Alabama Senate Race Frontrunner: We Removed God from Schools, Shootings and Death Filled the Void

No, parents/family teach faith, not the place of government run institutions. Also, anyone can pray in school, it is sanctioned prayers that are unconstitutional.
Anyone can pray to their God anytime they please, unless your God doesn't read minds.....
We Removed God from Schools, Shootings and Death Filled the Void



that was George Wallace they removed from the schools in alabama after the shootings and death.
We removed mandatory prayer from schools 50 years ago. Lots of things have changed since then.

1. Cell phones. Dick Tracy's wrist radio as the closest thing we had to cell phones, and that was just a cartoon. Now, the average person can have instant communication almost anywhere in the world
2.Artificial Heart. How many lives have been saved?
3.Personal computer. Not enough room to list all the advantages
4.Communications satellites
5. The moon landing. Everything from microwave ovens to Tang was developed for that trip.
6The internet. Instant unlimited data and information directly to the average person. I don't think they even sell encyclopedias any more. Everybody already has the most recent and up to date encyclopedia at their fingertips on their computer, or on the phone in their pocket.
7. The microchip. Makes damn everything cheaper, faster, smaller, and better in every way.

Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
People have walked away from God
and/or, dismissed God

Removing God from schools
hasn't filled that void with violence
and tolerance to perversion...

being raised in an environment
which is void of God, and not lead by example
is why we are dealing with the consequences
of a society that was walked away from God

Things will only get worse...
we are living in the beginning of the end times
We removed mandatory prayer from schools 50 years ago. Lots of things have changed since then.

1. Cell phones. Dick Tracy's wrist radio as the closest thing we had to cell phones, and that was just a cartoon. Now, the average person can have instant communication almost anywhere in the world
2.Artificial Heart. How many lives have been saved?
3.Personal computer. Not enough room to list all the advantages
4.Communications satellites
5. The moon landing. Everything from microwave ovens to Tang was developed for that trip.
6The internet. Instant unlimited data and information directly to the average person. I don't think they even sell encyclopedias any more. Everybody already has the most recent and up to date encyclopedia at their fingertips on their computer, or on the phone in their pocket.
7. The microchip. Makes damn everything cheaper, faster, smaller, and better in every way.

Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
ROFLMMFAO... Seriously?!

You attribute the advances you mentioned,
to removing prayer from schools...

Who the hell do you think,
blessed someone with the intelligence
to build a rocket, replace organs, develop anti biotics,
invent a lightbulb, harness electricity, and link the world
through cell phones, laptops,
We removed mandatory prayer from schools 50 years ago. Lots of things have changed since then.

1. Cell phones. Dick Tracy's wrist radio as the closest thing we had to cell phones, and that was just a cartoon. Now, the average person can have instant communication almost anywhere in the world
2.Artificial Heart. How many lives have been saved?
3.Personal computer. Not enough room to list all the advantages
4.Communications satellites
5. The moon landing. Everything from microwave ovens to Tang was developed for that trip.
6The internet. Instant unlimited data and information directly to the average person. I don't think they even sell encyclopedias any more. Everybody already has the most recent and up to date encyclopedia at their fingertips on their computer, or on the phone in their pocket.
7. The microchip. Makes damn everything cheaper, faster, smaller, and better in every way.

Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
ROFLMMFAO... Seriously?!

You attribute the advances you mentioned,
to removing prayer from schools...

Who the hell do you think,
blessed someone with the intelligence
to build a rocket, replace organs, develop anti biotics,
invent a lightbulb, harness electricity, and link the world
through cell phones, laptops,

RWNJs make a list of what happened since we stopped forcing all kids to join a Christian prayer even if they weren't Christian, and I made another list of things that happened during the same time. Either both lists are related to that change, or neither of them are. Make up your mind.
We removed mandatory prayer from schools 50 years ago. Lots of things have changed since then.

1. Cell phones. Dick Tracy's wrist radio as the closest thing we had to cell phones, and that was just a cartoon. Now, the average person can have instant communication almost anywhere in the world
2.Artificial Heart. How many lives have been saved?
3.Personal computer. Not enough room to list all the advantages
4.Communications satellites
5. The moon landing. Everything from microwave ovens to Tang was developed for that trip.
6The internet. Instant unlimited data and information directly to the average person. I don't think they even sell encyclopedias any more. Everybody already has the most recent and up to date encyclopedia at their fingertips on their computer, or on the phone in their pocket.
7. The microchip. Makes damn everything cheaper, faster, smaller, and better in every way.

Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
ROFLMMFAO... Seriously?!

You attribute the advances you mentioned,
to removing prayer from schools...

Who the hell do you think,
blessed someone with the intelligence
to build a rocket, replace organs, develop anti biotics,
invent a lightbulb, harness electricity, and link the world
through cell phones, laptops,

RWNJs make a list of what happened since we stopped forcing all kids to join a Christian prayer even if they weren't Christian, and I made another list of things that happened during the same time. Either both lists are related to that change, or neither of them are. Make up your mind.
RWNJs make a list of what happened since we stopped forcing all kids to join a Christian prayer even if they weren't Christian,
No one was forced to pray.
Kids were forced to stop praying

No faith is still faith

They replaced faith in God,
with faith, that there is no God
We removed mandatory prayer from schools 50 years ago. Lots of things have changed since then.

1. Cell phones. Dick Tracy's wrist radio as the closest thing we had to cell phones, and that was just a cartoon. Now, the average person can have instant communication almost anywhere in the world
2.Artificial Heart. How many lives have been saved?
3.Personal computer. Not enough room to list all the advantages
4.Communications satellites
5. The moon landing. Everything from microwave ovens to Tang was developed for that trip.
6The internet. Instant unlimited data and information directly to the average person. I don't think they even sell encyclopedias any more. Everybody already has the most recent and up to date encyclopedia at their fingertips on their computer, or on the phone in their pocket.
7. The microchip. Makes damn everything cheaper, faster, smaller, and better in every way.

Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
Yes, These and lots more advances have happened since we quit making kids pray to a god they, and their parents might not even believe in. With those type advances as a result, we should have stopped mandatory prayer in schools long before we did.
ROFLMMFAO... Seriously?!

You attribute the advances you mentioned,
to removing prayer from schools...

Who the hell do you think,
blessed someone with the intelligence
to build a rocket, replace organs, develop anti biotics,
invent a lightbulb, harness electricity, and link the world
through cell phones, laptops,

RWNJs make a list of what happened since we stopped forcing all kids to join a Christian prayer even if they weren't Christian, and I made another list of things that happened during the same time. Either both lists are related to that change, or neither of them are. Make up your mind.
RWNJs make a list of what happened since we stopped forcing all kids to join a Christian prayer even if they weren't Christian,
No one was forced to pray.
Kids were forced to stop praying

No faith is still faith

They replaced faith in God,
with faith, that there is no God

I don't know who told you that, but children were forced to pray. Other schools might have had other times designated, or other ways to determine whose turn it was, but first thing in the morning, and before lunch, who ever was next in alphabetic order in your class was ordered to lead a prayer while others stood silently by their desk and bowed their heads. In those days, it was unheard of to tell the teacher no about anything. That religious ritual stopped when that law was passed, but it wasn't replaced with anything. No law was ever passed to deny the student's right to pray when ever he wanted to as long as he didn't disrupt the class. I suspect that right has always been invoked to some extent every day, or at least on test days before and since then.
"I met Judge Roy Moore last year when I held a prayer rally at the capitol in AL. I admire the fact that he’s got guts." - Franklin Graham

No, parents/family teach faith, not the place of government run institutions. Also, anyone can pray in school, it is sanctioned prayers that are unconstitutional.
The schools once worked together with parents and encouraged students to investigate and be respectful. There was once somewhat of a balance in values and opinions. Now one side dominates in public schools. That side pretends to be "scientific."
No, parents/family teach faith, not the place of government run institutions. Also, anyone can pray in school, it is sanctioned prayers that are unconstitutional.
The schools once worked together with parents and encouraged students to investigate and be respectful. There was once somewhat of a balance in values and opinions. Now one side dominates in public schools. That side pretends to be "scientific."

Students should polite and respectful, or suspended.
No, parents/family teach faith, not the place of government run institutions. Also, anyone can pray in school, it is sanctioned prayers that are unconstitutional.
The schools once worked together with parents and encouraged students to investigate and be respectful. There was once somewhat of a balance in values and opinions. Now one side dominates in public schools. That side pretends to be "scientific."

And the other side is proud of their ignorance.
God is welcome in our schools

He is an all powerful being. What is going to keep him out?

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