Alex Baldwin vindicated

“We therefore will be dismissing the involuntary manslaughter charges against Mr. Baldwin to conduct further investigation,” their statement continued. “This decision does not absolve Mr. Baldwin of criminal culpability and charges may be refiled."

For those saying that Baldwin was 'vindicated', you may want to check again.

Charges are dropped for now. Its good news for Baldwin, to be sure. But its not a vindication. They could be refiled.
There was never enough evidence for a charge. You are just hoping there will be a charge for Alex, instead of worrying about the existing and upcoming indictments for you orange POS named trump.
Now that you've given us a tome stating the obvious==how is it that you cannot see that it is just a little too convenient that "the prosecution destroyed key evidence in the case." Are you going to try to tell us all, "Oh, that. You know, Stuff happens."

Now it’s a conspiracy. Great.

I have to wonder how dumb you really are. I mean at this point tying your shoes is probably a major accomplishment. You obviously know nothing about weapons.

The State Police and then the FBI were asked to test the weapon. Baldwin said that it fired without him pulling the trigger. Possible. Unlikely but not impossible.

The State Police couldn’t get the weapon to behave the way Baldwin said it had. But knowing that a Defense Expert might know more than they did sent the weapon to the FBI to test. It was there according to the news reports to get extensive testing done.

Now according to Baldwin and witnesses they were Framing the shot. In other words putting the actors where they were to stand, and going through the motions they wanted to film.

Now maybe Baldwin pulled the trigger. Single action triggers are notoriously light and I fired a round into the ground during a pistol competition, to my embarrassment, by resting my finger on the trigger before I should have. And until it went bang I would have sworn I didn’t do that.

But the FBI also said the weapon was in poor condition. They were able to get the pistol to fire by striking the hammer. So perhaps it fired by hooking a piece of clothing or belt buckle.

Or perhaps the weapon was dirty and the trigger stuck or hung when it was being cocked.

I don’t know. And that is the point. You proclaim with certainty that you know. If the facts or the law don’t agree with your limited understanding then you decide it is a conspiracy. Idiocy.

Now another point that is curious to me. The Chauvin case had the ME declare the death was a homicide. This was outrageous according to the Right. They were convinced without one Coroner willing to say so that Floyd died of an Overdose.

But the Medical Examiner in this case ruled the death accidental. It was ruled as an accidental death and I was honestly curious as to how the DA was going to explain that his own Medical Examiner was wrong.
Likewise. You have been witness to the insanity that has gone on in this government for the past seven years and you think this political climate is normal and no conspiracies? You are deluded, naive or just stupid. Take your pick.

You really need to stop believing you are smart. If you went to College, see about getting a refund. If you Graduated from High School, file a lawsuit because you were graduated socially. You didn’t learn anything.

The reason the destruction of the weapon is almost certain to insure it is excluded from the trial is that merely taking the Prosecutions word on something is not the basis of our legal system. Or the values of this nation. It helps to insure a fair trial as intended by the Founders.

The ability to hire and utilize outside experts for the Defense limits the opportunity for such Conspiracies to exist. It does not eliminate those opportunities. But it does limit them.

Everything is not a conspiracy. Most of the Conspiracies you insist exist, don’t.

In this case, according to you, a person who works for the FBI Lab, a group notorious for creating evidence and standards out of thin air, or conclusions based upon junk science, broke the pistol in a desire to help a defendant instead of trumping up evidence to convict them.

That flies in the face of the FBI’s long history. A history you are apparently unaware of. To your loss. I was about to start posting links to news articles and books for you to read. Then I realized it would be a wasted effort. You’ve never read anyone on the Constitution or the history of this nation. So you certainly wouldn’t read anything about the FBI’s real history.

You aren’t clever. You aren’t on top of them, whoever they may be in your imagination. You aren’t well informed. And you will never be. Ignorant means you don’t know. I am ignorant of a great number of things. I admit it. But I can and do try to learn. What do you call it when the person doesn’t know and doesn’t want to?
There was never enough evidence for a charge. You are just hoping there will be a charge for Alex, instead of worrying about the existing and upcoming indictments for you orange POS named trump.

I think the case against Baldwin was weak. But that's not a judgment for me to make. The special prosecutors dismissed the charges. From what I've been able to see of their statements, likely to provide them with more time to investigate.

This suggests either new evidence, or a rushed indictment that wasn't adequately investigated.

Or both.

Either way, the special prosecutors were clear that the investigation is active and charges could be refiled. While clearly the dismissal is great news for Baldwin, I wouldn't read too much into it. And its definitely not a vindication.
I think the case against Baldwin was weak. But that's not a judgment for me to make. The special prosecutors dismissed the charges. From what I've been able to see of their statements, likely to provide them with more time to investigate.

This suggests either new evidence, or a rushed indictment that wasn't adequately investigated.

Or both.

Either way, the special prosecutors were clear that the investigation is active and charges could be refiled. While clearly the dismissal is great news for Baldwin, I wouldn't read too much into it. And its definitely not a vindication.


1 of 2


mur·der ˈmər-dər

Synonyms of murder
: the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing a person


1 of 2


mur·der ˈmər-dər

Synonyms of murder
: the crime of unlawfully and unjustifiably killing a person

You have got to learn to read past the first line.
Actually. No it isn’t unfair or unjust. First. The practices on a film set are different than the rest of the world. Second. The pistol was destroyed during testing thus making the key piece of evidence unavailable for Defense testing and experts to examine it. That means the key piece of evidence was certainly going to be excluded from the trial.

