Alabama police say the man who was killed by an officer probably didn't fire the shots that killed 2

Bottom line is this folks and when black people get the underlying meaning, we'll survive. Black skin is a threat to white people and black skin with anything in its hands, is perceived as a weapon regardless of what it is and a might as well be prepared to die. The second amendment these rednecks enjoy, is not for people of color. Never has been, wasn't meant for us and never will be. Black men, no matter how comfortable you are with your white prize, your ability to move into their white domains or how much money you white cops, to white people, you are nothing but a negro to these people subject to be target practice at will.
Back years ago, when my father was a policeman, duty was to protect the lives of others before anything else. The cops were there to defend citizens first, themselves after that. This military fire supremacy doctrine has gone too far.
Bottom line is this folks and when black people get the underlying meaning, we'll survive. Black skin is a threat to white people and black skin with anything in its hands, is perceived as a weapon regardless of what it is and a might as well be prepared to die. The second amendment these rednecks enjoy, is not for people of color. Never has been, wasn't meant for us and never will be. Black men, no matter how comfortable you are with your white prize, your ability to move into their white domains or how much money you white cops, to white people, you are nothing but a negro to these people subject to be target practice at will.

You Moon Bat moron. Gun control laws was first enacted to keep Black people unarmed.

Go spew your bigotry elsewhere.
Bottom line is this folks and when black people get the underlying meaning, we'll survive. Black skin is a threat to white people and black skin with anything in its hands, is perceived as a weapon regardless of what it is and a might as well be prepared to die. The second amendment these rednecks enjoy, is not for people of color. Never has been, wasn't meant for us and never will be. Black men, no matter how comfortable you are with your white prize, your ability to move into their white domains or how much money you white cops, to white people, you are nothing but a negro to these people subject to be target practice at will.

You Moon Bat moron. Gun control laws was first enacted to keep Black people unarmed.

Go spew your bigotry elsewhere.
Sell that bullshit to a Trump supporter, no brain dead mf's here....hate to disappoint ya
Bottom line is this folks and when black people get the underlying meaning, we'll survive. Black skin is a threat to white people and black skin with anything in its hands, is perceived as a weapon regardless of what it is and a might as well be prepared to die. The second amendment these rednecks enjoy, is not for people of color. Never has been, wasn't meant for us and never will be. Black men, no matter how comfortable you are with your white prize, your ability to move into their white domains or how much money you white cops, to white people, you are nothing but a negro to these people subject to be target practice at will.
/----/ democRAT enacted gun laws to keep Blacks unarmed. The NRA was first chartered to give firearms and training to freed slaves so they could defend themselves.
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says | PolitiFact ...
The National Rifle Association was "founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan." — Harry Alford on Friday, February 22nd, 2013 in a news conference
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says
Bottom line is this folks and when black people get the underlying meaning, we'll survive. Black skin is a threat to white people and black skin with anything in its hands, is perceived as a weapon regardless of what it is and a might as well be prepared to die. The second amendment these rednecks enjoy, is not for people of color. Never has been, wasn't meant for us and never will be. Black men, no matter how comfortable you are with your white prize, your ability to move into their white domains or how much money you white cops, to white people, you are nothing but a negro to these people subject to be target practice at will.
/----/ democRAT enacted gun laws to keep Blacks unarmed. The NRA was first chartered to give firearms and training to freed slaves so they could defend themselves.
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says | PolitiFact ...
The National Rifle Association was "founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan." — Harry Alford on Friday, February 22nd, 2013 in a news conference
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says
and the republican party was the progressive party to set about to free slaves -- shit has changed in the years since --- the same can be said about your idea of what the NRA was founded to do...

One of the first gun control laws was the one Reagan signed as governor -- and a law that the NRA supported -- what was the catalyst to that law? Scary black people with guns.
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Alabama police say man killed by officer "likely did not fire" shots

whoops! what's the difference between this and Kashoggi?!

Such a reputable source. No one has the right to make any comments unless you have walked in a police officers shoes. We have less then a second to react and you and the news have months to try and prove it wrong. So if you think it’s so easy get in Law Enforcement and see how you make out. 75% of you wouldn’t make it through the process.

