Al-Qaida In Yemen Captures Town South Of Capital...

My bad I worded that wrong, I just meant to say Yemen will not get the kind of attention the Arab world, NATO and the US gave Libya.

If I may be blunt... Piss on Yemen. Those douchebags wouldn't let the FBI terror experts into the country to help investgate the Cole explosion. It is widely thought that top Al Quaeda were in country. We should have carpet bombed the pissant country for harboring our enemies. I did not say INVADE...just bomb the piss out of them as a warning to those that believe harboring Al Quaeda is free of consequence.

If you're gonna do that you might as well go ahead and invade. Just dropping some bombs - Clinton style - won't do anything but entrench the regime and terrorist elements there. The only people to really suffer your way would be the innocent regular folks who happen to live there.

I didn't say Clinton style did. You don't know who I would target. The first bomb would "accidentally" land on Barbra Bodine's house and on her offices.. Then I would trace all her phone calls and target everybody(Yemenies) she talked to..Did I say EVERYBODY?. That would take care of traitors and complicit Yemen leaders...then I would bomb the homes of every known and suspected terrorist in Yemen. Would this piss of the Yemeneez? Sure! I DON'T CARE! Come to think of it we should have done the same thing to the Saudis right after 9/11. We should have demanded names and addresses of ALL of the relatives of the Saudi hijackers and killed them ALL. If the Royals said ANYTHING about it...we should have then leveled all of their fucking palaces and ALL buildings and property. Oh ya...and the Madrasses or whatever they call their little religious training schools... The ones where the hijackers attended.. You know...same treatment.

Did you say something about innocent casualties.. Allow me to repeat myself. I DON'T CARE!

I wouldn't waste a minute on diplomacy or telling congress shit. I would make a statement and set an example for any country foolish enough to give shelter to the enemies of the USA.

Oh ya...and if they hold protests in the streets of Yemen I would go back and fucking bomb THEM too.

I hope I am being clear...sometimes it is hard to understand my point..I want to be clear.
Did you say something about innocent casualties.. Allow me to repeat myself. I DON'T CARE!

I wouldn't waste a minute on diplomacy or telling congress shit. I would make a statement and set an example for any country foolish enough to give shelter to the enemies of the USA.

Oh ya...and if they hold protests in the streets of Yemen I would go back and fucking bomb THEM too.

I hope I am being clear...sometimes it is hard to understand my point..I want to be clear.

What's clear is that you're a fucking idiot and that it's fortunate you will never be anywhere near any position of authority.
Did you say something about innocent casualties.. Allow me to repeat myself. I DON'T CARE!

I wouldn't waste a minute on diplomacy or telling congress shit. I would make a statement and set an example for any country foolish enough to give shelter to the enemies of the USA.

Oh ya...and if they hold protests in the streets of Yemen I would go back and fucking bomb THEM too.

I hope I am being clear...sometimes it is hard to understand my point..I want to be clear.

What's clear is that you're a fucking idiot and that it's fortunate you will never be anywhere near any position of authority.

Pussy. I would rather you just said thank you.

[ame=]Famous Speeches: A Few Good Men - YouTube[/ame]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Even with the added 'spin' you realized you needed in your previous post your notion would not work, idiot. You're just emoting like a little girl.
We have troops in Lybia?

My bad I worded that wrong, I just meant to say Yemen will not get the kind of attention the Arab world, NATO and the US gave Libya.

If I may be blunt... Piss on Yemen. Those douchebags wouldn't let the FBI terror experts into the country to help investgate the Cole explosion. It is widely thought that top Al Quaeda were in country. We should have carpet bombed the pissant country for harboring our enemies. I did not say INVADE...just bomb the piss out of them as a warning to those that believe harboring Al Quaeda is free of consequence.

Oh I agree with you, the only interest I have in Yemen is making sure we do surgical strikes on the terrorist fucks that live there, like we did to Anwar Al-Awlaki a while back.
Even with the added 'spin' you realized you needed in your previous post your notion would not work, idiot. You're just emoting like a little girl.

OK I'll meet ya halfway... We can put names on the ordinance like "little miss sumshine", "Patty Cakes"...."Princess"....
Even with the added 'spin' you realized you needed in your previous post your notion would not work, idiot. You're just emoting like a little girl.

OK I'll meet ya halfway... We can put names on the ordinance like "little miss sumshine", "Patty Cakes"...."Princess"....

Gosh that's clever, but will not make your clintonian idea any more effective. Get your little emotions under control, miss.
Socialist/Progressive & Neocon Globalists should be all over this. Al Qaeda is no threat to take over in Syria but they sure are taking over in Yemen.
Socialist/Progressive & Neocon Globalists should be all over this. Al Qaeda is no threat to take over in Syria but they sure are taking over in Yemen.

Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab World and has very little security or infrastructure, its much easier for them to make a play there than it is in Syria.
Socialist/Progressive & Neocon Globalists should be all over this. Al Qaeda is no threat to take over in Syria but they sure are taking over in Yemen.

Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab World and has very little security or infrastructure, its much easier for them to make a play there than it is in Syria.

Yes we're seeing that in much of Africa as well. Libya especially,will prove to have been an awful debacle on our part. Al Qaeda is now thriving there.
Socialist/Progressive & Neocon Globalists should be all over this. Al Qaeda is no threat to take over in Syria but they sure are taking over in Yemen.

Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab World and has very little security or infrastructure, its much easier for them to make a play there than it is in Syria.

Yes we're seeing that in much of Africa as well. Libya especially,will prove to have been an awful debacle on our part. Al Qaeda is now thriving there.

