Alberta officials slam White House for demanding more OPEC oil after cancelling Keystone XL.

Poor stuid uneducated confused Boo. Doesn't even know that when Trump was President gas at the pump was almost a dollar a gallon cheaper than now under this clown Joe Dufus.
Uhh, silly one! It was a dollar less after it crashed during the Covid pandemic....demand was way down, and supply was way up.

Has zip to do with Trump.
Uhh, silly one! It was a dollar less after it crashed during the Covid pandemic....demand was way down, and supply was way up.

Has zip to do with Trump.

You are confused Moon Bat. Environmental wacko policies caused the inflation in fuel we are seeing now. The demand for oil decreased with Covid and the price should have gone down but when Joe Dufus stole the election and announced he didn't want to see any more fossil fuels it shot up. He is a real idiot, isn't he? Even our Canadian friends know that.
Uhh, silly one! It was a dollar less after it crashed during the Covid pandemic....demand was way down, and supply was way up.

Has zip to do with Trump.
They did the same during the recovery from the Bush recession. They touted the gas price in the middle of the recession as the norm, and when the prices jumped back to the normal range, the wordsmiths convinced the flock it was because Obama wanted to ruin the Oil Patch!

Didn't work then either. The public at large is smarter than the Neo-GOP base.
‘Smacks of hypocrisy’

No shock Biden supports the divisive Terrorist Muslims of the Middle East rather than Americans and has destroyed Americas energy independence.

leave it to the dems and xiden to undermine our friends, neighbor and ally for their pals Iran
Joe Dufus "Hey lets buy more oil from OPEC instead of efficiently transporting it from Canada".

Canadians: "Idiot!".
leave it to the dems and xiden to undermine our friends, neighbor and ally for their pals Iran

Higher priced crude oil helps Iran.

Joe Dufus "Hey lets buy more oil from OPEC instead of efficiently transporting it from Canada".

Canadians: "Idiot!".

Proof that putting your lies in bold letters makes you feel all better.
Joe Dufus "Hey lets buy more oil from OPEC instead of efficiently transporting it from Canada".

Canadians: "Idiot!".
The XL pipeline that he put on hold was never built, so how exactly is Biden stopping oil from CA for USA use????

Saudi Arabia pumping more oil, isn't for our use, but for the world supply, so that prices will go down, even if we purchased it from our friends in Canada.
Chicken Little, is that YOU????? The level of hysteria and panic you clowns are having over "inflation", all while comparing prices with those in 2020, and NEVER looking at prices in 2019, would be funny if you clowns didn't fall for every bullshit line the Right wing outrage media feeds you.
As a buyer of raw materials for manufacturing, I can tell you with absolute truth and accuracy that I have not seen this kind of inflationary pricing since I started in the 1980s.
As well as shortages, items stuck in ports etc.
If you do not see inflation as a problem right now - you are an amazing idiot that should be in roadside shows.
Higher priced crude oil helps Iran.

Proof that putting your lies in bold letters makes you feel all better.
Yes, higher priced crude helps terrorist Iran.
That’s why Biden hampered US oil production so prices would rise.
The decrease in production occurred under Trump's watch.
The dip in production occurred under Trump, but Xiden wants to kill the US oil industry. He killed the KeystoneXL pipeline, but supports Putin's Nord Stream 2 pipeline?!
Xiden is Putin's Whore. Now he'd rather buy oil from OPEC than US producers?!
The XL pipeline that he put on hold was never built, so how exactly is Biden stopping oil from CA for USA use????

Saudi Arabia pumping more oil, isn't for our use, but for the world supply, so that prices will go down, even if we purchased it from our friends in Canada.
Xiden killed the KeystoneXL pipeline, that hurt Canada (and US workers) and helped OPEC+ (including Russia). Xiden is Putin's Whore.
Xiden killed the KeystoneXL pipeline, that hurt Canada (and US workers) and helped OPEC+ (including Russia). Xiden is Putin's Whore.
it’s odd how everything xiden has done since in office, in terms of international policy has been to the benefit of Putin, Xi, and Iran
You are confused Moon Bat. Environmental wacko policies caused the inflation in fuel we are seeing now. The demand for oil decreased with Covid and the price should have gone down but when Joe Dufus stole the election and announced he didn't want to see any more fossil fuels it shot up. He is a real idiot, isn't he? Even our Canadian friends know that.

The price of oil did go down with Covid all thru 2020.. There was NO demand.
it’s odd how everything xiden has done since in office, in terms of international policy has been to the benefit of Putin, Xi, and Iran

Putin didn't benefit.. Our European allies did. Iran needs to rejoin the international community and be a good citizen. That's the goal.

Trump gave the Chinese the soybean market in Brazil and the Australians a sweet deal with TPP.
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it’s odd how everything xiden has done since in office, in terms of international policy has been to the benefit of Putin, Xi, and Iran
How do you think Joe can afford so many expensive properties on a Senator's salary?
Maybe "the big guy" knows how to sell influence? Like Hunter's $83,000 a month no-show job at Burisma, or Hunter's profitable AF-2 flight to China where he got a cool $1.5b "to invest". I wonder how much Putin's Whore got for green-lighting Nord Stream 2?
As a buyer of raw materials for manufacturing, I can tell you with absolute truth and accuracy that I have not seen this kind of inflationary pricing since I started in the 1980s.
As well as shortages, items stuck in ports etc.
If you do not see inflation as a problem right now - you are an amazing idiot that should be in roadside shows.
Inflation is definitely happening as you're saying... But supposedly it is temporary....until we catch up on producing the things we are short on, due to the cut back during the pandemic...

But to me there are other things going on that could keep inflation higher even after our supply for other things catches up....

Like the heavy drought causing water shortages is bound to keep food prices real high....wild fires killing crops and vineyards and orchards too.... And grain....if grain goes up then meats go up in price etc etc etc

And all the spending the past year and a half too....

So even when supply and demand reaches an equilibrium, inflation will be reduced from what its running today but imho, it will still be high.
Putin didn't benefit.. Our European allies did. Iran needs to rejoin the international community and be a good citizen. That's the goal.

Trump gave the Chinese the soybean market in Brazil and the Australian a sweet deal with TPP.
DUH, Putin now sells his gas to the EU, Putin benefits greatly, he gets lots of cash to fund his military. Xiden is Putin's Whore.
How do you think Joe can afford so many expensive properties on a Senator's salary?
Maybe "the big guy" knows how to sell influence? Like Hunter's $83,000 a month no-show job at Burisma, or Hunter's profitable AF-2 flight to China where he got a cool $1.5b "to invest". I wonder how much Putin's Whore got for green-lighting Nord Stream 2?

Nordstream 2 was to supply cheap gas to the Europeans. Trump thought he could force them to buy US natural gas at twice the price AND invest in billions of dollars to offload it and store it. It was idiocy.

Biden didn't do ANYTHING for Putin.. He did it for our European allies.

Why don't you think ?
Inflation is definitely happening as you're saying... But supposedly it is temporary....until we catch up on producing the things we are short on, due to the cut back during the pandemic...

But to me there are other things going on that could keep inflation higher even after our supply for other things catches up....

Like the heavy drought causing water shortages is bound to keep food prices real high....wild fires killing crops and vineyards and orchards too.... And grain....if grain goes up then meats go up in price etc etc etc

And all the spending the past year and a half too....

So even when supply and demand reaches an equilibrium, inflation will be reduced from what its running today but imho, it will still be high.

There is also a distribution problem. We lack truck drivers.

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