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Well you don’t like the source? Fine. How about this one. New video shows Alabama mall shooter's body after he was shot dead by cops for gunning down children | Daily Mail Online

Fox News. Man killed in Alabama mall shooting was ‘likely’ not gunman, police say

Any others that would suit you?

Now, onto the poor us rant. Pfui. Nonsense. Bullshit. How else can I say it. Lots of people make life and death decisions. They are held to account for their mistakes. Pilots, Soldiers, Sailors. All are held to account, but Cops, we just don’t understand how awful it is to be a cop, and how the pressure is on. Nonsense.

A Navy SEAL is facing charges for murdering unarmed civilians, why is the military different than the cops?

While we are supposed to feel bad about you, and your friends, a family is shattered because their son is dead, and wasn’t even the bad guy they were looking for. The cops killed the wrong guy, and the attitude from you, and other cops is hey, it’s a dangerous tough job.

It’s dangerous, to those who die by your hands when they don’t need to. It’s tough on the families who have to mourn the loss of another innocent life, because hey, mistakes happen.

As long as the boys in the Thin Blue Li(n)e go home at the end of the day, everything else is just tough for the families. Right? But god forbid one of your fellows gets a paper cut, because we’ll hear about the courageous officer who was serving the community and all that shit. To hear you all tell it, Saints worship you, or at least should, because you’re that awesome.

You wanted the job, and the authority. With it comes the responsibility. If you can’t handle the responsibility, then you have no business with any authority.

Spoken like a true liberal asshole. I have been in these situations as a police officer and our job is totally different then the military. You can’t compare military to police. Police officers job is nothing like fighting a war. Military comes home when there time is over and have trouble fitting a kid into a normal life. Military deserves our support when the come home to help in any way we can for them.

So your ignorance shows. If you come on a scene and someone has a gun they get a warning to drop it. If they don’t listen then they are a threat. No one has this pressure on then dumbass. You wouldn’t last a week as a police officer. You liberals love to judge. Look in the mirror once in awhile and you’ll see a coward. Learn use of force. 99% of cops would have done the same thing.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yeah. You say they get a warning. Really? Are you sure that the poor deceased bugger got a warning? Are you sure? Because nothing has been printed in the news about it.

As for my being a coward. That’s interesting. Since I jumped out of airplanes in the Army, and spent my time in Panama, and Iraq getting shot at, crawling through booby traps, and all sorts of that soldier shit. I was a Combat Engineer in the 82nd Airborne. Talk about not lasting a week.

So there are two of your assertions that are at best from your point of view questionable, and at worst, flat assed wrong. I’m familiar with the principles regarding use of force. I’m always surprised when some jackass quotes it, and then the incident that causes the outraged quote, turns out not to have followed it.

The reason I know that the guys don’t get a warning, is that we see it on body cameras all the time.

Shooting fellow cops. Which means violating the rules concerning use of force, which is identify your target doesn’t it?

Good news for the cop in this video, his partner shot him with the taser instead.

But you are right. I wouldn’t last a week as a cop. I won’t lie. I won’t lie to protect myself. I won’t lie to protect a partner, and that means I couldn’t be a cop, because I won’t join the liars club as it was called in the LAPD, the Testilyers team for the NYPD, and every other department. I won’t lie, so I would not be the person you wanted backing you up.

I would tell the truth, and describe how you brutalized a suspect for no reason. I would tell the truth about how you planted the evidence to get the arrest, or conducted an illegal search and seizure. So yeah, I wouldn’t last as a cop. I’m too honest.

The news doesn’t have the facts, just the hear say of liars. Were you there. Did you see it. Were the media there. No they get second hand information. And if he turned towards the cop with the gun in his hand he is getting shot. You hesitate as a cop and you, your fellow officer and possibly civilians die. You should be yelling and complaining about the Parkland Florida shooting. Cops were outside waiting while shots were being fired. The FBI and the police Department had him on a watch list but did nothing. His family, friends and students did nothing either. That’s one you should be concerned about and those 4 cops and Chief should be fired. Your talking about a situation where we will never know what happened. It’s safe to say he was shot because of the gun. That’s where the saying “Ban idiots not guns”.

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Well we have a report now, and it seems there was NO warning.

