Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Will anyone listens to this plea of the hapless victims of this war?

Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment


The New Arab

Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment
Residents of Aleppo demonstrate against continuing Russian airstrikes on the city [Getty]

Date of publication: 2 May, 2016

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Despite pleas for protection from Aleppo residents, air raids continued to obliterate Syria's second city on Monday after a week of carnage.

Aleppo, airstrikes,press conference

Fresh regime air raids pounded Syria's Aleppo city early Monday, an AFP correspondent said, as US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Geneva in a bid to halt the mounting carnage.

More than a week of fighting in and around Syria's second city has killed hundreds of civilians.

Air raids on rebel-held east Aleppo hit in the early hours of Monday, AFP's correspondent there said, with no immediate reports of casualties.

Several neighbourhoods - including the heavily populated Bustan al-Qasr district - were hit. It was not clear if Monday's raids on the rebel area were conducted by Syrian or Russian war planes.

Meanwhile, rebel shelling into regime-controlled western areas of Aleppo city late Sunday killed three civilians including a child, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

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Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment
For humanity's sake, give it a break...

U.N. urges Aleppo ceasefire to repair water system, stem outbreaks
Tue Aug 9, 2016 - The United Nations called on Tuesday for an urgent ceasefire in the divided Syrian city of Aleppo, where it said two million people lacked access to clean running water, with children most at risk of disease.
Access is needed to deliver food and medical supplies and for technicians to repair electricity networks that drive water pumping stations, which were heavily damaged in attacks on civilian infrastructure last week. "The U.N. is extremely concerned that the consequences will be dire for millions of civilians if the electricity and water networks are not immediately repaired," it said in a statement. The statement was signed by Yacoub El Hillo, U.N. Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator for Syria, and Kevin Kennedy, U.N. regional humanitarian coordinator for the Syria crisis.


A rebel fighter sits with his weapon in the artillery academy of Aleppo, Syria​

An estimated 250,000-275,000 people are trapped in eastern Aleppo following the closure of Castello road last month, the last remaining access route to the opposition-held part of the city, it said. Insurgents effectively broke a month-long government siege of eastern Aleppo on Saturday. Their advance severed the primary government supply corridor running into the city from the south and raised the prospect that government-held western Aleppo might in turn become besieged by the insurgents. This brought the total number of civilians in the city under "de facto fear of besiegement to over two million", the U.N. said. U.N. Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura and U.N. Emergency Relief Coordinator Stephen O'Brien are to brief the Security Council on the deteriorating situation in Aleppo on Tuesday.


Young children are especially vulnerable to diarrhea and other water-borne diseases from a heatwave and drinking dirty water, the U.N. Children's Fund (UNICEF) said. "In the eastern parts of Aleppo up to 300,000 people - over a third of them are children - are relying on water from wells which are potentially contaminated by fecal matter and unsafe to drink," UNICEF spokesman Christophe Boulierac told a briefing. UNICEF and other aid agencies are bringing emergency drinking water by truck to an estimated 325,000 people in western Aleppo per day, he said. But Aleppo's sick and wounded lack access to health care.


A Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) fighter gestures on a street in Manbij, in Aleppo Governorate, Syria​

In July there were at least 10 confirmed attacks on health facilities in Aleppo city, the World Health Organization said. "According to Eastern Aleppo City local health authorities, 8 out of 10 hospitals and 13 out of 28 primary health care centers are now partially functional or out of service as a result of these attacks," WHO spokesman Tarik Jasarevic said. "Only 35 medical doctors remain in the city, and their capacity to cope with the excess demand has been overwhelmed," he said, quoting local health authorities.

U.N. urges Aleppo ceasefire to repair water system, stem outbreaks

See also:

Syrian government forces bombard rebels in Aleppo, insurgents deny setbacks
Tue Aug 9, 2016 Syrian government forces and their allies bombarded insurgents in southwestern Aleppo on Tuesday, close to where rebels recently opened a corridor into the city's opposition-held eastern sector, pro-Damascus media reported.
Hezbollah's Al Manar TV said government forces had advanced to cut off rebel progress into opposition-held areas of Aleppo. A rebel official denied any government advance in the area. Fighting in Syria's five-year civil war has in recent months focused on Aleppo, Syria's largest city before the conflict. Nearly 2 million people still live there. Aleppo is split between the government-controlled west and rebel territory in eastern neighborhoods, which last month government forces put under siege by cutting the opposition supply route from the north. Rebels effectively broke that siege in an assault on a major government military complex on Aleppo's southwestern outskirts on Saturday, opening a corridor linking the eastern sector with insurgent territory.