Al Qaeda is expanding their arm in Nigeria and Kenya too, look at all those suicide bombings on those Churches in Nigeria.
Iran is also exposed for hypocrisy. They claim on their media sites to support the arab uprisings,but are caught with aids and support from quds helping assad squash the syrian rebellion. Biggest group of terrorist liars,should be wiped off the map.
Al Qaeda didn't have any navy or planes in Afghanistan and they got into the US and orchestrated 9/11, the Al Qaeda type terrorists we are fighting now don't need a big base or a standing Army and Navy to fight us, the best we can do is take them out with surgical strikes like we did Awlaki and the Pakistani Taliban leader this past weekend, not invade whole countries like Iraq and spend trillions of dollars rebuilding them.

Thank you for supporting my point that having the largest and most expensive mililtary in the world means exactly SQUAT these days. Why do we need 11 carrier groups operating around the fucking globe when we can't even protect our OWN citizens from attack?

We can protect our Citizens from attack. But that's not what the Global Elite assholes want. The Military Industrial Complex desperately needs the Terrorist Boogeyman. It advances their Permanent War agenda. Check out the Council on Foreign Relations,Bilderberg Group,and the Trilateral Commission. Those despicable cretins have many more Wars planned for us.
.....And, they told you they did, huh??

Let's see your list o' those Wars.

Al Qaeda didn't have any navy or planes in Afghanistan and they got into the US and orchestrated 9/11, the Al Qaeda type terrorists we are fighting now don't need a big base or a standing Army and Navy to fight us, the best we can do is take them out with surgical strikes like we did Awlaki and the Pakistani Taliban leader this past weekend, not invade whole countries like Iraq and spend trillions of dollars rebuilding them.

Thank you for supporting my point that having the largest and most expensive mililtary in the world means exactly SQUAT these days. Why do we need 11 carrier groups operating around the fucking globe when we can't even protect our OWN citizens from attack?

Just because we don't need them right now doesn't mean we won't need them eventually, if we get into a war with a country like Iran we will need our full Military to deal with it, not to mention North Korea.

Middle East Primer
(For geography-challenged Teabaggers)​

"We're lucky that, for the time being anyway, we're fighting Iraq and not Iran because Iran is four times as big as Iraq and we're having enough trouble with the little country."
Thank you for supporting my point that having the largest and most expensive mililtary in the world means exactly SQUAT these days. Why do we need 11 carrier groups operating around the fucking globe when we can't even protect our OWN citizens from attack?

We can protect our Citizens from attack. But that's not what the Global Elite assholes want. The Military Industrial Complex desperately needs the Terrorist Boogeyman. It advances their Permanent War agenda. Check out the Council on Foreign Relations,Bilderberg Group,and the Trilateral Commission. Those despicable cretins have many more Wars planned for us.

We can? Are you suggesting that Dubya LET Al Quaeda attack the WTC?
Let's just say......Al Quaeda wasn't all-that-impressed with his John Wayne routine.​


".....either you accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we bury you under a carpet of bombs."

Another Bush Oil-Deal Catastrophe
Thank you for supporting my point that having the largest and most expensive mililtary in the world means exactly SQUAT these days. Why do we need 11 carrier groups operating around the fucking globe when we can't even protect our OWN citizens from attack?

Just because we don't need them right now doesn't mean we won't need them eventually, if we get into a war with a country like Iran we will need our full Military to deal with it, not to mention North Korea.

Why would we need to get into a fight with Iran? Their military is weaker than Iraq's was, and North Korea can't get a missile to fly any father than just off their own coastline? Where's the threat?


[ame=]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]​
Just because we don't need them right now doesn't mean we won't need them eventually, if we get into a war with a country like Iran we will need our full Military to deal with it, not to mention North Korea.

Why would we need to get into a fight with Iran? Their military is weaker than Iraq's was, and North Korea can't get a missile to fly any father than just off their own coastline? Where's the threat?


[ame=]Truth about Halliburton and Dick Cheney - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex. - YouTube[/ame]​

Still spewing Democrat Dummy Talking-Points i see. Get some new material Dummy. Your stuff is incredibly old & tired. No one wants to hear your deranged ramblings about how much you hate DA BOOOOOSH. So take a pill and then get some new material idiot.
Why do we care about an apparent civil war in Syria...Or Libya?...Or Egypt?...

I honestly don't know. Those are the problems of those countries, and not ours. Besides, we have the largest military in the world, what do we haev to fear from some rag heads driving around in Toyotas with RPGs?

That is exactly what our Intel Community thought before 9/11
.....Before The DICK; Cheney "convinced" average-Americans the intel-community had it.....

Eventually, Hans Blix.....

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I honestly don't know. Those are the problems of those countries, and not ours. Besides, we have the largest military in the world, what do we haev to fear from some rag heads driving around in Toyotas with RPGs?

That is exactly what our Intel Community thought before 9/11
.....Before The DICK; Cheney "convinced" average-Americans the intel-community had it.....

Eventually, Hans Blix.....

Poor deranged Democrat Dummy. Almost feel sorry for ya...Almost.
We can protect our Citizens from attack. But that's not what the Global Elite assholes want. The Military Industrial Complex desperately needs the Terrorist Boogeyman. It advances their Permanent War agenda. Check out the Council on Foreign Relations,Bilderberg Group,and the Trilateral Commission. Those despicable cretins have many more Wars planned for us.

We can? Are you suggesting that Dubya LET Al Quaeda attack the WTC?

Possibly. But it certainly wouldn't have been Dubya alone. He was only in there 9 Months when the 911 attacks happened. He does get somewhat of a bad rap on that.
Yeah......that's what happened.



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