al Qaeda is on the run. Really?

I said they were Al-Qaeda inspired if they can still do that and manage to get us to shut down what 20 something embassies and issue travel alerts I would call that coming back. If Benghazi was such a minor deal from Al-Qaeda why did we try and blame it on a spontaneous protest over a video that got out of control?

Basically you're equating this group with the student who calls in a bomb threat at the school to postpone a Geometry test.

If Obama had not done it, of course, you'd be calling for his head and criticizing him, of course, for playing golf while the attacks were being carried out.

No I'm saying you don't shut down 20 Embassies and issue a travel alert unless you consider the threat real and serious and if you do consider it real and serious then your enemy is not as decimated and defeated as you thought. Are you really this dense?

You act on the side of caution which is what your president is doing. Are you really that blind?
al Qaeda is on the run. Really?

Yes. al Qaeda is on the run. On the run to their next target of opportunity.
Is it just me......or does everyone else get the impression that the OP and his buds are gleeful at the prospect of American citizens being bombed by Al Qaeda?

It HAS to be a sad life.
Is it just me......or does everyone else get the impression that the OP and his buds are gleeful at the prospect of American citizens being bombed by Al Qaeda?

It HAS to be a sad life.

Its part of the "Obama has not kept us safe" meme
Who is the current leader of AlQaeda?
Does anyone know?
What countries officially protect them?

How do their finances compare to 2001? What major victories have they had?

Have they lost more members than victims they have killed?

I know who he is.

Don't you?

Oh and btw he's the dude that issued a revenge kill over AQ #2 that your boy in the WH ordered assassinated.

Oh and btw AQ#2 was Libyan. Your President ordered him to be assassinated.

Oh and btw how stupid are you that you can't connect the freaking dots?
al Qaeda is on the run. Really?

Yes. al Qaeda is on the run. On the run to their next target of opportunity.

What have been their major acheivements over the last ten years?

Lets hear

Where do you want to start.....

"al Qaeda has been decimated"

"GM is alive and Osama is dead"

"al Qaeda is no longer a threat"


dimocraps are stupid. And they lie a lot. And they have no clue how to deal with serious men.....

But they're sure as hell funny. Like 'Jerry Lewis' the bumbling idiot kind of funny.

Because they are... Bumbling idiots

Breaking: San Francisco On High-Alert After Terrorist Threat


Via ABCNews:

SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) – The Department of Homeland Security is beefing up its presence at airports, train stations and other travel hubs in the United States in the wake of global travel warning imposed on all U.S. citizens.

Local authorities are not going into specifics but the San Francisco Police Department does acknowledge receiving a bulletin by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and DHS. The SFPD says their officers are monitoring various areas of the city and will determine if additional resources are necessary.

They say they have the ability to rapidly deploy and redeploy resources as the department deems necessary.

No specific location has been mentioned, but authorities are keeping a close eye on airports, train stations and other transportation hubs. There is also increased scrutiny of visitors coming into the United States.

These latest measures have been implemented out of an abundance of caution.

“al Qaida and the Arabian Peninsula is probably the biggest threat to the homeland. They’re the al Qaida faction that still talks about hitting the west and hitting the homeland. And their expertise is chemical explosives. Hitting the aviation sector as we saw with the underwear bomber, so we are on a high state of alert,” said Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas.

The bulletin sent by the FBI and DHS urging local law enforcement to be vigilant was classified, which reflects the sensitivity and seriousness of the situation.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

After all the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform, the piece of shit currently infesting the White House with his disease ridden body PURPOSEFULLY botched the Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq so that the his radical pals could take it back.

And they are.......

Iraq Bomb, Mortar Attacks Kill 15


Someone should tell Al Qaeda they’ve been defeated.

BAGHDAD — A series of attacks across Iraq on Sunday killed 15 people, including a random shooting and the killing of a judge, authorities said.

Violence has been on the rise in Iraq all year, but the number of attacks against civilians and security forces has spiked during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which began early last month. The surge in the bloodshed is raising fears of a return to the widespread killing that pushed the country to the brink of civil war after the 2003 U.S.-led invasion.

The deadliest attack took place late Sunday night when gunmen in a speeding car opened fire randomly on a gathering of people on a street in the oil-rich city of Kirkuk, killing four people and wounding three, said Kirkuk deputy police chief Maj. Gen. Torhan Abdul-Rahman Youssef.

A bomb later exploded inside a cafe in western Baghdad shortly before midnight, killing three and wounding 12, police said.

Earlier in the day, police officials said a roadside bomb struck an army patrol near the northern city of Mosul, killing three soldiers.
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Who is the current leader of AlQaeda?
Does anyone know?
What countries officially protect them?

How do their finances compare to 2001? What major victories have they had?

Have they lost more members than victims they have killed?

