Alec Baldwin UNHINGED: 'Trump Is The Punishment For Slavery?' WTF?

Baldwin is just another unhinged, loony toon America HATER. He also loathes himself which is obvious by his violent actions, and ridiculous things he says, and does.
America must be a great country because even someone with a 75 IQ such as Alec Baldwin can become rich and famous
I can’t believe he and Stephen are brothers. Lol

I know. One was in Glenngarry Glen Ross, and the other was in Bio-Dome. What the fuck happened there? :eek:
It’s called being blackballed for ones political views.

He was in shit movies long before he went political, and Alec was in amazing movies long before he went political. I'm pretty sure he's just a shit actor. :tongue:
I can’t believe he and Stephen are brothers. Lol

I know. One was in Glenngarry Glen Ross, and the other was in Bio-Dome. What the fuck happened there? :eek:
It’s called being blackballed for ones political views.

He was in shit movies long before he went political, and Alec was in amazing movies long before he went political. I'm pretty sure he's just a shit actor. :tongue:

I remember watching that in a drive-in movie theater when I was a kid. That and the 1989 Batman movie had a very big influence on me getting into comic books.
I can’t believe he and Stephen are brothers. Lol

I know. One was in Glenngarry Glen Ross, and the other was in Bio-Dome. What the fuck happened there? :eek:
It’s called being blackballed for ones political views.

He was in shit movies long before he went political, and Alec was in amazing movies long before he went political. I'm pretty sure he's just a shit actor. :tongue:

I remember watching that in a drive-in movie theater when I was a kid. That and the 1989 Batman movie had a very big influence on me getting into comic books.
i started reading and collecting what i could back around grandfather used to bring me stacks of them.....early DC and Gold Key and than a few years later Marvel....
Trump is a direct result of an obama Presidency... karma is a bitch
I know. One was in Glenngarry Glen Ross, and the other was in Bio-Dome. What the fuck happened there? :eek:
It’s called being blackballed for ones political views.

He was in shit movies long before he went political, and Alec was in amazing movies long before he went political. I'm pretty sure he's just a shit actor. :tongue:

I remember watching that in a drive-in movie theater when I was a kid. That and the 1989 Batman movie had a very big influence on me getting into comic books.
i started reading and collecting what i could back around grandfather used to bring me stacks of them.....early DC and Gold Key and than a few years later Marvel....

Even though it was a little before my time I remember being into the old Adam West Batman re-runs. I'd make my grandma record every episode on VHS. Then in elementary school our library had these graphic novels of old comics, so I was introduced to the origins of the Incredible Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Spiderman etc. Then around 1992 my brother introduced me to Spawn. I'm reading this very graphic comic at maybe 10 years old, and it got me hooked.
Baldwin is right to point this out - the last two sins were brought on by Democrats:
Japanese internment - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Democrat
Vietnam - JFK and Lyndon B. Johnson - both Democrats

Baldwin is a fking clown but when he's right, he's right.


I'm still waiting for the fascist Democrat Vietnam War protestors to take responsibility for the 2 &1/2 to 3 million people murdered after we pulled out of Vietnam.. Same old traitor hero Democrats to this day..
Iraq-sacrifices-NRD-600-w-logo.jpg sad to see the descend of an actor who promised so the past

now he has become a piece of shit....a lunatic! a total idiot!

and yes! it is sad!

I find it sad.
You know the funniest thing? My mother is a hard-core liberal and even she utterly detests Alec Baldwin. Mom always says, "the reason Baldwin is so gifted at playing such arrogant scumbags is because he's just playing himself."
Alec Baldwin just hates the fact that he has become what he hates (Trump)…….he even looks like him, and that's why SNL keeps bringing him back and he secretly resents it :badgrin:
It’s called being blackballed for ones political views.

He was in shit movies long before he went political, and Alec was in amazing movies long before he went political. I'm pretty sure he's just a shit actor. :tongue:

I remember watching that in a drive-in movie theater when I was a kid. That and the 1989 Batman movie had a very big influence on me getting into comic books.
i started reading and collecting what i could back around grandfather used to bring me stacks of them.....early DC and Gold Key and than a few years later Marvel....

Even though it was a little before my time I remember being into the old Adam West Batman re-runs. I'd make my grandma record every episode on VHS. Then in elementary school our library had these graphic novels of old comics, so I was introduced to the origins of the Incredible Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Spiderman etc. Then around 1992 my brother introduced me to Spawn. I'm reading this very graphic comic at maybe 10 years old, and it got me hooked.
i had the first 15 issues of every Marvel comic out at that time....including Amazing Fantasy no 15,and i kept them in great condition....who knew?....
You know the funniest thing? My mother is a hard-core liberal and even she utterly detests Alec Baldwin. Mom always says, "the reason Baldwin is so gifted at playing such arrogant scumbags is because he's just playing himself."

Your mother could be onto something there. I don't give a fuck about Alec Baldwin's politics. I think he's a great actor. But his best roles were as arrogant scumbags. :D
You know the funniest thing? My mother is a hard-core liberal and even she utterly detests Alec Baldwin. Mom always says, "the reason Baldwin is so gifted at playing such arrogant scumbags is because he's just playing himself."

Your mother could be onto something there. I don't give a fuck about Alec Baldwin's politics. I think he's a great actor. But his best roles were as arrogant scumbags. :D

I think he's a delicious actor as well and it's a joy to watch his smarmy, pompous villains in movies - he was having so much acting fun in Malice, The Juror and Glengarry. But regardless of anyone's politics, his general rage-a-holic, violent behavior in public shows that he is a rotten human being deep down inside. And not as smart as the villains he always plays.
It's when I made my impersonation of Baldwin's "God" speech a few years ago, both of my elderly parents (my Democrat mom & Republican dad) said Baldwin was so good at that level of arrogance because he was playing his real-life self. sad to see the descend of an actor who promised so the past

now he has become a piece of shit....a lunatic! a total idiot!

and yes! it is sad!

I find it sad.

He was always a piece of shit and a lunatic. He's an actor. He's still saner and more reasonable than Donald Trump. sad to see the descend of an actor who promised so the past

now he has become a piece of shit....a lunatic! a total idiot!

and yes! it is sad!

I find it sad.

He was always a piece of shit and a lunatic. He's an actor. He's still saner and more reasonable than Donald Trump.

WHY, cretin? What makes a violent criminal like Baldwin better than Trump when Trump wants to secure American borders, put American interests first, and call out the rest of the world for freeloading off of us? Assuming you're American (I don't really give a fuck) WHY are you so filled with self-hatred treason against your own country and you HATE the idea of American triumph over other countries who have a paranoid hatred of us? Liberal ingrate, spoiled-brat creeps like you belong at the end of a gibbet.

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