al Qaeda is on the run. Really?

Who's on the run?

the lying piece of fucking shit in the White House said al Qaeda was on the run all through the 2012 election campaing.

Who's on the run?

Who's closing 17 Embassies and 4 Consulates?

Who's got San Francisco on high alert?

Who just issued a World Wide Travel Alert for ALL Americans?

Who's on the run, bitch-boy?

If al Qaeda is so weak, so disorganized, why are we closing Embassies and Consulates and scaring the shit out of one of our biggest Cities?

al Qaeda has the Stuttering Clusterfukk dancing on a string just by going....


Yeah, al Qaeda is real 'decimated' all right.


dimocraps are some stupid bitches.

Here's the truth... dimocraps don't care. They don't care about al Qaeda, China, Russia or anything else that they can't eat or fuck.

It's all they care about. Basic animal needs.

And National Security doesn't fit into their world view of what is fit to eat or fuck

I like you.
Plenty of US citizens HAVE been murdered overseas during the Bush administration.

Including Diplomat David Foy.

You folks were pretty mum on that.


I said 'Ambassador'

Keep proving how stupid you are.

Or dishonest. Or both.

Murdering an Ambassador is an ACT OF WAR. It's just not something you do unless you want the Ambassador's Country to kick the shit out of you.

You really are in infantile moron.

I gotta spell everything out for you?

US consulate attack in Libya: death of US ambassador would be act of war - Telegraph

And murdering a Diplomat warrants, what?

A "you better not do that again"?


Sallow Chris Stevens was a real deal. He actually believed a new day would dawn. Oh cripes there's the lib in me coming out.
It's true that organized terrorism is far from over. The thing is, anybody can call themselves Al Qaida nowadays. Most have very loose, or zero connections to Bin Laden. It's like busting a few prolific hackers, and claiming you took down Anonymous.

This is it in a nutshell.

It's easy to jump to simplistic conclusions over this, but the truth is a little more complex - Al Queda is gaining strength in Niger, Mauritania and Chad. It is losing ground in Mali, Somalia and Oman.

Where the West focuses power, Al Queda will always lose on the battlefield. But Al Queda has been able to stir up feeling about regional issues, such as Tuareg disputes in the NW Sahara.
The reason for the warning now is that August 4 is the obamaday, his birthday which has now become as sensitive a date as 9 11. It isn't just the middle east, violence on obamaday is threatened world wide.

You have to laugh, don't you?! Like local Tuareg villagers in Mali know - or care - what Obama's birthday is. :eusa_drool:
I said 'Ambassador'

Keep proving how stupid you are.

Or dishonest. Or both.

Murdering an Ambassador is an ACT OF WAR. It's just not something you do unless you want the Ambassador's Country to kick the shit out of you.

You really are in infantile moron.

I gotta spell everything out for you?

US consulate attack in Libya: death of US ambassador would be act of war - Telegraph

And murdering a Diplomat warrants, what?

A "you better not do that again"?


Sallow Chris Stevens was a real deal. He actually believed a new day would dawn. Oh cripes there's the lib in me coming out.

And David Foy was what?

Chopped Liver?

Oy Vey..there's the Jew in me coming out.

Who is the current leader of AlQaeda?
Does anyone know?

Ayman al-Zawahiri. Lots of people know who the leadership of al qaeda consists of.

What countries officially protect them?

Why the modifier? Why "officially?" IF his present whereabouts are not (yet) known to us, it would be silly and pointless guesswork to ask "well, who is officially protecting him?"

How do their finances compare to 2001? What major victories have they had?

I dunno. Ask for their books. I'm sure you'll get it. And as for what they consider victories or "major victories," your question is irrelevant. Their notion of "victories" is perhaps measured not just by the mayhem they have caused but by the mayhem they are still seeking to inflict. IS that so difficult for a left wing gerbil like you to comprehend?

Have they lost more members than victims they have killed?

I dunno. Do you? Is there any hope of a point to your asking of these vapid rhetorical "questions?"
And murdering a Diplomat warrants, what?

A "you better not do that again"?


Sallow Chris Stevens was a real deal. He actually believed a new day would dawn. Oh cripes there's the lib in me coming out.

And David Foy was what?

Chopped Liver?

Oy Vey..there's the Jew in me coming out.


One is a criminal act, the other is....

Well, I'll bold it for you because you can't seem to read it correctly....