I know who he is.

Don't you?

Oh and btw he's the dude that issued a revenge kill over AQ #2 that your boy in the WH ordered assassinated.

Oh and btw AQ#2 was Libyan. Your President ordered him to be assassinated.

Oh and btw how stupid are you that you can't connect the freaking dots?

Connect the dots? Who are you, freaking Glenn Beck?

AlQaeda leadership is decimated, its like a game of terrorist "Whack-a-Mole" with whoever sticks his head up gets a Predator missile up their ass

Yea....terrorists can still get attention
Killing innocent people will do that. But they have nowhere near the power and political influence they once had
Who's on the run?

the lying piece of fucking shit in the White House said al Qaeda was on the run all through the 2012 election campaing.

Who's on the run?

Who's closing 17 Embassies and 4 Consulates?

Who's got San Francisco on high alert?

Who just issued a World Wide Travel Alert for ALL Americans?

Who's on the run, bitch-boy?

If al Qaeda is so weak, so disorganized, why are we closing Embassies and Consulates and scaring the shit out of one of our biggest Cities?

al Qaeda has the Stuttering Clusterfukk dancing on a string just by going....


Yeah, al Qaeda is real 'decimated' all right.


dimocraps are some stupid bitches.

Here's the truth... dimocraps don't care. They don't care about al Qaeda, China, Russia or anything else that they can't eat or fuck.

It's all they care about. Basic animal needs.

And National Security doesn't fit into their world view of what is fit to eat or fuck
During the last election President Obama, make a big deal over the fact that bin Laden was dead, and so was al Qaeda. Since the it's becoming clear that rescue efforts in Benghazi were denied, and 4 Americans died so that Obama's premise wouldn't be discredited. Today we see that AL-Qaeda has forced the closing of several US embassies abroad because of risks of credible threats. Who believes the President now? Is Al-Qaeda defeated, and on the run? Has Obama lied to the American people once more? With Obama as CinC is the US on the run from al Qaeda?

US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News

Published August 02, 2013

Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The United States has issued a global travel alert because of an al-Qaida terrorist threat.

The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa. It says an attack could occur or come from the Arabian Peninsula.

The department says in a statement that al-Qaida and its affiliated organizations "continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond."

The travel alert comes a day after the U.S. announced that it would shutter its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday, and possibly longer.

Read more: US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News


Got a link?

I mean one that points out that President Obama said that as an organization, Al Qaeda was dead.

Let me give you an example.

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Something like that.
What have been their major acheivements over the last ten years?

Lets hear

Where do you want to start.....


Yup...terrorists killed four people
That used to be standard on any weekend

Now it is grounds for GOP impeachment proceedings

Stupid little girl...

A US Consulate is American Territory.

And a US Ambassador hasn't been murdered since the last scumbag dimocrap was on his knees to Muslim freaks.

THAT is a big deal.

But you don't care. We already know that.

because you're a dimocrap. Too stupid to think
Where do you want to start.....


Yup...terrorists killed four people
That used to be standard on any weekend

Now it is grounds for GOP impeachment proceedings

Stupid little girl...

A US Consulate is American Territory.

And a US Ambassador hasn't been murdered since the last scumbag dimocrap was on his knees to Muslim freaks.

THAT is a big deal.

But you don't care. We already know that.

because you're a dimocrap. Too stupid to think

Plenty of US citizens HAVE been murdered overseas during the Bush administration.

Including Diplomat David Foy.

You folks were pretty mum on that.

During the last election President Obama, make a big deal over the fact that bin Laden was dead, and so was al Qaeda. Since the it's becoming clear that rescue efforts in Benghazi were denied, and 4 Americans died so that Obama's premise wouldn't be discredited. Today we see that AL-Qaeda has forced the closing of several US embassies abroad because of risks of credible threats. Who believes the President now? Is Al-Qaeda defeated, and on the run? Has Obama lied to the American people once more? With Obama as CinC is the US on the run from al Qaeda?

US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News

Published August 02, 2013

Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The United States has issued a global travel alert because of an al-Qaida terrorist threat.

The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa. It says an attack could occur or come from the Arabian Peninsula.

The department says in a statement that al-Qaida and its affiliated organizations "continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond."

The travel alert comes a day after the U.S. announced that it would shutter its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday, and possibly longer.

Read more: US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News


Got a link?

I mean one that points out that President Obama said that as an organization, Al Qaeda was dead.

Let me give you an example.

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Something like that.

I encourage everybody to watch that Video so they can see what a REAL Leader looks and sounds like.

Rather than spending time on foolish and juvenile revenge, Bush spent his time seeing to it that Wars were won, Soldiers were taken care of and the enemy was being destroyed.