Damaged buildings are seen in the 1070 Apartment Project area in southwestern Aleppo, Syria​

At the same time, they cut the main supply route to government-held Aleppo, raising the prospect of insurgents in turn besieging those areas. On Tuesday, government forces backed by intense aerial bombardment recaptured some terrain and closed off the rebel corridor, pro-Damascus media outlets including Hezbollah's Al Manar TV reported. Lebanese Shi'ite Muslim group Hezbollah fights on the side of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. A rebel official denied there had been a government gain. "There's no advance, nothing," said Abu al-Hasanein, a senior commander in Fateh Halab, the coalition of moderate rebel groups inside the city. "The situation is good. There's a lot of bombing, but the brothers (fighters) are taking cover, until they start a new phase" in the battle, he said.

Ahmed Hamaher, a spokesman for the Nour al Din al-Zinki insurgent group, said government forces had briefly overrun an area called Telat al-Snobarat, as reported by a pro-Damascus channel, but had been beaten back and the territory was recovered by rebels. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said government forces had not taken control of the southwestern areas that would cut the rebel corridor, but had temporarily blocked movement of insurgents with bombardments. The British-based monitoring group said Hezbollah fighters were involved in the battles.

Syrian government forces bombard rebels in Aleppo, insurgents deny setbacks
Will anyone listens to this plea of the hapless victims of this war?

Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment


The New Arab

Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment

Residents of Aleppo demonstrate against continuing Russian airstrikes on the city [Getty]

Date of publication: 2 May, 2016

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Despite pleas for protection from Aleppo residents, air raids continued to obliterate Syria's second city on Monday after a week of carnage.


Aleppo, airstrikes,press conference

Fresh regime air raids pounded Syria's Aleppo city early Monday, an AFP correspondent said, as US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Geneva in a bid to halt the mounting carnage.

More than a week of fighting in and around Syria's second city has killed hundreds of civilians.

Air raids on rebel-held east Aleppo hit in the early hours of Monday, AFP's correspondent there said, with no immediate reports of casualties.

Several neighbourhoods - including the heavily populated Bustan al-Qasr district - were hit. It was not clear if Monday's raids on the rebel area were conducted by Syrian or Russian war planes.

Meanwhile, rebel shelling into regime-controlled western areas of Aleppo city late Sunday killed three civilians including a child, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

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Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment

You need to send some jews there; if so much as one was found on an SAA jet dropping barrel bombs, the arab street/world would be "aflame" and then you'd see a flurry of meetings, action events, etc. Sadly for the 20 MM people of syria being pancaked by assad/iran/russia - there are no jews there.
Will anyone listens to this plea of the hapless victims of this war?

Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment


The New Arab

Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment

Residents of Aleppo demonstrate against continuing Russian airstrikes on the city [Getty]

Date of publication: 2 May, 2016

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Despite pleas for protection from Aleppo residents, air raids continued to obliterate Syria's second city on Monday after a week of carnage.


Aleppo, airstrikes,press conference

Fresh regime air raids pounded Syria's Aleppo city early Monday, an AFP correspondent said, as US Secretary of State John Kerry arrived in Geneva in a bid to halt the mounting carnage.

More than a week of fighting in and around Syria's second city has killed hundreds of civilians.

Air raids on rebel-held east Aleppo hit in the early hours of Monday, AFP's correspondent there said, with no immediate reports of casualties.

Several neighbourhoods - including the heavily populated Bustan al-Qasr district - were hit. It was not clear if Monday's raids on the rebel area were conducted by Syrian or Russian war planes.

Meanwhile, rebel shelling into regime-controlled western areas of Aleppo city late Sunday killed three civilians including a child, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.

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Aleppo pleas for protection as Syrian regime continues bombardment

You need to send some jews there; if so much as one was found on an SAA jet dropping barrel bombs, the arab street/world would be "aflame" and then you'd see a flurry of meetings, action events, etc. Sadly for the 20 MM people of syria being pancaked by assad/iran/russia - there are no jews there.
One can see that people like you Zionist puppet have nothing to do with Jews. No Jew - no people at all - wants to live among Islamist terrorists. And no Jew would survive them anyway.
Guys, again, it is important to know what scum those puppets are supporting before they can drag you into their cannibal caves:

Aleppo: "Moderate rebels" behead child, US threatens with consequences

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