Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.
/----/ So a 10 term democRAT, middle-aged White guy who supported open borders got primaried out by a Hispanic Millenium. I guess att that Pandering didn't help Crowley. Sweet Karma.

She's gorgeous no?


Looks like a Chick With A

This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?

John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....
Ocasio-Cortez's election is the younger generation telling the old guard in the DNC that its time for them to step aside ... or be stepped over.

Agree with this ^ part - The future of D party is young people with a message. Hers is a VERY good one.

What was her message?

I posted two videos that cover that - Not gonna hold yer hand

Same old message by prog socialists, everything for free, utopia, me, me, me, Im entitled agenda.
Before we get to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her upset victory, IMO, it is critical to point a few things out.

Ever hear 'THE Democratic Party has been taken over by the radical Leftist Extremists'?

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is just more proof this is the case and has been for some time.

Barak Hussein Obama was not a 'Democrat'.
He was the son of an anti-Colonialist who hated the US and wanted to see it eliminated S a world power and world influence. Barry identified with his father and what he believed so much so in college that he changed his name.

Barry ADMITTEDLY was tutored by Communist Frank Marshall Davis.

He ADMITTEDLY studied and admired the Socialist Saul Alensky who wrote the book 'Rules For Radicals' - Obama even quoted the book in his inauguration speech.

He was mentored for approximately a decade by a racist, hate-spewing, anti-American 'Pastor' who taught Barry things like ' Not God bless America - God D@MN America' from his pulpit.

Barry was also friends of an independent domestic terrorist who bombed his own country and killed his fellow Americans.

Despite the DNC and liberal media bombarding the nation with the message that ' the past doesn't matter, it definitely DOES matter. Our past and all that is in it defines us. It defined Barry. His Presidency is a testament to this fact.

He was definitely NOT a 'Democrat'.

Despite the DNC's best efforts to turn the reins over to a more 'traditional' (yet criminal / corrupt) 'Democrat', Hillary simply could not win her Party's nomination against a member of the SOCIALIST PARTY/ Socialist Bernie Sanders.

in the end they had to rig primaries, cheat in debates, engage in election fraud during the primaries, commit election fraud, and break election laws / campaign finance laws.

Even then they had to screw Sanders and his army of supporters By GIVING Hillary the nomination. By all rights, the Democratic Party's 2016 Presidential Candidate should have been BERNIE even bigger political upset than Trump defeating Hillary for the WH.

So the fact that 'Socialist' Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just defeated the #4 Democrat really shouldn't be any surprise.

Welcome to the new, evolving Socialist / Leftist Democratic Party

The difference is the Marxists are dropping the Alinsky playbook and no longer feel that they need to hide behind a suit and tie
Regardless of your politics, I don't think this is something to celebrate. As much as I don't like this anti-Trump, you don't want socialism from ANYONE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez win stuns Democrats, puts new attention on Pelosi

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a former campaign organizer for Bernie Sanders, pulled off a stunning upset in New York City on Tuesday by defeating U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, D-N.Y., who was considered a kingmaker and an all but shoo-in.

Crowley, 56, a 10-term incumbent from Queens and fierce Trump-basher, was a steady fundraiser for fellow Democrats and was thought by some to be a future Speaker of the House.

His defeat left no clear potential choice in the House to succeed U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., as the party's leader.

There were times that Crowley's campaign in New York’s 14th Congressional District showed signs of fragility. The New York Times editorial page, after his loss, reported that he ran a lackluster campaign that bordered on complacency. The paper pointed out that he debated his opponent only once.
/----/ So a 10 term democRAT, middle-aged White guy who supported open borders got primaried out by a Hispanic Millenium. I guess att that Pandering didn't help Crowley. Sweet Karma.

She's gorgeous no?

OH, so YOU judge on looks? How very SEXIST of you Dr Lutz.
Well easyt65 - the orange dude who commandeered the former Republican Party would do well to learn a little history also.

Perhaps you could school him?
Best economy in decades
Lowest Unemployment in decades
More / more full-time jobs
Higher salaries
Fewer Americans on Welfare
Fewer Americans on Unemployment
Fewer Americans on Food Stamps
Higher home values
NOT supporting terrorists
NOT supporting Drug Cartels
NOT supporting Human Traffickers
NOT supporting Violent Illegals
NOT supporting Iran
EARNING a potential Peace Prize
Higher approval rating than Obama
Higher approval rating than Reagan
Ending In-Constitutional edicts
NOT illegally spying on citzens
NOT illegally spying on reporters / media
NOT illegally spying on US Senators
NOT illegally spying on USSC Justices
Brought US hostages home - no random

....I would say he is doing just fine. :p
Well easyt65 - the orange dude who commandeered the former Republican Party would do well to learn a little history also.

