned for these violations every single year after the signing.

Ukraine has never been found in violation of the agreement.
Atta boy

This article was originally published at Antiwar.com by Ted Snider
Volodymyr Zelensky defeated Petro Poroshenko in the 2019 election on a platform that included making peace with Russia and signing the Minsk Agreements. The Minsk Agreements would have granted a degree of autonomy to the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of the Donbas that had voted for independence from Ukraine after the 2014 US backed coup put a government in power that was handpicked by the US and that was pro-West and anti-Russian. It was intense pressure from the far right wing ultra-nationalists that bent Zelensky from a Minsk backer into the shape of a Minsk rejecter. Under that pressure from neo-Nazi parties that have large power that is disproportionate to their small support, Zelensky abandoned his campaign peace promise and refused to talk to the leaders of the Donbas and implement the Minsk Agreements.
Atta boy

This article was originally published at Antiwar.com by Ted Snider
Volodymyr Zelensky defeated Petro Poroshenko in the 2019 election on a platform that included making peace with Russia and signing the Minsk Agreements.

Wtf? Minsk agreements were signed in 2014 and 2015.

By the time Zelensky got on the scene Russia has already been a serial violator.

Zelensky has NEVER rejected, or refused to follow Minsk agreements.
Wtf? Minsk agreements were signed in 2014 and 2015.

By the time Zelensky got on the scene Russia has already been a serial violator.

Zelensky has NEVER rejected, or refused to follow Minsk agreements.
so anti war is just making this shit up? 😂

Zelenskyy knew the score before he was president


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