Zelensky challenges Trump to release plan to end Ukraine war with Russia

Ignoramus, there was never been any signed agreement on NATO membership expansion.

There were only informal gentelmen's agreements between leaders that have long left their posts.
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He doesn't care as long as the vegetable keeps sending money to the laundry for a 10% handling fee. He knows Trump would turn off the tap.
You got any proof that Zelensky is skimming money or are you just running your stupid yap to show your ignorance?

You made the accusation so I'm assuming that you've been in touch with Federal law enforccement in Washington with your evidence that Zelensky is skimming 10% off the top of our military aid. Amirite?
Putin is taking Trump seriously -

Trump is just running his mouth. He has no plan to end that conflict anymore then he was going to force Mexico to pay for his vanity wall or that he had a healthcare plan ready to launch to provide care to everyone at less cost.

Trump is a lying no good piece of shit who doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground other then how to grift the sucker's.
The lack of oversight is all the evidence I need. Just send your money to Biden--I'm sure he'll use it wisely if he remembers where he put it. LOL
That's because you think everyone is a crooked bastard like your Dear Leader is. No evidence of Zelensky's corruption? Shocking!

Btw, Zelensky could have fled Ukraine when the invasion started. But he stayed by his people.
Funny that he hasn't asked Biden for his plan to end the war?

Offhand, I'd say that Trump's plan for ending the war is simple: stop funding it and let Zelenskyy fight his own battles himself. If his neighbors want to chip in, that is their business.

Then I'd guess Trump would either expect repayment of all we've loaned him or we take over the land for ourselves.

Trump kept them out, what a dumbass that guy is
Funny that he hasn't asked Biden for his plan to end the war?

Offhand, I'd say that Trump's plan for ending the war is simple: stop funding it and let Zelenskyy fight his own battles himself. If his neighbors want to chip in, that is their business.

Then I'd guess Trump would either expect repayment of all we've loaned him or we take over the land for ourselves.

Biden has been clear about what his plan is. Provide enough resources and rally NATO around Ukraine in order to kick the Russian out

Trumps plan is to abandon Ukraine .and embolden Russia to push further west, while ignoring the fact that it will likely ignite WW 3 and draw the US in. I'm just amazed that you people are too stupid to see that
Ignoramus, there was never been any signed agreement on NATO membership expansion.

There were only informal gentelmen's agreements between leaders that have long left their posts.
I didn’t say it was signed

It was a broken agreement between world leaders
I didn’t say it was signed

It was a broken agreement between world leaders

Hey bullshit peddler, whats this?

An agreement with the U.S. Is not worth the paper it's written on

Bottom line, you are full of crap and have no examples of US violating it's official agreements.

Unlike signed agreements, unofficial gentlemen's agreements last only as long as the actual people in power that make them. Duh.
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That's because you think everyone is a crooked bastard like your Dear Leader is. No evidence of Zelensky's corruption? Shocking!

Btw, Zelensky could have fled Ukraine when the invasion started. But he stayed by his people.
Sure, thats why we have the IRS with all of the added agents and congressional oversight of the US budget $$$ because politicians are honest. Don't be obtuse.
As for Zelensky fleeing, LOL, if I had 200 billion $$ of someone else's money and a military for protection, I wouldn't flee either. If your so committed to Ukraine, why don't you pick up a gun and go over there and show it---maybe take your son or daughter along with you.
Their borders were effectively closed, you couldn't just travel for no reason.
Of course you couldn't, because there was an all-European war ongoing. 'Effectively' doesn't count, Russian.

Some other examples? Maybe something about more recent wars? Yugoslavia, Georgia, Israel, Armenia, Syria?
Of course you couldn't, because there was an all-European war ongoing. 'Effectively' doesn't count, Russian.

Some other examples? Maybe something about more recent wars? Yugoslavia, Georgia, Israel, Armenia, Syria?

There are no other modern examples because there has been no modern wars like this.

A protracted war for the very survival of a country has been unseen sence World War II.

Ukraine's leadership is fully within it's reasonable rights to draft it's population for the war effort if thats what it takes.
Hey bullshit peddler, whats this?

Bottom line, you are full of crap and have no examples of US violating it's official agreements.

Unlike signed agreements, unofficial gentlemen's agreements last only as long as the actual people in power that make them. Duh.
I used “not worth the paper they are written on” in response to you saying it

Who cares if it is not written?

When world leaders agree to something… it should mean something

But evidently not to you
I used “not worth the paper they are written on” in response to you saying it

And you were conclusively proven wrong.

Unlike Russia that broke at least 4 signed agreements by invading Ukraine, official agreements with America can be taken to the bank.

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