There is no room for revenge in War. There is only Victory or defeat.

dimocraps specialize in defeat. And if they can't engineer a defeat while a Republican is in Office, they'll give away a Hard-Fought Victory.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's what they do.

They did it in Viet Nam, they're doing it Iraq, they tried to do it in Egypt, they're planning to do it in Afghanistan....

It's what dimocraps do.

Because dimocraps, deep down, Hate America because we are too successful, too Capitalist and too Strong.
Yup...terrorists killed four people
That used to be standard on any weekend

Now it is grounds for GOP impeachment proceedings

Stupid little girl...

A US Consulate is American Territory.

And a US Ambassador hasn't been murdered since the last scumbag dimocrap was on his knees to Muslim freaks.

THAT is a big deal.

But you don't care. We already know that.

because you're a dimocrap. Too stupid to think

Plenty of US citizens HAVE been murdered overseas during the Bush administration.

Including Diplomat David Foy.

You folks were pretty mum on that.


I said 'Ambassador'

Keep proving how stupid you are.

Or dishonest. Or both.

Murdering an Ambassador is an ACT OF WAR. It's just not something you do unless you want the Ambassador's Country to kick the shit out of you.

You really are in infantile moron.

I gotta spell everything out for you?

US consulate attack in Libya: death of US ambassador would be act of war - Telegraph
al Qaeda is on the run. Really?

over run

think he meant to say overrun

as in

al Qaeda has over run much of the planet thanks to obamas lack of regard

for the seriousness of the threat and to achieve short term approval

from his kook base support
During the last election President Obama, make a big deal over the fact that bin Laden was dead, and so was al Qaeda. Since the it's becoming clear that rescue efforts in Benghazi were denied, and 4 Americans died so that Obama's premise wouldn't be discredited. Today we see that AL-Qaeda has forced the closing of several US embassies abroad because of risks of credible threats. Who believes the President now? Is Al-Qaeda defeated, and on the run? Has Obama lied to the American people once more? With Obama as CinC is the US on the run from al Qaeda?

US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News

Published August 02, 2013

Associated Press
WASHINGTON – The United States has issued a global travel alert because of an al-Qaida terrorist threat.

The State Department says the potential for terrorism is particularly strong in the Middle East and North Africa. It says an attack could occur or come from the Arabian Peninsula.

The department says in a statement that al-Qaida and its affiliated organizations "continue to plan terrorist attacks both in the region and beyond."

The travel alert comes a day after the U.S. announced that it would shutter its embassies and consulates throughout the Muslim world on Sunday, and possibly longer.

Read more: US issues global travel alert, closes embassies in Muslim world Sunday due to al-Qaida threat | Fox News


Got a link?

I mean one that points out that President Obama said that as an organization, Al Qaeda was dead.

Let me give you an example.

[ame=]Bush: Truly not concerned about bin Laden (short version) - YouTube[/ame]

Something like that.

I encourage everybody to watch that Video so they can see what a REAL Leader looks and sounds like.

Rather than spending time on foolish and juvenile revenge, Bush spent his time seeing to it that Wars were won, Soldiers were taken care of and the enemy was being destroyed.

There is no room for revenge in War. There is only Victory or defeat.

dimocraps specialize in defeat. And if they can't engineer a defeat while a Republican is in Office, they'll give away a Hard-Fought Victory.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. It's what they do.

They did it in Viet Nam, they're doing it Iraq, they tried to do it in Egypt, they're planning to do it in Afghanistan....

It's what dimocraps do.

Because dimocraps, deep down, Hate America because we are too successful, too Capitalist and too Strong.

That's quite a logical leap. Especially when that's not what happened.

No wars were "won". Afghanistan is still ongoing. Iraq? They did nothing to warrant the invasion, and the rest of the world views it as a criminal act. We spend trillions on both, lost thousands of Americans, killed 100s of thousands worldwide and we STILL have to deal with a terrorist threat.

That's only "winning" using the Charlie Sheen meaning of the word.
Stupid little girl...

A US Consulate is American Territory.

And a US Ambassador hasn't been murdered since the last scumbag dimocrap was on his knees to Muslim freaks.

THAT is a big deal.

But you don't care. We already know that.

because you're a dimocrap. Too stupid to think

Plenty of US citizens HAVE been murdered overseas during the Bush administration.

Including Diplomat David Foy.

You folks were pretty mum on that.


I said 'Ambassador'

Keep proving how stupid you are.

Or dishonest. Or both.

Murdering an Ambassador is an ACT OF WAR. It's just not something you do unless you want the Ambassador's Country to kick the shit out of you.

You really are in infantile moron.

I gotta spell everything out for you?

US consulate attack in Libya: death of US ambassador would be act of war - Telegraph

And murdering a Diplomat warrants, what?

A "you better not do that again"?


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