Perhaps you could school him?
Best economy in decades
Lowest Unemployment in decades
More / more full-time jobs
Higher salaries
Fewer Americans on Welfare
Fewer Americans on Unemployment
Fewer Americans on Food Stamps
Higher home values
NOT supporting terrorists
NOT supporting Drug Cartels
NOT supporting Human Traffickers
NOT supporting Violent Illegals
NOT supporting Iran
EARNING a potential Peace Prize
Higher approval rating than Obama
Higher approval rating than Reagan
Ending In-Constitutional edicts
NOT illegally spying on citzens
NOT illegally spying on reporters / media
NOT illegally spying on US Senators
NOT illegally spying on USSC Justices
Brought US hostages home - no random

....I would say he is doing just fine. :p
/-----/ Save us from good news.jpg
And they bring with them the politics of Cuba and the economy of Venezuela.
It never occurred to the old, corrupt, self-serving, power-hungry, self-enriching white liberals that bringing in millions and millions of Latinos, replacing the blindly-loyal blacks as the biggest minority / as their biggest supporters, would eventually result in an intelligent minority who would eventually realize they would be much better off - and COULD - simply REPLACE the old white politicians with their own members / people...

Once again....

I'm a heterosexual male - How about yourself?
Judge by looks/ Vote by looks? No
But there is nothing wrong with noticing.
Didn't Bill Clinton say Hillary after she caught him checking out that new Intern? :p
This 28 year old has "star" written all over her.

Clear bold message - incredible talent and extremely easy on the eyes.

I'll post her Morning Joe interview when found, but check out her campaign ad:

WOW...awesome video. My ears heard....
“I’m a barely American with a very unAmerican name, your loserhood is not your fault, you were destined to be a failed piece of shit due to your place of birth. I will aggressively fight to steal more free shit for you lazy, complacent lowlifes.”

Did I hear it all clearly?

For your own benefit, I promise you that the sooner you come to the realization that Ocasio-Cortez is every bit an "American" name as whatever yours is, the easier your life will be.

I’d debate that till the cows come home. My life is pretty damn easy.
Barack Hussein Obama is an African name
Ocasio-Cortez is a wetback name
John Smith is an American name

Don’t try to fool yourself...that’s retarded. What else can I teach you?

John Smith is an American name
so is Vukovich and Shingata and Pinelli and Gomez....

Ask Humberto Gomez what nationality he is...he’ll never answer with “American”...he’ll tell you quick as shit he’s a wetback.
One day you’ll be right about something...I just know it.
Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.

Errr, you are referring to free market capitalism I presume. It sure isn't socialism, I can attest to that.
I am talking about the voters of that Congressional district choosing a local party standard bearer that seems best to them, not you nor I.
Think again.
The Communist is going to be the standard bearer for all DEMs going into 18/20.
Her 'platform' will be shown endlessly to millions of people all over the country.
I opened a nice bottle of wine last night in celebration.
She and Waters are literally handing the REPs a win in 18/20.
Many thanks.
I hear the communist bitch has bought herself a cheap waterfront property in Venezuela.
Interesting spin in HOW she won:

'DOUG SCHOEN: Progressive Dems win by copying Trump...'

...'If you can't beat 'm, JOIN them'

Of course people are smart enough to know Democrats will SAY / DO anything to get elected....even pretend to be like Trump now that they see America preferred / prefers what Trump has to offer over what Liberals do.

Government of the People, by the People, and for the People.

Errr, you are referring to free market capitalism I presume. It sure isn't socialism, I can attest to that.
I am talking about the voters of that Congressional district choosing a local party standard bearer that seems best to them, not you nor I.
Think again.
The Communist is going to be the standard bearer for all DEMs going into 18/20.
Her 'platform' will be shown endlessly to millions of people all over the country.
I opened a nice bottle of wine last night in celebration.
She and Waters are literally handing the REPs a win in 18/20.
Many thanks.
I hear the communist bitch has bought herself a cheap waterfront property in Venezuela.
Her platform is free everything for all and abolishing all borders.

She won the dimwit primary. See how she does in the general election.
I'm a heterosexual male - How about yourself?
Judge by looks/ Vote by looks? No
But there is nothing wrong with noticing.
Didn't Bill Clinton say Hillary after she caught him checking out that new Intern? :p

You'll have to tell me. Maybe it was more like what Donald told Melania after it was revealed that he was pounding a porn star right after she gave birth to Barron? :)
Interesting spin in HOW she won:

'DOUG SCHOEN: Progressive Dems win by copying Trump...'

...'If you can't beat 'm, JOIN them'

Of course people are smart enough to know Democrats will SAY / DO anything to get elected....even pretend to be like Trump now that they see America preferred / prefers what Trump has to offer over what Liberals do.


Americans do not prefer Donald Trump ...

Gallup 6/18 - 6/24 1500 A 41 55 -14

Just wait until another month goes by and there are still 2,000 babies in internment camp cages that still haven't been reunited. :wink:
Just wait until another month goes by and there are still 2,000 babies in internment camp cages that still haven't been reunited. :wink:

You should really pay more attention to the news ...

Trump has already ended the policy, and a judge just ruled kids have to be re-united with their accompanying adults.

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