Alcohol Consumption with Parents at Home Laws


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Not a big legal interest of mine, but thought it was worth a thread stumbling upon this by accident a few moments ago while looking through local legal statutes for other things. Namely, public alocohol drinking, some people wlaking by my apartment with wine glasses and presumedly wine in them looking odd to me coming from California. :)

Seems that here in Missouri, you may drink with your parents at home if under 21. Indeed, if in that situation there's no legal minimum, though some have been prosecuted when it got out of control and kids died that weren't the host-parents own as at parties.

I think is the way to go. Think it should apply to tobacco use and sex as well. Parents SHOULD have the final say what their minor children do, and if it's done at home with parental supervision (not the sex obviously, but with parental consent at least) things should be legal.
Granny says if ya does this - you's an alcoholic...

US College Students Miss Meals to Drink More Alcohol
August 24, 2016 - Popular culture often shows alcohol as a big part of the college experience in the United States.
Television programs and movies about American college life show images of wild parties with young people either drinking alcohol or holding a drink. Now, a new study of alcohol use suggests that some college students may be missing meals so they can have more drinks or get drunk faster. Researchers are calling this kind of behavior, "drunkorexia."


The study involved 1,184 college students between the ages of 18 and 26 years. Most of the students attended the University of Houston in Houston, Texas, while the others went to school in other parts of the country. Researchers asked the students about their alcohol use. They found that 80 percent of those studied had demonstrated some kind of drunkorexia in the past three months. They had performed heavy physical exercise, eaten low calorie meals or even missed meals for up to a full day before drinking alcohol.

Dipali Rinker organized the study and presented its findings to the Research Society on Alcoholism in June. Rinker, who teaches psychology at the University of Houston, says students see drunkorexia as way to keep their body weight down while drinking alcohol. And it causes them to feel the effects of alcohol quickly and with more intensity. Rinker says unhealthy eating habits are only one of the reasons this type of behavior is dangerous. Heavy drinking is linked to drunk driving — operating a vehicle while drunk — unprotected sex, sexual assault and alcohol poisoning. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism is a U.S. governmental agency that studies alcohol related problems. It found that about 1,825 college students between 18 and 24 years old die from alcohol-related injuries every year.

Drinking culture

Nicole Mattern attends the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. She says drinking is common among the students she knows at the school. It is a violation of U.S. law for anyone under the age of 21 to buy alcoholic drinks. But Mattern says many students under 21 use false documents to enter drinking establishments and buy alcohol.

Mattern says she and her friends only drink alcohol in their free time after their schoolwork is done. But she believes that drinking is an undeniable part of life on a U.S. college campus. "Young people have normalized the drinking culture," she said. "Some people have been drinking since they were 16 and they’re not just going to stop because they’re in a different environment." The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism looked at how often college students used alcohol in 2014. It found that almost 60 percent of college students between 18 and 22 years old had at least one drink in the month before being asked about their drinking habits.

Sense of invincibility
Kids need to be taught to drink. At home with mom and dad, not a party of teenagers, please do start them off on a little wine with dinner at 15 or so, maybe a beer with dad after mowing the lawn. Life lived in moderation is best.

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