So a dismissal was all but inevitable.
The fix is in.
Wow, like a thunderclap, BAM! Just like that. No charge of (like say, a normal human that did the same might expect at the very least): Manslaughter. Nope. Just dismissed out of hand, nothing fishy about this outcome. Because rich white guy with live bullets in a "prop" gun and in his ammo belt he was wearing pointed and aimed and shot someone, suddenly the gun was at fault magically. So on the other hand, we get black urban riots and an old white dude paranoid of blacks and shoots a black kid at his door (Raph Yarl) and he's gonna get crucified over. This is insane.
It's not a good day to be an Alec Baldwin hater.
Police said the movie director who handed him the prop gun told him it had no bullets in it.
Please no police bashing in this thread. Thank you.
"Alec Baldwin was handed what was described as a safe "cold gun" on the set of his movie "Rust", but the prop gun contained live rounds when it was fired, according to details of the police investigation into the fatal shooting released on Friday."
This is the official apology thread to those who bashed Alec Baldwin.
Defective gun. Baldwin never pulled the trigger, therefore no case.
Now it’s a conspiracy.
Why was a special prosecutor necessary? The DA is enough for "common folk." Even with a special prosecutor, simple procedures seem to have fallen through the cracks. Ironic that you and your ilk can call conspiracy on Trump if he farts, but you can't entertain that something this evident may be happening. Naw, just some conspiracy nut. Run along, you're beyond recovery.
Why was a special prosecutor necessary? The DA is enough for "common folk." Even with a special prosecutor, simple procedures seem to have fallen through the cracks. Ironic that you and your ilk can call conspiracy on Trump if he farts, but you can't entertain that something this evident may be happening. Naw, just some conspiracy nut. Run along, you're beyond recovery.

Normally when I mention a Conspiracy I am trying to explain why it isn’t one. As one example. The popular we never landed on the moon insanity. The technology they claim was used to fake the landing didn’t actually exist in 1969. It required computers that didn’t exist yet.

But that aside. If you were aware of the history of the FBI you wouldn’t think they would try and help a defendant. Let’s go way back to things covered in a book written by Fred Cook. In it he exposed the practices by the FBI known as Black Bag Jobs. This was where the FBI would break and enter a home or business to steal records. Sometimes for an investigation. And sometimes to get the information reporters were gathering on FBI misconduct. And sometimes to get politically damaging information to go into the files of the director Hoover.

This was exposed by Fred Cook who spent the rest of his life under surveillance for daring to tell the world about the FVI breaking laws. Congress held hearings. Hoover swore that the FBI would never again do a Black Bag Job. The FBI continued breaking in, only now the practice was called a FBI Special.

When the FBI Specials were exposed they took a different response. Now the FBI swore they needed to do this for National Security. Enemy spies you know. So Congress showing they were not going to tolerate people flaunting the Constitution took swift action. They created the FISA court to make the criminal legal.

I have mentioned my approval and agreement with the decision to Dismiss all charges against the Bundy’s. Even though I believe they are unequaled asses. Because again the FBI was caught lying to gin up evidence against someone.

So if you said the FBI was lying about a test result or lying about what they had done I’d be willing to listen and consider. If you said the FBI was hiding exculpatory evidence then I’d be willing to believe pending more information. But to claim they were intentionally damaging or destroying evidence to help a defendant is laughable. That they do not do. They operate under the principle that everyone is guilty and if they look hard enough they’ll find out what you are guilty of.

Now I know what you are going to whip out claiming I believed them. And chances are you are wrong. Again. For example the supposed Trump Dossier. I didn’t believe that Trump would get hookers to pee on him. It isn’t his personality type. It just didn’t make sense. He owns hotels all over the world. He can get any number of women who will do anything he wants. But if he was engaging in water sports, he would be the one peeing. Not the one being peed on.

I’ve said before that I voted for Trump in 2016. I didn’t vote for anyone in 2020. I will not vote for Trump ever again.

I repeat the message from earlier. You need to read more and learn a hell of a lot more. Every outcome you don’t like is not part of a conspiracy.
The trump people will never apologize for anything.

They can say and do the most abhorrent things but will never apologize.


The investigation into this has always been an accidental shooting.

Not a criminal one.
As always you prove what a stupid fuck you are.John Schneider of the dukes of hazzard who is very much qualified to day this said that was criminal negligence on his part sense he knows better not to point it at an actor,he said on dukes of hazzard that the actor that played the sherif roscoe when he would yell out freeze he would take out his gun and he never pointed it at anybody ever in all those years of filming,as a guy who has done some community theater I also was told never to point a prop gun directly at an actor you fucking paid shill.

You trump haters are the asshole fags who refuse to apologize to America fir lying.
If you cock a single action revolver, squeeze the trigger, and the gun fires ... it's operational and NOT "destroyed." Obviously, the gun worked as intended because a bullet traveled through the barrel and hit the target that the gun was aimed at.

Baldwin flat out lied when he said "the gun fired itself" (paraphrased). He's like a little kid that claims he didn't eat the chocolate candy bar, even though you can see the brown goo plastered all over his lips.

No, apparently he didn't. The gun can go off by itself. That's why charges were dropped.

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