Murdering an Ambassador is.... (get your magnifying glasses out)


Why the modifier? Why "officially?" IF his present whereabouts are not (yet) known to us, it would be silly and pointless guesswork to ask "well, who is officially protecting him?"

I can't speak for Rightwinger, but I would have thought his point here was fairly clear - Al Queda enjoys some local support in countries where it does not enjoy any official support from government. Hence the qualifier makes a lot of sense.

Northern Mauritania is one example of this.
Why the modifier? Why "officially?" IF his present whereabouts are not (yet) known to us, it would be silly and pointless guesswork to ask "well, who is officially protecting him?"

I can't speak for Rightwinger, but I would have thought his point here was fairly clear - Al Queda enjoys some local support in countries where it does not enjoy any official support from government. Hence the qualifier makes a lot of sense.

Northern Mauritania is one example of this.

You would have thought incorrectly.

leftwhiner was not clear at all.

Your supposition about whateverthefuck he was attempting to communicate might be right. Then again, maybe not.

In any event, leftwhiner tends to employ his limp rhetorical technique a lot.

What governments "officially" support al qaeda is a question designed to impose a lower limit on the response. It is not the same question as which countries SUPPORT al qaeda.

Unofficially, it looks like Pakistan supported al qaeda. They turned (at least) a blind eye to the harboring of Osama bin Laden under their very fucking noses. Officially, it would not "look" the same way.
It takes talent to make both sides in the Egyptian power struggle hate you.

But, the Stuttering Clusterfukk has managed.

One thing to ALWAYS remember. We know what dimocraps are -- Cowards, liars, back-stabbers, deal-breakers, thieves, corrupt.... And they don't really represent America.

But the rest of the world doesn't know that. All they know is "America".

And right now, the image they have of America is of a Stuttering Clusterfukk Of A Miserable Failure

[ame=]???? ?????? ???? ?????? ????? ????? ??????? - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah, that is the image of feminine beauty that many Arabs have
Alqaeda will always exist as long as US foreign policy and intervention in middle eastern affairs exists. It's not an Obama thing, it's an US thing.

A good suggestion would be to leave the people of the region alone.
Alqaeda will always exist as long as US foreign policy and intervention in middle eastern affairs exists. It's not an Obama thing, it's an US thing.

A good suggestion would be to leave the people of the region alone.

When did America become a nation of pussies?
Come on now
Al-Qaeda is just helping Obama celebrate is birthday.......
It takes talent to make both sides in the Egyptian power struggle hate you.

But, the Stuttering Clusterfukk has managed.

Firstly, there are not two sides in Egyptian politics. There are three major political groupings - the Army; Islamists; and the Secularists & Moderates.

Secondly, Obama the fact that Islamists do not support Obama is something you might be pleased about if you could think about the issue objectively.

Obama is not widely hated amongst ordinary Egyptians; neither is he particularly important in Egyptian politics. Surprisingly enough, Egyptians have enough to worry about without caring what your polticians think of them.
Alqaeda will always exist as long as US foreign policy and intervention in middle eastern affairs exists. It's not an Obama thing, it's an US thing.

A good suggestion would be to leave the people of the region alone.

The "suggestions" of BecauseItBlows ^ are never to be taken seriously.


It might think itself "serious," but it is clearly far too simple minded to be taken seriously.
We know what dimocraps are -- Cowards, liars, back-stabbers, deal-breakers, thieves, corrupt.... And they don't really represent America.

But let me guess - you DO represent America, right? You and the Tea Party?
Alqaeda will always exist as long as US foreign policy and intervention in middle eastern affairs exists. It's not an Obama thing, it's an US thing.

A good suggestion would be to leave the people of the region alone.

I do think the US needs to engage with ME peoples, but yes - you do have a point.
Alqaeda will always exist as long as US foreign policy and intervention in middle eastern affairs exists. It's not an Obama thing, it's an US thing.

A good suggestion would be to leave the people of the region alone.

Is that the reason for terrorism in India, in Africa, in China, or elsewhere?
Alqaeda will always exist as long as US foreign policy and intervention in middle eastern affairs exists. It's not an Obama thing, it's an US thing.

A good suggestion would be to leave the people of the region alone.

Is that the reason for terrorism in India, in Africa, in China, or elsewhere?

Those are internal matters and way more understandable, especially India. There's long been an conflict there and still does continue. China is more complicated but not such a big issue at this moment. Africa has always had terrorism, gangs, militant groups, drug lords for some of its history. It's long been unstable and in dire situations.

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