Police ‘saw young black man with a gun’ and shot him, father says after Galleria police killing

Moreover, the weapon was in his belt while he was trying to guide people away from the initial shooting according to reports from witnesses. So how does that fit in with your the cops are being blamed for doing their job narrative now? Did they still do the job? Shooting someone assisting the others, while the bad guy got away, and according to the reports, was not even holding his gun in his hand? How does that work out now?

Come on Barney, you can admit it. The cops screwed up, and as is often the case, when the wrong person is shot, they will face no charges. At least until the laws get changed to hold the cops accountable. You know, like everyone else.
Bad situation which went worse. Shots at mall, another guy with a gun, cop thinks he’s the shooter, libbies melt down and craft up Another racial situation.
Bad situation which went worse. Shots at mall, another guy with a gun, cop thinks he’s the shooter, libbies melt down and craft up Another racial situation.

So what do you tell his father, who is also a cop by the way. Oh well shit happens? I’m sure that will be really comforting to the family. No matter how you try and look at this disaster, the cops shot the wrong guy. They didn’t engage the active shooter, the active shooter got away, and will probably shoot someone again. The innocent bystander who witnesses say was trying to help the other people, died needlessly.

I don’t know if race came into it, but I wonder if the cops would have been as quick to shoot a white guy with a gun in his belt, as they were the black guy.
Bottom line is this folks and when black people get the underlying meaning, we'll survive. Black skin is a threat to white people and black skin with anything in its hands, is perceived as a weapon regardless of what it is and a might as well be prepared to die. The second amendment these rednecks enjoy, is not for people of color. Never has been, wasn't meant for us and never will be. Black men, no matter how comfortable you are with your white prize, your ability to move into their white domains or how much money you white cops, to white people, you are nothing but a negro to these people subject to be target practice at will.
/----/ democRAT enacted gun laws to keep Blacks unarmed. The NRA was first chartered to give firearms and training to freed slaves so they could defend themselves.
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says | PolitiFact ...
The National Rifle Association was "founded by religious leaders who wanted to protect freed slaves from the Ku Klux Klan." — Harry Alford on Friday, February 22nd, 2013 in a news conference
NRA founded to fight KKK, black leader says
and the republican party was the progressive party to set about to free slaves -- shit has changed in the years since --- the same can be said about your idea of what the NRA was founded to do...

One of the first gun control laws was the one Reagan signed as governor -- and a law that the NRA supported -- what was the catalyst to that law? Scary black people with guns.

The first gun control laws happened in 1919. Then more legislation in 1927. Then more legislation in 1934. Then more in 1938.

Sorry but Reagan didn't sign one of the first gun control laws. He signed one gun control law but it was not one of the first.
Bad situation which went worse. Shots at mall, another guy with a gun, cop thinks he’s the shooter, libbies melt down and craft up Another racial situation.

So what do you tell his father, who is also a cop by the way. Oh well shit happens? I’m sure that will be really comforting to the family. No matter how you try and look at this disaster, the cops shot the wrong guy. They didn’t engage the active shooter, the active shooter got away, and will probably shoot someone again. The innocent bystander who witnesses say was trying to help the other people, died needlessly.

I don’t know if race came into it, but I wonder if the cops would have been as quick to shoot a white guy with a gun in his belt, as they were the black guy.
Need you ask? How many mass shooting white guys, with known fire arms in their possession are alive and due to stand trial? Whether it was a mistake or not, fact of the matter is this, if you are a black man living in this country, every single day you wake up, could very well be your last because white cops perceive you as a threat, doesn't matter if your lying in the street with your hands spread apart in the air...shot. Doesn't matter if you're asked to reach for you licence...shot, doesn't matter if your carrying a cell phone...shot, selling e-cigs, choked to death, expired tags...shot, sitting in your car in front of your home,..shot, killed inside your own home,...shot, the list is endless
Bad situation which went worse. Shots at mall, another guy with a gun, cop thinks he’s the shooter, libbies melt down and craft up Another racial situation.
The absolute irony in all this, is that open carry laws are meant for this type of see the bad guy, you pull out your gun and become a hero.....but we all know in the real world where people can die, that gun we proudly strap to our sides, rarely sees the day of light cause I black and white ass's is running with the rest of em'.

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