Alec Baldwin Is On The Right Side Of This Issue

It doesn't matter what Alec Baldwin thinks, moron, her career is toast.
Her career WAS over. This is the most exposure she's had in 20 years. Thanks conservative pc police snowflakes!

Wrong type of exposure, her gigs are being cancelled left and right.

She's going to rake in the dough bigly thanks you to pc snowflakes :thup:

Just ask OJ Simpson or John Edwards
Ask them what, snowflake?

If there is no such thing as bad publicity.

As Tiger Woods while you are at it?
Obviously, conservatives have conveniently have forgotten the eight-plus years the Obama family endured the crap dished out by conservatives and congressional Republicans. The Obamas survived, and with considerable dignity.

Let the Big Orange head and his clan have a taste of unending criticism and insults and see how they do.

Alec Baldwin is on the right side of this issue.

In his Tweet to Kathy Griffin: “Kathy… fuck them. Fuck them all,” wrote Baldwin, who has also faced Trump’s repeated wrath over his portrayal of him on “Saturday Night Live.” “No 1 believes u meant 2 threaten Trump,” he added. “Trump is such a senile idiot, all he has is Twitter fights.”

Baldwin hit the nail squarely on the head. His other Tweets to her can be seen at the link below:

Alec Baldwin Tweets Advice To Under-Fire Kathy Griffin


View attachment 130752

And which celebrity endorsed these anti-Obama images?

Dude, you stole my thunder....I was going to state the same thing. Remember how Hank Williams Jr lost his MNF opener gig for criticizing Boehner for playing golf with the Barrypuppet and saying it as akin to Netanyahu and Hitler getting together for 18 holes........he was BURIED under an avalanche of criticism and his point was that they are suppose to be polar opposites of each other when it comes to ideals. There has NEVER been a president that was given more of a pass than that jug-eared POS...the media carried his ass the entire presidency and never covered scandal after disgusting scandal and more and more of them are being uncovered...but where is the lame stream Operation Mockingbird media? They are covering a Russia/Trump collusion to steal the election from the Hildebeast claiming that they cheated by exposing how the leftard clown posse was cheating......fuckwads like BertramN don't "get it" and they never will.
Is he blaming CNN for firing her? Or is he blaming Trump for being offended?

I cannot tell.
Obviously, conservatives have conveniently have forgotten the eight-plus years the Obama family endured the crap dished out by conservatives and congressional Republicans. The Obamas survived, and with considerable dignity.

Let the Big Orange head and his clan have a taste of unending criticism and insults and see how they do.

Alec Baldwin is on the right side of this issue.

In his Tweet to Kathy Griffin: “Kathy… fuck them. Fuck them all,” wrote Baldwin, who has also faced Trump’s repeated wrath over his portrayal of him on “Saturday Night Live.” “No 1 believes u meant 2 threaten Trump,” he added. “Trump is such a senile idiot, all he has is Twitter fights.”

Baldwin hit the nail squarely on the head. His other Tweets to her can be seen at the link below:

Alec Baldwin Tweets Advice To Under-Fire Kathy Griffin


View attachment 130752


Baldwin is an idiot, lush and child abuser. Re another regressive hero.


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